get OneToOneField data from User models on firsttime save() - python

i want to extend my User models and add fields to it in another models
and i want it to save two of the form at once
each form works fine on its own but
the problem is that when i combine them the
i cant get the username from the User model
class Information(models.Model):
Username = models.OneToOneField(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
i tried this
RegisterForm = self.form_class(request.POST)
InfoForm = self.second_form_class(request.POST)
if RegisterForm.is_valid() and InfoForm.is_valid():
username = request.POST.get('username')
password = request.POST.get('password')
email = request.POST.get('email')
first_name = request.POST.get('first_name')
last_name = request.POST.get('last_name')
User_obj = User(username=username, password=password, email=email, first_name=first_name,
user =
Username = username
PhoneNo = request.POST.get('PhoneNo')
Address = request.POST.get('Address')
Country = request.POST.get('Country')
Info_obj = Information(Username=Username , PhoneNo=PhoneNo, Address=Address, Country=Country)
class RegisterForm(forms.ModelForm):
username = forms.CharField(max_length=40)
password = forms.CharField(widget=forms.PasswordInput())
class Meta:
model = User
fields = ["username","password", "email", "first_name", "last_name"]
class InfoForm(forms.ModelForm):
Username = forms.CharField(max_length=40, required=False)
class Meta:
model = Information
fields = ["Username","PhoneNo","Address","Country"]
did i miss something here?
it can save to the User but it doesn't save to Information model
I think the problem is with the Username on InfoForm

the problem was with the InfoForm's Username field
instead of directly getting the value from the RegisterForm
username = request.POST.get('username')
# with this code below Django demands that i need username instance from User model
Username = username
so after saving RegisterForm, i get the value from the User Database with a objects.get() method
Username = User.objects.get(username=username)
RegisterForm = self.form_class(request.POST)
InfoForm = self.second_form_class(request.POST)
if RegisterForm.is_valid() and InfoForm.is_valid():
username = request.POST.get('username')
password = request.POST.get('password')
email = request.POST.get('email')
first_name = request.POST.get('first_name')
last_name = request.POST.get('last_name')
User_obj = User(username=username, password=password, email=email, first_name=first_name,
# i call the username from the User database after saving them
Username = User.objects.get(username=username)
PhoneNo = request.POST.get('PhoneNo')
Address = request.POST.get('Address')
Country = request.POST.get('Country')
Info_obj = Information(Username=Username , PhoneNo=PhoneNo, Address=Address, Country=Country)
don't know if i had explained it correctly


User model is not saving create_user instances

I have made a form having fields of personal information and login information as one
class EmployeeModel(models.Model)
employee_id = models.CharField(max_length=300,unique=True,help_text='Employee ID should not be same')
name = models.CharField(max_length=300)
username = models.CharField(max_length=50,null=True,blank=True)
email = models.EmailField(null=True,blank=True)
password = models.CharField(max_length=20,null=True,blank=True)
password_confirm = models.CharField(max_length=20,null=True,blank=True)
class EmployeeForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = employeeModel
fields = ('__all__')
User = get_user_model()
def create_view(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
form = employeeForm(request.POST or None,request.FILES or None)
if form.is_valid():
username = form.cleaned_data['username']
email = form.cleaned_data['email']
password = form.cleaned_data['password']
User= get_user_model()
user= User.objects.create_user(username=username,email=email,password=password)
return redirect('emp_list')
form = employeeForm()
return render(request,'create_employee.html',{'form':form})
Its not showing any error but User.objects.all() shows only superuser not the users i created though this form. Those users i have created in this form are are showing up in Employee.objects.get(username='foo')
So what to do? I cant login through those non_superusers. it throws invalid login error. How to fix this?

Django - How to authenticate a password with MD5 hash

So I'm trying to use the authentication method in my views, but always return "Does not exist", I'm using MD5 hash for my password field, so I don't know if thats the problem
class LoginForm(forms.Form):
email = forms.EmailField()
password = forms.CharField(widget=forms.PasswordInput)
#This Method Hash the password
def clean_password(self):
clearPassNoHash = self.cleaned_data['password']
self.password =
return self.password
def auth_login(request):
args = {}
form = LoginForm(request.POST)
email = request.POST['email']
password = request.POST['password']
user = authenticate(email=email, password=password)
if user is not None:
login(request, user)
print("Does not exist")
I've tried with check_password() method(in my forms) that actually works
but I don't know why I'm having trouble with the authenticate()
def auth_login(request):
args = {}
form = LoginForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
username = form.cleaned_data['username']
password = form.cleaned_data['password']
user = authenticate(username=username, password=password)
if user is not None:
print user
print user
args['form'] = form
return render(request, 'login/login.html', args)
class LoginForm(forms.Form):
username = forms.CharField()
password = forms.CharField(widget=forms.PasswordInput)
Other observation:
I have this in my to use my custom model
AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE = 'StudentUsers.StudentRegistration'
and this is the username field I add to my model:
class StudentRegistration(AbstractBaseUser, models.Model):
username = models.CharField(max_length = 25, null=False, default="", unique=True)
You need to get the email and password from the form's cleaned_data, not from the request directly. Read more on the cleaned_data attribute from the docs :
password = form.cleaned_data['password']
You should not be hashing the password value yourself. That is what authenticate already does; so in effect you are hashing twice.

Django. Best way to have unique email in User model?

I have a UserProfile model to add some things to my User model and one thing I want to do is have unique email for users so I added an email attribute to my UserProfile model and set it to unique=True like this :
class UserProfile(models.Model):
user = models.OneToOneField(User, related_name="profile")
email = models.EmailField(unique=True)
avatar = models.ForeignKey(Avatar)
I created a custom form for the registration to add some infos directly to my UserProfile :
class CreateUserForm(forms.Form):
username = forms.CharField(max_length=30, label="Pseudo")
password1 = forms.CharField(widget=forms.PasswordInput, label="Password")
password2 = forms.CharField(widget=forms.PasswordInput, label="Confirmez pwd")
email = forms.EmailField(widget=forms.EmailInput, label="E-mail")
avatar = AvatarChoiceField(widget=forms.RadioSelect, queryset=Avatar.objects.all(), label="Avatar")
def clean_username(self):
username = self.cleaned_data.get('username')
if User.objects.filter(username=username).exists():
raise forms.ValidationError("This username is already used")
return username
def clean_password2(self):
password1 = self.cleaned_data.get('password1')
password2 = self.cleaned_data.get('password2')
if password1 != password2:
raise forms.ValidationError("Your passwords do not match")
return password1
def clean_email(self):
email = self.cleaned_data.get('email')
if UserProfile.objects.filter(email=email).exists():
raise forms.ValidationError("This email is already used")
return email
And then in my I treat my form like that :
def create_user(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
form = CreateUserForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
username = form.clean_username()
email = form.clean_email()
password = form.clean_password2()
username = form.cleaned_data['username']
avatar = form.cleaned_data['avatar']
user = User.objects.create_user(username=username, password=password)
user_profile = UserProfile(user=user, email=email, avatar=avatar)
form = CreateUserForm()
return render(request, 'accounts/create.html', locals())
Finally I used the email of the form for my UserProfile model and not for my User model. And by this way I have a unique email for my users. And it's working.
Am I doing it right or is there a better way to achieve what I want ?
You are on the right track, the only thing that doesn't look right is that you shouldn't call clean method manually like this:
# These are not needed in your view method
username = form.clean_username()
email = form.clean_email()
password = form.clean_password2()
They are already called by form.is_valid(). See this SO question for details.

Custom authentication not logging in user with correct password

I have a user in my database with the login and password jimrox. I'm trying to log him in with this view:
def login(request):
email = request.POST.get("email", "")
password = request.POST.get("password", "")
user = authenticate(username=email, password=password)
My custom authentication looks partly like this:
class login(object):
def authenticate(self, username=None, password=None):
# auth user based on email
user = Freelancer.objects.get(email=username)
if user.check_password(password):
return user
except User.DoesNotExist:
return None
When the user attempts to check_password() it doesn't return the user even though the password is correct. Am I meant to create my own check_password() function in the model?
Here is my model also:
class FreelancerManager(BaseUserManager):
def create_user(self, email, date_of_birth, password=None):
Creates and saves a User with the given email, date of
birth and password.
if not email:
raise ValueError('Users must have an email address')
user = self.model(
return user
class Freelancer(AbstractBaseUser):
email = models.EmailField()
first_name = models.CharField(max_length=128, primary_key=True)
surname = models.CharField(max_length=128)
university = models.CharField(max_length=256)
verified = models.BooleanField(default=False)
created_date = models.DateTimeField(
If I am meant to create my own password check, how would I do that? This is with 1.8 also.
Here is how I add my users to the database:
def freelancer_signup(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
form = FreelancerForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
freelancer =
return render(request, 'freelancestudent/index.html')
return render(request, 'freelancestudent/index.html')
form = FreelancerForm()
return render(request, 'freelancestudent/freelancersignup.html', {'form': form})
from django import forms
from models import Freelancer
class FreelancerForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Freelancer
password = forms.CharField(widget=forms.PasswordInput)
fields = ('email', 'first_name', 'surname', 'university', 'password')

Django: Created django user that are extended with my django model field

Here it's my django model
class student(User):
name = models.CharField(max_length = 200)
phone_no = models.BigIntegerField()
email_id = models.EmailField()
version = models.IntegerField()
now I want to register user that are extend by my model fields.
here its my student register code
def registerStudent(request):
print request.body
if request.body:
dataDictionary = json.loads(request.body)
username = dataDictionary['username']
first_name = dataDictionary['first_name']
last_name = dataDictionary['last_name']
email = dataDictionary['email']
password = dataDictionary['password']
password1 = dataDictionary['password1']
user.username = username
user.first_name = first_name
user.last_name = last_name = email
if password == password1:
return HttpResponse(json.dumps([{"validation": "Password does not match", "status": False}]), content_type="application/json")
here something wrong
I want to take json as a input and create user using above model field.
I seems that you only save the user when the passwords don't match, after the return. Move the "" line one tab to the left.
The code should be:
if password == password1:
return HttpResponse(json.dumps([{"validation": "Password does not match"
,"status": False}])
Now the user will be saved when password = password1, if that what you want.
