I am practicing on my personal project to create oop from tkinter module. I have written a code block where I try to create Label widget by imperative code line, then within a class.
from tkinter import *
var_str='result 001 ...'
class label():
def __init__(self,master,var_text):
The strangeness is if I comment out Label(app,width=33,height=1,text='res',textvariable=var_str).pack() then my object instantiation does not work out.
I would like to have a clear answer why lbl_one object gives same text result as with Label(app...) line?
because you probably forgot that u put StringVar at top then changed it to string which not work.
var_str=StringVar(master=app, value="res")
replace that line to this and comment the first label's line then the object would work fine.
Following is code for a tkinter listbox, created as a class, and saved as a module named ModListbox:
import tkinter as tk
class Lstbox(tk.Listbox):
def __init__(self,master,listname):
# insert list
# place listbox
Likewise, following is the simplest code for a main app that imports the module and displays the listbox.
import tkinter as tk
MyList = ['first','second','third','fourth','fifth']
import ModListbox
NewListbox = ModListbox.Lstbox(master=root,listname=MyList)
In order to add functionality to the listbox, the obvious approach is to load the module and create an instance of the class, then to bind the listbox to a function, as follows, within the main application code. So clicking on the listbox triggers an event.
import tkinter as tk
# function on user selection in listbox
def UserClickedNewListbox(event):
SelectedIndex = NewListbox.curselection()[0]
SelectedText = NewListbox.get(SelectedIndex)
print("You selected ", SelectedText)
MyList = ['first','second','third','fourth','fifth']
import ModListbox
NewListbox = ModListbox.Lstbox(master=root,listname=MyList)
# bind listbox to function
However, one reason among many that I'm creating tkinter widgets as classes is to keep as much code in the modules as possible, and reduce the code in the main app. So here is the same module, but with the binding and function included inside the module.
import tkinter as tk
class Lstbox(tk.Listbox):
def __init__(self,master,listname):
# insert list
# place listbox
# bind user selection to function
def UserClickedListbox(self,event):
SelectedIndex = self.curselection()[0]
# How do I trigger an action inside the main app from here?
So now, inside the module itself, a user click on the listbox triggers the function. The function 'knows' the index of the listbox clicked by the user. How, if it is possible at all, would I trigger an event inside the main application, while also passing the selected index? Is this possible? Any advice appreciated.
If I want to create a Tkinter GUI simply with statements, I can do this:
from Tkinter import *
root = Tk()
root.title("Test Window")
tkFrame = Frame(root)
tkButton = Button(tkFrame)
The documentation, however, advises that Tkinter be used with a class definition, subclassing a Frame widget:
class App(Frame):
I would like to understand why that is so. Why can't we subclass the Frame's container, the window? It appears that is what is done with statements in the first example, so why not in a class definition?
EDIT (following Bryan Oakley's answer):
I would like to instantiate at the highest level of Tkinter, which I assume to be Tk() (though I have come across references stating Frame is the top level, but never mind). Indeed, the following will create a window:
from Tkinter import *
class Application(Tk):
app = Application()
...but as soon as I try to add widgets I either get errors or two windows, with the widgets in a new window, depending on how I structure the code. Here's a basic example that will produce a second window with the button:
from Tkinter import *
class Application(Tk):
tkBtn = Button()
app = Application()
Anything more, using self, __init__, etc., produces errors. Could someone point me to working code that instantiates Tkinter at the highest level? Just like all the Frame subclasses I'm seeing, but at the highest level?
There is nothing that says a tkinter class must inherit from a frame. You can inherit from any of the tkinter widgets, or any other classs. If you have found documentation that states otherwise, that documentation is wrong. Using Frame is a logical choice since it is designed to be a container of other widgets, but it is not the only choice.
Personally I inherit from a frame because I find it convenient. Some of my GUIs need the ability to open more than one identical window. By having my main code in a Frame I am able to create multiple windows simply by creating multiple instances of the frame, and packing them in Toplevel widgets.
When you inherit from Tk, you can only have a single instance. In the real world that's usually enough, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with doing it that way. Since I personally write a fair number of tkinter programs, having them all start out exactly the same is convenient for me.
Another good choice is a Canvas since you can easily add a background image, which is not something you can do with a Frame.
Bottom line: you are absolutely not required to inherit from Frame. Inherit from whatever you want.
(the following was written in response to an edit of the original question)
In reference to this code:
from Tkinter import *
class Application(Tk):
tkBtn = Button()
app = Application()
The reason you see two windows is that you're not creating the class properly. You need to call the __init__ method of the superclass before creating widgets, because that's what actually creates the root window. Because you don't, you end up with two windows. You get one that is created implicitly when you add a button to a not-yet-constructed root window, and you get another when your subclass finishes initializing.
The solution is to not take shortcuts, and instead initialize the class properly:
from Tkinter import *
class Application(Tk):
def __init__(self):
tkBtn = Button()
app = Application()
Note that this isn't a tkinter-specific problem. When subclassing, unless you have explicit reasons to do otherwise, you always should call the __init__ method of the superclass.
You asked for working examples, here are a couple:
You might also want to read the responses in the question Inheriting from Frame or not in a Tkinter application
I'm new to programming, Python, this website, and actually using these kinds of websites in general, so hear me out.
I've been writing a module for a larger program using the tkinter module and ttk module, and when I import my own module into the main program, for some reason none of the ttk stuff works as it should. I mean, it appears, but the style I've written for it (s=ttk.Style(); s.configure...etc.) doesn't change it in anyway. When I run the module on its own, everything works fine. When it's imported into the main program, it just doesn't.
Not only this, but when using entry boxes, I've only just discovered that the way I'd been told to use them, with, for example, var=StringVar() as the textvariable (which again works fine when the module is run on its own), now just leaves the variable var as empty when var.get() is called. Now I've sorted this by just removing all mention of StringVar() (wish I'd known how redundant these really are), but I'd still like to know why importing them in to the main program causes them to malfunction so badly. I would give you some sample code but there's so much I'd struggle to be selective enough...
I'd appreciate any guidance you can offer.
EDIT: Would giving you something like this have helped?
import sys
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
import time
from random import randint, choice
class Decimals():
def Question1(self):
frame1=ttk.Frame(DECmaster, height=height, width=width, style="NewFrame.TFrame")
Q1Label=ttk.Label(frame1, text="Question 1:", style="TitleLabel.TLabel")
Q1Label.grid(column=0, row=0, pady=(50,0))
entry1=ttk.Entry(frame1, textvariable=answer)
entry1.grid(column=0, row=1, pady=(200,0))
# Typing in Hello should give a correct answer.
def Question1Attempt():
if attempt!="Hello":
button=ttk.Button(frame1, text="Ok", command=Question1Attempt)
button.grid(column=0, row=2, pady=(30,0))
def Start():
global DECmaster
global s
global DECFrame
global DEC
global width
global height
DECmaster = Tk()
s.configure("NewFrame.TFrame", background="#8afff0")
s.configure("TitleLabel.TLabel", foreground= "blue", background="#8afff0")
DECFrame=ttk.Frame(DECmaster, style="NewFrame.TFrame")
TitleLabel=ttk.Label(DECFrame, text="Test for Decimals", style="TitleLabel.TLabel")
TitleLabel.grid(column=1, row=0, pady=(50,0), sticky=N)
button=ttk.Button(DECFrame, text="Start", command=DEC.Question1)
button.grid(column=2, row=2, pady=(200,0), sticky=N)
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
import time
import stackoverflowmodule
root = Tk()
s.configure("NewFrame.TFrame", background="#8afff0")
s.configure("TitleLabel.TLabel", foreground= "blue", background="#8afff0")
Testframe=ttk.Frame(root, height=height, width=width, style="NewFrame.TFrame")
Titlelabel=ttk.Label(Testframe, text="Start Test:", style="TitleLabel.TLabel")
Titlelabel.grid(column=0, row=0, pady=(50,0))
def StartTest():
button=ttk.Button(Testframe, text="Start", command=StartTest)
button.grid(column=0, row=1, pady=(100,0))
I realise there's an awful lot there, but I couldn't really demonstrate my point without it all. Thanks again.
The root of your problem is that you're creating more than once instance of Tk. A Tkinter app can only have a single instance of of the Tk class, and you must call mainloop exactly once. If you need additional windows you should create instances of Toplevel (http://effbot.org/tkinterbook/toplevel.htm).
If you want to create modules with reusable code, have your modules create subclasses of Frame (or Toplevel if you're creating dialos). Then, your main script will create an instance of Tk, and place these frames in the main window or in subwindows.
If you want to sometimes use your module as a reusable component and sometimes as a runnable program, put the "runnable program" part inside a special if statement:
# module1.py
import Tkinter as tk
class Module1(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
label = tk.Label(self, text="I am module 1")
label.pack(side="top", fill="both", expand=True)
# this code will not run if this module is imported
if __name__ == "__main__":
root = tk.Tk()
m1 = Module1(root)
m1.pack(side="top", fill="both", expand=True)
In the above code, if you run it like python module1.py, the code in that final if statement will run. It will create a root window, create an instance of your frame, and make that frame fill the main window.
If, however, you import the above code into another program, the code in the if statement will not run, so you don't get more than one instance of Tk.
Let's assume you have two modules like the above, and want to write a program that uses them, and each should go in a separate window. You can do that by writing a third script that uses them both:
# main.py
import Tkinter as tk
from module1 import Module1
from module2 import Module2
# create the main window; every Tkinter app needs
# exactly one instance of this class
root = tk.Tk()
m1 = Module1(root)
m1.pack(side="top", fill="both", expand=True)
# create a second window
second = tk.Toplevel(root)
m2 = Module2(second)
m2.pack(side="top", fill="both", expand=True)
# run the event loop
With the above, you have code in two modules that can be used in three ways: as standalone programs, as separate frames within a single window, or as separate frames within separate windows.
You can't create two instances of tkinter.Tk. If you do, one of two things will happen.
Most of the code in the script may just not run, because it's waiting for the module's mainloop to finish, which doesn't happen until you quit.
If you structure things differently, you'll end up with two Tk instances, only one of which is actually running. Some of the code in your script will happen to find the right Tk instance (or the right actual Tk objects under the covers), because there's a lot of shared global stuff that just assumes there's one Tk "somewhere or other" and manages to find. But other code will find the wrong one, and just have no effect. Or, occasionally, things will have the wrong effect, or cause a crash, or who knows what.
You need to put the top-level application in one place, either the module or the script that uses it, and have the other place access it from there.
One way to do this is to write the module in such a way that its code can be called with a Tk instance. Then, use the __main__ trick so that, if you run the module directly as a script (rather than importing it from another script), it creates a Tk instance and calls that code. Here's a really simple example.
from tkinter import *
def say_hi():
print("Hello, world!")
def create_interface(window):
hi = Button(window, text='Hello', command=say_hi)
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = Tk()
from tkinter import *
import tkmodule
i = 0
def count():
global i
i += 1
def create_interface(window):
countbtn = Button(window, text='Count', command=count)
root = Tk()
window = Toplevel(root)
Now, when you run tkscript.py, it owns one Tk instance, and passes it to its own create_frame and to tkmodule.create_frame. But if you just run tkmodule.py, it owns a Tk instance, which it passes to its own create_frame. Either way, there's exactly one Tk instance, and one main loop, and everyone gets to use it.
Notice that if you want two top-level windows, you have to explicitly create a Toplevel somewhere. (And you don't want to always create one in tkmodule.py, or when you run the module itself, it'll create a new window and leave the default window sitting around empty.)
Of course an even simpler way to do this is to put all of your GUI stuff into modules that never create their own Tk instance, and write scripts that import the appropriate modules and drive them.
from Tkinter import *
from tkFileDialog import askopenfilename
from PIL import Image
def main():
filename = askopenfilename(filetypes=[("Jpeg","*.jpg")])
return filename
root = Tk()
button = Button(root,text="Open",command=main)
root.title("Image Manipulation Program")
I am kind of a newbie at programming in general, but I am trying to make an imaging program through the Tkinter GUI library. What I need to be able to do in the code above is return the string that is stored in filename so it is in the global scope of the program and I am able to use it. The problem is I don't know how to do this when calling the function with a button. I cannot find the answer to this problem on any website so I would appreciate anybody's help with this problem.
If you use the class based approach to Tk applications, instead of returning values from event handlers, you can assign them to instance variables. This the best approach, as function-based GUI applications don't scale well precisely because the need to place stuff at module scope.
from Tkinter import *
class Application(Frame):
def main(self):
self.filename = askopenfilename(filetypes=[("Jpeg","*.jpg")])
def createWidgets(self):
self.button = Button(root,text="Open",command=self.main)
def __init__(self, master=None):
Frame.__init__(self, master)
self.filename = None
root = Tk()
root.title("Image Manipulation Program")
app = Application(master=root)
Generally, it is bad practice to use global variables to pass information around your program. However, if you really must do this, use a mutable data type (such as a list or a dict) as your global variable and change its contents from your callback function, main.
returned_values = {} # Create an empty dict.
def main():
returned_values['filename'] = askopenfilename(filetypes=[("Jpeg","*.jpg")])
# returned_values['filename'] may now be accessed in the global scope.
If you intend to do this frequently, consider implementing your own class to pass information around.