Executing script from Alexa trigger - python

I've been working with the example-minimal.py script from https://github.com/toddmedema/echo and need to alter it so that rather than printing the status changes to the terminal, it executes another script.
I'm a rank amateur but eager to learn and even more eager to get this project done.
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!!
""" fauxmo_minimal.py - Fabricate.IO
This is a demo python file showing what can be done with the debounce_handler.
The handler prints True when you say "Alexa, device on" and False when you say
"Alexa, device off".
If you have two or more Echos, it only handles the one that hears you more clearly.
You can have an Echo per room and not worry about your handlers triggering for
those other rooms.
The IP of the triggering Echo is also passed into the act() function, so you can
do different things based on which Echo triggered the handler.
import fauxmo
import logging
import time
from debounce_handler import debounce_handler
class device_handler(debounce_handler):
"""Publishes the on/off state requested,
and the IP address of the Echo making the request.
TRIGGERS = {"device": 52000}
def act(self, client_address, state, name):
print "State", state, "on ", name, "from client #", client_address
return True
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Startup the fauxmo server
fauxmo.DEBUG = True
p = fauxmo.poller()
u = fauxmo.upnp_broadcast_responder()
# Register the device callback as a fauxmo handler
d = device_handler()
for trig, port in d.TRIGGERS.items():
fauxmo.fauxmo(trig, u, p, None, port, d)
# Loop and poll for incoming Echo requests
logging.debug("Entering fauxmo polling loop")
while True:
# Allow time for a ctrl-c to stop the process
except Exception, e:
logging.critical("Critical exception: " + str(e))

I'm going to try and be helpful by going through that script and explaining what each bit does. This should help you understand what it's doing, and therefore what you need to do to get it running something else:
import fauxmo
This is a library that allows whatever device is running the script to pretend to be a Belkin WeMo; a device that is triggerable by the Echo.
import logging
import time
from debounce_handler import debounce_handler
This is importing some more libraries that the script will need. Logging will be used for logging things, which is useful for debugging, time will be used to cause the script to pause so that you can quit it by typing ctrl-c, and the debounce_handler library will be used to keep multiple Echos from reacting to the same voice command (which would cause a software bounce).
Configures a logger that will allow events to be logged to assist in debugging.
class device_handler(debounce_handler):
"""Publishes the on/off state requested,
and the IP address of the Echo making the request.
TRIGGERS = {"device": 52000}
def act(self, client_address, state, name):
print "State", state, "on ", name, "from client #", client_address
return True
We've created a class called device_handler which contains a dictionary called TRIGGERS and a function called act.
act takes a number of variables as input; self (any data structures in the class, such as our TRIGGERS dictionary), client_address, state, and name. We don't know what these are yet, but the names are quite self explanatory, so we can guess that client_address is probably going to be the IP address of the Echo, *state" that it is in, and name will be its name. This is the function that you're going to want to edit, since it is the final function triggered by the Echo. You can probably just stick whatever you function you want after the print statement. The act function returns True when called.
if __name__ == "__main__":
This will execute everything indented below it if you're running the script directly. More detail about that here if you want it.
# Startup the fauxmo server
fauxmo.DEBUG = True
p = fauxmo.poller()
u = fauxmo.upnp_broadcast_responder()
As the comment suggests, this starts the fake WeMo server. We enable debugging, which just prints any debug messages to the command line, create a poller, p, which can process incoming messages, and create a upnp broadcast responder, u, which can handle UPnP device registration. We then tell u to initialise a socket, setting itself up on the network listening for UPnP devices, and add u to p so that we can respond when a broadcast is received.
# Register the device callback as a fauxmo handler
d = device_handler()
for trig, port in d.TRIGGERS.items():
fauxmo.fauxmo(trig, u, p, None, port, d)
As the comment says, this sets up an instance of the device handler class that we made earlier. Now we for-loop through the items in our TRIGGERS dictionary in our device handler d and calls fauxmo.fauxmo using the information it has found in the dictionary. If we look at the dictionary definition in the class definition we can see that there's only one entry, a trig device on port 52000. This essentially does the bulk of the work, making the actual fake WeMo device talk to the Echo. If we look at that fauxmo.fauxmo function we see that, when it receives a suitable trigger it calls the act function in the device_handler class we defined before.
# Loop and poll for incoming Echo requests
logging.debug("Entering fauxmo polling loop")
while True:
# Allow time for a ctrl-c to stop the process
except Exception, e:
logging.critical("Critical exception: " + str(e))
And here we enter the fauxmo polling loop. This indefinitely loops through the following code, checking to see if we've received a message. The code below it tries to poll for messages, to see if its received anything, then wait for a bit, then poll again. Except, if it can't do that for some reason, then the script will break and the error will be logged so you can see what went wrong.

Just to clarify; If the Fauxmo loop is running then the script is fine, right?
I think the TO is not getting any connection between the Echo and the WeMo fake device. It can help if you install the WeMo skill first. You may require an original WeMo device initially though.
I know these are old threads but it might help someone still.


Python socketio badnamespaceerror exception on one device but not working on another

Hi all I have the following code but for some reason I keep getting the following error but it seems to work on a colleagues pc. We can't seem to figure out why this won't work on mine.
We have also double checked that we're importing the same socketio using dir()
I've tried specifying the namespace both on sio.connect and in the sio.emit but still no luck!
socketio.exceptions.BadNamespaceError: / is not a connected namespace.
bearerToken = 'REDACT'
core = 'REDACT'
output = 'REDACT'
import socketio
import json
def getListeners(token, coreUrl, outputId):
sio = socketio.Client(reconnection_attempts=5, request_timeout=5)
sio.connect(url=coreUrl, transports='websocket')
def batchStats(data):
if (outputId in data['outputStats']):
listeners = data['outputStats'][outputId][16]
print("Number of listeners ", len(listeners))
ips = []
for listener in listeners:
print("Ips", ips)
def authCallback(data):
'token': token
getListeners(bearerToken, core, output)
The Socket.IO connection involves a number of exchanges between the client and the server. The connect() function initiates this process, but this continues in the background. The connection ends when the handler for your connect event is invoked. At this point you can emit.
The problem with your code is that you are not waiting until the connection handshakes are completed, so your emit() call happens before there is a connection established. The solution is to add a connect event handler, and move your emit() call there.
As an additional note, I suggest you set up your event handlers before you call the connect() function.

python : afectation sometimes ignored

I've used python on a few projects, but always rather basic stuff.
This time, I'm writting a piece of code to interact with a web server using socketIO (another company is doing the website, I "just" have to send/receive the messages on the robot side).
The problem is that, inside an event function, I change a global variable : sometimes everything seems fine, but sometimes the variable isn't changed (in that case, even if printing it from inside the fuction, it dispalays the old value)
import socketio
import time
import logging
format='%(asctime)s -- %(name)s -- %(levelname)s -- %(message)s')
sio = socketio.Client()
def connect(logger=True, engineio_logger=True):
print('connection established')
while (1==1):
dic={'battery': {'level':0}, 'location':{'lat':43.684036, 'lng':7.202622}, 'status':robot_status, 'timestamp':int(1000*time.time())}
print (dic)
sio.emit('foo.state',dic, namespace='/foo')
print('message sent')
def on_message(data):
print('I received goto message : poi=', poi)
global robot_status
global start_time_of_mission
dic={'error': True, 'message':'the robot is busy'}
print('ERROR : the robot can\'t accept POI because it is busy')
return dic
#return "OK"
dic={'OK': True}
print('POI accepted')
return dic
#return "ERROR"
dic={'error': True, 'message':'unknown destination'}
print('ERROR : unknown POI')
return dic
def disconnect():
print('disconnected from server')
sio.connect('http://my_testing_server.com', headers={}, transports=['websocket'], namespaces=['/foo'])
while (True):
if (time.time()>start_time_of_mission+60): #for testing purpose, it takes always 1 minute to reach destination
Usually, the robot_status is IDLE.
From the test website, I can send a "foo.goto" message with content {'poi' : 'somewhere'}. (nb : 'somewhere' is for now really the string 'somwhere').
When receiving this message when in IDLE state, we are supposed to go to GOING_TO_DESTINATION state.
When all goes OK (80% of the time), I get the following output :
I received goto message : poi= somewhere
POI accepted
And then, I start publishing that I'm in GOING_TO_DESTINATION status
However, sometimes (maybe 20% of the time), I get:
I received goto message : poi= somewhere
POI accepted
And then, I keep publishing that i'm in IDLE state.
Do you have any idea what might be wrong?
I would guess it has someting to do with the concurency (using events) and theway I use global variables, but I have no idea what the issue is exactly.
Thanks a lot in advance

How to intercept messages about reboot or logoff?

I tried to find information on this, but only found the WM_QUERYENDSESSION function. How can I use this to intercept reboot / shutdown messages?
import win32gui, win32con
msg = win32gui.GetMessage(None, 0, 0)
if msg and msg.message == win32con.WM_QUERYENDSESSION:
Here is an example of my code, but when I run it it doesn't handle any actions. and does not intercept shutdown messages
According to WM_QUERYENDSESSION: The WM_QUERYENDSESSION message is sent when the user chooses to end the session or when an application calls one of the system shutdown functions. A window receives this message through its WindowProc function.
So this message will only take effect when sent by the application and accepted in the WindowProc function.

Mixing Synchronous and A-sync code in Python

I'm trying to convert a synchronous flow in Python code which is based on callbacks to an A-syncronious flow using asyncio.
Basically the code interacts a lot with TCP/UNIX sockets. It reads data from the sockets, manipulates it to make decisions and writes stuff back to the other side. This is going on over multiple sockets at once and data is shared between the contexts to make decisions sometimes.
EDIT :: The code currently is mostly based on registering a callback to a central entity for a specific socket, and having that entity run the callback when the relevant socket is readable (something like "call this function when that socket has data to be read"). Once the callback is called - a bunch of stuff happens, and eventually a new callback is registered for when new data is available. The central entity runs a select over all sockets registered to figure out which callbacks should be called.
I'm trying to do this without refactoring my entire code and making this as seamless as possible to the programmer - so I was trying to think about it like so - all code should run the same way as it does today - but whenever the current code does a socket.recv() to get new data - the process would yield execution to other tasks. When the read returns, it should go back to handling the data from the same point using the new data it got.
To do this, I wrote a new class called AsyncSocket - which interacts with the IO streams of asyncIO and placed the Async/await statements almost solely in there - thinking that I would implement the recv method in my class to make it look like a "regular IO socket" to the rest of my code.
So far - this is my understanding of what A-sync programming should allow.
Now to the problem :
My code awaits for clients to connect - when it does, each client's context is allowed to read and write from it's own connection.
I've simplified to flow to the following to clarify the problem:
class AsyncSocket():
def __init__(self,reader,writer):
self.reader = reader
self.writer = writer
def recv(self,numBytes):
print("called recv!")
data = self.read_mitigator(numBytes)
return data
async def read_mitigator(self,numBytes):
print("Awaiting of AsyncSocket.reader.read")
data = await self.reader.read(numBytes)
print("Done Awaiting of AsyncSocket.reader.read data is %s " % data)
return data
def mit2(aSock):
return mit3(aSock)
def mit3(aSock):
return aSock.recv(100)
async def echo_server(reader, writer):
print ("New Connection!")
aSock = AsyncSocket(reader,writer) # create a new A-sync socket class and pass it on the to regular code
while True:
data = await some_func(aSock) # this would eventually read from the socket
print ("Data read is %s" % (data))
if not data:
writer.write(data) # echo everything back
async def main(host, port):
server = await asyncio.start_server(echo_server, host, port)
await server.serve_forever()
asyncio.run(main('', 5000))
mit2() and mit3() are synchronous functions that do stuff with the data on the way back before returning to the main client's loop - but here I'm just using them as empty functions.
The problem starts when I play with the implementation of some_func().
A pass through implementation (edit: kind-of-works) - but still has issues :
def some_func(aSock):
return (mit2(aSock)) # works
While an implementation which reads the data and does something with it - like adding a suffix before returning, throws an error:
def some_func(aSock):
return (mit2(aSock) + "something") # doesn't work
The error (as far as I understand it) means it's not really doing what it should:
New Connection!
called recv!
/Users/user/scripts/asyncServer.py:36: RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'AsyncSocket.read_mitigator' was never awaited
return (mit2(aSock) + "something") # doesn't work
RuntimeWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
Data read is None
And the echo server obviously doesn't work.
Obviously my code looks more like option #2 with a lot more stuff in some_func(),mit2() and mit3() - but I can't get this to work. I'm fairly new in using asyncio/async/await - so what (rather basic concept I guess) am I missing?
This code won't work as envisioned:
def recv(self,numBytes):
print("called recv!")
data = self.read_mitigator(numBytes)
return data
async def read_mitigator(self,numBytes):
You cannot call an async function from a sync function and get the result, you must await it, which ensures that you return to the event loop in case the data is not yet ready. This mismatch between async and sync code is sometimes referred to as the issue of function color.
Since your code is already using non-blocking sockets and an event loop, a good approach to porting it to asyncio might be to first switch to the asyncio event loop. You can use event loop methods like sock_recv to request data:
def start():
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
sock = make_socket() # make sure it's non-blocking
future_data = loop.sock_recv(sock, 1024)
# return to the event loop - when some data is ready
# continue_read will be invoked
def continue_read(future):
data = future.result()
print('got', data)
# ... do something with data, e.g. process it
# and call sock_sendall with the response
Once you have the program working in that mode, you can start moving to coroutines, which allow the code to look like sync code, but work in exactly the same way:
async def start():
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
sock = make_socket() # make sure it's non-blocking
data = await loop.sock_recv(sock, 1024)
# data is available "immediately", meaning the coroutine gets
# automatically suspended when awaiting data that is not yet
# ready, and automatically re-scheduled when the data is ready
print('got', data)
The next step can be eliminating make_socket and switching to asyncio streams.

Django send_mail "lock already in place. quitting."

I am having an issue with send_mail in Django. It has been working fine until I tried to change some Email settings to have it use an EMAIL_HOST_USER and EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD. When I did that my test emails where not sent.
I reverted back to my old email settings that did work and now it is still not sending emails. I have restarted things to make sure that my current settings are in effect. When I run the commmand 'python manage.py send_mail' to test I get this response:
acquiring lock...
lock already in place. quitting.
In looking at the code in mailer.engine:
def send_all():
Send all eligible messages in the queue.
lock = FileLock("send_mail")
logging.debug("acquiring lock...")
except AlreadyLocked:
logging.debug("lock already in place. quitting.")
except LockTimeout:
logging.debug("waiting for the lock timed out. quitting.")
start_time = time.time()
dont_send = 0
deferred = 0
sent = 0
It appears that because it gets the exception 'AlreadyLocked' it exits without sending the emails. If this is truly the case, how do I break this lock and start over?
most probably there is a "lock file" ('send_mail') in your directory - just remove it
