I will try to simplify this is as much as possible , My code is designed for a user to enter multiple products from a data base using a barcode , resulting in my program outputting in the name of the products they ordered and the total price of the products.
However my expected output of the code when it is first run is
GTIN = int(input("input your gtin-8 number: "))
return GTIN # Breaks the loop and returns the value
print ("Oops! That was not a valid number. Try again")
However this code is first run at the end of the code as the starting line for some reason.
continue_shopping=int(input("press 0 to stop shopping and print your reciept or press 1 to continue shopping"))
if continue_shopping != 0 and continue_shopping != 1:
print("make sure you enter a valid number")
I would appreciate any helpful input or criticism for my code.
If you are interested here is the code as an entity on its own. Thank you for any help
import csv
import locale
from decimal import *
total_price = []
locale.setlocale( locale.LC_ALL, '' )
def read_csv_file():
global total_price
""" reads csv data and appends each row to list """
csv_data = []
with open("task2.csv") as csvfile:
spamreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=",", quotechar="|")
for row in spamreader:
return csv_data
def get_user_input():
global total_price
""" get input from user """
while True:
GTIN = int(input("input your gtin-8 number: "))
return GTIN # Breaks the loop and returns the value
print ("Oops! That was not a valid number. Try again")
def search_user_input(product_data):
global total_price
# Pass the csv data as an argument
""" search csv data for string """
keep_searching = True
while keep_searching:
gtin = get_user_input()
for row in product_data:
if row[0] == str(gtin):
product = row[1]
price = round(float(row[2]),2)
return(product, price)
while True:
repeat = input("not in there? search again? If so (y), else press enter to continue")
print("please make sure you enter a valid string")
if repeat != 'y':
keep_searching = False
return None
def quantity():
fileOne = open('receipt.csv', 'a')
writer = csv.writer(fileOne)
global total_price
product_data = read_csv_file()
matches = search_user_input(product_data)
if matches: # Will not be True if search_user_input returned None
product, price = matches[0], matches[1]
order = int(input("How much of {} do you want?".format(product)))
TWOPLACES = Decimal(10) ** -2
subt = order * pricea
subtotal = Decimal(subt).quantize(TWOPLACES)
values = [str(product), str(price), str(subtotal)]
print('values are ',values)
total_price.append(order * price)
continue_shopping=int(input("press 0 to stop shopping and print your reciept or press 1 to continue shopping"))
if continue_shopping != 0 and continue_shopping != 1:
print("make sure you enter a valid number")
if (continue_shopping == 0):
fileTwo = open("receipt.csv" , "r")
reader = csv.reader(fileTwo)
for row in reader:
if row != None:
elif continue_shopping==1:
when you create a function (that's what def does), it won't do anything until you instantiate the function. so, for instance, if you want to run the read_csv_file() function before you do ask whether the person is done shopping, you have to do this. (or something similar)
#all your functions are above this snippet.
continue_shopping=int(input("press 0 to stop shopping and print your reciept or press 1 to continue shopping"))
I hope this helps!
this code asks a user to input a barcode, my program then opens a csv file and accesses a database , there are 4 different products, the user eneters how many of the product they want and then asks if they want to keep shopping or press 0 and stop shopping and print a receipt (which is another csv file) , my problem is that my program does not take previous orders into account and only the last one , if that makes sense (if i order 3 tomatoes and then 4 pieces of celery it only takes the amount of celery into account). I want to apoligise for poor english as it is not my primary language. Here is the part of the code which i think is going wrong
def quantity():
fileOne = open('receipt.csv', 'w')
writer = csv.writer(fileOne)
global total_price
product_data = read_csv_file()
matches = search_user_input(product_data)
if matches: # Will not be True if search_user_input returned None
product, price = matches[0], matches[1]
order = int(input("How much of {} do you want?".format(product)))
values = [str(product), str(price), str(order*price)]
total_price.append(order * price)
continue_shopping=int(input("press 0 to stop shopping and print your reciept or press 1 to continue shopping"))
if (continue_shopping == 0):
fileTwo = open("receipt.csv" , "r")
reader = csv.reader(fileTwo)
for row in reader:
if row != None:
elif continue_shopping==1:
Here is the rest of the code if you are curious.
import csv
import locale
total_price = []
locale.setlocale( locale.LC_ALL, '' )
def read_csv_file():
global total_price
""" reads csv data and appends each row to list """
csv_data = []
with open("task2.csv") as csvfile:
spamreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=",", quotechar="|")
for row in spamreader:
return csv_data
def get_user_input():
global total_price
""" get input from user """
while True:
GTIN = int(input("input your gtin-8 number: "))
return GTIN # Breaks the loop and returns the value
print ("Oops! That was not a valid number. Try again")
def search_user_input(product_data):
global total_price
# Pass the csv data as an argument
""" search csv data for string """
keep_searching = True
while keep_searching:
gtin = get_user_input()
for row in product_data:
if row[0] == str(gtin):
product = row[1]
price = round(float(row[2]),2)
return(product, price)
while True:
repeat = input("not in there? search again? If so (y), else press enter to continue")
print("please make sure you enter a valid string")
if repeat != 'y':
keep_searching = False
return None
def quantity():
fileOne = open('receipt.csv', 'w')
writer = csv.writer(fileOne)
global total_price
product_data = read_csv_file()
matches = search_user_input(product_data)
if matches: # Will not be True if search_user_input returned None
product, price = matches[0], matches[1]
order = int(input("How much of {} do you want?".format(product)))
values = [str(product), str(price), str(order*price)]
total_price.append(order * price)
continue_shopping=int(input("press 0 to stop shopping and print your reciept or press 1 to continue shopping"))
if (continue_shopping == 0):
fileTwo = open("receipt.csv" , "r")
reader = csv.reader(fileTwo)
for row in reader:
if row != None:
elif continue_shopping==1:
I appreciate any help or advice or if you do not understand a part of my code i can try to explain
I am getting the following error with my code:
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'row' referenced before assignment
I have tried many things, but nothing has worked. I suspect it is something to do around the 'quantityQuestion' subprogram. According to the scripter, the problem is at line 97.
import csv
import sys
global totalPrice
totalPrice = 0
addItem = ""
gtinNum = ""
quantity = 0
restart = ""
global receipt
receipt = open("receipt.txt", "w+")
global restockTxt
restockTxt = open("restock.txt", "w+")
global price
price = 0
global file2
file2 = open("ChocolateCSV2.csv", "r")
global file2w
file2w = open("ChocolateCSV2.csv", "w", newline="")
def restart():
restart = input("Would you like to restart? Y/N")
if restart.lower() == "y":
print("Exiting program.")
def priceSub(): #Defining the restart subprogram
priceQ = input("Would you like to add an item? Y/N") #Asks the user if they would like to add an item.
global totalPrice #Declaring totalPrice and making it global.
totalPrice = int(price) + totalPrice #Setting totalPrice to add the variable price to itself.
if priceQ.lower() == "y": #If statement that checks to see if the user has entered a "y".
gtinQuestion() #If it is true, it will start the gtinQuestion subprogram.
else: #Anything other than a "y" will do the following commands.
global receiptCont #Declaring the receipt content as a global variable.
receiptCont = receipt.read() #Reads the receipt.
receipt.close() #Closes the file.
print(receiptCont) #Prints the content of the receipt.
print("Total Price: " + "%.2f" % round(totalPrice, 2)) #Prints the totalPrice variable rounded to two decimal places.
def quantityQuestion(): #Defining the subprogram for the quantity.
quantity = input("How much would you like?") #Asks the user how much of the item they would like.
if quantity.isdigit() == False: #If statement to check whether or not the user has entered an integer or not.
quantityQuestion() #If they have not entered an integer, it will ask the question again.
global price #Declaring the variable price as a global variable.
price = "" #Setting price to an empty string.
reader = csv.reader(file2, delimiter = ",")
csvList = list(reader)
for row in csvList: #Loop that seperates each row in the CSV
if str(gtinNum) in row: #If statement to check if the GTIN given by the user is in the CSV.
receipt.write(str(row) + "\n") #If it is in one of the CSV rows, it will write the row to the text file.
receipt.write(str("- Quantity: " + quantity + "\n")) #It also writes the quantity given by the user.
price = float(row[2]) * int(quantity) #The price is the price given by the CSV file multiplied by the quantity.
receipt.write("- Price: " + str("%.2f" % round(price, 2)) + "\n") #The final price (after the multiplication) is written to the text file also.
row[2] = row[2] - quantity
writeCSV = csv.writer(file2w)
priceSub() #Starts the restart subprogram.
break #Breaks the loop.
print("The code entered could not be found - Please re-enter") #If it is not in the CSV it will print this error message.
gtinQuestion() #Starts the gtinQuestion subprogram.
def gtinQuestion(): #Defining the gtinQuestion subprogram.
global gtinNum #Declaring the gtinNum variable as global.
gtinNum = input("Please enter the GTIN-8 Code of the product you would like to order:") #Setting that variable to the initial question.
if gtinNum.isdigit() == False or len(gtinNum) != 8: #If the code given is not an integer or is not 8 digits long...
print("Please re-enter your GTIN-8 code - Reason: Invalid Code") #It will print this error message and ask the question again.
elif gtinNum.isdigit() == True and len(gtinNum) == 8: #If it is an integer and is 8 digits long...
quantityQuestion() #It will start the quantityQuestion subprogram.
def restockAction():
reader = csv.reader(file2, delimiter = ",")
csvList = list(reader)
for row in csvList:
stDiff = float(row[5]) - float(row[3])
if float(row[3]) <= float(row[4]):
restockTxt.write(row[0]+" | "+row[1]+" | "+"Stock Replenished: "+(str(stDiff)+"\n"))
row[3] = row[5]
writeCSV = csv.writer(file2w)
if float(row[3]) >= float(row[4]):
restockTxt.write("No (other) stock needs to be replenished.")
restockRead = open("restock.txt", "r")
def actionQ():
restock = input("What action would you like to perform?:\n Restock (Enter 1)\n Order (Enter 2)")
if restock == "1" or restock == "restock":
print("Restock Action Requested...")
elif restock == "2" or restock == "order":
print("Ordering action Requested...")
Any help is appreciated,
The problem is in restockAction():
for row in csvList:
# some code
if float(row[3]) >= float(row[4]):
# ^
If there are no rows in csvList, row will not have any value, since the for will not be executed, but the else block will be executed.
So row in the else block of the for has yet to defined.
Did you intend to attach the else to the if, not the for:
for row in csvList:
stDiff = float(row[5]) - float(row[3])
if float(row[3]) <= float(row[4]):
# ...
# ...
You have to verify you have that you have any rows before checking whether row[index] has a value:
if row and float(row[3]) >= float(row[4]):
restockTxt.write("No (other) stock needs to be replenished.")
restockRead = open("restock.txt", "r")
if row and ... acts as a vanguard, protecting the interpreter from executing row[index]. If row is None, if row == False and it returns immediately without evaluating the rest of the statement.
I am working with a CSV file for a program I am writing but I seem to be getting this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Jordan\Documents\Year 10\Computing\CA and Coursework\A453 Material 2\Task 3\Task 3.py", line 115, in <module>
File "C:\Users\Jordan\Documents\Year 10\Computing\CA and Coursework\A453`Material 2\Task 3\Task 3.py", line 111, in actionQ
File "C:\Users\Jordan\Documents\Year 10\Computing\CA and Coursework\A453 Material 2\Task 3\Task 3.py", line 80, in gtinQuestion
quantityQuestion() #It will start the quantityQuestion subprogram.
File "C:\Users\Jordan\Documents\Year 10\Computing\CA and Coursework\A453 Material 2\Task 3\Task 3.py", line 52, in quantityQuestion
if float(row[3]) >= float(quantity):
IndexError: list index out of range`
I'm not quite sure how to approach it but I have never had this problem before. Initially, quantityQuestion was its own program but I have decided to place it with this other code for accessibility.
As a side note - I am unable to overwrite the third row so that the new stock can be updated in the CSV. (Any help on this is also appreciated).
import csv
import sys
global totalPrice
totalPrice = 0
addItem = ""
gtinNum = ""
quantity = 0
restart = ""
price = 0
receipt = open("receipt.txt", "w+")
restockTxt = open("restock.txt", "w+")
file = open("ChocolateCSV2.csv", "r")
def restart():
restart = input("Would you like to restart? Y/N")
if restart.lower() == "y":
print("Exiting program.")
def priceSub(): #Defining the restart subprogram
priceQ = input("Would you like to add an item? Y/N") #Asks the user if they would like to add an item.
global totalPrice #Declaring totalPrice and making it global.
totalPrice = int(price) + totalPrice #Setting totalPrice to add the variable price to itself.
if priceQ.lower() == "y": #If statement that checks to see if the user has entered a "y".
gtinQuestion() #If it is true, it will start the gtinQuestion subprogram.
else: #Anything other than a "y" will do the following commands.
global receiptCont #Declaring the receipt content as a global variable.
receiptCont = receipt.read() #Reads the receipt.
receipt.close() #Closes the file.
print(receiptCont) #Prints the content of the receipt.
print("Total Price: " + "%.2f" % round(totalPrice, 2)) #Prints the totalPrice variable rounded to two decimal places.
def quantityQuestion(): #Defining the subprogram for the quantity.
quantity = input("How much would you like?") #Asks the user how much of the item they would like.
if quantity.isdigit() == False: #If statement to check whether or not the user has entered an integer or not.
quantityQuestion() #If they have not entered an integer, it will ask the question again.
global price #Declaring the variable price as a global variable.
price = "" #Setting price to an empty string.
with open("ChocolateCSV.csv", 'r') as file2:
for row in csv.reader(file2): #Loop that seperates each row in the CSV
if str(gtinNum) in row[0]: #If statement to check if the GTIN given by the user is in the CSV.
if float(row[3]) >= float(quantity):
receipt.write(str(row) + "\n") #If it is in one of the CSV rows, it will write the row to the text file.
receipt.write(str("- Quantity: " + quantity + "\n")) #It also writes the quantity given by the user.
price = float(row[2]) * int(quantity) #The price is the price given by the CSV file multiplied by the quantity.
receipt.write("- Price: " + str("%.2f" % round(price, 2)) + "\n") #The final price (after the multiplication) is written to the text file also.
updateStk = str(float(row[3]) - float(quantity))
row[3] = updateStk
file2w = open("ChocolateCSV2.csv", "w", newline = "")
writeCSV = csv.writer(file2w)
priceSub() #Starts the restart subprogram.
break #Breaks the loop.
elif float(row[3]) <= float(quantity):
print("There is not enough stock to allow you to purchase this item - Try again u nerd.")
print("The code entered could not be found - Please re-enter") #If it is not in the CSV it will print this error message.
gtinQuestion() #Starts the gtinQuestion subprogram.
def gtinQuestion(): #Defining the gtinQuestion subprogram.
global gtinNum #Declaring the gtinNum variable as global.
gtinNum = input("Please enter the GTIN-8 Code of the product you would like to order:") #Setting that variable to the initial question.
if gtinNum.isdigit() == False or len(gtinNum) != 8: #If the code given is not an integer or is not 8 digits long...
print("Please re-enter your GTIN-8 code - Reason: Invalid Code") #It will print this error message and ask the question again.
elif gtinNum.isdigit() == True and len(gtinNum) == 8: #If it is an integer and is 8 digits long...
quantityQuestion() #It will start the quantityQuestion subprogram.
def restockAction():
reader = csv.reader(file, delimiter = ",")
csvList = list(reader)
for row in csvList:
stDiff = float(row[5]) - float(row[3])
if float(row[3]) <= float(row[4]):
restockTxt.write(row[0]+" | "+row[1]+" | "+"Stock Replenished: "+(str(stDiff)+"\n"))
row[3] = row[5]
file2w = open("ChocolateCSV2.csv", "w", newline = "")
writeCSV = csv.writer(file2w)
restockTxt.write("No (other) stock needs to be replenished.")
restockRead = open("restock.txt", "r") print(restockRead.read())
def actionQ():
restock = input("What action would you like to perform?:\n Restock (Enter 1)\n Order (Enter 2)")
if restock == "1" or restock == "restock":
print("Restock Action Requested...")
elif restock == "2" or restock == "order":
print("Ordering action Requested...")
CSV File:
12312313 Item 1 0.5 100 25 100
12345670 Item 2 0.2 100 25 100
76543210 Item 3 0.3 100 25 100
34563670 Item 4 0.4 100 25 100
I am having problems with trying to make my program find a certain cell in a CSV file. My program will ask you for a 8 digit number. If it is in the CSV file, the row should be written to a text file. It then should proceed to ask the user how much of the product they want to buy. This quantity will then be multiplied to give a final price. The price will be written to a variable named totalPrice.
My initial problem is with the quantity since I cannot retrieve it from the third column of the row of the entered GTIN-8 number in my CSV file.
My code is:
import csv
import sys
import re
import os
addItem = ""
gtinNum = ""
quantity = 0
totalPrice = 0
restart = ""
f = open("ChocolateCSV.csv", "rt")
def restart():
restart = input("Would you like to restart? Y/N")
if restart.lower() == "y":
def quantityQuestion():
quantity = input("How much would you like?")
def scanGTIN():
global rows
rows = re.split('\n', f.read())
global receiptCont
receiptCont = receipt.read()
for index, row in enumerate(rows):
global cells
cells = row.split(',')
if gtinNum in cells:
def gtinQuestion():
global gtinNum
global receipt
receipt = open("receipt.txt", "r+")
gtinNum = input("Please enter the GTIN-8 Code of the product you would like to order:")
if gtinNum.isdigit() == False or len(gtinNum) != 8:
elif gtinNum.isdigit() == True and len(gtinNum) == 8:
You could just iterate through the lines of the csv file and return a particular column of the row that contains the 8 digit number:
import csv
def get_row(filename, number, column):
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
for row in csv.reader(f):
if str(number) in row:
return row[column+1]
I am fairly new to python and I need to make a program to ask 10 questions, save the score into a file and allow someone to read the scores in from the file.
My problem: I need to check if the person who has done the quiz already has a record in the file, and if so, I need to add their score to the end of their record.
The records should look like this:
etc so they can be split using commas.
I am also looking for the simplest answer, not the most efficient. Also, if you could comment the code, it would make it much easier. Here is my code so far:
import random
import math
import operator as op
import sys
import re
def test():
num1 = random.randint(1, 10)
num2 = random.randint(1, num1)
ops = {
'+': op.add,
'-': op.sub,
'*': op.mul,
keys = list(ops.keys())
rand_key = random.choice(keys)
operation = ops[rand_key]
correct_result = operation(num1, num2)
print ("What is {} {} {}?".format(num1, rand_key, num2))
while True:
user_answer = int(input("Your answer: "))
except ValueError:
print("Only enter numbers!")
if user_answer != correct_result:
print ("Incorrect. The right answer is {}".format(correct_result))
return False
return True
print("1. Are you a student?")
print("2. Are you a teacher?")
print("3. Exit")
while True:
status = int(input("Please select an option:"))
except ValueError:
print("Please enter a number!")
if status not in {1,2,3}:
print("Please enter a number in {1,2,3}!")
if status == 1:
username=input("What is your name?")
while not re.match("^[A-Za-z ]*$", username) or username=="":
username=input(str("Please enter a valid name (it must not contain numbers or symbols)."))
print ("Hi {}! Wellcome to the Arithmetic quiz...".format(username))
while True:
users_class = int(input("Which class are you in? (1,2 or 3)"))
except ValueError:
print("Please enter a number!")
if users_class not in {1,2,3}:
print("Please enter a number in {1,2,3}!")
correct_answers = 0
num_questions = 10
for i in range(num_questions):
if test():
correct_answers +=1
print("{}: You got {}/{} {} correct.".format(username, correct_answers, num_questions,
'question' if (correct_answers==1) else 'questions'))
if users_class == 1:
class1 = open("Class1.txt", "a+")
newRecord = username+ "," + str(correct_answers) + "," + "\n"
elif users_class == 2:
class2 = open("Class2.txt", "a+")
newRecord = username+ "," + str(correct_answers) + "," + "\n"
elif users_class == 3:
class3 = open("Class3.txt", "a+")
newRecord = username+ "," + str(correct_answers) + "," + "\n"
print("Sorry, we can not save your data as the class you entered is not valid.")
Add this function before your "test" function:
def writeUserScore(file, name, score):
with open (file, "r") as myfile:
s = myfile.read()
rows = s.split("\n")
data = {}
for row in rows:
tmp = row.split(",")
if len(tmp) >= 2: data[tmp[0]] = tmp[1:]
if name not in data:
data[name] = []
output = ""
for name in data:
output = output + name + "," + ",".join(data[name]) + "\n"
handle = open(file, "w+")
After that, where you have "if users_class == 1:" do this:
writeUserScore("Class1.txt", username, str(correct_answers))
Do the same for the other two else ifs.
Let me know what you think!
Try using a dictionary to hold the existing file data.
Read the file in a variable called "str" for example. And then do something like this:
rows = str.split("\n")
data1 = {}
for row in rows:
tmp = row.split(",")
data1[tmp[0]] = tmp[1:]
When you have a new score you should then do:
if username not in data1:
data1[username] = []
data1[username] = str(correct_answers)
And to save the data back to the file:
output = ""
for name in data1:
output = outupt + name + "," + ",".join(data1[name]) | "\n"
And save the contents of "output" to the file.
PS: If you are not bound by the file format you can use a JSON file. I can tell you more about this if you wish.
Hope that helps,
First, define these functions:
from collections import defaultdict
def read_scores(users_class):
If the score file for users_class does not exist, return an empty
defaultdict(list). If the score file does exist, read it in and return
it as a defaultdict(list). The keys of the dict are the user names,
and the values are lists of ints (the scores for each user)
assert 0 <= users_class <= 3
result = defaultdict(list)
lines =open("Class%d.txt"%users_class,'r').readlines()
except IOError:
return result
for line in lines:
# this line requires python3
user, *scores = line.strip().split(',')
# if you need to use python2, replace the above line
# with these two lines:
# line = line.strip().split(',')
# user, scores = line[0], line[1:]
result[user] = [int(s) for s in scores]
return result
def write_scores(users_class, all_scores):
Write user scores to the appropriate file.
users_class is the class number, all scores is a dict kind of dict
returned by read_scores.
f = open("Class%d.txt"%users_class,'w')
for user, scores in all_scores.items():
f.write("%s,%s\n"%(user, ','.join([str(s) for s in scores])))
def update_user_score(users_class, user_name, new_score):
Update the appropriate score file for users_class.
Append new_score to user_name's existing scores. If the user has
no scores, a new record is created for them.
scores = read_scores(users_class)
write_scores(users_class, scores)
Now, in the last portion of your code (where you actually write the scores out) becomes much simpler. Here's an example of writing some scores:
update_user_score(1, 'phil', 7)
update_user_score(1, 'phil', 6)
update_user_score(1, 'alice', 6)
update_user_score(1, 'phil', 9)
there will be two lines in Class1.txt:
We read the whole file into a dict (actually a defaultdict(list)),
and overwrite that same file with an updated dict. By using defaultdict(list), we don't have to worry about distinguishing between updating and adding a record.
Note also that we don't need separate if/elif cases to read/write the files. "Scores%d.txt"%users_class gives us the name of the file.