Handling interactive shells with Python subprocess - python

I am trying to run multiple instances of a console-based game (dungeon crawl stone soup -- for research purposes naturally) using a multiprocessing pool to evaluate each run.
In the past when I've used a pool to evaluate similar code (genetic algorithms), I've used subprocess.call to split off each process. However, with dcss being quite interactive having a shared subshell seems to be problematic.
I have the code I normally use for this kind of thing, with crawl replacing other applications I've thrown a GA at. Is there a better way to handle highly-interactive shells than this? I'd considered kicking off a screen for each instance, but thought there was a cleaner way. My understanding was that shell=True should be spawning a sub-shell, but I guess I it is spawning one in a way that is shared between each call.
I should mention I have a bot running the game, so I don't want any actual interaction from the user's end to occur.
# Kick off the GA execution
pool_args = zip(trial_ids,run_types,self.__population)
pool.map(self._GAExecute, pool_args)
# called by pool.map
def _GAExecute(self,pool_args):
trial_id = pool_args[0]
run_type = pool_args[1]
genome = pool_args[2]
# Call the actual binary
def _RunSimulation(self, trial_id):
command = "./%s" % self.__crawl_binary
name = "-name %s" % trial_id
rc = "-rc %s" % os.path.join(self.__output_dir,'qw-%s'%trial_id,"qw -%s.rc"%trial_id)
seed = "-seed %d" % self.__seed
cdir = "-dir %s" % os.path.join(self.__output_dir,'qw-%s'%trial_id)
shell_command = "%s %s %s %s %s" % (command,name,rc,seed,cdir)
call(shell_command, shell=True)

You can indeed associate stdin and stdout to files, as in the answer from #napuzba:
fout = open('stdout.txt','w')
ferr = open('stderr.txt','w')
subprocess.call(cmd, stdout=fout, stderr=ferr)
Another option would be to use Popen instead of call. The difference is that call waits for completion (is blocking) while Popen is not, see What's the difference between subprocess Popen and call (how can I use them)?
Using Popen, you can then keep stdout and stderr inside your object, and then use them later, without having to rely on a file:
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd,stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
stderr = p.stderr.read()
stdout = p.stdout.read()
Another potential advantage of this method is that you could run multiple instances of Popen without waiting for completion instead of having a thread pool:
subprocess.Popen(cmd1,stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE),
subprocess.Popen(cmd2,stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE),
subprocess.Popen(cmd3,stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
for p in processes:
if p.poll():
# process completed
# no completion yet
On a side note, you should avoid shell=True if you can, and if you do not use it Popen expects a list as a command instead of a string. Do not generate this list manually, but use shlex which will take care of all corner cases for you, eg.:
Popen(shlex.split(cmd), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)

Specify the standard input, standard output and standard error with unique file handles for each call:
import subprocess
cmd = ""
fout = open('stdout.txt','w')
fin = open('stdin.txt','r')
ferr = open('stderr.txt','w')
subprocess.call(cmd, stdout=fout , stdin = fin , stderr=ferr )


How to make a generic method in Python to execute multiple piped shell commands?

I have many shell commands that need to be executed in my python script. I know that I shouldn't use shell=true as mentioned here and that I can use the std outputs and inputs in case when I have pipes in the command as mentioned here.
But the problem is that my shell commands are complex and full of pipes, so I'd like to make a generic method to be used by my script.
I made a small test below, but is hanging after printing the result (I simplified just to put here). Can somebody please let me know:
Why is hanging.
If there's a better method of doing this.
PS: This is just a small portion of a big python project and there are business reasons why I'm trying to do this. Thanks.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import subprocess as sub
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import shlex
def exec_cmd(cmd,p=None,isFirstLoop=True):
if not isFirstLoop and not p:
print("Error, p is null")
if "|" in cmd:
cmds = cmd.split("|")
while "|" in cmd:
# separates what is before and what is after the first pipe
now_cmd = cmd.split('|',1)[0].strip()
next_cmd = cmd.split('|',1)[-1].strip()
if isFirstLoop:
p1 = sub.Popen(shlex.split(now_cmd), stdout=PIPE)
p2 = sub.Popen(shlex.split(now_cmd),stdin=p.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
except Exception as e:
print("Error executing command '{0}'.\nOutput:\n:{1}".format(cmd,str(e)))
# Adjust cmd to execute the next part
cmd = next_cmd
proc = sub.Popen(shlex.split(cmd),stdin=p.stdout, stdout=PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
(out,err) = proc.communicate()
if err:
exec_cmd("ls -ltrh | awk '{print $9}' | wc -l ")
Instead of using a shell string and trying to parse it with your own means, I’d ask the user to provide the commands as separate entities themselves. This avoid the obvious trap of detecting a | that is part of a command and not used as a shell pipe. That you ask them to provide commands as a list of strings or a single string that you will shlex.split afterwards is up to the interface that you want to expose. I’d choose the first one for its simplicity in the following example.
Once you have the individual commands, a simple for loop is enough to pipe outputs of the previous commands to inputs of the next ones, as you have found yourself:
def pipe_subprocesses(*commands):
if not commands:
next_input = None
for command in commands:
p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdin=next_input, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
next_input = p.stdout
out, err = p.communicate()
if err:
Usage being:
>>> pipe_subprocesses(['ls', '-lhtr'], ['awk', '{print $9}'], ['wc', '-l'])
Now this is a quick and dirty way to get it setup and have seemingly work as you want it. But there are at least two issues with this code:
You leak zombies process/opened process handles because no process' exit code but the last one is collected; and the OS is keeping resources opened for you to do so;
You can't access the informations of a process that would fail midway through.
To avoid that, you need to maintain a list of opened process and explicitly wait for each of them. And because I don't know your exact use case, I'll just return the first process that failed (if any) or the last process (if not) so you can act accordingly:
def pipe_subprocesses(*commands):
if not commands:
processes = []
next_input = None
for command in commands:
if isinstance(command, str):
command = shlex.split(command)
p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdin=next_input, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
next_input = p.stdout
for p in processes:
for p in processes:
if p.returncode != 0:
return p
return p # return the last process in case everything went well
I also thrown in some shlex as an example so you can mix raw strings and already parsed lists:
>>> pipe_subprocesses('ls -lhtr', ['awk', '{print $9}'], 'wc -l')
This unfortunately has a few edge cases in it that the shell takes care of for you, or alternatively, that the shell completely ignores for you. Some concerns:
The function should always wait() for every process to finish, or else you will get what are called zombie processes.
The commands should be connected to each other using real pipes, that way the entire output doesn't need to be read into memory at once. This is the normal way pipes work.
The read end of every pipe should be closed in the parent process, so children can properly SIGPIPE when the next process closes its input. Without this, the parent process can keep the pipe open and the child does not know to exit, and it may run forever.
Errors in child processes should be raised as exceptions, except SIGPIPE. It is left as an exercise to the reader to raise exceptions for SIGPIPE on the final process because SIGPIPE is not expected there, but ignoring it is not harmful.
Note that subprocess.DEVNULL does not exist prior to Python 3.3. I know there are some of you out there still living with 2.x, you will have to open a file for /dev/null manually or just decide that the first process in the pipeline gets to share stdin with the parent process.
Here is the code:
import signal
import subprocess
def run_pipe(*cmds):
"""Run a pipe that chains several commands together."""
pipe = subprocess.DEVNULL
procs = []
for cmd in cmds:
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=pipe,
if pipe is not subprocess.DEVNULL:
pipe = proc.stdout
stdout, _ = proc.communicate()
# Must call wait() on every process, otherwise you get
# zombies.
for proc in procs:
# Fail if any command in the pipe failed, except due to SIGPIPE
# which is expected.
for proc in procs:
if (proc.returncode
and proc.returncode != -signal.SIGPIPE):
raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(
proc.returncode, proc.args)
return stdout
Here we can see it in action. You can see that the pipeline correctly terminates with yes (which runs until SIGPIPE) and correctly fails with false (which always fails).
In [1]: run_pipe(["yes"], ["head", "-n", "1"])
Out[1]: b'y\n'
In [2]: run_pipe(["false"], ["true"])
CalledProcessError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-db97c6876cd7> in <module>()
----> 1 run_pipe(["false"], ["true"])
~/test.py in run_pipe(*cmds)
22 for proc in procs:
23 if proc.returncode and proc.returncode != -signal.SIGPIPE:
---> 24 raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(proc.returncode, proc.args)
25 return stdout
CalledProcessError: Command '['false']' returned non-zero exit status 1

stdout.read() from finished subprocess sometimes returning empty?

I have created a dictionary where I associate an id with a subprocess.
Something like:
cmd = "ls"
processes[id] = subprocess.Popen([cmd], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
Then I call a method with this process map as an input, that checks which process has finished. If the process finishes, I check the process's stdout.read() for a particular string match.
The issue is sometimes stdout.read() returns an empty value which causes issues in string matching.
Sample Code:
#Create a map
processes[id] = subprocess.Popen([cmd], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
#Pass that map to a method which checks which processes have finished
def completedProcesses(processes):
processList = []
for id,process in processes.iteritems():
if process.poll() is not None:
#If some error in process stdout then print id
verifySuccessStatus(id, processes[id])
def verifySuccessStatus(id, process):
file=open(FAILED_IDS_FILE, 'a+')
buffer = process.stdout.read() #This returns empty value sometime
if 'Error' not in buffer:
I am new to python, I might be missing some internal functionality understanding of subprocess
There are at least two issues:
There is no point to call process.stdout.read() more than once. .read() does not return until EOF. It returns an empty string to indicate EOF after that.
You should read from the pipes while the processes are still running otherwise they may hang if they generate enough output to fill OS pipe buffers (~65K on my Linux box)
If you want to run multiple external processes concurrently and check their output after they are finished then see this answer that shows "thread pool" and async.io solutions.
Judging by your example command of ls, your issue may be caused by the stdout pipe filling up. Using the process.communicate() method handles this case for you, since you don't need to write multiple times to stdin.
# Recommend the future print function for easier file writing.
from __future__ import print_function
# Create a map
# Keeping access to 'stderr' is generally recommended, but not required.
# Also, if you don't know you need 'shell=True', it's safer practice not to use it.
processes[id] = subprocess.Popen(
#Pass that map to a method which checks which processes have finished
def check_processes(processes):
process_ids = []
# 'id' is a built-in function in python, so it's safer to use a different name.
for idx, process in processes.iteritems():
# When using pipes, communicate() will handle the case of the pipe
# filling up for you.
stdout, stderr = process.communicate()
if not is_success(stdout):
def is_success(stdout):
return 'Error' not in stdout
def write_failed_id(idx):
# Recommend using a context manager when interacting with files.
# Also, 'file' is a built-in function in python.
with open(FAILED_IDS_FILE, 'a+') as fail_file:
# The future print function makes file printing simpler.
print(idx, file=fail_file)
You're only reading stdout and looking for "Error". Perhaps you should also be looking in stderr:
processes[id] = subprocess.Popen(
From the subprocess docs:
Special value that can be used as the stderr argument to Popen and indicates that standard error should go into the same handle as standard output.
The process could have failed unexpectedly, returning no stdout but a non-zero return code. You can check this using process.returncode.
The child return code, set by poll() and wait() (and indirectly by communicate()). A None value indicates that the process hasn’t terminated yet.
A negative value -N indicates that the child was terminated by signal N (Unix only).

Proper way of re-using and closing a subprocess object

I have the following code in a loop:
while true:
# Define shell_command
p1 = Popen(shell_command, shell=shell_type, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, preexec_fn=os.setsid)
result = p1.stdout.read();
# Define condition
if condition:
where shell_command is something like ls (it just prints stuff).
I have read in different places that I can close/terminate/exit a Popen object in a variety of ways, e.g. :
My question is:
What is the proper way of closing a subprocess object once we are done using it?
Considering the nature of my script, is there a way to open a subprocess object only once and reuse it with different shell commands? Would that be more efficient in any way than opening new subprocess objects each time?
I am still a bit confused about the sequence of steps to follow depending on whether I use p1.communicate() or p1.stdout.read() to interact with my process.
From what I understood in the answers and the comments:
If I use p1.communicate() I don't have to worry about releasing resources, since communicate() would wait until the process is finished, grab the output and properly close the subprocess object
If I follow the p1.stdout.read() route (which I think fits my situation, since the shell command is just supposed to print stuff) I should call things in this order:
Is that right?
What is the proper way of closing a subprocess object once we are done using it?
stdout.close() and stdin.close() will not terminate a process unless it exits itself on end of input or on write errors.
.terminate() and .kill() both do the job, with kill being a bit more "drastic" on POSIX systems, as SIGKILL is sent, which cannot be ignored by the application. Specific differences are explained in this blog post, for example. On Windows, there's no difference.
Also, remember to .wait() and to close the pipes after killing a process to avoid zombies and force the freeing of resources.
A special case that is often encountered are processes which read from STDIN and write their result to STDOUT, closing themselves when EOF is encountered. With these kinds of programs, it's often sensible to use subprocess.communicate:
>>> p = Popen(["sort"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
>>> p.communicate("4\n3\n1")
('1\n3\n4\n', None)
>>> p.returncode
This can also be used for programs which print something and exit right after:
>>> p = Popen(["ls", "/home/niklas/test"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
>>> p.communicate()
('file1\nfile2\n', None)
>>> p.returncode
Considering the nature of my script, is there a way to open a subprocess object only once and reuse it with different shell commands? Would that be more efficient in any way than opening new subprocess objects each time?
I don't think the subprocess module supports this and I don't see what resources could be shared here, so I don't think it would give you a significant advantage.
Considering the nature of my script, is there a way to open a subprocess object only once and reuse it with different shell commands?
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
import uuid
import random
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
MARKER = str(uuid.uuid4())
shell_command = 'echo a'
p = Popen('sh', stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT,
universal_newlines=True) # decode output as utf-8, newline is '\n'
while True:
# write next command
print(shell_command, file=p.stdin)
# insert MARKER into stdout to separate output from different shell_command
print("echo '%s'" % MARKER, file=p.stdin)
# read command output
for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, MARKER+'\n'):
if line.endswith(MARKER+'\n'):
break # command output ended without a newline
print(line, end='')
# exit on condition
if random.random() < 0.1:
# cleanup
if p.stderr:
Put while True inside try: ... finally: to perform the cleanup in case of exceptions. On Python 3.2+ you could use with Popen(...): instead.
Would that be more efficient in any way than opening new subprocess objects each time?
Does it matter in your case? Don't guess. Measure it.
The "correct" order is:
Create a thread to read stdout (and a second one to read stderr, unless you merged them into one).
Write commands to be executed by the child to stdin. If you're not reading stdout at the same time, writing to stdin can block.
Close stdin (this is the signal for the child that it can now terminate by itself whenever it is done)
When stdout returns EOF, the child has terminated. Note that you need to synchronize the stdout reader thread and your main thread.
call wait() to see if there was a problem and to clean up the child process
If you need to stop the child process for any reason (maybe the user wants to quit), then you can:
Close stdin if the child terminates when it reads EOF.
Kill the with terminate(). This is the correct solution for child processes which ignore stdin.
If the child doesn't respond, try kill()
In all three cases, you must call wait() to clean up the dead child process.
Depends on what you expect the process to do; you should always call p1.wait() in order to avoid zombies. Other steps depend on the behaviour of the subprocess; if it produces any output, you should consume the output (e.g. p1.read() ...but this would eat lots of memory) and only then call the p1.wait(); or you may wait for some timeout and call p1.terminate() to kill the process if you think it doesn't work as expected, and possible call p1.wait() to clean the zombie.
Alternatively, p1.communicate(...) would do the handling if io and waiting for you (not the killing).
Subprocess objects aren't supposed to be reused.

redirecting shell output using subprocess

I have a python script which calls a lot of shell functions. The script can be run interactively from a terminal, in which case I'd like to display output right away, or called by crontab, in which case I'd like to email error output.
I wrote a helper function for calling shell functions:
import subprocess
import shlex
import sys
def shell(cmdline, interactive=True):
args = shlex.split(cmdline.encode("ascii"))
proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
val = proc.communicate()
if interactive is True:
if proc.returncode:
print "returncode " + str(proc.returncode)
print val[1]
print val[0]
if proc.returncode:
print ""
# send email with val[0] + val[1]
if __name__ == "__main__":
# example of command that produces non-zero returncode
shell("ls -z")
The problem I'm having is two-fold.
1) In interactive mode, when the shell command takes a while to finish (e.g. few minutes), I don't see anything until the command is completely done since communicate() buffers output. Is there a way to display output as it comes in, and avoid buffering? I also need a way to check the returncode, which is why I'm using communicate().
2) Some shell commands I call can produce a lot of output (e.g. 2MB). The documentation for communicate() says "do not use this method if the data size is large or unlimited." Does anyone know how large is "large"?
1) When you use communicate, you capture the output of the subprocess so nothing is sent to your standard output. The only reason why you see the output when the subprocess is finished is because you print it yourself.
Since you want to either see it as it runs and not capture it or capture everything and do something with it only at the end, you can change the way it works in interactive mode by leaving stdout and stderr to None. This makes the subprocess use the same streams as your program. You'll also have to replace the call to communicate with a call to wait:
if interactive is True:
proc = subprocess.Popen(args)
if proc.returncode:
print "returncode " + str(proc.returncode)
proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
val = proc.communicate()
if proc.returncode:
print ""
# send email with val[0] + val[1]
2) Too large is "too large to store in memory", so it all depends on a lot of factors. If storing temporarily 2MB of data in memory is fine in your situation, then there's nothing to worry about.

Multi processing subprocess

I'm new to subprocess module of python, currently my implementation is not multi processed.
import subprocess,shlex
def forcedParsing(fname):
cmd = 'strings "%s"' % (fname)
#print cmd
args= shlex.split(cmd)
sp = subprocess.Popen( args, shell = False, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE )
out, err = sp.communicate()
except OSError:
print "Error no %s Message %s" % (OSError.errno,OSError.message)
if sp.returncode== 0:
#print "Processed %s" %fname
return out
for f in file_list: res.append(forcedParsing(f))
my questions:
Is sp.communicate a good way to go? should I use poll?
if I use poll I need a sperate process which monitors if process finished right?
should I fork at the for loop?
1) subprocess.communicate() seems the right option for what you are trying to do. And you don't need to poll the proces, communicate() returns only when it's finished.
2) you mean forking to paralellize work? take a look at multiprocessing (python >= 2.6). Running parallel processes using subprocess is of course possible but it's quite a work, you cannot just call communicate(), which is blocking.
About your code:
cmd = 'strings "%s"' % (fname)
args= shlex.split(cmd)
Why not simply?
args = ["strings", fname]
As for this ugly pattern:
for f in file_list: res.append(forcedParsing(f))
You should use list-comprehensions whenever possible:
res = [forcedParsing(f) for f in file_list]
About question 2: forking at the for loop will mostly speed things up if the script's supposed to run on a system with multiple cores/processors. It will consume more memory, though, and will stress IO harder. There will be a sweet spot somewhere that depends on the number of files in file_list, but only benchmarking on a realistic target system can tell you where it is. If you find that number, you could add an if len(file_list) > <your number>: with optional fork() 'ing [Edit: rather, as #tokland say's via multiprocessing if it's available on your Python version (2.6+)] that chooses the most efficient strategy on a per-job basis.
Read about Python profiling here: http://docs.python.org/library/profile.html
If you're on Linux, you can also run time: http://linuxmanpages.com/man1/time.1.php
There are several warnings in the subprocess documentation that advise you to use communicate to avoid problems with a processes blocking, so it would be a good idea to use that.
