Perlin noise artifacts - python

I've taken the Wikipedia Perlin Noise Algorithm and implemented it in Python, here is the code:
import random
import math
from PIL import Image
from decimal import Decimal
for x in range(PERLIN_RESOLUTION + 1):
for y in range(PERLIN_RESOLUTION + 1):
angle = random.random() * 2 * math.pi
vector = (
def lerp(a0, a1, w):
return (1 - w)*a0 + w*a1
def dotGridGradient(ix, iy, x, y):
dx = x - Decimal(ix)
dy = y - Decimal(iy)
return (dx*GRADIENT[iy][ix][0] + dy*GRADIENT[iy][ix][1])
def perlin(x, y):
if x > 0.0:
x0 = int(x)
x0 = int(x) - 1
x1 = x0 + 1
if y > 0.0:
y0 = int(y)
y0 = int(y) - 1
y1 = y0 + 1
sx = x - Decimal(x0)
sy = y - Decimal(y0)
n0 = dotGridGradient(x0, y0, x, y)
n1 = dotGridGradient(x1, y0, x, y)
ix0 = lerp(n0, n1, sx)
n0 = dotGridGradient(x0, y1, x, y)
n1 = dotGridGradient(x1, y1, x, y)
ix1 = lerp(n0, n1, sx)
value = lerp(ix0, ix1, sy)
return value
pixels = image.load()
for i in range(IMAGE_SIZE):
x = Decimal(i) / IMAGE_SIZE
for j in range(IMAGE_SIZE):
y = Decimal(j) / IMAGE_SIZE
value = perlin(x * 10, y * 10)
greyscale = (value + 1) * 255 / 2
pixels[i, j] = (greyscale, greyscale, greyscale)'artifacts.png', 'PNG')
Here is the resulting image that is created by the script:
I must be missing something here, you can very clearly see the vertices. Can anyone let me know what is going wrong?

You need to use smoothstep instead of linear interpolation.
def smoothstep(a0, a1, w):
value = w*w*w*(w*(w*6 - 15) + 10)
return a0 + value*(a1 - a0)


Somthing wrong with my python implementation of phong shading with only numpy and PIL

Recently, I tried to implement Phong shading with only NumPy and PIL using python. But there is some black-and-white noise in the rendered image. Can you point out what I should do to improve my code to fix the issue?
The resulting image is as follows:
The mesh model could be downloaded from
You could try the code below by yourself.
import random
import numpy as np
import trimesh
from meshio import load_obj
from PIL import Image
def phong_shading(light_direction, view_direction, normal, material):
# Calculate the ambient color
ambient_color = material.ambient_color
# Calculate the diffuse color
diffuse_coefficient = max(, light_direction), 0)
diffuse_color = diffuse_coefficient * material.diffuse_color
# Calculate the specular color
halfway_direction = normalize(light_direction + view_direction)
specular_coefficient = max(, halfway_direction), 0)
specular_coefficient = specular_coefficient ** material.shininess
specular_color = specular_coefficient * material.specular_color
# Combine the ambient, diffuse and specular colors
final_color = specular_color + diffuse_color + ambient_color
return final_color
def normalize(v, axis=-1, epsilon=1e-12):
square_sum = np.sum(np.square(v), axis, keepdims=True)
v_inv_norm = 1. / np.sqrt(np.maximum(square_sum, epsilon))
return v * v_inv_norm
def rasterize_triangle(vertices):
# calculate the bounding box of the triangle
min_x = int(min(vertices[:, 0]))
max_x = int(max(vertices[:, 0])) + 1
min_y = int(min(vertices[:, 1]))
max_y = int(max(vertices[:, 1])) + 1
for x in range(min_x, max_x):
for y in range(min_y, max_y):
if point_in_triangle(vertices, x, y):
yield (x, y)
def is_point_in_triangle(vertices, x, y):
v0, v1, v2 = vertices
A = 1/2 * (-v1[1]*v2[0] + v0[1]*(-v1[0] + v2[0]) +
v0[0]*(v1[1] - v2[1]) + v1[0]*v2[1])
s = v0[1]*v2[0] - v0[0]*v2[1] + (v2[1] - v0[1])*x + (v0[0] - v2[0])*y
t = v0[0]*v1[1] - v0[1]*v1[0] + (v0[1] - v1[1])*x + (v1[0] - v0[0])*y
return 0 <= s and s <= A and 0 <= t and t <= A and (s + t) <= A
def point_in_triangle(vertices, x, y):
# x, y = point
v0, v1, v2 = vertices
x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 = v0[0], v0[1], v1[0], v1[1], v2[0], v2[1]
# Compute barycentric coordinates
denom = (y2 - y3) * (x1 - x3) + (x3 - x2) * (y1 - y3)
l1 = ((y2 - y3) * (x - x3) + (x3 - x2) * (y - y3)) / denom
l2 = ((y3 - y1) * (x - x3) + (x1 - x3) * (y - y3)) / denom
l3 = 1 - l1 - l2
# Check if point is inside the triangle
return 0 <= l1 <= 1 and 0 <= l2 <= 1 and 0 <= l3 <= 1
def world_to_camera_coordinates(vertices, camera_position):
''' convert from world coordinate to camera_coordinate.
this function has the assumption that the camera is looking at the origin.
and the y axis of the camera is pointing down to the ground.
vertices (np.array): the vertices of the mesh in world coordinate.
the vertices in camera coordinate.
camera_z_axis = -normalize(camera_position) # (3,)
world_z_axis = np.array([0, 0, 1])
project_y_on_z = -(-world_z_axis # camera_z_axis.T) * camera_z_axis
camera_y_axis = project_y_on_z - world_z_axis # (3,)
camera_x_axis = np.cross(camera_y_axis, camera_z_axis) # (3,)
camera_matrix = np.stack([camera_x_axis, camera_y_axis, camera_z_axis])
return (camera_matrix # (vertices - camera_position).T).T
def camera_to_screen_coordinates(vertices, width, height, fov, near_clip, far_clip):
aspect_ratio = width / height
# Create the perspective projection matrix
projection_matrix = perspective(fov, aspect_ratio, near_clip, far_clip)
# create a matrix to store the transformed vertices
transformed_vertices = np.ones((len(vertices), 4))
transformed_vertices[:, :3] = vertices
# multiply each vertex by the projection matrix
transformed_vertices = np.matmul(transformed_vertices, projection_matrix.T)
# Convert from homogeneous coordinates to screen coordinates
transformed_vertices[:, 0] = (
transformed_vertices[:, 0] / transformed_vertices[:, 3]) * (width / 2) + (width / 2)
transformed_vertices[:, 1] = (
transformed_vertices[:, 1] / transformed_vertices[:, 3]) * (height / 2) + (height / 2)
return transformed_vertices[:, :2]
def perspective(fov, aspect_ratio, near_clip, far_clip):
fov = np.radians(fov)
t = np.tan(fov / 2) * near_clip
b = -t
r = t * aspect_ratio
l = -r
projection_matrix = np.array(
[(2 * near_clip) / (r - l), 0, (r + l) / (r - l), 0],
[0, (2 * near_clip) / (t - b), (t + b) / (t - b), 0],
[0, 0, -(far_clip + near_clip) / (far_clip - near_clip),
-(2 * far_clip * near_clip) / (far_clip - near_clip)],
[0, 0, -1, 0]
return projection_matrix
def transform_to_screen_space(vertices, camera_position, img_width, img_height):
assert img_width == img_height, 'The image must be square'
# Transform the vertices to camera space
camera_vertices = world_to_camera_coordinates(vertices, camera_position)
# Transform the vertices to perspective space
fov = 45
focal = img_width / (2 * np.tan(np.radians(fov / 2)))
screen_vertices = camera_vertices / camera_vertices[:, 2].reshape(-1, 1)
screen_vertices[:, :2] = screen_vertices[:, :2] * focal + img_height / 2
return screen_vertices, camera_vertices
def area_triangle(v1, v2, v3):
''' compute the area of a triangle.
return 0.5 * np.linalg.norm(np.cross(v2 - v1, v3 - v1))
def compute_vertices_normals(vertices, faces):
''' compute the normal vector for each vertex.
vertices (np.array): the vertices of the mesh in world coordinate.
# method with trimesh
# '''
mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(vertices=vertices, faces=faces, processed=False)
vertices_normals = normalize(mesh.vertex_normals, epsilon=1e-160)
# '''
# method with numpy
vertices_normals = np.zeros_like(vertices).astype(np.float128)
v1 = vertices[faces][:, 0]
v2 = vertices[faces][:, 1]
v3 = vertices[faces][:, 2]
normal_before_normalization = np.cross(v2 - v1, v3 - v1)
per_face_area = 0.5 * np.linalg.norm(
normal_before_normalization, axis=-1, keepdims=True
per_face_area_enlarged = per_face_area * \
per_face_area.shape[0] / per_face_area.sum()
per_face_normal = normalize(normal_before_normalization, epsilon=1e-160)
weighted_normal = per_face_normal * per_face_area_enlarged
weighted_normal_boardcast = np.reshape(
np.repeat(np.expand_dims(weighted_normal, 1), 3, axis=1), (-1, 3)
), faces.ravel(), weighted_normal_boardcast)
vertices_normals = normalize(vertices_normals, epsilon=1e-160)
return vertices_normals
def barycentric_coords(triangle_vertices, x, y):
x1, y1, z1 = triangle_vertices[0]
x2, y2, z2 = triangle_vertices[1]
x3, y3, z3 = triangle_vertices[2]
# calculate barycentric coordinates
lambda1 = ((y2 - y3)*(x - x3) + (x3 - x2)*(y - y3)) / \
((y2 - y3)*(x1 - x3) + (x3 - x2)*(y1 - y3))
lambda2 = ((y3 - y1)*(x - x3) + (x1 - x3)*(y - y3)) / \
((y2 - y3)*(x1 - x3) + (x3 - x2)*(y1 - y3))
lambda3 = 1 - lambda1 - lambda2
return np.array([lambda1, lambda2, lambda3]).reshape(-1, 1)
def render_phong(vertices, faces, camera_position, light_position, width, height, material):
# compute the normal vector for each vertex
vertices_normals = compute_vertices_normals(vertices, faces)
# Transform the vertices to screen space
transformed_vertices, camera_vertices = transform_to_screen_space(
vertices, camera_position, width, height)
# Create an empty image
img ='RGB', (width, height), (0, 0, 0))
pixels = img.load()
pixel_depth = np.ones((width, height)) * np.inf
for face in faces:
v1 = transformed_vertices[face[0]]
v2 = transformed_vertices[face[1]]
v3 = transformed_vertices[face[2]]
if area_triangle(v1, v2, v3) == 0:
# calculate the normal vector for the face
normal = vertices_normals[face]
# calculate the light and view direction vectors for each vertex
light_direction = normalize(light_position - vertices[face])
view_direction = normalize(camera_position - vertices[face])
# Rasterize the triangle
for x, y in rasterize_triangle(transformed_vertices[face]):
for i in range(20):
tubx = random.uniform(0, 1.0) + x
tuby = random.uniform(0, 1.0) + y
# calculate the barycentric coordinates of the pixel
barycentric = barycentric_coords(
transformed_vertices[face], tubx, tuby)
if np.min(barycentric) < 0: # Check if pixel is outside of the triangle
# Interpolate the vertex attributes to get per-pixel attributes
interpolated_normal = (barycentric * normal).sum(axis=0)
interpolated_light_direction = (
barycentric * light_direction
interpolated_view_direction = (
barycentric * view_direction
interpolated_camera_vertices = (
barycentric * camera_vertices[face]).sum(axis=0)
# Calculate the color of the pixel
color = phong_shading(interpolated_light_direction,
interpolated_view_direction, interpolated_normal, material)
if x >= 0 and x < width and y >= 0 and y < height:
oldr, oldg, oldb = pixels[x, y]
newr, newg, newb = (np.clip(color, 0, 1)
* 255).astype(np.uint8)
# newr = newr if newr > oldr else oldr
# newg = newg if newg > oldg else oldg
# newb = newb if newb > oldb else oldb
depth = interpolated_camera_vertices[2]
if depth < pixel_depth[x, y]:
# print(depth, pixel_depth[x, y])
pixel_depth[x, y] = depth
pixels[x, y] = (newr, newg, newb)
# if x < 453 and x > 415 and y > 255 and y < 265:
return img
class PhongShader():
def __init__(self, light_position, camera_position, image_width=512, image_height=512):
# assert the camera position is not along z axis.
self.light_position = light_position
self.camera_position = camera_position
self.image_width = image_width
self.image_height = image_height
def render(self, vertices, faces, material):
return render_phong(vertices, faces, self.camera_position, self.light_position, self.image_width, self.image_height, material)
class Material():
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.ambient_color = np.array([0.1, 0.1, 0.1])
self.diffuse_color = np.array([1., 0.0, 0.5])
self.specular_color = np.array([0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
self.shininess = 50
def main():
# load the mesh
mesh = trimesh.load('teapot.obj')
vertices, faces = mesh.vertices, mesh.faces
# create a shader
shader = PhongShader(light_position=np.array(
[8, 0, 0]), camera_position=np.array([8, 0, 0]))
# render the image
material = Material()
img = shader.render(vertices, faces, material)"output.jpg")
if __name__ == '__main__':
The possible reason could be discreazation in coding. But I am not sure how to fix it.

How to redistort a single image point with a map? python opencv

I have used this method to create an inverse mapping to redistort an image and it works fine. Heres what it looks like in code:
# invert the mapping
combined_map_inverted = invert_map(combined_map, shape)
# apply mapping to image
frame = cv2.remap(img, combined_map_inverted, None ,cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
Notice that its a combined map, not separated into x and y. How can I take a single (x,y) point in the undistorted image and find the corresponding distorted point? I see this answer but I'm unsure how to apply it to my case.
The combined map is a simple look up table - mapping from (u,v) to x and from (u,v) to y.
Assume (u, v) is the column, row coordinate of the undistorted image.
Than the coordinate in the distorted image is:
x = combined_map_inverted[v, u, 0]
y = combined_map_inverted[v, u, 1]
In more compact form:
x, y = combined_map_inverted[v, u].tolist()
In case we want to get the value in the (x, y) coordinate, we may use bi-linear interpolation as described in my following answer (or use other kind of interpolation).
I tried testing it using the code from your previous post:
import cv2
import glob
import numpy as np
import math
import os
if os.path.isfile('xymap_inverted.npy'):
xymap_inverted = np.load('xymap_inverted.npy')
A = -1010
B = -3.931
C = 5.258
D = 978.3
M = -193.8
N = 1740
def get_tan_func_value(x):
return A * math.tan((((x-N)/M)+B)/C) + D
def get_inverse_tan_func_value(x):
return M * (C*math.atan((x-D)/A) - B) + N
# answer from linked post
#def invert_map(F, shape):
# I = np.zeros_like(F)
# I[:,:,1], I[:,:,0] = np.indices(shape)
# P = np.copy(I)
# for i in range(10):
# P += I - cv2.remap(F, P, None, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
# return P
def invert_map(F):
(h, w) = F.shape[:2] # (h, w, 2), "xymap"
I = np.zeros_like(F)
I[:,:,1], I[:,:,0] = np.indices((h,w)) # identity map
P = np.copy(I)
for i in range(10):
correction = I - cv2.remap(F, P, None, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
P += correction * 0.5
return P
# import image
#images = glob.glob('*.jpg')
img = cv2.imread('image1.jpg') #img = cv2.imread(images[0])
h, w = img.shape[:2]
map_x_tan = np.zeros((img.shape[0], img.shape[1]), dtype=np.float32)
map_x_inverse_tan = np.zeros((img.shape[0], img.shape[1]), dtype=np.float32)
map_y = np.zeros((img.shape[0], img.shape[1]), dtype=np.float32)
# x tan function map
for i in range(map_x_tan.shape[0]):
map_x_tan[i,:] = [get_tan_func_value(x) for x in range(map_x_tan.shape[1])]
# x inverse tan function map
for i in range(map_x_inverse_tan.shape[0]):
map_x_inverse_tan[i,:] = [get_inverse_tan_func_value(x) for x in range(map_x_inverse_tan.shape[1])]
# default y map
for j in range(map_y.shape[1]):
map_y[:,j] = [y for y in range(map_y.shape[0])]
# convert x tan map to 2 channel (x,y) map
(xymap_tan, _) = cv2.convertMaps(map1=map_x_tan, map2=map_y, dstmap1type=cv2.CV_32FC2)
# invert the 2 channel x tan map
xymap_inverted = invert_map(xymap_tan)'xymap_inverted.npy', xymap_inverted)
combined_map_inverted = xymap_inverted
u = 150
v = 120
x, y = combined_map_inverted[v, u].tolist()
The output is:
x = 278.2418212890625
y = 120.0
Bi-lienar interpolation example:
x0 = int(x)
y0 = int(y)
x1 = int(x0 + 1)
y1 = int(y0 + 1)
dx = x - x0
dy = y - y0
new_pixel = np.round(img[y0,x0]*(1-dx)*(1-dy) + img[y1,x0]*(1-dx)*dy + img[y0,x1]*dx*(1-dy) + img[y1,x1]*dx*dy)
Testing by remapping an entire image, and comparing with cv2.remap:
def bilinear_interp(img, x, y):
x0 = int(x)
y0 = int(y)
x1 = int(x0 + 1)
y1 = int(y0 + 1)
dx = x - x0
dy = y - y0
new_pixel = np.round(img[y0,x0]*(1-dx)*(1-dy) + img[y1,x0]*(1-dx)*dy + img[y0,x1]*dx*(1-dy) + img[y1,x1]*dx*dy)
return new_pixel.astype(np.uint8)
img = cv2.imread('image1.jpg')
ref_img = cv2.remap(img, xymap_inverted, None, cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
cv2.imwrite('ref_img.jpg', ref_img)
new_img = np.zeros_like(img)
for v in range(img.shape[0]):
for u in range(img.shape[1]):
x, y = combined_map_inverted[v, u].tolist()
if (x >= 0) and (y >= 0) and (x < img.shape[1]-1) and (y < img.shape[0]-1):
new_img[v, u] = bilinear_interp(img, x, y)
cv2.imwrite('new_img.jpg', new_img)
abs_diff = cv2.absdiff(ref_img, new_img)
cv2.imshow('abs_diff', abs_diff) # Display the absolute difference for testing
ref_img and new_img are almost the same.

Perlin noise generator isn't working, doesn't look smooth

I watched some tutorials and tried to create a Perlin noise generator in python.
It takes in a tuple for the number of vectors in the x and y directions and a scale for the distance in pixels between the arrays, then calculates the dot product between each pixel and each of the 4 arrays surrounding it, It then interpolates them bilinearly to get the pixel's value.
here's the code:
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
scale = 16
size = np.array([8, 8])
vectors = []
for i in range(size[0]):
for j in range(size[1]):
rand = np.random.rand() * 2 * np.pi
vectors.append(np.array([np.cos(rand), np.sin(rand)]))
interpolated_map = np.zeros(size * scale)
def interpolate(x1, x2, w):
t = (w % scale) / scale
return (x2 - x1) * t + x1
def dot_product(a, b):
return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1]
for i in range(size[1] * scale):
for j in range(size[0] * scale):
dot_products = []
for m in range(4):
corner_vector_x = round(i / scale) + (m % 2)
corner_vector_y = round(j / scale) + int(m / 2)
x = i - corner_vector_x * scale
y = j - corner_vector_y * scale
if corner_vector_x >= size[0]:
corner_vector_x = 0
if corner_vector_y >= size[1]:
corner_vector_y = 0
corner_vector = vectors[corner_vector_x + corner_vector_y * (size[0])]
distance_vector = np.array([x, y])
dot_products.append(dot_product(corner_vector, distance_vector))
x1 = interpolate(dot_products[0], dot_products[1], i)
x2 = interpolate(dot_products[2], dot_products[3], i)
interpolated_map[i][j] = (interpolate(x1, x2, j) / 2 + 1) * 255
img = Image.fromarray(interpolated_map)
I'm getting this image:
but I should be getting this:
I don't know what's going wrong, I've tried watching multiple different tutorials, reading a bunch of different articles, but the result is always the same.

Perlin noise looks streaky and not coherent

Now that my perlin generator is 'working' I created noise, to find that it is nothing like what I see on the internets...
My noise:
Notice the streaks:
What I am aiming to get (obviously with corresponding colour):
Why does mine look so noisy and nasty?
Code (sorry for no stub, the Perlin noise makes up most of the program so it's important to include the full program):
from PIL import Image
from tkinter import filedialog
from random import randint, random
#Initialise width / height
width = 625
height = 625
#Import gradient picture - 200*1 image used to texture perlin noise
gradient ="image.png")
gradlist = list(gradient.getdata())
#Create new image
img ='RGBA', (width, height), color=(255, 255, 255, 255))
#Perlin noise modules --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from random import sample
from math import floor
p = sample([x for x in range(0, (width * height))], (width * height)) * 2
def fade(t):
retval = 6*(t**5) - 15*(t**4) + 10*(t**3)
return retval
#Linear interpolation
def lerp(t,a,b):
retval = a + (t * (b - a))
return retval
#Clever bitwise hash stuff - picks a unit vector from 12 possible - (1,1,0),(-1,1,0),(1,-1,0),(-1,-1,0),(1,0,1),(-1,0,1),(1,0,-1),(-1,0,-1),(0,1,1),(0,-1,1),(0,1,-1),(0,-1,-1)
def grad(hash, x, y, z):
h = hash % 15
if h < 8:
u = x
u = y
if h < 4:
v = y
elif h in (12, 14):
v = x
v = z
return (u if (h & 1) == 0 else -u) + (v if (h & 2) == 0 else -v)
#Perlin function
def perlin(x,y,z):
ix = int(floor(x)) & 255
iy = int(floor(y)) & 255
iz = int(floor(z)) & 255
x -= int(floor(x))
y -= int(floor(y))
z -= int(floor(z))
u = fade(x)
v = fade(y)
w = fade(z)
#Complicated hash stuff
A = p[ix] + iy
AA = p[A] + iz
AB = p[A + 1] + iz
B = p[ix + 1] + iy
BA = p[B] + iz
BB = p[B + 1] + iz
return -lerp(w, lerp(v, lerp(u, grad(p[AA], x, y, z),grad(p[BA], x - 1, y, z)),lerp(u, grad(p[AB], x, y - 1, z),grad(p[BB], x - 1, y - 1, z))),lerp(v, lerp(u, grad(p[AA + 1], x, y, z - 1),grad(p[BA + 1], x - 1, y, z - 1)), lerp(u, grad(p[AB + 1], x, y - 1, z - 1),grad(p[BB + 1], x - 1, y - 1, z - 1))))
def octavePerlin(x,y,z,octaves,persistence):
total = 0
frequency = 1
amplitude = 1
maxValue = 0
for x in range(octaves):
total += perlin(x * frequency, y * frequency, z * frequency) * amplitude
maxValue += amplitude
amplitude *= persistence
frequency *= 2
return total / maxValue
z = random()
img.putdata([gradlist[int(octavePerlin((x + random() - 0.5) / 1000, (y + random() - 0.5) / 1000, z, 4, 2) * 100 + 100)] for x in range(width) for y in range(height)]) + ".png", "PNG")

How to rotate an ellipse pixel by pixel?

Right now, I am working on something (in Python) to create an ellipse and display it on the screen (in the console). I have the ellipse creation already, but rotating the ellipse gives me problems.
Ellipse Method:
def ellipse(yc, xc, b, a, rotation=0):
yc_min_b = yc - b
# divide b to account for spacing in console
b = int(round(b / 2 + 0.01)) - 1
yc = yc_min_b + b
points = []
a2 = a*a
b2 = b*b
fa2 = 4 * a2
fb2 = 4 * b2
x = 0
y = b
sigma = 2 * b2 + a2 * (1 - 2 * b)
while b2 * x <= a2 * y:
points.append((xc + x, yc + y))
points.append((xc - x, yc + y))
points.append((xc + x, yc - y))
points.append((xc - x, yc - y))
if sigma >= 0:
sigma += fa2 * (1 - y)
y -= 1
sigma += b2 * ((4 * x) + 6)
x += 1 # INCREMENT
x = a
y = 0
sigma = 2 * a2 + b2 * (1 - 2 * a)
while a2 * y <= b2 * x:
points.append((xc + x, yc + y))
points.append((xc - x, yc + y))
points.append((xc + x, yc - y))
points.append((xc - x, yc - y))
if sigma >= 0:
sigma += fb2 * (1 - x)
x -= 1
sigma += a2 * ((4 * y) + 6)
y += 1 # INCREMENT
# now rotate points
sin = math.sin(rotation)
cos = math.cos(rotation)
rotated = []
for point in points:
x = point[0]
y = point[1]
px -= xc
py -= yc
xnew = px * c - py * s
ynew = px * s + py * c
px = xnew + xc
py = ynew + yc
#XRot := Round(XCenter + (X - XCenter) * CAngle - (Y - YCenter) * SAngle);
#YRot := Round(YCenter + (X - XCenter) * SAngle + (Y - YCenter) * CAngle);
x = round(xc + (x + xc) * cos - (y - yc) * sin)
y = round(yc + (x - xc) * sin + (y - yc) * cos)
rotated.append((int(x), int(y)))
points = rotated
print points
ell_matr = []
# set up empty matrix
maxx = 0
maxy = 0
for point in points:
y = point[1]
x = point[0]
if y > maxy:
maxy = y
if x > maxx:
maxx = x
for i in range(maxy + 1):
for j in range(maxx + 1):
ell_matr[i].append(' ')
for point in points:
y = point[1]
x = point[0]
ell_matr[y][x] = fill
return ell_matr
I would ignore the matrix part, as it is translating the points into a matrix to display on screen.
Here is the output of an ellipse without rotation.
And when I add a 45 degree rotation (converted to radians)
Is there a better way to rotate the points?
