fsum for numpy.arrays, stable summation - python

I have a number of multidimensional numpy.arrays with small values
that I need to add up with little numerical error. For floats, there is math.fsum (with its implementation here), which has always served me well. numpy.sum isn't stable enough.
How can I get a stable summation for numpy.arrays?
This is for the quadpy package. The arrays of small values are the evaluations of a function at specific points of (many) intervals, times their weights. The sum of these is an approximation of the integral of said function over the intervals.

Alright then, I've implemented accupy which gives a few stable summation algorithms.
Here's a quick and dirty implementation of Kahan summation for numpy arrays. Notice, however, that it is not not very accurate for ill-conditioned sums.
def kahan_sum(a, axis=0):
'''Kahan summation of the numpy array along an axis.
s = numpy.zeros(a.shape[:axis] + a.shape[axis+1:])
c = numpy.zeros(s.shape)
for i in range(a.shape[axis]):
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/42817610/353337
y = a[(slice(None),) * axis + (i,)] - c
t = s + y
c = (t - s) - y
s = t.copy()
return s
It does the job, but it's slow because it's Python-looping over the axis-th dimension.


How better perform Pearson R from 2 arrays of dimensions (m, n) and (n), returning an array of (m) size? [Python, NumPy, SciPy]

I'm trying to improve a simple algorithm to obtaining the Pearson correlation coefficient from two arrays, X(m, n) and Y(n), returning me another array R of dimension (m).
In the case, I want to know the behavior each row of X regarding the values of Y. A sample (working) code is presented below:
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import pearsonr
m, n = 10, 5
x = 100*np.random.rand(m, n)
y = 2 + 2*x.mean(0)
r = np.empty(m)
for i in range(m):
r[i] = pearsonr(x[i], y)[0]
For this particular case, I get: r = array([0.95272843, -0.69134753, 0.36419159, 0.27467137, 0.76887201, 0.08823868, -0.72608421, -0.01224453, 0.58375626, 0.87442889])
For small values of m (near 10k) this runs pretty fast, but I'm starting to work with m ~ 30k, and so this is taking much longer than I expected. I'm aware I could implement multiprocessing/multi-threading but I believe there's a (better) pythonic way of doing this.
I tried to use use pearsonr(x, np.ones((m, n))*y), but it returns only (nan, nan).
pearsonr only supports 1D array internally. Moreover, it computes the p-values which is not used here. Thus, it would be more efficient not to compute it if possible. Additionally, the code also recompute the y vector every time and it does not efficiently make use of vectorized Numpy operations. This is why the computation is a bit slow. You can check this in the code here.
One way to compute this is by writing your own custom implementation based on the one of Scipy:
def multi_pearsonr(x, y):
xmean = x.mean(axis=1)
ymean = y.mean()
xm = x - xmean[:,None]
ym = y - ymean
normxm = np.linalg.norm(xm, axis=1)
normym = np.linalg.norm(ym)
return np.clip(np.dot(xm/normxm[:,None], ym/normym), -1.0, 1.0)
It is 450 times faster on my machine for m = 10_000.
Note that I did not keep the checks of the Scipy code, but it may be a good idea to keep them if your input is not guaranteed to be statistically safe (ie. well formatted for the computation of the Pearson test).

Python: How can I test for a relatively straight line in a series of cubic lines?

I have a collection of curved lines, representing the third degree polynomial line of best fit for some datasets.
I want to differentiate relatively flat lines, filtering these plots, for further analyses.
For example I want to filter subplots 20935, 21004, 21010, 18761, 21037.
How can I do this, with a list of floats as input for these lines?
(using Python 3.8, Numpy, Math, mathplotlib in an anaconda env)
If you have got a list of xs and their respective ys, you can compute the slope for each point and check if the slope is always a constant value.
threshold = 0.001 # add your precision here. zero indicates a perfect straight line
is_straight_line = True
slope = (y[1]-y[0]) / (x[1] - x[0])
for i, (xval, yval) in enumerate(zip(x[2:], y[2:])):
s = (yval - y[i-1]) / (xval - x[i-1])
if abs(s - slope) > threshold:
is_straight_line = False
if you need the computation to be efficient, you should consider using numpy instead.
Knowledge of first-year calculus is assumed. There's a geometric property called "curvature" that basically determines how much a shape bends at a certain point (really the inverse of the radius of the osculating circle at that point).
We can use this link to develop a formula for a cubic function with coefficients [a, b, c, d] at x = x.
def cubic_curvature(a, b, c, d, x):
k = abs(6*a*x + 2*b) / (1 + (3*a*x**2 + 2*b*x + c)**2) ** 1.5
return k
More general algorithms can be created for any polynomial, possibly with assistance from the sympy library depending on your needs.
With this in mind, you can set some threshold for curvature that determines whether the cubic is "straight" enough given its coefficients (I believe scipy or similar should be able to give you these from a list of points) and the x-value to be evaluated at (try the median independent variable).

How to best get a sample from a truncated normal distribution?

I have done some searching but I cannot seem to be able to find a reasonable way to sample from a truncated normal distribution.
Without truncation I was doing:
samples = [np.random.normal(loc=x,scale=d) for (x,d) in zip(X,D)]
X and D being lists of floats.
Currently I am implementing truncation as such:
def truncnorm(loc,scale,bounds):
s = np.random.normal(loc,scale)
if s > bounds[1]:
return bounds[1]
elif s < bounds[0]:
return bounds[0]
return s
samples = [truncnorm(loc=x,scale=d,bounds=b) for (x,d,b) in zip(X,D,bounds)]
bounds being a list of tuples (min,max)
This approach feels a little awkward, so I'm wondering if there is a better way?
Returning the value of the bounds for samples outside them, will result in too many samples falling on the bounds. This is not representative of the actual distribution. The values on the bounds need to be rejected and replaced by a new sample. Such code could be:
def test_truncnorm(loc, scale, bounds):
while True:
s = np.random.normal(loc, scale)
if bounds[0] <= s <= bounds[1]:
return s
This can be extremely slow given narrow bounds.
Scipy's truncnorm handles such cases more efficiently. A bit surprisingly, the bounds are expressed in function of the standard normal, so your call would be:
s = scipy.stats.truncnorm.rvs((bounds[0]-loc)/scale, (bounds[1]-loc)/scale, loc=loc, scale=scale)
Note that scipy works much faster when making use of numpy's vectorization and broadcasting. And once you're used to the notation, it also looks simpler to write and read. All samples can be calculated in one go as:
X = np.array(X)
D = np.array(D)
bounds = np.array(bounds)
samples = scipy.stats.truncnorm.rvs((bounds[:, 0] - X) / D, (bounds[:, 1] - X) / D, loc=X, scale=D)

Derivative of an array in python?

Currently I have two numpy arrays: x and y of the same size.
I would like to write a function (possibly calling numpy/scipy... functions if they exist):
def derivative(x, y, n = 1):
# something
return result
where result is a numpy array of the same size of x and containing the value of the n-th derivative of y regarding to x (I would like the derivative to be evaluated using several values of y in order to avoid non-smooth results).
This is not a simple problem, but there are a lot of methods that have been devised to handle it. One simple solution is to use finite difference methods. The command numpy.diff() uses finite differencing where you can specify the order of the derivative.
Wikipedia also has a page that lists the needed finite differencing coefficients for different derivatives of different accuracies. If the numpy function doesn't do what you want.
Depending on your application you can also use scipy.fftpack.diff which uses a completely different technique to do the same thing. Though your function needs a well defined Fourier transform.
There are lots and lots and lots of variants (e.g. summation by parts, finite differencing operators, or operators designed to preserve known evolution constants in your system of equations) on both of the two ideas above. What you should do will depend a great deal on what the problem is that you are trying to solve.
The good thing is that there is a lot of work has been done in this field. The Wikipedia page for Numerical Differentiation has some resources (though it is focused on finite differencing techniques).
The findiff project is a Python package that can do derivatives of arrays of any dimension with any desired accuracy order (of course depending on your hardware restrictions). It can handle arrays on uniform as well as non-uniform grids and also create generalizations of derivatives, i.e. general linear combinations of partial derivatives with constant and variable coefficients.
Would something like this solve your problem?
def get_inflection_points(arr, n=1):
returns inflextion points from array
arr: array
n: n-th discrete difference
inflections = []
dx = 0
for i, x in enumerate(np.diff(arr, n)):
if x >= dx and i > 0:
dx = x
return inflections

On ordinary differential equations (ODE) and optimization, in Python

I want to solve this kind of problem:
dy/dt = 0.01*y*(1-y), find t when y = 0.8 (0<t<3000)
I've tried the ode function in Python, but it can only calculate y when t is given.
So are there any simple ways to solve this problem in Python?
PS: This function is just a simple example. My real problem is so complex that can't be solve analytically. So I want to know how to solve it numerically. And I think this problem is more like an optimization problem:
Objective function y(t) = 0.8, Subject to dy/dt = 0.01*y*(1-y), and 0<t<3000
PPS: My real problem is:
objective function: F(t) = 0.85,
subject to: F(t) = sqrt(x(t)^2+y(t)^2+z(t)^2),
x''(t) = (1/F(t)-1)*250*x(t),
y''(t) = (1/F(t)-1)*250*y(t),
z''(t) = (1/F(t)-1)*250*z(t)-10,
x(0) = 0, y(0) = 0, z(0) = 0.7,
x'(0) = 0.1, y'(0) = 1.5, z'(0) = 0,
This differential equation can be solved analytically quite easily:
dy/dt = 0.01 * y * (1-y)
rearrange to gather y and t terms on opposite sides
100 dt = 1/(y * (1-y)) dy
The lhs integrates trivially to 100 * t, rhs is slightly more complicated. We can always write a product of two quotients as a sum of the two quotients * some constants:
1/(y * (1-y)) = A/y + B/(1-y)
The values for A and B can be worked out by putting the rhs on the same denominator and comparing constant and first order y terms on both sides. In this case it is simple, A=B=1. Thus we have to integrate
1/y + 1/(1-y) dy
The first term integrates to ln(y), the second term can be integrated with a change of variables u = 1-y to -ln(1-y). Our integrated equation therefor looks like:
100 * t + C = ln(y) - ln(1-y)
not forgetting the constant of integration (it is convenient to write it on the lhs here). We can combine the two logarithm terms:
100 * t + C = ln( y / (1-y) )
In order to solve t for an exact value of y, we first need to work out the value of C. We do this using the initial conditions. It is clear that if y starts at 1, dy/dt = 0 and the value of y never changes. Thus plug in the values for y and t at the beginning
100 * 0 + C = ln( y(0) / (1 - y(0) )
This will give a value for C (assuming y is not 0 or 1) and then use y=0.8 to get a value for t. Note that because of the logarithm and the factor 100 multiplying t y will reach 0.8 within a relatively short range of t values, unless the initial value of y is incredibly small. It is of course also straightforward to rearrange the equation above to express y in terms of t, then you can plot the function as well.
Edit: Numerical integration
For a more complexed ODE which cannot be solved analytically, you will have to try numerically. Initially we only know the value of the function at zero time y(0) (we have to know at least that in order to uniquely define the trajectory of the function), and how to evaluate the gradient. The idea of numerical integration is that we can use our knowledge of the gradient (which tells us how the function is changing) to work out what the value of the function will be in the vicinity of our starting point. The simplest way to do this is Euler integration:
y(dt) = y(0) + dy/dt * dt
Euler integration assumes that the gradient is constant between t=0 and t=dt. Once y(dt) is known, the gradient can be calculated there also and in turn used to calculate y(2 * dt) and so on, gradually building up the complete trajectory of the function. If you are looking for a particular target value, just wait until the trajectory goes past that value, then interpolate between the last two positions to get the precise t.
The problem with Euler integration (and with all other numerical integration methods) is that its results are only accurate when its assumptions are valid. Because the gradient is not constant between pairs of time points, a certain amount of error will arise for each integration step, which over time will build up until the answer is completely inaccurate. In order to improve the quality of the integration, it is necessary to use more sophisticated approximations to the gradient. Check out for example the Runge-Kutta methods, which are a family of integrators which remove progressive orders of error term at the cost of increased computation time. If your function is differentiable, knowing the second or even third derivatives can also be used to reduce the integration error.
Fortunately of course, somebody else has done the hard work here, and you don't have to worry too much about solving problems like numerical stability or have an in depth understanding of all the details (although understanding roughly what is going on helps a lot). Check out http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.integrate.ode.html#scipy.integrate.ode for an example of an integrator class which you should be able to use straightaway. For instance
from scipy.integrate import ode
def deriv(t, y):
return 0.01 * y * (1 - y)
my_integrator = ode(deriv)
t = 0.1 # start with a small value of time
while t < 3000:
y = my_integrator.integrate(t)
if y > 0.8:
print "y(%f) = %f" % (t, y)
t += 0.1
This code will print out the first t value when y passes 0.8 (or nothing if it never reaches 0.8). If you want a more accurate value of t, keep the y of the previous t as well and interpolate between them.
As an addition to Krastanov`s answer:
Aside of PyDSTool there are other packages, like Pysundials and Assimulo which provide bindings to the solver IDA from Sundials. This solver has root finding capabilites.
Use scipy.integrate.odeint to handle your integration, and analyse the results afterward.
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
ts = np.arange(0,3000,1) # time series - start, stop, step
def rhs(y,t):
return 0.01*y*(1-y)
y0 = np.array([1]) # initial value
ys = odeint(rhs,y0,ts)
Then analyse the numpy array ys to find your answer (dimensions of array ts matches ys). (This may not work first time because I am constructing from memory).
This might involve using the scipy interpolate function for the ys array, such that you get a result at time t.
EDIT: I see that you wish to solve a spring in 3D. This should be fine with the above method; Odeint on the scipy website has examples for systems such as coupled springs that can be solved for, and these could be extended.
What you are asking for is a ODE integrator with root finding capabilities. They exist and the low-level code for such integrators is supplied with scipy, but they have not yet been wrapped in python bindings.
For more information see this mailing list post that provides a few alternatives: http://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/scipy-user/2010-March/024890.html
You can use the following example implementation which uses backtracking (hence it is not optimal as it is a bolt-on addition to an integrator that does not have root finding on its own): https://github.com/scipy/scipy/pull/4904/files
