Store data based on location in a dataset python - python

Forgive me if this question is trivial, I am just having some trouble finding a solution online, and I'm a bit new to python. Essentially, I have a dataset which is full of various numbers all of which are arranged in this format:
I'm trying to write some python to get the number on either side of the comma. I assume it's some type of splitting, but I can't seem to find anything that works for this problem specifically since I want to take the ALL the numbers from the left and store them in a variable, then take ALL the numbers on the right store them in a variable. The goal is to plot the data points, and normally I would modify the data set, but it's a challenge problem so I am trying to figure this out with the data as is.

Here's one way:
with open('mydata.csv') as f:
lines =
left_numbers, right_numbers = [], []
for line in lines:
numbers = line.split(',')
left_num = float(numbers[0])
right_num = float(numbers[1])
Edit: added float conversion


subsetting very large files - python methods for optimal performance

I have one file (index1) with 17,270,877 IDs, and another file (read1) with a subset of these IDs (17,211,741). For both files, the IDs are on every 4th line.
I need a new (index2) file that contains only the IDs in read1. For each of those IDs I also need to grab the next 3 lines from index1. So I'll end up with index2 whose format exactly matches index1 except it only contains IDs from read1.
I am trying to implement the methods I've read here. But I'm stumbling on these two points: 1) I need to check IDs on every 4th line, but I need all of the data in index1 (in order) because I have to write the associated 3 lines following the ID. 2) unlike that post, which is about searching for one string in a large file, I'm searching for a huge number of strings in another huge file.
Can some folks point me in some direction? Maybe none of those 5 methods are ideal for this. I don't know any information theory; we have plenty of RAM so I think holding the data in RAM for searching is the most efficient? I'm really not sure.
Here a sample of what the index look like (IDs start with #M00347):
#M00347:30:000000000-BCWL3:1:1101:15589:1332 1:N:0:0
#M00347:30:000000000-BCWL3:1:1101:15667:1332 1:N:0:0
#M00347:30:000000000-BCWL3:1:1101:15711:1332 1:N:0:0
read1 looks very similar, but the lines before and after the '+' are different.
If data of index1 can fit in memory, the best approach is to do a single scan of this file and store all data in a dictionary like this:
{"#M00347:30:000000000-BCWL3:1:1101:15589:1332 1:N:0:0":["CCTAAGGTTCGG","+","CDDDDFFFFFCB"],
"#M00347:30:000000000-BCWL3:1:1101:15667:1332 1:N:0:0":["CGCCATGCATCC","+","BBCCBBFFFFFF"],
..... }
Values can be stored as formatted string as you prefer.
After this, you can do a single scan on read1 and when an IDs is encountered you can do a simple lookup on the dictionary to retrieve needed data.

Data inside a JSON has letters and numbers I do not need, how to get data I need in Python

I am looking at extracting data from within a JSON file, but the data I need has numbers and letters before and sometimes after the data. I would like to know if it is possible to remove the unnecessary numbers and letter I do not need. Here is an example of the data:
"H/B77L/L , B752/L, A320/X, B738,"
all I am interested in is the main 4 letters/numbers, for example instead of "H/B77L/L" I want just "B77L", instead of "B752/L" I want "B752". The data is very mixed, so some will have a letters in front, some at the end and some with both, then there are others that are already in the correct format I want. Is there a way to remove the additional letters during the extracting of data from a JSON file using Python, if not would it be better as I am using Pandas to extracting them all to a dataframe then compare it to another dataframe which has the correct sequence without the additional letters?
I have managed to find the answer and solve my problem. I will put it here so to help others that may have a similar problem -
for entry in json_data['results']:
for value in entry['most_common_aircraft']:
for splitted_string in value['planned_aircraft'].split('/'):
if len(splitted_string) == 4:
value['planned_aircraft'] = splitted_string

Using Python & NLP, how can I extract certain text strings & corresponding numbers preceding the strings from Excel column having a lot of free text?

I am relatively new to Python and very new to NLP (and nltk) and I have searched the net for guidance but not finding a complete solution. Unfortunately the sparse code I have been playing with is on another network, but I am including an example spreadsheet. I would like to get suggested steps in plain English (more detailed than I have below) so I could first try to script it myself in Python 3. Unless it would simply be easier for you to just help with the scripting... in which case, thank you.
Problem: A few columns of an otherwise robust spreadsheet are very unstructured with anywhere from 500-5000 English characters that tell a story. I need to essentially make it a bit more structured by pulling out the quantifiable data. I need to:
1) Search for a string in the user supplied unstructured free text column (The user inputs the column header) (I think I am doing this right)
2) Make that string a NEW column header in Excel (I think I am doing this right)
3) Grab the number before the string (This is where I am getting stuck. And as you will see in the sheet, sometimes there is no space between the number and text and of course, sometimes there are misspellings)
4) Put that number in the NEW column on the same row (Have not gotten to this step yet)
I will have to do this repeatedly for multiple keywords but I can figure that part out, I believe, with a loop or something. Thank you very much for your time and expertise...
If I'm understanding this correctly, first we need to obtain the numbers from the string of text.
cell_val = sheet1wb1.cell(row=rowNum,column=4).value
This will create a list containing every number in the string
new_ = [int(s) for s in cell_val.split() if s.isdigit()]
You can use the list to assign the values to the column.
Then define the value of the 1st number in the list to the 5th column
sheet1wb1.cell(row=rowNum, column=5).value = str(new_[1])
I think I have found what I am looking for. has 3 or 4 scripts that seem to do the trick. Thank you..!

python parsing file into data structure

So I started looking into it, and I haven't found a good way to parse a file following the format I will show you below. I have taken a data structures course, but it doesn't really help me with what I want to do. Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Goal: Create a tool that can read, create, and manipulate a custom file type
File Format: I'm sure there is a name for this type of format, but I couldn't find it. Anyways, the format is subject to some change since the variable names can be added, removed, or changed. Also, after each variable name the data could be one of several different types. Right now the files do not use sub groups, but I want to be prepared in case they decide to change that. The only things I can think of that will remain constant are the GROUP = groupName, END_GROUP = groupName, and the varName = data.
GROUP = myGroup
name1 = String, datenum, number, list, array
name2 = String, datenum, number, list, array
// . . .
name# = String, datenum, number, list, array
GROUP = mySubGroup
name1 = String, datenum, number, list, array
END_GROUP = mySubGroup
// More names could go here
END_GROUP = myGroup
GROUP = myGroup2
// etc.
END_GROUP = myGroup2
Strings and dates are enclosed in " (ie "myString")
Numbers are written as a raw ascii encoded number. They also use the E format if they are large or small (ie 5.023E-6)
Lists are comma separated and enclosed in parentheses (ie (1,2,3,4) )
Additional Info:
I want to be able to easily read a file and manipulate it as needed. For example, if I read the file and I want to change an attribute of a specific variable within a group I should be able to do something along the lines of dataStructure.groupName.varName = newData.
It should be easy to create my own file (using a default template that I will make myself or a custom template that has been passed in).
I want it to treat numbers as numbers and not strings. I should be able to add, subtract, multiply, etc. values within the data structure that are numbers
The big kicker, I'd like to have this written in vanilla python since our systems have only the most basic modules. It is a huge pain for someone to download another module since they have to create their own virtual environment and import the module to it. This tool should be as system independent as possible
Initial Attempt: I was thinking of using a dictionary to organize the data in levels. I do, however, like the idea of using dot structures (like what one would see using MATLAB structures). I wrote a function that will read all the lines of the file and remove the newline characters from each line. From there I want to check for every GROUP = I can find. I would start adding data to that group until I hit an END_GROUP line. Using regular expressions I should be able to parse out the line to determine whether it is a date, number, string, etc.
I am asking this question because I hope to have some insight on things I may be missing. I'd like for this tool to be used long after I've left the dev team which is why I'm trying to do my best to make it as intuitive and easy to use as possible. Thank you all for your help, I really appreciate it! Let me know if you need any more information to help you help me.
EDIT: To clarify what help I need, here are my two main questions I am hoping to answer:
How should I build a data structure to hold grouped data?
Is there an accepted algorithm for parsing data like this?

Trying to fill an array with data opened from files

the following is code I have written that tries to open individual files, which are long strips of data and read them into an array. Essentially I have files that run over 15 times (24 hours to 360 hours), and each file has an iteration of 50, hence the two loops. I then try to open the files into an array. When I try to print a specific element in the array, I get the error "'file' object has no attribute 'getitem'". Any ideas what the problem is? Thanks.
import csv
import sys
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
level = input("Enter a level: ");
LEVEL = str(level);
MODEL = raw_input("Enter a model: ");
NX = 360;
NY = 181;
date = 201409060000;
DATE = str(date);
FileList = [];
data = [];
for j in range(1,51,1):
J = str(j);
for i in range(24,384,24):
I = str(i);
fileName = '/Users/alexg/ECMWF_DATA/DAT_FILES/'+MODEL+'_'+LEVEL+'_v_'+J+'_FT0'+I+'_'+DATE+'.dat';
fo = open(fileName,"rb");
print data[1][1];
print FileList;
Below, find the CORRECT array that the python script should be producing (sorry it wont let me post this inline yet):
The problem I now run into, is that the first three values in the first row of the output matrix are:
These values are actually the first three values of the 11th row in the array below, which is the how it should look (performed in MATLAB). The next three values the python script outputs (as what it believes to be the second row) are:
These values should be found in the 22nd row. In other words, python is placing the 11th row of values in the first position, the 22nd in the second and so on. I don't have a clue as to why, or where in the code I'm specifying it do this.
You're appending the file objects themselves to data, not their contents:
fo = open(fileName,"rb");
So, when you try to print data[1][1], data[1] is a file object (a closed file object, to boot, but it would be just as broken if still open), so data[1][1] tries to treat that file object as if it were a sequence, and file objects aren't sequences.
It's not clear what format your data are in, or how you want to split it up.
If "long strips of data" just means "a bunch of lines", then you probably wanted this:
A file object is an iterable of lines, it's just not a sequence. You can copy any iterable into a sequence with the list function. So now, data[1][1] will be the second line in the second file.
(The difference between "iterable" and "sequence" probably isn't obvious to a newcomer to Python. The tutorial section on Iterators explains it briefly, the Glossary gives some more information, and the ABCs in the collections module define exactly what you can do with each kind of thing. But briefly: An iterable is anything you can loop over. Some iterables are sequences, like list, which means they're indexable collections that you can access like spam[0]. Others are not, like file, which just reads one line at a time into memory as you loop over it.)
If, on the other hand, you actually imported csv for a reason, you more likely wanted something like this:
reader = csv.reader(fo)
Now, data[1][1] will be a list of the columns from the second row of the second file.
Or maybe you just wanted to treat it as a sequence of characters:
Now, data[1][1] will be the second character of the second file.
There are plenty of other things you could just as easily mean, and easy ways to write each one of them… but until you know which one you want, you can't write it.
