I have a application that converts from one photo format to another by inputting in cmd.exe following: "AppConverter.exe" "file.tiff" "file.jpeg"
But since i don't want to input this every time i want a photo converted, i would like a script that converts all files in the folder. So far i have this:
def start(self):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk("C:\\Users\\x\\Desktop\\converter"):
for file in files:
if file.endswith(".tiff"):
subprocess.run(['AppConverter.exe', '.tiff', '.jpeg'])
So how do i get the names of all the files and put them in subprocess. I am thinking taking basename (no ext.) for every file and pasting it in .tiff and .jpeg, but im at lost on how to do it.
I think the fastest way would be to use the glob module for expressions:
import glob
import subprocess
for file in glob.glob("*.tiff"):
subprocess.run(['AppConverter.exe', file, file[:-5] + '.jpeg'])
# file will be like 'test.tiff'
# file[:-5] will be 'test' (we remove the last 5 characters, so '.tiff'
# we add '.jpeg' to our extension-less string
All those informations are on the post I've linked in the comments o your original question.
You could try looking into os.path.splitext(). That allows you to split the file name into a tuple containing the basename and extension. That might help...
Say I have a file that contains the different locations where some '.wav' files are present on a server. For example say the content of the text file location.txt containing the locations of the wav files is this
Now what I want to do is that I want to copy these files from different locations within the server to a particular directory within that server, for example say /home/user/final_audio_folder/ and this directory will contain all the audio files from audio1.wav to audio5.wav
I am trying to perform this task by using shutil, but the main problem with shutil that I am facing is that while copying the files, I need to name the file. I have written a demo version of what I am trying to do, but dont know how to scale it when I will be reading the paths of the '.wav' files from the txt file and copy them to my desired location using a loop.
My code for copying a single file goes as follows,
import shutil
original = r'/home/user/test_audio_folder_1/audio1.wav'
Any suggestions will be really helpful. Thank you.
import shutil
with open(r'C:/Users/turing/Desktop/location.txt', "r") as infile:
for t in infile:
original= r'{}'.format(t)
target=r'C:/Users/turing/Desktop/audio_in/' + x
shutil.copyfile(original, target)
Use the built-in string's split() method within a for loop on the location.txt contents & split the name of the directory on the '/' character, then the last element in a new list would be your filename.
I am trying to load a dataset for my machine learning project and it requires me to load files having no extensions.
I tried :
import os
import glob
files = filter(os.path.isfile, glob.glob("./[0-9]*"))
for name in files:
with open(name) as fh:
contents = fh.read()
But doesn't return anything, mainly that glob command has nothing in it.
Also tried :
import os
import glob
path = './dataset1/training_validation/2012-07-10/'
for infile in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*')):
file = open(infile, 'r')
but this returns [] because of that glob command.
I'm stuck in here and couldn't find anything over the internet.
My actual problem is to load 'no extension files in a training and testing set' from two folders, validation, and the test itself. I can iterate through the folder but don't know how to handle those file types.
When I open those files in a text editor. it shows me something like this.
So I know that it's a binary format of an image, but have no idea how can I store and train them.
any help would be appreciated. thanks.
Two things:
File extensions (.txt , .dat , .bat, .f90, etc.) are not meaningful to python, at least when using glob or numpy or something of the sort, because it's just part of a string. Some of us are raised (within Windows) to believe that file extensions mean something (I too fell for it).
The file you are looking at is a text file, containing the ASCII representation of a binary image on 0's and 1's. So, it's not a binary file, and it's not an image file (per-se), but it is a text file, which means we can read it as such from python.
To read this in, you could do either:
1. Use numpy to do data = numpy.loadtxt(<filename>), however you might have trouble delimiting the digits.
2. Use Python's standard open function on the file, and loop through each line using for line in <file_handle>:. This way, each row of data is a string, which can be parsed easily (see documentation on string indexing).
Good luck!
IMO this simply means that your path does not exist.
Perhaps you try in a first test an absolute path to your folder, as you eventually confused the relative position of the folder to your current working directory.
I got it to work with the following code.
fileNames = [f for f in listdir(dirName) if isfile(join(dirName, f))]
for files in fileNames:
data = open(dirName+'/'+files,'r');
Thanks for your responses.
I am combining two questions here because they are related to each other.
Question 1: I am trying to use glob to open all the files in a folder but it is giving me "Syntax Error". I am using Python 3.xx. Has the syntax changed for Python 3.xx?
Error Message:
File "multiple_files.py", line 29
files = glob.glob(/src/xyz/rte/folder/)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
import csv
import os
import glob
from pandas import DataFrame, read_csv
files = glob.glob(/src/xyz/rte/folder/)
for fle in files:
with open (fle) as f:
print("output" + fle)
Question 2: I want to read input files, append "output" to the names and print out the names of the files. How can I do that?
Example: Input file name would be - xyz.csv and the code should print output_xyz.csv .
Your help is appreciated.
Your first problem is that strings, including pathnames, need to be in quotes. This:
files = glob.glob(/src/xyz/rte/folder/)
… is trying to divide a bunch of variables together, but the leftmost and rightmost divisions are missing operands, so you've confused the parser. What you want is this:
files = glob.glob('/src/xyz/rte/folder/')
Your next problem is that this glob pattern doesn't have any globs in it, so the only thing it's going to match is the directory itself.
That's perfectly legal, but kind of useless.
And then you try to open each match as a text file. Which you can't do with a directory, hence the IsADirectoryError.
The answer here is less obvious, because it's not clear what you want.
Maybe you just wanted all of the files in that directory? In that case, you don't want glob.glob, you want listdir (or maybe scandir): os.listdir('/src/xyz/rte/folder/').
Maybe you wanted all of the files in that directory or any of its subdirectories? In that case, you could do it with rglob, but os.walk is probably clearer.
Maybe you did want all the files in that directory that match some pattern, so glob.glob is right—but in that case, you need to specify what that pattern is. For example, if you wanted all .csv files, that would be glob.glob('/src/xyz/rte/folder/*.csv').
Finally, you say "I want to read input files, append "output" to the names and print out the names of the files". Why do you want to read the files if you're not doing anything with the contents? You can do that, of course, but it seems pretty wasteful. If you just want to print out the filenames with output appended, that's easy:
for filename in os.listdir('/src/xyz/rte/folder/'):
This works in http://pyfiddle.io:
Doku: https://docs.python.org/3/library/glob.html
import csv
import os
import glob
# create some files
for n in ["a","b","c","d"]:
with open('{}.txt'.format(n),"w") as f:
print("\nFiles before")
# get all files
files = glob.glob("./*.*")
for fle in files:
print(fle) # print file
path,fileName = os.path.split(fle) # split name from path
# open file for read and second one for write with modified name
with open (fle) as f,open('{}{}output_{}'.format(path,os.sep, fileName),"w") as w:
content = f.read() # read all
w.write(content.upper()) # write all modified
# check files afterwards
print("\nFiles after")
files = glob.glob("./*.*") # pattern for all files
for fle in files:
Files before
Files after
I am on windows and would use os.walk (Doku) instead.
for d,subdirs,files in os.walk("./"): # deconstruct returned aktDir, all subdirs, files
print("AktDir:", d)
print("Subdirs:", subdirs)
print("Files:", files)
AktDir: ./
Subdirs: []
Files: ['d.txt', 'output_c.txt', 'output_d.txt', 'main.py', 'output_main.py',
'c.txt', 'b.txt', 'output_b.txt', 'a.txt', 'output_a.txt']
It also recurses into subdirs.
I have a large numbers of fasta files (these are just text files) in different subfolders. What I need is a way to search through the directories for files that have the same name and concatenate these into a file with the name of the input files. I can't do this manually as I have 10000+ genes that I need to do this for.
So far I have the following Python code that looks through one of the directories and then uses those file names to search through the other directories. This returns a list that has the full path for each file.
import os
from os.path import join, abspath
path = '/directoryforfilelist/' #Directory for source list
listing = os.listdir(path)
for x in listing:
for root, dirs, files in os.walk('/rootdirectorytosearch/'):
if x in files:
pathlist = abspath(join(root,x))
Where I am stuck is how to concatenate the files it returns that have the same name. The results from this script look like this.
In this case I would need the end result to be two files named file1.fasta and file2.fasta that contain the text from each of the same named files.
Any leads on where to go from here would be appreciated. While I did this part in Python anyway that gets the job done is fine with me. This is being run on a Mac if that matters.
Not tested, but here's roughly what I'd do:
from itertools import groupby
import os
def conc_by_name(names):
for tail, group in groupby(names, key=os.path.split):
with open(tail, 'w') as out:
for name in group:
with open(name) as f:
This will create the files (file1.fasta and file2.fasta in your example) in the current folder.
For each file of your list, allocate the target file in append mode, read each line of your source file and write it to the target file.
Assuming that the target folder is empty to start with, and is not in /rootdirectorytosearch.
I am trying to execute f = open('filename') in python.
However, I dont know the full name of the file. All I know is that it starts with 's12' and ends with '.ka',I know the folder where it's located, and I know it is the only file in that folder that starts and ends with "s12" and ".ka". Is there a way to do this?
Glob is your friend:
from glob import glob
filename = glob('s12*.ka')[0]
Careful though, glob returns a list of all files matching this pattern so you might want to assert that you get the file you actually want somehow.