Search strings with python - python

I would like to know how can I search specific strings with python. Actually I opened a markdown file which contain a sheet like below:
| --------- | -------- | --------- |
|**propped**| - | -a flashlight in one hand and a large leather-bound book (A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot) propped open against the pillow. |
|**Pointless**| - | -“Witch Burning in the Fourteenth Century Was Completely Pointless — discuss.”|
|**unscrewed**| - | -Slowly and very carefully he unscrewed the ink bottle, dipped his quill into it, and began to write,|
|**downtrodden**| - | -For years, Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon had hoped that if they kept Harry as downtrodden as possible, they would be able to squash the magic out of him.|
|**sheets,**| - | -As long as he didn’t leave spots of ink on the sheets, the Dursleys need never know that he was studying magic by night.|
|**flinch**| - | -But he hoped she’d be back soon — she was the only living creature in this house who didn’t flinch at the sight of him.|
And I have to get the strings from each lines which decorates with |** **|, like:
I tried to use the regular expression but failed to extract it.

import re
y = '(?<=\|\*{2}).+?(?=,{0,1}\*{2}\|)'
reg = re.compile(y)
a = '| --------- | -------- | --------- | |**propped**| - | -a flashlight in one hand and a large leather-bound book (A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot) propped open against the pillow. | |**Pointless**| - | -“Witch Burning in the Fourteenth Century Was Completely Pointless — discuss.”|'
Regex(y) above explained:
(?<=\|\*{2}) - Matches if the current position in the string is preceded by a match for \|\*{2} i.e. |**
.+? - Will try to find anything(except for new line) repeated 1 or more times. Adding ? after the qualifier makes it perform the match in non-greedy or minimal fashion; as few characters as possible will be matched.
(?=,{0,1}\*{2}\|) - ?= matches any string preceding the regex mentioned. In this case I have mentioned ,{0,1}\*{2}\|, which means zero or one , and 2 * and ending |.

Try using the following regex :
see demo / explanation

If the asterisks are in the text you are searching and you do not want the comma after sheets. The pattern would be a pipe followed by two asterisks then anything that follows that is not an asterisk or a comma.
If you can live with the comma or if there might be commas you want to catch
Use either pattern with re.findall or re.finditer to capture the text you want.
If using the second pattern, you would need to run through the groups and strip any unwanted commas.

I have wrote below program to achieve the required output. I created a file string_test where all raw strings I copied:
with open("string_test","r") as file1:
for i in file1.readlines():
if match:


Regex Pattern in Python for special charaters

I asked a similar question a few days ago on here and it was great help! A new challenge I wanted build is to further develop the regex pattern to look for specific formats in this iteration, and I thought I have solved it using regex 101 to build/test a regex code but when applied in Python received 'pattern contain no group'. Below is a test df, and a image of what the results should be like/code that was provided via StackOverflow that worked with digits only.
df = pd.DataFrame([["{1} | | Had a Greeter welcome clients {1.0} | | Take measures to ensure a safe and organized distribution {1.000} | | Protected confidentiality of clients (on social media, pictures, in conversation, own congregation members receiving assistance, etc.)",
"{1.00} | | Chairs for clients to sit in while waiting {1.0000} | | Take measures to ensure a safe and organized distribution"],
["{1 } | Financial literacy/budgeting {1 } | | Monetary/Bill Support {1} | | Mental Health Services/Counseling",
"{1}| | Clothing Assistance {1 } | | Healthcare {1} | | Mental Health Services/Counseling {1} | | Spiritual Support {1} | | Job Skills Training"]
] , columns = ['CF1', 'CF2'])
Here is the iteration code that worked digits only. I changed the pattern search with my new regex pattern and it did not work.
Original code: (df.stack().str.extractall('(\d+)')[0] .groupby(level=[0,1]).sum().unstack())
New Code (Failed to recognize pattern): (df.stack().str.extractall(r'(?<=\{)[\d+\.\ ]+(?=\})')[0].astype(int) .groupby(level=[0,1]).sum().unstack())
**In the test df you will see I want to only capture the numbers between "{}" and there's a mixture of decimals and spaces following the number I want to capture and sum. The new pattern did not work in application so any help would be great! **
Your (?<=\{)[\d+\.\ ]+(?=\}) regex contains no capturing groups while Series.str.extractall requires at least one capturing group to output a value.
You need to use
(df.stack().str.extractall(r'\{\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*}')[0].astype(float) .groupby(level=[0,1]).sum().unstack())
0 3.0 2.0
1 3.0 5.0
The \{\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*} regex matches
\{ - a { char
\s* - zero or more whitespaces
(\d+(?:\.\d+)?) - Group 1 (note this group captured value will be the output of the extractall method, it requires at least one capturing group): one or more digits, and then an optional occurrence of a . and one or more digits
\s* - zero or more whitespaces
} - a } char.
See the regex demo.
You can use '\{([\d.]+)\}':
0 3.0 2.0
1 1.0 4.0
as int only:
0 3 2
1 1 4

Is there a way to add a new line after every ']' in Python?

I originally had a string containing BBCode in which I wanted to format it better so it can be readable.
I had something like
['"9-5[centre][notice][url=https:\\/\\/\\/playlist?list=PL3OTylWB5pG7s7JowIUEYBiPkKR0GRRRG][b]\\u25ba osu! Mapping Theory[\\/b][\\/url]\\n[url=https:\\/\\/\\/0uGeZzyobSY]Linear Momentum[\\/url] | [url=https:\\/\\/\\/zOzi8Q655vs]Linear Momentum 2[\\/url] | [url=https:\\/\\/\\/Rm5l0UDJLcQ]Angular Momentum and Circular Flow[\\/url] | [url=https:\\/\\/\\/hRc3Xm0wI7s]Active and Passive Mapping[\\/url]\\n[url=https:\\/\\/\\/OgNhsZpKRYc]Slider Flow[\\/url] | [url=https:\\/\\/\\/e05hOKXfWOk]Stream Flow[\\/url] | [url=https:\\/\\/\\/zYAujNMPVbY]Slider Mechanics[\\/url] | [url=https:\\/\\/\\/ZOtkAQ3MoNE]Aesthetics by Symmetry[\\/url] | [url=https:\\/\\/\\/WnLG31LaQx0]Aesthetics by Complexity[\\/url] | [url=https:\\/\\/\\/i323hh7-CAQ]Defining Flow[\\/url]\\n[url=https:\\/\\/\\/hNnF5NLoOwU]Flow and Aesthetics[\\/url] | [url=https:\\/\\/\\/tq8fu_-__8M]Angle Emphasis[\\/url] | [url=https:\\/\\/\\/6ilBsa_dV8k]Strain[\\/url] | [url=https:\\/\\/\\/KKDnLsIyRp0]Pressure[\\/url] | [url=https:\\/\\/\\/jm43HilQhYk]Tension[\\/url] | [url=https:\\/\\/\\/-_Mh0NbpHXo]Song Choice[\\/url] | [url=https:\\/\\/\\/BNjVu8xq4os]Song Length[\\/url]\\n\\n[url=https:\\/\\/\\/playlist?list=PL3OTylWB5pG6t5MCwGnq87iYZnE5G7aZL][b]\\u25ba osu! Rambling[\\/b][\\/url]\\n[url=https:\\/\\/\\/-Beeh7dKyTk]Storyboards[\\/url] | [url=https:\\/\\/\\/i6zzHMzwIzU]Why[\\/url]\\n\\n[url=https:\\/\\/\\/_sBP7ttRQog]0 BPM[\\/url] | [url=https:\\/\\/\\/UgtR6WnuTT8]ppv2 Pt.1[\\/url] | [url=https:\\/\\/\\/Bx14u5tltyE]ppv2 Pt.2[\\/url] | [url=https:\\/\\/\\/-095yuSLE4Y]Super high star rating[\\/url][\\/notice][url=https:\\/\\/\\/oApvJHWA][b]Skin v3.4[\\/b][\\/url]\\n[size=85]Personal edit of [url=https:\\/\\/\\/forum\\/t\\/481314]Re:m skin by Choilicious[\\/url][\\/size]\\n\\n[img]http:\\/\\/\\/qqv6C\\/0aaca52f51.jpg[\\/img][url=https:\\/\\/\\/u\\/Satellite][img]http:\\/\\/\\/qqv6K\\/94681bed3f.jpg[\\/img][\\/url][url=https:\\/\\/\\/u\\/Sellenite][img]http:\\/\\/\\/qqv6T\\/c943ed1703.jpg[\\/img][\\/url][url=https:\\/\\/\\/u\\/Morinaga][img]http:\\/\\/\\/qqv70\\/cfbdb2a242.jpg[\\/img][\\/url][url=https:\\/\\/\\/u\\/-Mo-][img]http:\\/\\/\\/qqv77\\/ca489f2d00.jpg[\\/img][\\/url]\\n[notice]I don\'t really do nomination stuff often anymore. \\nHowever, please do show me your map if it\'s any of the following:[box=][b]Bounty[\\/b]\\n[size=50]High priority modding for these artists\\/songs (maybe a GD, just ask).\\nPreferably non-cut versions and songs that have no ranked maps yet.[\\/size]\\n\\nYuuhei Satellite\\nYuuhei Catharsis\\nShoujo Fractal\\nHoneyWorks (non-vocaloid)\\nTrySail\\nClariS\\n\\nClariS - CLICK (Asterisk DnB Remix), [size=85]either version.[\\/size]\\nfhana - Outside of Melancholy, [size=85]a version that isn\'t cut pls[\\/size]\\nAny cover of \\u7832\\u96f7\\u6483\\u6226\\u3001\\u59cb\\u3081![\\/box]I also do storyboard checks for any map.\\n\\nPMs are open for anything. Ask me anything. \\nAsk me what my favourite colour is if you really want even.[\\/notice][box=Guests][b]Ranked[\\/b]\\n[url=https:\\/\\/\\/b\\/1575100][img]http:\\/\\/\\/images\\/insane.png[\\/img] senya - Terasareru kurai no Shiawase [Lunatic][\\/url]\\n[url=https:\\/\\/\\/b\\/1794557][img]http:\\/\\/\\/images\\/insane.png[\\/img] senya - Arehateta Chijou no Uta [Collab Insane][\\/url]\\n[url=https:\\/\\/\\/b\\/1592915][img]http:\\/\\/\\/images\\/insane.png[\\/img] Tanaka Hirokazu - C-TYPE [TetriS-TYPE] [S-TYPE][\\/url]\\n[url=https:\\/\\/\\/b\\/1490130][img]http:\\/\\/\\/images\\/insane.png[\\/img] TrySail - adrenaline!!! [Insane][\\/url] [size=85]Slightly ruined version.[\\/size]\\n[url=https:\\/\\/\\/b\\/1401096][img]http:\\/\\/\\/images\\/insane.png[\\/img] senya - Shunkan Everlasting [Insane][\\/url]\\n[url=https:\\/\\/\\/b\\/795269][img]
Basically unreadable currently.
I tried making it look like
\\u25ba osu! Mapping Theory[\\/b]
Linear Momentum[\\/url]
| [url=https:\\/\\/\\/zOzi8Q655vs]
Linear Momentum 2[\\/url]
| [url=https:\\/\\/\\/Rm5l0UDJLcQ]
Angular Momentum and Circular Flow[\\/url]
| [url=https:\\/\\/\\/hRc3Xm0wI7s]
Active and Passive Mapping[\\/url]
Slider Flow[\\/url]
| [url=https:\\/\\/\\/e05hOKXfWOk]
Stream Flow[\\/url]
| [url=https:\\/\\/\\/zYAujNMPVbY]
Slider Mechanics[\\/url]
| [url=https:\\/\\/\\/ZOtkAQ3MoNE]
Aesthetics by Symmetry[\\/url]
| [url=https:\\/\\/\\/WnLG31LaQx0]
Aesthetics by Complexity[\\/url]
| [url=https:\\/\\/\\/i323hh7-CAQ]
Defining Flow[\\/url]
Flow and Aesthetics[\\/url]
| [url=https:\\/\\/\\/tq8fu_-__8M]
Angle Emphasis[\\/url]
| [url=https:\\/\\/\\/6ilBsa_dV8k]
| [url=https:\\/\\/\\/KKDnLsIyRp0]
| [url=https:\\/\\/\\/jm43HilQhYk]
| [url=https:\\/\\/\\/-_Mh0NbpHXo]
Song Choice[\\/url]
Where there's a new line after every ']'
I've tried tweaking re.sub("[\(\[].*?[\)\]]", "", str(x)) to fit what I need but it just deletes everything inside of them. (I have no idea how regex works)
How can I go about this?
There's no need for a regular expression, just use the simple str.replace() function.
x = x.replace(']', ']\n')
It really depends on exactly what you want your output to look like.
I interpreted your output as wanting a newline after each url= tag, which would require the following regex:
output = re.sub(r"(\[url.*?\])", r"\1\n", input)
The brackets () form a capture group which is then used in the replace statement as \1 since its the first unnamed capture group.
You can change the regex to your will but just keep the stuff you want to keep within the capture group.
If you want to experiment with regex you can use which is an amazing resource when fiddling around with regex.

Avoid Regex catastrophic backtracking in "dateparser" Python package

I'm trying to optimize dateparser ( logic. I've copied the source and here I have a Regex like:
## Grab any digits
## Delimiters, ie Tuesday[,] July 18 or 6[/]17[/]2008
## as well as whitespace
## These tokens could be in phrases that dateutil does not yet recognize
## Some are US Centric
I don't want to copy + paster {days}, {months} ... substituted fragments here because they are too verbose,
but here are the sources:
the code:
the resulted Regex:
The Regex successfully searches for dates in text like
Beginning on February 1, 1998, and\ncontinuing until July 18, 2002,
But sometimes the regex is too slow. Especially when dealing with tables in plain text like this:
710 5,208 1,577 2,274
3,302 15,638 5,603 -
32,584 166,848
I guess there is a catastrophic backtracking issue (it doesn't happen if I remove "(?P\d+)" Regex part, but then I ruin my parsing logic) But I don't know how to avoid it here.
What I have tried:
1) simplifying and tuning some simple sub-patterns:
\d+ -> \d\d* or \d+ -> \d{1,8}
All that I've got is performance improvement like 44s to 42.5s.
2) I've tried to break the source text by separators like ' ', '|', '['
re.split(r'\|. |; |\s\s', text)
and then processing the resulted text chunks. But then I've failed to pass unit tests for text like
" Beginning on February 1, 1998"

Removing varying text phrases through RegEx in a Python Data frame

Basically, I want to remove the certain phrase patterns embedded in my text data:
Starts with an upper case letter and ends with an Em Dash "—"
Starts with an Em Dash "—" and ends with a "Read Next"
Say, I've got the following data:
CEBU CITY—The widow of slain human rights lawyer .... citing figures from the NUPL that showed that 34 lawyers had been killed in the past two years. —WITH REPORTS FROM JULIE M. AURELIO AND DJ YAPRead Next
Manila, Philippines—President .... but justice will eventually push its way through their walls of impunity, ... —REPORTS FROM MELVIN GASCON, JULIE M. AURELIO, DELFIN T. MALLARI JR., JEROME ANING, JOVIC YEE, GABRIEL PABICO LALU, PATHRICIA ANN V. ROXAS, DJ YAP, AFP, APRead Next
I want to remove the following phrases:
"Manila, Philippines—"
I am assuming this would be needing two regex for each patterns enumerated above.
The regex: —[A-Z].*Read Next\s*$ may work on the pattern # 2 but only when there are no other em dashes in the text data. It will not work when pattern # 1 occurs as it will remove the chunk from the first em dash it has seen until the "Read Next" string.
I have tried the following regex for pattern # 1:
But how come it does not work. That regex was supposed to look for a phrase that starts with any upper case letter, followed by any length of string as long as it ends with an "—".
What you are considering a hyphen - is not indeed a hyphen instead called Em Dash, hence you need to use this regex which has em dash instead of hyphen in start,
^—[A-Z].*Read Next\s*$
Here is the explanation for this regex,
^ --> Start of input
— --> Matches a literal Em Dash whose Unicode Decimal Code is 8212
[A-Z] --> Matches an upper case letter
.* --> Matches any character zero or more times
Read Next --> Matches these literal words
\s* --> This is for matching any optional white space that might be present at the end of line
$ --> End of input
Online demo
The regex that should take care of this -
^—[A-Z]+(.)*(Read Next)$
You can try implementing this regex on your data and see if it works out.

Find and Edit Text File

I'm looking to find if there is a way of automating this process. Basically I have 300,000 rows of data needed to download on a daily basis. There are a couple of rows that need to be edited before it can be uploaded to SQL.
Jordan || Michael | 23 | Bulls | Chicago
Bryant | Kobe ||| 8 || LA
What I want to accomplish is to just have 4 vertical bars per row. Normally, I would search for a keyword then edit it manually then save. These two are the only anomalies in my data.
Find "Jordan", then remove the excess 1 vertical bar "|" right after it.
I need to find "Kobe", then remove the two excess vertical bars "|" right after it.
Correct format is below -
Jordan | Michael | 23 | Bulls | Chicago
Bryant | Kobe | 8 || LA
Not sure if this can be done in vbscript or Python.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Python or vbscript could be used but they are overkill for something this simple. Try sed:
$ sed -E 's/(Jordan *)\|/\1/g; s/(Kobe *)\| *\|/\1/g' file
Jordan | Michael | 23 | Bulls | Chicago
Bryant | Kobe | 8 || LA
To save to a new file:
sed -E 's/(Jordan *)\|/\1/g; s/(Kobe *)\| *\|/\1/g' file >newfile
Or, to change the existing file in-place:
sed -Ei.bak 's/(Jordan *)\|/\1/g; s/(Kobe *)\| *\|/\1/g' file
How it works
sed reads and processes a file line by line. In our case, we need only the substitute command which has the form s/old/new/g where old is a regular expression and, if it is found, it is replaced by new. The optional g at the end of the command tells sed to perform the substitution command 'globally', meaning not just once but as many times as it appears on the line.
s/(Jordan *)\|/\1/g
This tells sed to look for Jordan followed by zero or more spaces followed by a vertical bar and remove the vertical bar.
In more detail, the parens in (Jordan *) tell sed to save the string Jordan followed by zero or more spaces as a group. In the replacement side, we reference that group as \1.
s/(Kobe *)\| *\|/\1/g
Similarly, this tells sed to look for Kobe followed by zero or more spaces followed by a vertical bar and remove the vertical bar.
Using python
Using the same logic as above, here is a python program:
$ cat
import re
with open('file') as f:
for line in f:
line = re.sub(r'(Jordan *)\|', r'\1', line)
line = re.sub(r'(Kobe *)\| *\|', r'\1', line)
$ python
Jordan | Michael | 23 | Bulls | Chicago
Bryant | Kobe | 8 || LA
To save that to a new file:
python >newfile
I wrote a code snippet in Python 3.5 as follows.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
rows = ["Jordan||Michael|23|Bulls|Chicago",
keywords = ["Jordan", "Kobe"]
def get_keyword(row, keywords):
for word in keywords:
if word in row:
return word
return None
for line in rows:
num_bars = line.count('|')
num_bars_del = num_bars - 4 # Number of bars to be deleted
kw = get_keyword(line, keywords)
if kw: # this line contains a keyword
# Split the line by the keyword
first, second = line.split(kw)
second = second.lstrip()
result = "%s%s%s"%(first, kw, second[num_bars_del:])
