I have a problem with my RPN calculator:
def calculate_onp(onp):
from stack.stack import Stack
OPERATORS = ['+', '-', '*', '/']
s = Stack()
lista = onp.split(" ")
index = None
for i in range(1, len(onp)):
index = i - 1
if lista[index] in OPERATORS:
if lista[index] == OPERATORS[0]:
num1 = s.pop()
num2 = s.pop()
wyn = int(num1) + int(num2)
elif lista[index] == OPERATORS[1]:
num1 = s.pop()
num2 = s.pop()
wyn = int(num1) - int(num2)
elif lista[index] == OPERATORS[2]:
num1 = s.pop()
num2 = s.pop()
wyn = int(num1) * int(num2)
elif lista[index] == OPERATORS[3]:
num1 = s.pop()
num2 = s.pop()
wyn = int(num1) / int(num2)
return 'ERROR'
return int(s.pop())
I added a stack implementation to this:
from stack.exceptions import ElementDoesNotExist
class Stack(object):
def __init__(self):
self.stack = []
def __len__(self):
return len(self.stack)
def push(self, s):
return self.stack.append(s)
def pop(self):
if len(self.stack) == 0:
raise ElementDoesNotExist
return self.stack.pop()
def show_list(self):
And exceptions:
for stack:
class ElementDoesNotExist(Exception):
for rpn:
class OnpException(Exception):
class OnpMissingOperationArgument(OnpException):
class OnpMissingNumericArgument(OnpException):
After running this:
File "/home/maciek/PycharmProjects/Calc/stack/stack.py", line 16, in pop
raise ElementDoesNotExist
What's wrong?
your pop function has called to a function named len(self.stack). But It doesn't exists. so try on Changing the name def __len__(self): to def len(self):
I have two or three files in Python for s-expression. But I am not able to invoke the function to calulate the result of s-expression as I am not sure which function to invoke.
I have four files here:
1st file: calc.py
import sys
from parse import *
from expr import *
from calculator import *
def main():
if len(sys.argv)<2:
print('No Input!')
expr_list = ParseInput(sys.argv[1]).parse_to_list()
expression = Expression(expr_list)
if not expression.check_validation():
print('Not Valid Input!')
calculator = Calculator()
if __name__ == '__main__':
2nd file: expr.py
class Expression(object):
def __init__(self, expr_list=None):
self.__expression = expr_list
def get_subexprs(self, expr_list):
res = []
i = 2
while i < len(expr_list)-1:
l = self.count_subexpr_length(expr_list, i)
i += l
return res
def count_subexpr_length(self, expr_list, i):
j = i+1
if expr_list[i] == '(':
count = 1
while count!= 0 and j<len(expr_list):
if expr_list[j] == ')':
count -= 1
if expr_list[j] == '(':
count += 1
j += 1
return j-i
def check_validation(self):
return self.is_valid(self.__expression)
def is_valid(self, expr_list):
if not expr_list:
return False
if len(expr_list)==1:
return self.is_integer(expr_list)
return self.is_func(expr_list)
def is_func(self, expr_list):
if len(expr_list) < 4:
return False
if expr_list[0] != '(' or expr_list[-1] != ')':
return False
if expr_list[1] not in ['add', 'multiply']:
return False
count = 0
for char in expr_list:
if char == '(':
count += 1
if char == ')':
count -=1
if count <0 :
return False
if count != 0 :
return False
for subexpr in self.get_subexprs(expr_list):
if not self.is_valid(subexpr):
return False
return True
def is_integer(self, expr_list):
return expr_list[0].isdigit()
def get_length(self):
return len(self.__expression)
def get_int(self):
if len(self.__expression) == 1:
return int(self.__expression[0])
def get_operator(self):
if len(self.__expression) > 1 :
return self.__expression[1]
def get_exprlist(self):
return self.__expression
3rd file: parse.py
class ParseInput(object):
def __init__(self, input_string=''):
self.input_string = input_string
def parse_to_list(self):
if self.input_string == '':
print('No Valid Input!')
return None
newString = ''
for char in self.input_string:
if char == '(':
newString += char + ' '
elif char == ')':
newString += ' ' + char
newString += char
return newString.split()
4th file:calculator.py
from expr import *
class Calculator(object):
def __init__(self):
def calculate(self, expression):
return self.calc_expression(expression)
def calc_expression(self, expression):
if not expression:
print('Sorry, you need to load expression!')
if expression.get_length() == 1:
return expression.get_int()
operator = expression.get_operator()
if operator == 'add':
return self.calc_add(expression)
if operator == 'multiply':
return self.calc_mul(expression)
def calc_add(self, expression):
base = 0
for subexpr in expression.get_subexprs(expression.get_exprlist()):
base += self.calc_expression(Expression(subexpr))
return base
def calc_mul(self, expression):
base = 1
for subexpr in expression.get_subexprs(expression.get_exprlist()):
base *= self.calc_expression(Expression(subexpr))
return base
The requirement says:
Main file to run this calculator engine. Runs the engine in command line, with one valid argument as input.
$ python calc.py "123"
$ python calc.py "(add 12 12)"
However, I don't see any input expression taking input from the user in calc.py. Also I did the following in Python shell and it gives me the following error.
>>> import calc
>>> calc.py "(add 12 12)"
File "<stdin>", line 1
calc.py "(add 12 12)"
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
I want to know which function to invoke and how to invoke that in Python shell?
When I tried it in the command prompt, it gives me the following error:
The below code is part of a fraction calculator, I want my code to go to my gcd function from my init so that I can pass the result as a gcd of the fraction to simplify it, I don't know if the below way is correct to do so.
class Fraction:
def __init__(self, num, denom) -> None:
self.num = self.denom = self.gcd()
if self.denom < 0:
self.denom = abs(self.denom)
self.num = -1*self.num
elif self.denom == 0:
raise ZeroDivisionError("cansnot divide by zero")
def gcd(self):
while self.denom != 0:
self.num,self.denom = self.denom,self.num%self.denom
return abs(self.num)
def get_fraction() -> Fraction:
while True:
num: str = input("Enter the numerator")
denom: str = input("Enter the denominator")
a = int(num)
b = int(denom)
return Fraction(a, b)
except ValueError:
print("Enter valid numerator and denominator")
def compute(f1: Fraction, operator: str, f2: Fraction) -> None:
okay = True
if operator == '+':
result = f1.__add__(f2)
elif operator == '-':
result = f1.__sub__(f2)
elif operator == '*':
result = f1.__mul__(f2)
elif operator == '/':
result = f1.__truediv__(f2)
print(operator, " is an unrecognized operator")
okay = False
if okay == True:
print(f"{f1} {operator} {f2} = {result}")
def main() -> None:
"""Main menu"""
print("Welcome to the Fraction Calculator! ")
while True:
print('Press Q to quit or any other key to start')
z = input("Start or Quit?")
if z == 'Q' or z == 'q':
f1: Fraction = get_fraction()
operator: str = input("Operation (+, -, *, / , = , < , > , <= ,>= , != ): ")
f2: Fraction = get_fraction()
compute(f1, operator, f2)
except ZeroDivisionError as e:
if __name__ == '__main__':
When I execute this I get the below error:
while self.denom != 0:
AttributeError: 'Fraction' object has no attribute 'denom'
I am not sure why this message is thrown.
So why result doesn't change? result is global but it will return zero even when print(result) in def add() print correct answer.
number = int(input("enter your first num: "))
operation = input("enter your operation: ")
second_number = int(input("enter your second num: "))
def cal(num1,op,num2):
result = 0
def add():
result = num1+num2
def multiply():
result = num1 * num2
def devide():
if not num2==0:
result = num1 / num2
result = 'num2 can\'t be zero'
def default():
print("Incorrect option")
switch = {
return result
The global result was outside the scope.
number = int(input("enter your first num: "))
operation = input("enter your operation: ")
second_number = int(input("enter your second num: "))
def cal(num1, op, num2):
def add():
result = num1+num2
return result
def multiply():
result = num1 * num2
return result
def devide():
if not num2 == 0:
result = num1 / num2
return result
result = 'num2 can\'t be zero'
return result
def default():
print("Incorrect option")
switch = {
'+': add,
'*': multiply,
'/': divide
return switch.get(op, default)()
print(cal(number, operation, second_number))
Python program that uses global
def method():
# Change "value" to mean the global variable.
# ... The assignment will be local without "global."
global value
value = 100
value = 0
# The value has been changed to 100.
Python program that uses nonlocal
def method():
def method2():
# In nested method, reference nonlocal variable.
nonlocal value
value = 100
# Set local.
value = 10
# Local variable reflects nonlocal change.
# Call method.
The result variables in the operation functions are in a different scope to the cal function. Have those functions return a value and then return that from cal and you will get the desired behaviour.
def cal(num1,op,num2):
def add():
return num1+num2
def multiply():
return num1 * num2
def devide():
if not num2==0:
result = num1 / num2
result = 'num2 can\'t be zero'
return result
def default():
print("Incorrect option")
switch = {
return switch.get(op,default)()
So I am currently learning about postfix, prefix, and infix expressions; and one of the challenge questions was about evaluating infix expressions using stacks. I think I understand the concept of it. However, I am really puzzled as to why my operators are not pushing onto my stack. I believe the problem is within line 31. However, I am not sure as to why. Could someone help me find and fix the problem?
class Stack:
def __init__(self):
self.items = []
def is_empty(self):
return self.items == []
def push(self, item):
def pop(self):
return self.items.pop()
def peek(self):
return self.items[len(self.items) - 1]
def size(self):
return len(self.items)
def infix(equation):
prec_dictionary = {"(": 0, ")": 0, "^": 4, "*": 3, "/": 3, "+": 2, "-": 2, "<": 1, ">": 1}
operator_stack = Stack()
operand_stack = Stack()
allowed_operators = "+-/*^<>"
a_list = equation.split()
for i in a_list:
if i in allowed_operators:
if operator_stack.is_empty():
if prec_dictionary[i] > prec_dictionary[operator_stack.peek()]:
if i == "(":
elif i == ")":
while operator_stack.peek() != "(":
value1 = int(operand_stack.pop())
operator = operator_stack.pop()
value2 = int(operand_stack.pop())
value = compute(value1, value2, operator)
return operand_stack.pop()
def compute(number1, number2, operator):
if operator == "+":
return number1 + number2
elif operator == "-":
return number1 - number2
elif operator == "*":
return number1 * number2
elif operator == "/":
return number1 / number2
elif operator == "^":
return number1 ** number2
elif operator == "<":
return min(number1, number2)
return max(number1, number2)
print(infix('2 ^ ( 1 + 3 ^ 2 )'))
I am trying to create a infix to postfix converter in python for a homework assignment, I found multiple ones online that seem simple enough but none of them meet the requirements I need. I have to use the following classes:
class Token(object):
UNKNOWN = 0 # unknown
INT = 4 # integer
MINUS = 5 # minus operator
PLUS = 6 # plus operator
MUL = 7 # multiply operator
DIV = 8 # divide operator
FIRST_OP = 5 # first operator code
def getPrecedence(self):
if self is '(':
return 0
elif self is '+'or '-':
return 1
elif self is '*' or '/':
return 2
return 3
def _init_(self, value):
if type(value) == int:
self._type = Token.INT
self._type = self._makeType(value)
self._value = value
def isOperator(self):
return self._type >= Token.FIRST_OP
def _str_(self):
return str(self._value)
def getType(self):
return self._type
def getValue(self):
return self._value
def _makeType(self, ch):
if ch == '*': return Token.MUL
elif ch == '/': return Token.DIV
elif ch == '+': return Token.PLUS
elif ch == '-': return Token.MINUS
else: return Token.UNKNOWN;
I had to add the getPrecedence(): method, which returns an Integer that represents the precedence level of an operator. I also had to use the following class:
from token import Token
class Scanner(object):
EOE = ';' # end-of-expression
TAB = '\t' # tab
def __init__(self, sourceStr):
self._sourceStr = sourceStr
def hasNext(self):
return self._currentToken != None
def next(self):
if not self.hasNext():
raise Exception, "There are no more tokens"
temp = self._currentToken
return temp
def _getFirstToken(self):
self._index = 0
self._currentChar = self._sourceStr[0]
def _getNextToken(self):
if self._currentChar.isdigit():
self._currentToken = Token(self._getInteger())
elif self._currentChar == Scanner.EOE:
self._currentToken = None
self._currentToken = Token(self._currentChar)
def _nextChar(self):
if self._index >= len(self._sourceStr) - 1:
self._currentChar = Scanner.EOE
self._index += 1
self._currentChar = self._sourceStr[self._index]
def _skipWhiteSpace(self):
while self._currentChar in (' ', Scanner.TAB):
def _getInteger(self):
num = 0
while True:
num = num * 10 + int(self._currentChar)
if not self._currentChar.isdigit():
return num
I have to write a program that converts a infix expression to a postfix expression. This program should use the Token and Scanner classes (which I have included above). The program should consist of a main function that preforms the inputs and outputs, and a class named IFToPFConverter. The main function receives a input string an creates a scanner with it. The scanner is then passed as a argument to the constructor of the converter object. The converter objects convert method is then run to convert the infix expression. This method returns a list of tokens that represent the postfix string. The main function then displays this string. Here is what I have so far:
from arrayStack import ArrayStack
from token import Token
from scanner import Scanner
class IFToPFConverter(object):
def convert(self):
opStack = Stack()
postFixList = []
while self._scanner.hasNext():
currentToken = self._scanner.next()
if currentToken in '0123456789'
elif currentToken == '(':
elif currentToken == '*':
elif currentToken == '/':
elif currentToken == '+':
elif currentToken == '-':
elif currentToken == ')':
while not opStack.isEmpty():
def main():
sourceStr = raw_input("Please enter an expression:")
scanner = Scanner(sourceStr)
conversion = IFToConverter.convert(scanner)
return conversion
I don't know where to go from here, I don't even know if what I am trying to do at in my IFToPFConverter class will work. I have seen much simpler infix to postfix converters.