How to create an SVM with multiple features for classification? - python

I am writing a piece of code to identify different 2D shapes using opencv. I get 4 sets of data from each image of a 2D shape and these are stored in the multidimensional array featureVectors.
I am trying to write an svm/svc that takes into account all 4 features obtained from the image. I have been able to make it work with just 2 features but when i try all 4 my graph comes out looking like this.
My Graph which is incorrect
My values for featureVectors are:
[[ 4.00000000e+00 1.74371349e-03 6.49705560e-01 9.07957236e+01]
[ 4.00000000e+00 4.60937436e-02 1.97642179e-01 9.02041472e+01]
[ 1.00000000e+00 1.18553450e-03 3.03491372e-01 6.03489082e+01]
[ 1.00000000e+00 1.54552898e-02 8.38091425e-01 1.09021207e+02]
[ 3.00000000e+00 1.69961646e-02 4.13691915e+01 1.36838300e+02]]
And my Labels are:
Here is my code for the SVM:
#Saving featureVectors to a csv file
values1 = featureVectors
header1 = ["Number of Sides", "Standard Deviation of Number of Sides/Perimeter",
"Standard Deviation of the Angles", "Largest Angle"]
my_df = pd.DataFrame(featureVectors)
my_df.to_csv('featureVectors.csv', index=True, header=header1)
#Saving labels to a csv file
values2 = labels
header2 = ["Label"]
my_df = pd.DataFrame(labels)
my_df.to_csv('labels.csv', index=True, header=header2)
#Writing the SVM
def Build_Data_Set(features = header1, features1 = header2):
data_df = pd.DataFrame.from_csv("featureVectors.csv")
#data_df = data_df[:250]
X = np.array(data_df[features].values)
data_df2 = pd.DataFrame.from_csv("labels.csv")
y = np.array(data_df2[features1].values)
return X,y
def Analysis():
X,y = Build_Data_Set()
clf = svm.SVC(kernel = 'linear', C = 1.0), y)
w = clf.coef_[0]
a = -w[0] / w[1]
xx = np.linspace(0,5)
yy = np.linspace(0,185)
h0 = plt.plot(xx,yy, "k-", label="non weighted")
plt.scatter(X[:, 0],X[:, 1],c=y)
plt.ylabel("Maximum Angle (Degrees)")
plt.xlabel("Number Of Sides")
I have only used 5 data sets(shapes) so far because I knew it wasn't working correctly.

The SVM part of your code is actually correct. The plotting part around it is not, and given the code I'll try to give you some pointers.
First of all:
another example I found(i cant find the link again) said to do that
Copying code without understanding it will probably cause more problems than it solves. Given your code, I'm assuming you used this example as a starter.
plt.scatter(X[:, 0],X[:, 1],c=y)
In the sk-learn example, this snippet is used to plot data points, coloring them according to their label. This works because in the example we're dealing with 2-dimensional data, so this is fine. The data you're dealing with is 4-dimensional, so you're actually just plotting the first two dimensions.
plt.scatter(X[:, 0], y, c=y)
on the other hand makes no sense.
xx = np.linspace(0,5)
yy = np.linspace(0,185)
h0 = plt.plot(xx,yy, "k-", label="non weighted")
Your decision boundary has actually nothing to do with the actual decision boundary. It's just a plot of y over x of your coordinate system.
(In addition to that, you're dealing with multi class data, so you'll have as much decision boundaries as you have classes.)
Now your actual problem is data dimensionality. You're trying to plot 4-dimensional data in a 2d plot, which simply won't work.
A possible approach would be to perform dimensionality reduction to map your 4d data into a lower dimensional space, so if you want to, I'd suggest you reading e.g. the excellent sklearn documentation for an introduction to SVMs and in addition something about dimensionality reduction.


Principle Component Analysis, add a line to the 3d graph showing the first principal component

I am conducting PCA on a dataset. I am attempting to add a line in my 3d graph which shows the first principal component. I have tried a few methods but have not been able to display the first principal component as a line in my 3d graph. Any help is greatly appreciated. My code is as follows:
import numpy as np
np.set_printoptions (suppress=True, precision=5, linewidth=150)
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
file_name = 'C:/Users/data'
input_data = pd.read_csv (file_name + '.csv', header=0, index_col=0)
A = input_data.A.values.astype(float)
B = input_data.B.values.astype(float)
C = input_data.C.values.astype(float)
D = input_data.D.values.astype(float)
E = input_data.E.values.astype(float)
F = input_data.F.values.astype(float)
X = np.column_stack((A, B, C, D, E, F))
ncompo = int (input ("Number of components to study: "))
pca = PCA (n_components = ncompo)
pcafit =
cov_mat = np.cov(X, rowvar=0)
eig_vals, eig_vecs = np.linalg.eig(cov_mat)
perc = pcafit.explained_variance_ratio_
perc_x = range(1, len(perc)+1)
plt.plot(perc_x, perc)
plt.ylabel('Percentage of Variance Explained')
#3d Graph
le = LabelEncoder()
number = le.transform(input_data.Grade)
colormap = np.array(['green', 'blue', 'red', 'yellow'])
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.scatter(D, E, F, c=colormap[number])
Some remarks to begin with:
You are computing PCA twice! To compute PCA is to compute eigen values and eigen vectors of the covariance matrix. So, either you use the sklearn function, either you do it yourself. But you don't need to do both, unless you want to discover and see for yourself that it does exactly what you expect it to do (if this is what you wanted, fine. It is a good thing to do that king of checking. I did this once also). Of course has another advantage: once you have it, it also provides pca.predict to project points in the components space. But that also is simply a base change using eigenvectors matrix (that is matrix to change base)
pca object let you get the eigenvectors (pca.components_) and eigen values (pca.explained_variance_) is a 'inplace' method. It does not return a new PCA object. It just fit the one you have. So, no need to get pcafit and use it.
This is not a minimal reproducible exemple as required on SO. We should be able to copy and paste it, and run it, so see exactly your problem. Not to guess what kind of secret data you have. And in the meantime, it should be minimal. So, contains data example generation (it doesn't matter if those data doesn't make sense. Sometimes it is even better, since it allows some testing. In my following code, I generate my own noisy data along an axis, which allow me to verify that, indeed, I am able to "guess" what was that axis). Plus, since your problem concerns only 3d plot, there is no need to include ploting of explained variance here. That part is not part of your question.
Now, to print the principal component, well, you already did the hard part. Twice. That is to compute it. It is the eigenvector associated with the highest eigenvalue.
With pca object no need to search for it, they are already sorted. So it is simply pca.components_[0]. And since you want to plot in the space D,E,F, you simply need to draw vector pca.components_[0][3:].
With correct scaling.
You can do that with plot providing just 2 points (first and last)
Here is my version (which, by the way, shows also what a minimal reproducible example is)
import numpy as np
np.set_printoptions (suppress=True, precision=5, linewidth=150)
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Generation of random data along a given vector
vec=np.array([1, -1, 0.5, -0.5, 0.75, 0.75]).reshape(-1,1)
# 10000 random data, that are U[0,10]×vec + gaussian noise std=1
X=(vec*np.random.rand(10000)*10 + np.random.normal(0,1,(6,10000))).T
input_data = pd.DataFrame({'A':A,'B':B,'C':C,'D':D,'E':E, 'F':F, 'Grade':np.random.randint(1,5, (10000,))})
pca = PCA (n_components = ncompo)
# Redundant
cov_mat = np.cov(X, rowvar=0)
eig_vals, eig_vecs = np.linalg.eig(cov_mat)
# See
print("Eigen values")
print("Eigen vec")
# Note, compare first components to
print("Main component")
#3d Graph
le = LabelEncoder()
number = le.transform(input_data.Grade)
fig = plt.figure()
colormap = np.array(['green', 'blue', 'red', 'yellow'])
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.scatter(D, E, F, c=colormap[number])
# Draw the 1st principal component as a blue line
ax.plot([sc1*U[3],sc2*U[3]], [sc1*U[4], sc2*U[4]], [sc1*U[5], sc2*U[5]], linewidth=3)
My example is not that minimal, because I took advantage of it to illustrate my first remark, and also computed PCA twice, to compare both result.
So, here I print, eigenvalues
Eigen values
[30.88941 1.01334 0.99512 0.96493 0.97692 0.98101]
[30.88941 1.01334 0.99512 0.98101 0.97692 0.96493]
(1st being your computation by diagonalisation of covariance matrix, 2nd pca.explained_variance_)
As you can see, they are the same, except sorting for the 1st one
Like wise,
Eigen vec
[[-0.52251 -0.27292 0.40863 -0.06321 0.26699 0.6405 ]
[ 0.52521 0.07577 -0.34211 0.27583 -0.04161 0.72357]
[-0.26266 -0.41332 -0.60091 0.38027 0.47573 -0.16779]
[ 0.26354 -0.52548 0.47284 0.59159 -0.24029 -0.15204]
[-0.39493 0.63946 0.07496 0.64966 -0.08619 0.00252]
[-0.3959 -0.25276 -0.35452 -0.0572 -0.79718 0.12217]]
[[ 0.52251 -0.52521 0.26266 -0.26354 0.39493 0.3959 ]
[-0.27292 0.07577 -0.41332 -0.52548 0.63946 -0.25276]
[-0.40863 0.34211 0.60091 -0.47284 -0.07496 0.35452]
[-0.6405 -0.72357 0.16779 0.15204 -0.00252 -0.12217]
[-0.26699 0.04161 -0.47573 0.24029 0.08619 0.79718]
[-0.06321 0.27583 0.38027 0.59159 0.64966 -0.0572 ]]
Also the same, but for sorting and transpose.
Eigen vectors are presented column wise when you diagonalize a matrix.
Where as for pca.components_ each line is an eigen vector.
But you can see that in the 1st matrix, the eigen vector associated to the biggest eigen value, that is, since biggest eigen value was the 1st one, the 1st column (-0.52, 0.52, etc.)
is also the same as the first line of pca.components_.
Like wise, the 4th biggest eigen value in your diagonalisation was the last one.
And if you look at the last column of your eigen vectors (0.64, 0.72, -0.76...), it is the same as the 4th line of pca.components_ (with a irrelevant ×-1 factor)
So, long story short, you already have eigenvals in pca.explained_variance_ sorted from the biggest to the smallest. And eigen vectors in pca_components_, in the same order.
Last thing I print here, is comparison between the first component (pca.components_[0]) and the vector I used to generate the data in the first place (my data are all colinear to a vector vec, + a gaussian noise).
Main component
[[ 0.52523]
[ 0.26261]
[ 0.39392]
[ 0.39392]]
[ 0.52251 -0.52521 0.26266 -0.26354 0.39493 0.3959 ]
As expected, PCA did find correctly that main axis.
So, that was just side comments.
What is really what you were looking for is
ax.plot([sc1*U[3],sc2*U[3]], [sc1*U[4], sc2*U[4]], [sc1*U[5], sc2*U[5]], linewidth=3)
sc1 and sc2 being just scaling factors (here I choose it so that it scales approx like the data. Another way would have been to set ax.set_xlim, ax.set_ylim, ax.set_zlim from D.min(), D.max(), E.min(), E.max(), etc.
And then just use big values for sc1 and sc2, like

How to extract and map cluster indices from sklearn.cluster.KMeans?

I have a map of data:
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
X = 101_by_99_float32_array
ax = sns.heatmap(X, square = True)
Note these data are essentially a 3D surface, and I'm interested in the index positions in X after clustering. I can easily apply the kmeans algorithm to my data:
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
# three clusters is arbitrary; just used for testing purposes
k_means = KMeans(init='k-means++', n_clusters=3, n_init=10).fit(X)
But I am not sure how to navigate kmeans in a way that will identify to which cluster a pixel in the map above belongs. What I want to do is make a map that looks like the one above, but instead of plotting the z-value for each cell in the 100x99 array X, I'd like to plot the cluster number for each cell in X.
I don't know if this is possible with the output of the kmeans algorithm, but I did try an approach from the scikitlearn documents here:
import numpy as np
k_means_labels = k_means.labels_
k_means_cluster_centers = k_means.cluster_centers_
k_means_labels_unique = np.unique(k_means_labels)
colors = ['#4EACC5', '#FF9C34', '#4E9A06']
for k, col in zip(range(3), colors):
my_members = k_means_labels == k
cluster_center = k_means_cluster_centers[k]
plt.plot(X[my_members, 0], X[my_members, 1], 'w',
markerfacecolor=col, marker='.')
plt.plot(cluster_center[0], cluster_center[1], 'o', markerfacecolor=col,
markeredgecolor='k', markersize=6)
But it's clear this is not accessing the information I want...
It's obvious I do not fully understanding what each component of the kmeans output represents, and I've tried to read the explanations in the answer to the question found here. However, there's nothing in that answer that explicitly addresses whether the indices of the original data were preserved after clustering, which is really the core of my question. If such information is implicitly present in kmeans through some matrix multiplication, I could really use some help extracting it.
Thank you for your time and assistance!
Thanks to #Nakor, for both the explanation about kmeans and the suggestion to reshape my data. How kmeans is interpreting my data is now much clearer. I should not expect it to capture the indices of each sample, but instead rely on reshape to do so. reshape will ravel the original (101,99) matrix into (9999,1) array which, as #Nakor pointed out, is suitable for clustering every entry as an individual sample.
Simply reapply reshape to kmeans.labels_ using the original shape of the data and I've gotten the result I'm looking for:
Y = X.reshape(-1, 1) # shape data to cluster each individual entry
kmeans= KMeans(init='k-means++', n_clusters=3, n_init=10)
Z = kmeans.labels_
A = Z.reshape(101,99)
ax = sns.heatmap(cu_map, square = True)
ay = sns.heatmap(A, square = True)
Your issue is that sklearn.cluster.KMeans expects a 2D matrix with [N_samples,N_features]. However, you provide the raw image, so sklearn understands you have 101 samples with 99 features each (each row of your image is a sample, and the columns are the features). As a results, what you get in k_means.labels_ is the cluster assignment of each of the rows.
In you want instead to cluster every single entry, you need to reshape your data like this for instance:
model = KMeans(init='k-means++', n_clusters=3, n_init=10),1))
If I check with randomly generated data, I get:
In [1]: len(model.labels_)
Out[1]: 9999
I have one label per entry.

How to interpolate a line between two other lines in python

Note: I asked this question before but it was closed as a duplicate, however, I, along with several others believe it was unduely closed, I explain why in an edit in my original post. So I would like to re-ask this question here again.
Does anyone know of a python library that can interpolate between two lines. For example, given the two solid lines below, I would like to produce the dashed line in the middle. In other words, I'd like to get the centreline. The input is a just two numpy arrays of coordinates with size N x 2 and M x 2 respectively.
Furthermore, I'd like to know if someone has written a function for this in some optimized python library. Although optimization isn't exactly a necessary.
Here is an example of two lines that I might have, you can assume they do not overlap with each other and an x/y can have multiple y/x coordinates.
array([[ 1233.87375018, 1230.07095987],
[ 1237.63559365, 1253.90749041],
[ 1240.87500801, 1264.43925132],
[ 1245.30875975, 1274.63795396],
[ 1256.1449357 , 1294.48254424],
[ 1264.33600095, 1304.47893299],
[ 1273.38192911, 1313.71468591],
[ 1283.12411536, 1322.35942538],
[ 1293.2559388 , 1330.55873344],
[ 1309.4817002 , 1342.53074698],
[ 1325.7074616 , 1354.50276051],
[ 1341.93322301, 1366.47477405],
[ 1358.15898441, 1378.44678759],
[ 1394.38474581, 1390.41880113]])
array([[ 1152.27115094, 1281.52899302],
[ 1155.53345506, 1295.30515742],
[ 1163.56506781, 1318.41642169],
[ 1168.03497425, 1330.03181319],
[ 1173.26135672, 1341.30559949],
[ 1184.07110925, 1356.54121651],
[ 1194.88086178, 1371.77683353],
[ 1202.58908737, 1381.41765447],
[ 1210.72465255, 1390.65097106],
[ 1227.81309742, 1403.2904646 ],
[ 1244.90154229, 1415.92995815],
[ 1261.98998716, 1428.56945169],
[ 1275.89219696, 1438.21626352],
[ 1289.79440676, 1447.86307535],
[ 1303.69661656, 1457.50988719],
[ 1323.80994319, 1470.41028655],
[ 1343.92326983, 1488.31068591],
[ 1354.31738934, 1499.33260989],
[ 1374.48879779, 1516.93734053],
[ 1394.66020624, 1534.54207116]])
Visualizing this we have:
So my attempt at this has been using the skeletonize function in the skimage.morphology library by first rasterizing the coordinates into a filled in polygon. However, I get branching at the ends like this:
First of all, pardon the overkill; I had fun with your question. If the description is too long, feel free to skip to the bottom, I defined a function that does everything I describe.
Your problem would be relatively straightforward if your arrays were the same length. In that case, all you would have to do is find the average between the corresponding x values in each array, and the corresponding y values in each array.
So what we can do is create arrays of the same length, that are more or less good estimates of your original arrays. We can do this by fitting a polynomial to the arrays you have. As noted in comments and other answers, the midline of your original arrays is not specifically defined, so a good estimate should fulfill your needs.
Note: In all of these examples, I've gone ahead and named the two arrays that you posted a1 and a2.
Step one: Create new arrays that estimate your old lines
Looking at the data you posted:
These aren't particularly complicated functions, it looks like a 3rd degree polynomial would fit them pretty well. We can create those using numpy:
import numpy as np
# Find the range of x values in a1
min_a1_x, max_a1_x = min(a1[:,0]), max(a1[:,0])
# Create an evenly spaced array that ranges from the minimum to the maximum
# I used 100 elements, but you can use more or fewer.
# This will be used as your new x coordinates
new_a1_x = np.linspace(min_a1_x, max_a1_x, 100)
# Fit a 3rd degree polynomial to your data
a1_coefs = np.polyfit(a1[:,0],a1[:,1], 3)
# Get your new y coordinates from the coefficients of the above polynomial
new_a1_y = np.polyval(a1_coefs, new_a1_x)
# Repeat for array 2:
min_a2_x, max_a2_x = min(a2[:,0]), max(a2[:,0])
new_a2_x = np.linspace(min_a2_x, max_a2_x, 100)
a2_coefs = np.polyfit(a2[:,0],a2[:,1], 3)
new_a2_y = np.polyval(a2_coefs, new_a2_x)
The result:
That's not bad so bad! If you have more complicated functions, you'll have to fit a higher degree polynomial, or find some other adequate function to fit to your data.
Now, you've got two sets of arrays of the same length (I chose a length of 100, you can do more or less depending on how smooth you want your midpoint line to be). These sets represent the x and y coordinates of the estimates of your original arrays. In the example above, I named these new_a1_x, new_a1_y, new_a2_x and new_a2_y.
Step two: calculate the average between each x and each y in your new arrays
Then, we want to find the average x and average y value for each of our estimate arrays. Just use np.mean:
midx = [np.mean([new_a1_x[i], new_a2_x[i]]) for i in range(100)]
midy = [np.mean([new_a1_y[i], new_a2_y[i]]) for i in range(100)]
midx and midy now represent the midpoint between our 2 estimate arrays. Now, just plot your original (not estimate) arrays, alongside your midpoint array:
plt.plot(a1[:,0], a1[:,1],c='black')
plt.plot(a2[:,0], a2[:,1],c='black')
plt.plot(midx, midy, '--', c='black')
And voilà:
This method still works with more complex, noisy data (but you have to fit the function thoughtfully):
As a function:
I've put the above code in a function, so you can use it easily. It returns an array of your estimated midpoints, in the format you had your original arrays in.
The arguments: a1 and a2 are your 2 input arrays, poly_deg is the degree polynomial you want to fit, n_points is the number of points you want in your midpoint array, and plot is a boolean, whether you want to plot it or not.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def interpolate(a1, a2, poly_deg=3, n_points=100, plot=True):
min_a1_x, max_a1_x = min(a1[:,0]), max(a1[:,0])
new_a1_x = np.linspace(min_a1_x, max_a1_x, n_points)
a1_coefs = np.polyfit(a1[:,0],a1[:,1], poly_deg)
new_a1_y = np.polyval(a1_coefs, new_a1_x)
min_a2_x, max_a2_x = min(a2[:,0]), max(a2[:,0])
new_a2_x = np.linspace(min_a2_x, max_a2_x, n_points)
a2_coefs = np.polyfit(a2[:,0],a2[:,1], poly_deg)
new_a2_y = np.polyval(a2_coefs, new_a2_x)
midx = [np.mean([new_a1_x[i], new_a2_x[i]]) for i in range(n_points)]
midy = [np.mean([new_a1_y[i], new_a2_y[i]]) for i in range(n_points)]
if plot:
plt.plot(a1[:,0], a1[:,1],c='black')
plt.plot(a2[:,0], a2[:,1],c='black')
plt.plot(midx, midy, '--', c='black')
return np.array([[x, y] for x, y in zip(midx, midy)])
I was thinking back on this question, and I overlooked a simpler way to do this, by "densifying" both arrays to the same number of points using np.interp. This method follows the same basic idea as the line-fitting method above, but instead of approximating lines using polyfit / polyval, it just densifies:
min_a1_x, max_a1_x = min(a1[:,0]), max(a1[:,0])
min_a2_x, max_a2_x = min(a2[:,0]), max(a2[:,0])
new_a1_x = np.linspace(min_a1_x, max_a1_x, 100)
new_a2_x = np.linspace(min_a2_x, max_a2_x, 100)
new_a1_y = np.interp(new_a1_x, a1[:,0], a1[:,1])
new_a2_y = np.interp(new_a2_x, a2[:,0], a2[:,1])
midx = [np.mean([new_a1_x[i], new_a2_x[i]]) for i in range(100)]
midy = [np.mean([new_a1_y[i], new_a2_y[i]]) for i in range(100)]
plt.plot(a1[:,0], a1[:,1],c='black')
plt.plot(a2[:,0], a2[:,1],c='black')
plt.plot(midx, midy, '--', c='black')
The "line between two lines" is not so well defined. You can obtain a decent though simple solution by triangulating between the two curves (you can triangulate by progressing from vertex to vertex, choosing the diagonals that produce the less skewed triangle).
Then the interpolated curve joins the middles of the sides.
I work with rivers, so this is a common problem. One of my solutions is exactly like the one you showed in your question--i.e. skeletonize the blob. You see that the boundaries have problems, so what I've done that seems to work well is to simply mirror the boundaries. For this approach to work, the blob must not intersect the corners of the image.
You can find my implementation in RivGraph; this particular algorithm is in rivers/ called "mask_to_centerline".
Here's an example output showing how the ends of the centerline extend to the desired edge of the object:
sacuL's solution almost worked for me, but I needed to aggregate more than just two curves.
Here is my generalization for sacuL's solution:
def interp(*axis_list):
min_max_xs = [(min(axis[:,0]), max(axis[:,0])) for axis in axis_list]
new_axis_xs = [np.linspace(min_x, max_x, 100) for min_x, max_x in min_max_xs]
new_axis_ys = [np.interp(new_x_axis, axis[:,0], axis[:,1]) for axis, new_x_axis in zip(axis_list, new_axis_xs)]
midx = [np.mean([new_axis_xs[axis_idx][i] for axis_idx in range(len(axis_list))]) for i in range(100)]
midy = [np.mean([new_axis_ys[axis_idx][i] for axis_idx in range(len(axis_list))]) for i in range(100)]
for axis in axis_list:
plt.plot(axis[:,0], axis[:,1],c='black')
plt.plot(midx, midy, '--', c='black')
If we now run an example:
a1 = np.array([[x, x**2+5*(x%4)] for x in range(10)])
a2 = np.array([[x-0.5, x**2+6*(x%3)] for x in range(10)])
a3 = np.array([[x+0.2, x**2+7*(x%2)] for x in range(10)])
interp(a1, a2, a3)
we get the plot:

Scaling data lowers the quality of clustering

I'm experiencing a strange phenomenon. I have created an artifical dataset of only 2 columns filled with numbers:
If I run the k-means algorithm on it, I get the following partition:
This looks fine. Now, I scale the columns with StandardScaler and I obtain the following dataset:
But if I run the k-means algorithm on it, I get the following partition:
Now, it looks bad. How come? It is recommended to scale the numerical features before using them with k-means so I'm quite surprised by this result.
Here is the code to show the partition:
data = pd.read_csv("dataset_scaled.csv", sep = ",")
k_means = KMeans(n_clusters = 3)
partition = k_means.labels_ + 1
colors = ["red", "green", "blue"]
ax = None
for i in range(1, 4):
ax = d.iloc[partition == i].plot.scatter(x = 'a', y = 'b', color = colors[i - 1], legend = False, ax = ax)
Because your across-cluster variance is all in X, and within-cluster variance is mostly in Y, using the standardization technique reduces the quality. So don't assume a "best practise" will always be best.
This is a toy example, and real data will not look like this. Most likely, standardization does give more meaningful results.
Nevertheless, this demonstrates well that blindly scaling your data, nor blindly running clustering, will yield good results. You will always need to try different variants and study them.

Linear Regression on Pandas DataFrame using Sklearn ( IndexError: tuple index out of range)

I'm new to Python and trying to perform linear regression using sklearn on a pandas dataframe. This is what I did:
data = pd.read_csv('xxxx.csv')
After that I got a DataFrame of two columns, let's call them 'c1', 'c2'. Now I want to do linear regression on the set of (c1,c2) so I entered
which resulted in the following error
IndexError: tuple index out of range
What's wrong here? Also, I'd like to know
visualize the result
make predictions based on the result?
I've searched and browsed a large number of sites but none of them seemed to instruct beginners on the proper syntax. Perhaps what's obvious to experts is not so obvious to a novice like myself.
Can you please help? Thank you very much for your time.
PS: I have noticed that a large number of beginner questions were down-voted in stackoverflow. Kindly take into account the fact that things that seem obvious to an expert user may take a beginner days to figure out. Please use discretion when pressing the down arrow lest you'd harm the vibrancy of this discussion community.
Let's assume your csv looks something like:
I generated the data as such:
import numpy as np
from sklearn import datasets, linear_model
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
length = 10
x = np.arange(length, dtype=float).reshape((length, 1))
y = x + (np.random.rand(length)*10).reshape((length, 1))
This data is saved to test.csv (just so you know where it came from, obviously you'll use your own).
data = pd.read_csv('test.csv', index_col=False, header=0)
x = data.c1.values
y = data.c2.values
print x # prints: [ 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.]
You need to take a look at the shape of the data you are feeding into .fit().
Here x.shape = (10,) but we need it to be (10, 1), see sklearn. Same goes for y. So we reshape:
x = x.reshape(length, 1)
y = y.reshape(length, 1)
Now we create the regression object and then call fit():
regr = linear_model.LinearRegression(), y)
# plot it as in the example at
plt.scatter(x, y, color='black')
plt.plot(x, regr.predict(x), color='blue', linewidth=3)
See sklearn linear regression example.
Importing the libraries
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
Importing the dataset
dataset = pd.read_csv('1.csv')
X = dataset[["mark1"]]
y = dataset[["mark2"]]
Fitting Simple Linear Regression to the set
regressor = LinearRegression(), y)
Predicting the set results
y_pred = regressor.predict(X)
Visualising the set results
plt.scatter(X, y, color = 'red')
plt.plot(X, regressor.predict(X), color = 'blue')
plt.title('mark1 vs mark2')
I post an answer that addresses exactly the error that you got:
IndexError: tuple index out of range
Scikit-learn expects 2D inputs. Just reshape the X and Y.
X=data['c1'].values # this has shape (XXX, ) - It's 1D
Y=data['c2'].values # this has shape (XXX, ) - It's 1D
X=data['c1'].values.reshape(-1,1) # this has shape (XXX, 1) - it's 2D
Y=data['c2'].values.reshape(-1,1) # this has shape (XXX, 1) - it's 2D
make predictions based on the result?
To predict,
lr = linear_model.LinearRegression().fit(X,Y)
Is there any way I can view details of the regression?
The LinearRegression has coef_ and intercept_ attributes.
show the slope and intercept.
You really should have a look at the docs for the fit method which you can view here
For how to visualize a linear regression, play with the example here. I'm guessing you haven't used ipython (Now called jupyter) much either, so you should definitely invest some time into learning that. It's a great tool for exploring data and machine learning. You can literally copy/paste the example from scikit linear regression into an ipython notebook and run it
For your specific problem with the fit method, by referring to the docs, you can see that the format of the data you are passing in for your X values is wrong.
Per the docs,
"X : numpy array or sparse matrix of shape [n_samples,n_features]"
You can fix your code with this
X = [[x] for x in data['c1'].values]
