Gradient Descent Algorithm in Python - python
I am trying to write a gradient descent function in python as part of a multivariate linear regression exercise. It runs, but does not compute the correct answer. My code is below. I've been trying for weeks to finish this problem but have made zero progress.
I believe that I understand the concept of gradient descent to optimize a multivariate linear regression function and also that the 'math' is correct. I believe that the error is in my code, but I am still learning python. Your help is very much appreciated.
def regression_gradient_descent(feature_matrix,output,initial_weights,step_size,tolerance):
from math import sqrt
converged = False
weights = np.array(initial_weights)
while not converged:
predictions =,weights)
errors = predictions - output
gradient_sum_squares = 0
for i in range(len(weights)):
derivative = -2 *[i],feature_matrix[i])
gradient_sum_squares = gradient_sum_squares +, derivative)
weights[i] = weights[i] - step_size * derivative[i]
gradient_magnitude = sqrt(gradient_sum_squares)
print gradient_magnitude
if gradient_magnitude < tolerance:
converged = True
Feature matrix is:
sales = gl.SFrame.read_csv('kc_house_data.csv',column_type_hints = {'bathrooms':float, 'waterfront':int, 'sqft_above':int, 'sqft_living15':float,'grade':int, 'yr_renovated':int, 'price':float, 'bedrooms':float, 'zipcode':str,'long':float, 'sqft_lot15':float, 'sqft_living':float, 'floors':str, 'condition':int,'lat':float, 'date':str, 'sqft_basement':int, 'yr_built':int, 'id':str, 'sqft_lot':int,'view':int})
I'm calling the function as:
train_data,test_data = sales.random_split(.8,seed=0)
simple_features = ['sqft_living']
my_output= 'price'
(simple_feature_matrix, output) = get_numpy_data(train_data, simple_features, my_output)
initial_weights = np.array([-47000., 1.])
step_size = 7e-12
tolerance = 2.5e7
simple_weights = regression_gradient_descent(simple_feature_matrix, output,initial_weights,step_size,tolerance)
**get_numpy_data is just a function to convert everything into arrays and works as intended
Update: I fixed the formula to:
derivative = 2 *,feature_matrix)
and it seems to have worked. The derivation of this formula in my online course used
-2 *,feature_matrix)
and I'm not sure why this formula did not provide the correct answer.
The step size seems too small, and the tolerance unusually big. Perhaps you meant to use them the other way around?
In general, the step size is determined by a trial-and-error procedure: the "natural" step size α=1 might lead to divergence, so one could try to lower the value (e.g. taking α=1/2, α=1/4, etc until convergence is achieved. Don't start with a very small step size.
Maximum likelihood linear regression tensorflow
After I implemented a LS estimation with gradient descent for a simple linear regression problem, I'm now trying to do the same with Maximum Likelihood. I used this equation from wikipedia. The maximum has to be found. train_X = np.random.rand(100, 1) # all values [0-1) train_Y = train_X X = tf.placeholder("float", None) Y = tf.placeholder("float", None) theta_0 = tf.Variable(np.random.randn()) theta_1 = tf.Variable(np.random.randn()) var = tf.Variable(0.5) hypothesis = tf.add(theta_0, tf.mul(X, theta_1)) lhf = 1 * (50 * np.log(2*np.pi) + 50 * tf.log(var) + (1/(2*var)) * tf.reduce_sum(tf.pow(hypothesis - Y, 2))) op = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.01).minimize(lhf) This code works, but I still have some questions about it: If I change the lhf function from 1 * to -1 * and minimize -lhf (according to the equation), it does not work. But why? The value for lhf goes up and down during optimization. Shouldn't it only change in one direction? The value for lhf sometimes is a NaN during optimization. How can I avoid that? In the equation, σ² is the variance of the error (right?). My values are perfectly on a line. Why do I get a value of var above 100?
The symptoms in your question indicate a common problem: the learning rate or step size might be too high for the problem. The zig-zag behaviour, where the function to be maximized goes up and down, is usual when the learning rate is too high. Specially when you get NaNs. The simplest solution is to lower the learning rate, by dividing your current learning rate by 10 until the learning curve is smooth and there are no NaNs or up-down behavior. As you are using TensorFlow you can also try AdamOptimizer as this adjust the learning rate dynamically as you train.
what's wrong of the ridge regression gradient descent function?
I code the python function but the prediction doesn't accord with the fact.The price it predicts is negative. However, I cant't find where it is wrong. It is right or not when I compute the derivative[i] and weight[i]? please help. following is a function which the function in picture use: def feature_derivative_ridge(errors, feature, weight, l2_penalty, feature_is_constant): # If feature_is_constant is True, derivative is twice the dot product of errors and feature if feature_is_constant == True: derivative = 2*, feature) # Otherwise, derivative is twice the dot product plus 2*l2_penalty*weight else: derivative = (2*, feature) + 2*l2_penalty*weight) return derivative
oh,I have found the answer. First: errors = output - predictions should be : errors = predictions then: weights[i] = (1-.... should be: weights[i] = weights[i] - step_size*derivative[i] (recall the formula) finally, the output is right
Compute the gradient of the SVM loss function
I am trying to implement the SVM loss function and its gradient. I found some example projects that implement these two, but I could not figure out how they can use the loss function when computing the gradient. Here is the formula of loss function: What I cannot understand is that how can I use the loss function's result while computing gradient? The example project computes the gradient as follows: for i in xrange(num_train): scores = X[i].dot(W) correct_class_score = scores[y[i]] for j in xrange(num_classes): if j == y[i]: continue margin = scores[j] - correct_class_score + 1 # note delta = 1 if margin > 0: loss += margin dW[:,j] += X[i] dW[:,y[i]] -= X[i] dW is for gradient result. And X is the array of training data. But I didn't understand how the derivative of the loss function results in this code.
The method to calculate gradient in this case is Calculus (analytically, NOT numerically!). So we differentiate loss function with respect to W(yi) like this: and with respect to W(j) when j!=yi is: The 1 is just indicator function so we can ignore the middle form when condition is true. And when you write in code, the example you provided is the answer. Since you are using cs231n example, you should definitely check note and videos if needed. Hope this helps!
If the substraction less than zero the loss is zero so the gradient of W is also zero. If the substarction larger than zero, then the gradient of W is the partial derviation of the loss.
If we don't keep these two lines of code: dW[:,j] += X[i] dW[:,y[i]] -= X[i] we get loss value.
Python implemented Gradient Descent Algorithm won't converge
I've implemented a gradient descent algorithm in python and it is just not converging when it runs. When I debugging it, I have to make the alpha very small to let it 'seems' to converge. The alpha is like, have to be 1e-12 that small. Here is my code def batchGradDescent(dataMat, labelMat): dataMatrix = mat(dataMat) labelMatrix = mat(labelMat).transpose() m, n = shape(dataMatrix) cycle = 1000000 alpha = 7e-11 saved_weights = ones((n,1)) weights = saved_weights for k in range(cycle): hypothesis = dataMatrix * weights saved_weights = weights error = labelMatrix - hypothesis weights = saved_weights + alpha * dataMatrix.transpose() * error print weights-saved_weights return weights And my dataset is like this(a row) 800 0 0.3048 71.3 0.00266337 126.201 First five elements are features and the last one is the label. Could anyone provide help? I'm really frustrated here. I think my algorithm is theoretically right. Is it about the normalization on the dataset? Thank you.
How to make sure that solution is global minimum while using python scipy.optimize.minimize
I was implementing logistic regression in python. To find theta , I was struggling to decide which is the best algorithm that always guarantees global optima without bothering about initial parameter theta. import numpy as np import scipy.optimize as op def Sigmoid(z): return 1/(1 + np.exp(-z)); def Gradient(theta,x,y): m , n = x.shape theta = theta.reshape((n,1)); y = y.reshape((m,1)) sigmoid_x_theta = Sigmoid(; grad = ((x.T).dot(sigmoid_x_theta-y))/m; return grad.flatten(); def CostFunc(theta,x,y): m,n = x.shape; theta = theta.reshape((n,1)); y = y.reshape((m,1)); term1 = np.log(Sigmoid(; term2 = np.log(1-Sigmoid(; term1 = term1.reshape((m,1)) term2 = term2.reshape((m,1)) term = y * term1 + (1 - y) * term2; J = -((np.sum(term))/m); return J; data = np.loadtxt('ex2data1.txt',delimiter=','); # m training samples and n attributes m , n = data.shape X = data[:,0:n-1] y = data[:,n-1:] X = np.concatenate((np.ones((m,1)), X),axis = 1) initial_theta = np.zeros((n,1)) m , n = X.shape; Result = op.minimize(fun = CostFunc, x0 = initial_theta, args = (X,y), method = 'TNC', jac = Gradient); theta = Result.x; where content of ex2data1.txt is: 34.62365962451697,78.0246928153624,0 30.28671076822607,43.89499752400101,0 35.84740876993872,72.90219802708364,0 60.18259938620976,86.30855209546826,1 79.0327360507101,75.3443764369103,1 45.08327747668339,56.3163717815305,0 61.10666453684766,96.51142588489624,1 75.02474556738889,46.55401354116538,1 76.09878670226257,87.42056971926803,1 84.43281996120035,43.53339331072109,1 95.86155507093572,38.22527805795094,0 75.01365838958247,30.60326323428011,0 82.30705337399482,76.48196330235604,1 69.36458875970939,97.71869196188608,1 39.53833914367223,76.03681085115882,0 53.9710521485623,89.20735013750205,1 69.07014406283025,52.74046973016765,1 67.94685547711617,46.67857410673128,0 70.66150955499435,92.92713789364831,1 76.97878372747498,47.57596364975532,1 67.37202754570876,42.83843832029179,0 89.67677575072079,65.79936592745237,1 50.534788289883,48.85581152764205,0 34.21206097786789,44.20952859866288,0 77.9240914545704,68.9723599933059,1 62.27101367004632,69.95445795447587,1 80.1901807509566,44.82162893218353,1 93.114388797442,38.80067033713209,0 61.83020602312595,50.25610789244621,0 38.78580379679423,64.99568095539578,0 61.379289447425,72.80788731317097,1 85.40451939411645,57.05198397627122,1 52.10797973193984,63.12762376881715,0 52.04540476831827,69.43286012045222,1 40.23689373545111,71.16774802184875,0 54.63510555424817,52.21388588061123,0 33.91550010906887,98.86943574220611,0 64.17698887494485,80.90806058670817,1 74.78925295941542,41.57341522824434,0 34.1836400264419,75.2377203360134,0 83.90239366249155,56.30804621605327,1 51.54772026906181,46.85629026349976,0 94.44336776917852,65.56892160559052,1 82.36875375713919,40.61825515970618,0 51.04775177128865,45.82270145776001,0 62.22267576120188,52.06099194836679,0 77.19303492601364,70.45820000180959,1 97.77159928000232,86.7278223300282,1 62.07306379667647,96.76882412413983,1 91.56497449807442,88.69629254546599,1 79.94481794066932,74.16311935043758,1 99.2725269292572,60.99903099844988,1 90.54671411399852,43.39060180650027,1 34.52451385320009,60.39634245837173,0 50.2864961189907,49.80453881323059,0 49.58667721632031,59.80895099453265,0 97.64563396007767,68.86157272420604,1 32.57720016809309,95.59854761387875,0 74.24869136721598,69.82457122657193,1 71.79646205863379,78.45356224515052,1 75.3956114656803,85.75993667331619,1 35.28611281526193,47.02051394723416,0 56.25381749711624,39.26147251058019,0 30.05882244669796,49.59297386723685,0 44.66826172480893,66.45008614558913,0 66.56089447242954,41.09209807936973,0 40.45755098375164,97.53518548909936,1 49.07256321908844,51.88321182073966,0 80.27957401466998,92.11606081344084,1 66.74671856944039,60.99139402740988,1 32.72283304060323,43.30717306430063,0 64.0393204150601,78.03168802018232,1 72.34649422579923,96.22759296761404,1 60.45788573918959,73.09499809758037,1 58.84095621726802,75.85844831279042,1 99.82785779692128,72.36925193383885,1 47.26426910848174,88.47586499559782,1 50.45815980285988,75.80985952982456,1 60.45555629271532,42.50840943572217,0 82.22666157785568,42.71987853716458,0 88.9138964166533,69.80378889835472,1 94.83450672430196,45.69430680250754,1 67.31925746917527,66.58935317747915,1 57.23870631569862,59.51428198012956,1 80.36675600171273,90.96014789746954,1 68.46852178591112,85.59430710452014,1 42.0754545384731,78.84478600148043,0 75.47770200533905,90.42453899753964,1 78.63542434898018,96.64742716885644,1 52.34800398794107,60.76950525602592,0 94.09433112516793,77.15910509073893,1 90.44855097096364,87.50879176484702,1 55.48216114069585,35.57070347228866,0 74.49269241843041,84.84513684930135,1 89.84580670720979,45.35828361091658,1 83.48916274498238,48.38028579728175,1 42.2617008099817,87.10385094025457,1 99.31500880510394,68.77540947206617,1 55.34001756003703,64.9319380069486,1 74.77589300092767,89.52981289513276,1 Above code gives theta = Result.x value as [-25.87282405 0.21193078 0.20722013]. This is global minimum if initial_theta = np.zeros((n,1)). But if initial_theta = np.ones((n,1)), it gives error. So in this case our result depends on initial values of parameter theta. So can this be automated in any way to avoid this issue. Also I tried using 'BFGS' method instead of 'TNC' method in minimize function call as shown below, then I get RuntimeWarning. initial_theta = np.zeros((n,1)) result = op.minimize(fun = CostFunc, x0 = intial_theta, args = (X,y), method = 'BFGS', jac = Gradient); optimal_theta = result.x I have called above function several times with different initial values of initial_theta and I found that BFGS maximum time converges to local minima. When I called BFGS with initial_theta = np.array([-25,0.2,0.2]) which is nearer to global minima, it converged. So it seems that TNC is better than BFGS because with intial_theta being same in both cases, TNC converges to global minima while BFGS converges to local minima. So Is this true in all cases or it depends on particular problem? Which is better BFGS or TNC? Is there any difference between scipy.optimize.fmin_bfgs and scipy.optimize.minimize with method parameter = 'BFGS' or both are same? Any help or insight will be helpful. Thank you.
There is no practical algorithm that is guaranteed to find a global optimum. However, there are some heuristics like DIRECT (see e.g. here) that work very well in practice for given bounds. These can be used to find a good initialization for an algorithm that finds the local optimum in the vicinity of the initialization and works more efficiently. However, logistic regression is a convex optimization problem. That means there is only one minimum of the objective function (error function), i.e. the local minimum is always the global minimum. Hence, you can use any local optimizer (Gradient Descent, L-BFGS, Conjugate Gradient, ...). The only problem is that you cannot compute the minimum directly because of the nonlinear logistic function. There is a similar problem called linear regression without that logistic function. In this case the global minimum of the error function can be computed directly without any complex optimization algorithm. A comparison of optimizers for logistic regression can be found in Fabian Pedregosa's blog. My first guess would be that you have an error in your gradient computation. Maybe you should compare it to the numerical approximation of the gradient with scipy.optimize.check_grad. scipy.optimize.minimize calls scipy.optimize.fmin_bfgs
This isn't possible with an efficient, general algorithm. You'll never really know what the cost function looked like on the inputs you didn't try. Perhaps there was some miracle trench running through a high plateau you ignored. Perhaps the cost function starts with if arg1 == secret: return -1e100. Who can say? If you really, absolutely need a global minimum, you either need to take advantage of extra knowledge about the cost function, or you need to try each and every single possible input.