Python - Coordinates of an array - python

I'm sorry, I think this is a really trivial question, but...
I have a binary Numpy array, mostly zeros with a few ones. I would like to find the coordinates of all the locations where myArray[myArray == 1]
Please can you help me?

I guess, should work (assuming its numpy array, based on your indexing example)

If you are using a list (rather than a numpy array), this answer uses enumerate in both a loop and list comprehension:


What does indices!= index_to_remove mean?

I’m supposed to write a helper function that returns a list with an element removed by the value, in an unchanged order. In this case, I don't have to remove any values multiple times.
This is the picture
image of the code
And how do I understand the code here: new_indices= np.delete(indices,np.where(indices==index_to_remove))
Would highly appreciate it if there are examples to help me better understand the code.
indices!=index_to_remove evaluates to an array of booleans, and we are using that boolean array to mask indices. See the numpy docs here

Slicing a 2D numpy array using vectors for start-stop indices

First post here, so please go easy on me. :)
I want to vectorize the following:
rowStart=array of length N
colStart=array of length N
x=np.random.rand(512,512) #dummy test array
for i in range(N):
output[i,:,:]=x[ rowStart[i]:rowStop[i], colStart[i]:colStop[i] ]
What I'd like to be able to do is something like:
output=x[rowStart:rowStop, colStart:colStop ]
where numpy recognizes that the slicing indices are vectors and broadcasts the slicing. I understand that this probably doesn't work because while I know that my slice output is always the same size, numpy doesn't.
I've looked at various approaches, including "fancy" or "advanced" indexing (which seems to work for indexing, not slicing), massive boolean indexing using meshgrids (not practical from a memory standpoint, as my N can get to 50k-100k), and np.take, which just seems to be another way of doing fancy/advanced indexing.
I could see how I could potentially use fancy/advanced indexing if I could get an array that looks like:
and a similar one for columns, but I'm also having trouble figuring out a vectorized approach for creating that.
I'd appreciate any advice you can provide.
We can leverage np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided based scikit-image's view_as_windows to get sliding windows and hence solve our case here. More info on use of as_strided based view_as_windows.
from skimage.util.shape import view_as_windows
BSZ = (4, 4) # block size
w = view_as_windows(x, BSZ)
out = w[rowStart, colStart]

python array initialisation (preallocation) with nans

I want to initialise an array that will hold some data. I have created a random matrix (using np.empty) and then multiplied it by np.nan. Is there anything wrong with that? Or is there a better practice that I should stick to?
To further explain my situation: I have data I need to store in an array. Say I have 8 rows of data. The number of elements in each row is not equal, so my matrix row length needs to be as long as the longest row. In other rows, some elements will not be filled. I don't want to use zeros since some of my data might actually be zeros.
I realise I can use some value I know my data will never, but nans is definitely clearer. Just wondering if that can cause any issues later with processing. I realise I need to use nanmax instead of max and so on.
I have created a random matrix (using np.empty) and then multiplied it by np.nan. Is there anything wrong with that? Or is there a better practice that I should stick to?
You can use np.full, for example:
np.full((100, 100), np.nan)
However depending on your needs you could have a look at for masked arrays or scipy.sparse for sparse matrices. It may or may not be suitable, though. Either way you may need to use different functions from the corresponding module instead of the normal numpy ufuncs.
A way I like to do it which probably isn't the best but it's easy to remember is adding a 'nans' method to the numpy object this way:
import numpy as np
def nans(n):
return np.array([np.nan for i in range(n)])
and now you can simply use np.nans as if it was the np.zeros:

The efficient way of Array transformation by using numpy

How to change the ARRAY U(Nz,Ny, Nx) to U(Nx,Ny, Nz) by using numpy? thanks
Just numpy.transpose(U) or U.T.
In general, if you want to change the order of data in numpy array, see
The np.fliplr() and np.flipud() functions can be particularly useful when the transpose is not actually what you want.
Additionally, more general element reordering can be done by creating an index mask, partially explained here

Minimizing an array and value in Python

I have a vector of floats (coming from an operation on an array) and a float value (which is actually an element of the array, but that's unimportant), and I need to find the smallest float out of them all.
I'd love to be able to find the minimum between them in one line in a 'Pythony' way.
MinVec = N[i,:] + N[:,j]
Answer = min(min(MinVec),N[i,j])
Clearly I'm performing two minimisation calls, and I'd love to be able to replace this with one call. Perhaps I could eliminate the vector MinVec as well.
As an aside, this is for a short program in Dynamic Programming.
EDIT: My apologies, I didn't specify I was using numpy. The variable N is an array.
You can append the value, then minimize. I'm not sure what the relative time considerations of the two approaches are, though - I wouldn't necessarily assume this is faster:
Answer = min(np.append(MinVec, N[i, j]))
This is the same thing as the answer above but without using numpy.
Answer = min(MinVec.append(N[i, j]))
