Pure-Python inverse error function - python

Are there any pure-python implementations of the inverse error function?
I know that SciPy has scipy.special.erfinv(), but that relies on some C extensions. I'd like a pure python implementation.
I've tried writing my own using the Wikipedia and Wolfram references, but it always seems to diverge from the true value when the arg is > 0.9.
I've also attempted to port the underlying C code that Scipy uses (ndtri.c and the cephes polevl.c functions) but that's also not passing my unit tests.
Edit: As requested, I've added the ported code.
Docstrings (and doctests) have been removed because they're longer than the functions. I haven't yet put much effort into making the port more pythonic - I'll worry about that once I get something that passes unit tests.
Supporting functions from cephes polevl.c
def polevl(x, coefs, N):
ans = 0
power = len(coefs) - 1
for coef in coefs[:N]:
ans += coef * x**power
power -= 1
return ans
def p1evl(x, coefs, N):
return polevl(x, [1] + coefs, N)
Main Inverse Error Function
def inv_erf(z):
if z < -1 or z > 1:
raise ValueError("`z` must be between -1 and 1 inclusive")
if z == 0:
return 0
if z == 1:
return math.inf
if z == -1:
return -math.inf
# From scipy special/cephes/ndrti.c
def ndtri(y):
# approximation for 0 <= abs(z - 0.5) <= 3/8
P0 = [
Q0 = [
# Approximation for interval z = sqrt(-2 log y ) between 2 and 8
# i.e., y between exp(-2) = .135 and exp(-32) = 1.27e-14.
P1 = [
Q1 = [
# Approximation for interval z = sqrt(-2 log y ) between 8 and 64
# i.e., y between exp(-32) = 1.27e-14 and exp(-2048) = 3.67e-890.
P2 = [
Q2 = [
s2pi = 2.50662827463100050242
code = 1
if y > (1.0 - 0.13533528323661269189): # 0.135... = exp(-2)
y = 1.0 - y
code = 0
if y > 0.13533528323661269189:
y = y - 0.5
y2 = y * y
x = y + y * (y2 * polevl(y2, P0, 4) / p1evl(y2, Q0, 8))
x = x * s2pi
return x
x = math.sqrt(-2.0 * math.log(y))
x0 = x - math.log(x) / x
z = 1.0 / x
if x < 8.0: # y > exp(-32) = 1.2664165549e-14
x1 = z * polevl(z, P1, 8) / p1evl(z, Q1, 8)
x1 = z * polevl(z, P2, 8) / p1evl(z, Q2, 8)
x = x0 - x1
if code != 0:
x = -x
return x
result = ndtri((z + 1) / 2.0) / math.sqrt(2)
return result

I think the error in your code is in the for loop over coefficients in the polevl function. If you replace what you have with the function below everything seems to work.
def polevl(x, coefs, N):
ans = 0
power = len(coefs) - 1
for coef in coefs:
ans += coef * x**power
power -= 1
return ans
I have tested it against scipy's implementation with the following code:
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import erfinv
N = 100000
x = np.random.rand(N) - 1.
# Calculate the inverse of the error function
y = np.zeros(N)
for i in range(N):
y[i] = inv_erf(x[i])
assert np.allclose(y, erfinv(x))

sympy? some digging may be needed to see how its implemented internally http://docs.sympy.org/latest/modules/functions/special.html#sympy.functions.special.error_functions.erfinv
from sympy import erfinv


Numpy - vectorize the bivariate poisson pmf equation

I'm trying to write a function to evaluate the probability mass function for the bivariate poisson distribution.
This is easy when all of the parameters (x, y, theta1, theta2, theta0) are scalars, but tricky to scale up without loops to allow these parameters to be vectors. I need it to scale such that, for:
theta0 being a scalar - the "correlation parameter" in the equation
theta1 and theta2 having length l
x, y both having length n
the output array would have shape (l, n, n). For example, a slice [j, :, :] from the output array would look like:
The first part (the constant, before the summation) I think i've figured out:
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import factorial
def constant(theta1, theta2, theta0, x, y):
exponential_part = np.exp(-(theta1 + theta2 + theta0)).reshape(-1, 1, 1)
x = np.tile(x, (len(x), 1)).transpose()
y = np.tile(y, (len(y), 1))
double_factorial = (np.power(np.array(theta1).reshape(-1, 1, 1), x)/factorial(x)) * \
(np.power(np.array(theta2).reshape(-1, 1, 1), y)/factorial(y))
return exponential_part * double_factorial
But I'm struggling with the summation part. How can I vectorize a summation where the limits depend on variable arrays?
I think I have this figured out, based on the approach that #w-m suggests: calculate every possible summation term which could appear, based on the maximum x or y value which appears, and use a mask to get rid of the ones you don't want. Assuming you have your x and y terms go from 0 to N, in consecutive order, this is calculating up to three times more terms than are actually required, but this is offset by getting to use vectorization.
Reference implementation
I wrote this by first writing a pure-Python reference implementation, which just implements your problem using loops. With 4 nested loops, it's not exactly fast, but it's handy to have while testing the numpy version.
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import factorial, comb
import operator as op
from functools import reduce
def choose(n, r):
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/4941932/530160
r = min(r, n-r)
numer = reduce(op.mul, range(n, n-r, -1), 1)
denom = reduce(op.mul, range(1, r+1), 1)
return numer // denom # or / in Python 2
def reference_impl_constant(s_theta1, s_theta2, s_theta0, s_x, s_y):
# Cast to float to prevent overflow
s_theta1 = float(s_theta1)
s_theta2 = float(s_theta2)
s_theta0 = float(s_theta0)
s_x = float(s_x)
s_y = float(s_y)
term1 = np.exp(-(s_theta1 + s_theta2 + s_theta0))
term2 = (s_theta1 ** s_x / factorial(s_x))
term3 = (s_theta2 ** s_y / factorial(s_y))
assert term1 >= 0
assert term2 >= 0
assert term3 >= 0
return term1 * term2 * term3
def reference_impl_constant_loop(theta1, theta2, theta0, x, y):
theta_len = theta1.shape[0]
xy_len = x.shape[0]
constant_array = np.zeros((theta_len, xy_len, xy_len))
for i in range(theta_len):
for j in range(xy_len):
for k in range(xy_len):
s_theta1 = theta1[i]
s_theta2 = theta2[i]
s_theta0 = theta0
s_x = x[j]
s_y = y[k]
constant_term = reference_impl_constant(s_theta1, s_theta2, s_theta0, s_x, s_y)
assert constant_term >= 0
constant_array[i, j, k] = constant_term
return constant_array
def reference_impl_summation(s_theta1, s_theta2, s_theta0, s_x, s_y):
sum_ = 0
for i in range(min(s_x, s_y) + 1):
sum_ += choose(s_x, i) * choose(s_y, i) * factorial(i) * ((s_theta0/s_theta1/s_theta2) ** i)
assert sum_ >= 0
return sum_
def reference_impl_summation_loop(theta1, theta2, theta0, x, y):
theta_len = theta1.shape[0]
xy_len = x.shape[0]
summation_array = np.zeros((theta_len, xy_len, xy_len))
for i in range(theta_len):
for j in range(xy_len):
for k in range(xy_len):
s_theta1 = theta1[i]
s_theta2 = theta2[i]
s_theta0 = theta0
s_x = x[j]
s_y = y[k]
summation_term = reference_impl_summation(s_theta1, s_theta2, s_theta0, s_x, s_y)
assert summation_term >= 0
summation_array[i, j, k] = summation_term
return summation_array
def reference_impl(theta1, theta2, theta0, x, y):
# all array inputs must be 1D
assert len(theta1.shape) == 1
assert len(theta2.shape) == 1
assert len(x.shape) == 1
assert len(y.shape) == 1
# theta vectors must have same length
theta_len = theta1.shape[0]
assert theta2.shape[0] == theta_len
# x and y must have same length
xy_len = x.shape[0]
assert y.shape[0] == xy_len
# theta0 is scalar
assert isinstance(theta0, (int, float))
constant_array = np.zeros((theta_len, xy_len, xy_len))
output = np.zeros((theta_len, xy_len, xy_len))
constant_array = reference_impl_constant_loop(theta1, theta2, theta0, x, y)
summation_array = reference_impl_summation_loop(theta1, theta2, theta0, x, y)
output = constant_array * summation_array
return output
Numpy implementation
I split the implementation of this across two functions.
The fast_constant() function calculates everything to the left of the summation symbol. The fast_summation() function calculates everything inside the summation symbol.
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import factorial, comb
def fast_summation(theta1, theta2, theta0, x, y):
x = np.tile(x, (len(x), 1)).transpose()
y = np.tile(y, (len(y), 1))
sum_limit = np.minimum(x, y)
max_sum_limit = np.max(sum_limit)
i = np.arange(max_sum_limit + 1).reshape(-1, 1, 1)
summation_mask = (i <= sum_limit)
theta_ratio = (theta0 / (theta1 * theta2)).reshape(-1, 1, 1, 1)
theta_to_power = np.power(theta_ratio, i)
terms = comb(x, i) * comb(y, i) * factorial(i) * theta_to_power
# mask out terms which aren't part of sum
terms *= summation_mask
# axis 0 is theta
# axis 1 is i
# axis 2 & 3 are x and y
# so sum across axis 1
terms = terms.sum(axis=1)
return terms
def fast_constant(theta1, theta2, theta0, x, y):
theta1 = theta1.astype('float64')
theta2 = theta2.astype('float64')
exponential_part = np.exp(-(theta1 + theta2 + theta0)).reshape(-1, 1, 1)
# x and y must be 1D
assert len(x.shape) == 1
assert len(y.shape) == 1
# x and y must have same shape
assert x.shape == y.shape
x_len, y_len = x.shape[0], y.shape[0]
x = x.reshape((x_len, 1))
y = y.reshape((1, y_len))
double_factorial = (np.power(np.array(theta1).reshape(-1, 1, 1), x)/factorial(x)) * \
(np.power(np.array(theta2).reshape(-1, 1, 1), y)/factorial(y))
return exponential_part * double_factorial
def fast_impl(theta1, theta2, theta0, x, y):
return fast_summation(theta1, theta2, theta0, x, y) * fast_constant(theta1, theta2, theta0, x, y)
Assuming that X and Y range from 0 to 20, and that theta is centered somewhere inside that range, I get the result that the numpy version is roughly 280 times faster than the pure python reference.
Numerical stability
I'm unsure how numerically stable this is. For example, when I center theta at 100, I get a floating-point overflow. Typically, when computing an expression which has lots of choose and factorial expressions inside it, you'll use some mathematical equivalent which results in smaller intermediate sums. In this case I have so little understanding of the math that I don't know how you'd do that.

NIST Suite Test for Nonlinear dynamical system

In my following code i m running a lorentz chaotic equation from which i will get random numbers in terms of xs , ys and zs
import numpy as np
def lorenz(x, y, z, a=10,b=8/3,c=28 ):
x_dot = a*(y -x)
y_dot = - y +c*x - x*z
z_dot = -b*z + x*y
return x_dot, y_dot, z_dot
dt = 0.01
num_steps = 10000
# Need one more for the initial values
xs = np.empty(num_steps + 1)
ys = np.empty(num_steps + 1)
zs = np.empty(num_steps + 1)
# Set initial values
xs[0], ys[0], zs[0]= (1,1,1)
# Step through "time", calculating the partial derivatives at the current point
# and using them to estimate the next point
for i in range(num_steps):
x_dot, y_dot, z_dot= lorenz(xs[i], ys[i], zs[i])
xs[i + 1] = xs[i] + (x_dot * dt)
ys[i + 1] = ys[i] + (y_dot * dt)
zs[i + 1] = zs[i] + (z_dot * dt)
I am actually trying to test the xs, ys and zs value for random number generating test via NIST 800 by using the code below
from __future__ import print_function
import math
from fractions import Fraction
from scipy.special import gamma, gammainc, gammaincc
# from gamma_functions import *
import numpy
import cmath
import random
#ones_table = [bin(i)[2:].count('1') for i in range(256)]
def count_ones_zeroes(bits):
ones = 0
zeroes = 0
for bit in bits:
if (bit == 1):
ones += 1
zeroes += 1
return (zeroes,ones)
def runs_test(bits):
n = len(bits)
zeroes,ones = count_ones_zeroes(bits)
prop = float(ones)/float(n)
print(" prop ",prop)
tau = 2.0/math.sqrt(n)
print(" tau ",tau)
if abs(prop-0.5) > tau:
return (False,0.0,None)
vobs = 1.0
for i in range(n-1):
if bits[i] != bits[i+1]:
vobs += 1.0
print(" vobs ",vobs)
p = math.erfc(abs(vobs - (2.0*n*prop*(1.0-prop)))/(2.0*math.sqrt(2.0*n)*prop*(1-prop) ))
success = (p >= 0.01)
return (success,p,None)
from __future__ import print_function
import math
def count_ones_zeroes(bits):
ones = 0
zeroes = 0
for bit in bits:
if (bit == 1):
ones += 1
zeroes += 1
return (zeroes,ones)
def monobit_test(bits):
n = len(bits)
zeroes,ones = count_ones_zeroes(bits)
s = abs(ones-zeroes)
print(" Ones count = %d" % ones)
print(" Zeroes count = %d" % zeroes)
p = math.erfc(float(s)/(math.sqrt(float(n)) * math.sqrt(2.0)))
success = (p >= 0.01)
return (success,p,None)
the output which i m getting is false i.e
prop 0.00019998000199980003
tau 0.01999900007499375
(False, 0.0, None)
what should i do now?
The Lorenz system is chaotic, not random. You implemented the differential equation solver well, but it seems that count_ones_zeroes doesn't do what its name implies, at least, not on the data you provide. on xs, it returns that (zeroes, ones) = (9999, 2), which is not what you want. The code checks the value within the xs array, i.e. an x value (e.g. 8.2) against 1, but x is a float between -20 and 20, so it will be usually non1, and will be counted as 0. Only x==1 will be counted as ones.
In python, int/int results in float, so there is no need to cast it to float, in contrast to e.g. C or C++, so instead of prop = float(ones)/float(n), you can write prop = ones/n Similar statements hold for +,- and *

Evaluating a multivariable function on an array with python/numpy

I know that python allows a fast evalutation of a real-valued, one variable function f(x) on a numpy array xarr = np.array([x0,x1,...xN]):
f(xarr) = np.array([f(x0), f(x1), ..., f(xN)])
However, this doesn't seem to work syntax-wise for a multivariable function. Say I have a real-valued function f(x,y), where x and y are two real numbers. Is there a correct syntax to evaluate the function on, say, [(0,0), (0,1), (1,0), (1,1)], avoiding a loop (which is always slow on python...)?
Edit: below are the functions involved:
The 5-variable function I refer to is:
def chisqr(BigOmega, inc, taustar, Q0, U0):
QU = QandU(nusdata, BigOmega, inc, taustar, Q0, U0)
Q = QU[:,0]
U = QU[:,1]
return 1./(2.*N) * (np.sum(((Q - Qs)/errQs)**2.) + np.sum(((U - Us)/errUs)**2.))
where nusdata, Qs, and Us are arrays defined before calling the function. The function calls the following function:
def QandU(nu, BigOmega, inc, taustar, Q0, U0):
lambdalong = nu+omega-np.pi/2.
tau3 = taustar * ((1+ecc*np.cos(nu))/(1-ecc**2.))**gamma
delQ = -tau3 * (1+np.cos(inc)*np.cos(inc))*(np.cos(2.*lambdalong) np.sin(inc)*np.sin(inc))
delU = -2*tau3*np.cos(inc)*np.sin(2*lambdalong)
Q = Q0 + delQ*np.cos(BigOmega) - delU * np.sin(BigOmega)
U = U0 + delQ*np.sin(BigOmega) + delU * np.cos(BigOmega)
bounds = (inc < 0) or (inc > np.pi/2.) or (BigOmega < -2*np.pi) or (BigOmega > 2*np.pi) or (taustar < 0.) or (taustar > 1.)
if bounds:
Q = 10E10
U = 10E10
#return U
return np.column_stack((Q,U))
All variables which aren't the function's arguments are defined outside the function.
Using a simple example:
def add_squares(x, y):
return x*x + y*y
xs = np.array([0, 0, 1, 1])
ys = np.array([0, 1, 1, 0])
res = add_squares(x, y)
np.array([0, 1, 2, 1])
Your statement that f(xarr) = np.array([f(x0), f(x1), ..., f(xN)]) is not in general true. This entirely depends on the definition of f. If f consists only of arithmetic operations, then it is true, but in general, it is not.
Your QandU function should almost work as intended:
def QandU(nu, BigOmega, inc, taustar, Q0, U0):
# left unchanged
lambdalong = nu+omega-np.pi/2.
tau3 = taustar * ((1+ecc*np.cos(nu))/(1-ecc**2.))**gamma
delQ = -tau3 * (1+np.cos(inc)*np.cos(inc))*(np.cos(2.*lambdalong) np.sin(inc)*np.sin(inc))
delU = -2*tau3*np.cos(inc)*np.sin(2*lambdalong)
Q = Q0 + delQ*np.cos(BigOmega) - delU * np.sin(BigOmega)
U = U0 + delQ*np.sin(BigOmega) + delU * np.cos(BigOmega)
# or doesn't vectorize, use bitwise or
bounds = (inc < 0) | (inc > np.pi/2.) | (BigOmega < -2*np.pi) | (BigOmega > 2*np.pi) | (taustar < 0.) | (taustar > 1.)
# if statements also don't vectorize
Q[bounds] = 10E10
U[bounds] = 10E10
# stacking is more trouble that it's worth
return Q, U
Your chisqr function will probably need an axis= argument passed to sum, depending exactly which dimensions you want to sum over.

minimizing non-convex function with Nelder-Mead

I am using scipy.optimize.minimize, with the default method ('Neldear-Mead').
The function I try to minimize is not strictly convex. It stays at the same value on some significant areas.
The issue that I have is that the steps taken by the algorithm are too small. For example my starting point has a first coordinate x0 = 0.2 . I know that the function will result in a different value only for a significant step, for example moving by 0.05. Unfortunately, I can see that the algorithm makes very small step (moving by around 0.000001). As a result, my function returns the same value, and the algorithm does not converge. Can I change that behaviour?
For convenience, here's the scipy code:
def _minimize_neldermead(func, x0, args=(), callback=None,
xtol=1e-4, ftol=1e-4, maxiter=None, maxfev=None,
disp=False, return_all=False,
Minimization of scalar function of one or more variables using the
Nelder-Mead algorithm.
Options for the Nelder-Mead algorithm are:
disp : bool
Set to True to print convergence messages.
xtol : float
Relative error in solution `xopt` acceptable for convergence.
ftol : float
Relative error in ``fun(xopt)`` acceptable for convergence.
maxiter : int
Maximum number of iterations to perform.
maxfev : int
Maximum number of function evaluations to make.
This function is called by the `minimize` function with
`method=Nelder-Mead`. It is not supposed to be called directly.
maxfun = maxfev
retall = return_all
fcalls, func = wrap_function(func, args)
x0 = asfarray(x0).flatten()
N = len(x0)
rank = len(x0.shape)
if not -1 < rank < 2:
raise ValueError("Initial guess must be a scalar or rank-1 sequence.")
if maxiter is None:
maxiter = N * 200
if maxfun is None:
maxfun = N * 200
rho = 1
chi = 2
psi = 0.5
sigma = 0.5
one2np1 = list(range(1, N + 1))
if rank == 0:
sim = numpy.zeros((N + 1,), dtype=x0.dtype)
sim = numpy.zeros((N + 1, N), dtype=x0.dtype)
fsim = numpy.zeros((N + 1,), float)
sim[0] = x0
if retall:
allvecs = [sim[0]]
fsim[0] = func(x0)
nonzdelt = 0.05
zdelt = 0.00025
for k in range(0, N):
y = numpy.array(x0, copy=True)
if y[k] != 0:
y[k] = (1 + nonzdelt)*y[k]
y[k] = zdelt
sim[k + 1] = y
f = func(y)
fsim[k + 1] = f
ind = numpy.argsort(fsim)
fsim = numpy.take(fsim, ind, 0)
# sort so sim[0,:] has the lowest function value
sim = numpy.take(sim, ind, 0)
iterations = 1
while (fcalls[0] < maxfun and iterations < maxiter):
if (numpy.max(numpy.ravel(numpy.abs(sim[1:] - sim[0]))) <= xtol and
numpy.max(numpy.abs(fsim[0] - fsim[1:])) <= ftol):
xbar = numpy.add.reduce(sim[:-1], 0) / N
xr = (1 + rho) * xbar - rho * sim[-1]
fxr = func(xr)
doshrink = 0
if fxr < fsim[0]:
xe = (1 + rho * chi) * xbar - rho * chi * sim[-1]
fxe = func(xe)
if fxe < fxr:
sim[-1] = xe
fsim[-1] = fxe
sim[-1] = xr
fsim[-1] = fxr
else: # fsim[0] <= fxr
if fxr < fsim[-2]:
sim[-1] = xr
fsim[-1] = fxr
else: # fxr >= fsim[-2]
# Perform contraction
if fxr < fsim[-1]:
xc = (1 + psi * rho) * xbar - psi * rho * sim[-1]
fxc = func(xc)
if fxc <= fxr:
sim[-1] = xc
fsim[-1] = fxc
doshrink = 1
# Perform an inside contraction
xcc = (1 - psi) * xbar + psi * sim[-1]
fxcc = func(xcc)
if fxcc < fsim[-1]:
sim[-1] = xcc
fsim[-1] = fxcc
doshrink = 1
if doshrink:
for j in one2np1:
sim[j] = sim[0] + sigma * (sim[j] - sim[0])
fsim[j] = func(sim[j])
ind = numpy.argsort(fsim)
sim = numpy.take(sim, ind, 0)
fsim = numpy.take(fsim, ind, 0)
if callback is not None:
iterations += 1
if retall:
x = sim[0]
fval = numpy.min(fsim)
warnflag = 0
if fcalls[0] >= maxfun:
warnflag = 1
msg = _status_message['maxfev']
if disp:
print('Warning: ' + msg)
elif iterations >= maxiter:
warnflag = 2
msg = _status_message['maxiter']
if disp:
print('Warning: ' + msg)
msg = _status_message['success']
if disp:
print(" Current function value: %f" % fval)
print(" Iterations: %d" % iterations)
print(" Function evaluations: %d" % fcalls[0])
result = OptimizeResult(fun=fval, nit=iterations, nfev=fcalls[0],
status=warnflag, success=(warnflag == 0),
message=msg, x=x)
if retall:
result['allvecs'] = allvecs
return result
I have used Nelder-Mead long time ago,but as I remember that you will find different local minima if you start from different starting points.You didn't give us your function,so we could only guess what should be best strategy for you.You should also read this
Then you can try pure Python implementation

Python implementation of the Wilson Score Interval?

After reading How Not to Sort by Average Rating, I was curious if anyone has a Python implementation of a Lower bound of Wilson score confidence interval for a Bernoulli parameter?
Reddit uses the Wilson score interval for comment ranking, an explanation and python implementation can be found here
#Rewritten code from /r2/r2/lib/db/_sorts.pyx
from math import sqrt
def confidence(ups, downs):
n = ups + downs
if n == 0:
return 0
z = 1.0 #1.44 = 85%, 1.96 = 95%
phat = float(ups) / n
return ((phat + z*z/(2*n) - z * sqrt((phat*(1-phat)+z*z/(4*n))/n))/(1+z*z/n))
I think this one has a wrong wilson call, because if you have 1 up 0 down you get NaN because you can't do a sqrt on the negative value.
The correct one can be found when looking at the ruby example from the article How not to sort by average page:
return ((phat + z*z/(2*n) - z * sqrt((phat*(1-phat)+z*z/(4*n))/n))/(1+z*z/n))
To get the Wilson CI without continuity correction, you can use proportion_confint in statsmodels.stats.proportion. To get the Wilson CI with continuity correction, you can use the code below.
# cf.
# [1] R. G. Newcombe. Two-sided confidence intervals for the single proportion, 1998
# [2] R. G. Newcombe. Interval Estimation for the difference between independent proportions: comparison of eleven methods, 1998
import numpy as np
from statsmodels.stats.proportion import proportion_confint
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
def propci_wilson_cc(count, nobs, alpha=0.05):
# get confidence limits for proportion
# using wilson score method w/ cont correction
# i.e. Method 4 in Newcombe [1];
# verified via Table 1
from scipy import stats
n = nobs
p = count/n
q = 1.-p
z = stats.norm.isf(alpha / 2.)
z2 = z**2
denom = 2*(n+z2)
num = 2.*n*p+z2-1.-z*np.sqrt(z2-2-1./n+4*p*(n*q+1))
ci_l = num/denom
num = 2.*n*p+z2+1.+z*np.sqrt(z2+2-1./n+4*p*(n*q-1))
ci_u = num/denom
if p == 0:
ci_l = 0.
elif p == 1:
ci_u = 1.
return ci_l, ci_u
def dpropci_wilson_nocc(a,m,b,n,alpha=0.05):
# get confidence limits for difference in proportions
# a/m - b/n
# using wilson score method WITHOUT cont correction
# i.e. Method 10 in Newcombe [2]
# verified via Table II
theta = a/m - b/n
l1, u1 = proportion_confint(count=a, nobs=m, alpha=0.05, method='wilson')
l2, u2 = proportion_confint(count=b, nobs=n, alpha=0.05, method='wilson')
ci_u = theta + np.sqrt((a/m-u1)**2+(b/n-l2)**2)
ci_l = theta - np.sqrt((a/m-l1)**2+(b/n-u2)**2)
return ci_l, ci_u
def dpropci_wilson_cc(a,m,b,n,alpha=0.05):
# get confidence limits for difference in proportions
# a/m - b/n
# using wilson score method w/ cont correction
# i.e. Method 11 in Newcombe [2]
# verified via Table II
theta = a/m - b/n
l1, u1 = propci_wilson_cc(count=a, nobs=m, alpha=alpha)
l2, u2 = propci_wilson_cc(count=b, nobs=n, alpha=alpha)
ci_u = theta + np.sqrt((a/m-u1)**2+(b/n-l2)**2)
ci_l = theta - np.sqrt((a/m-l1)**2+(b/n-u2)**2)
return ci_l, ci_u
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# single proportion testing
# these come from Newcombe [1] (Table 1)
a_vec = np.array([81, 15, 0, 1])
m_vec = np.array([263, 148, 20, 29])
for (a,m) in zip(a_vec,m_vec):
l1, u1 = proportion_confint(count=a, nobs=m, alpha=0.05, method='wilson')
l2, u2 = propci_wilson_cc(count=a, nobs=m, alpha=0.05)
print(a,m,l1,u1,' ',l2,u2)
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# difference in proportions testing
# these come from Newcombe [2] (Table II)
a_vec = np.array([56,9,6,5,0,0,10,10],dtype=float)
m_vec = np.array([70,10,7,56,10,10,10,10],dtype=float)
b_vec = np.array([48,3,2,0,0,0,0,0],dtype=float)
n_vec = np.array([80,10,7,29,20,10,20,10],dtype=float)
print('\nWilson without CC')
for (a,m,b,n) in zip(a_vec,m_vec,b_vec,n_vec):
l, u = dpropci_wilson_nocc(a,m,b,n,alpha=0.05)
print('{:2.0f}/{:2.0f}-{:2.0f}/{:2.0f} ; {:6.4f} ; {:8.4f}, {:8.4f}'.format(a,m,b,n,a/m-b/n,l,u))
print('\nWilson with CC')
for (a,m,b,n) in zip(a_vec,m_vec,b_vec,n_vec):
l, u = dpropci_wilson_cc(a,m,b,n,alpha=0.05)
print('{:2.0f}/{:2.0f}-{:2.0f}/{:2.0f} ; {:6.4f} ; {:8.4f}, {:8.4f}'.format(a,m,b,n,a/m-b/n,l,u))
The accepted solution seems to use a hard-coded z-value (best for performance).
In the event that you wanted a direct python equivalent of the ruby formula from the blogpost with a dynamic z-value (based on the confidence interval):
import math
import scipy.stats as st
def ci_lower_bound(pos, n, confidence):
if n == 0:
return 0
z = st.norm.ppf(1 - (1 - confidence) / 2)
phat = 1.0 * pos / n
return (phat + z * z / (2 * n) - z * math.sqrt((phat * (1 - phat) + z * z / (4 * n)) / n)) / (1 + z * z / n)
If you'd like to actually calculate z directly from a confidence bound and want to avoid installing numpy/scipy, you can use the following snippet of code,
import math
def binconf(p, n, c=0.95):
Calculate binomial confidence interval based on the number of positive and
negative events observed. Uses Wilson score and approximations to inverse
of normal cumulative density function.
p: int
number of positive events observed
n: int
number of negative events observed
c : optional, [0,1]
confidence percentage. e.g. 0.95 means 95% confident the probability of
success lies between the 2 returned values
theta_low : float
lower bound on confidence interval
theta_high : float
upper bound on confidence interval
p, n = float(p), float(n)
N = p + n
if N == 0.0: return (0.0, 1.0)
p = p / N
z = normcdfi(1 - 0.5 * (1-c))
a1 = 1.0 / (1.0 + z * z / N)
a2 = p + z * z / (2 * N)
a3 = z * math.sqrt(p * (1-p) / N + z * z / (4 * N * N))
return (a1 * (a2 - a3), a1 * (a2 + a3))
def erfi(x):
"""Approximation to inverse error function"""
a = 0.147 # MAGIC!!!
a1 = math.log(1 - x * x)
a2 = (
2.0 / (math.pi * a)
+ a1 / 2.0
return (
sign(x) *
math.sqrt( math.sqrt(a2 * a2 - a1 / a) - a2 )
def sign(x):
if x < 0: return -1
if x == 0: return 0
if x > 0: return 1
def normcdfi(p, mu=0.0, sigma2=1.0):
"""Inverse CDF of normal distribution"""
if mu == 0.0 and sigma2 == 1.0:
return math.sqrt(2) * erfi(2 * p - 1)
return mu + math.sqrt(sigma2) * normcdfi(p)
Here is a simplified (no need for numpy) and slightly improved (0 and n values for k do not cause a math domain error) version of the Wilson score confidence interval with continuity correction, from the original sourcecode written by batesbatesbates in another answer, and also a pure python no-numpy non-continuity correction version, with 2 equivalent ways to calculate (can be switched with eqmode argument, but both ways give the exact same non-continuity correction results):
import math
def propci_wilson_nocc(k, n, z=1.96, eqmode=0):
# Calculates the Binomial Proportion Confidence Interval using the Wilson Score method without continuation correction
# Equations eqmode == 1 from: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Binomial_proportion_confidence_interval&oldid=1101942017#Wilson_score_interval
# Equations eqmode == 0 from: https://www.evanmiller.org/how-not-to-sort-by-average-rating.html
# The results should be close to:
# from statsmodels.stats.proportion import proportion_confint
# proportion_confint(k, n, alpha=0.05, method='wilson')
#z=1.44 = 85%, 1.96 = 95%
if n == 0:
return 0
p_hat = float(k) / n
z2 = z**2
if eqmode == 0:
ci_l = (p_hat + z2/(2*n) - z*math.sqrt(max(0.0, (p_hat*(1 - p_hat) + z2/(4*n))/n))) / (1 + z2 / n)
ci_l = (1.0 / (1.0 + z2/n)) * (p_hat + z2/(2*n)) - (z / (1 + z2/n)) * math.sqrt(max(0.0, (p_hat*(1 - p_hat)/n + z2/(4*(n**2)))))
if eqmode == 0:
ci_u = (p_hat + z2/(2*n) + z*math.sqrt(max(0.0, (p_hat*(1 - p_hat) + z2/(4*n))/n))) / (1 + z2 / n)
ci_u = (1.0 / (1.0 + z2/n)) * (p_hat + z2/(2*n)) + (z / (1 + z2/n)) * math.sqrt(max(0.0, (p_hat*(1 - p_hat)/n + z2/(4*(n**2)))))
return [ci_l, ci_u]
def propci_wilson_cc(n, k, z=1.96):
# Calculates the Binomial Proportion Confidence Interval using the Wilson Score method with continuation correction
# i.e. Method 4 in Newcombe [1]: R. G. Newcombe. Two-sided confidence intervals for the single proportion, 1998;
# verified via Table 1
# originally written by batesbatesbates https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10029588/python-implementation-of-the-wilson-score-interval/74021634#74021634
p_hat = k/n
q = 1.0-p
z2 = z**2
denom = 2*(n+z2)
num = 2.0*n*p_hat + z2 - 1.0 - z*math.sqrt(max(0.0, z2 - 2 - 1.0/n + 4*p_hat*(n*q + 1)))
ci_l = num/denom
num2 = 2.0*n*p_hat + z2 + 1.0 + z*math.sqrt(max(0.0, z2 + 2 - 1.0/n + 4*p_hat*(n*q - 1)))
ci_u = num2/denom
if p_hat == 0:
ci_l = 0.0
elif p_hat == 1:
ci_u = 1.0
return [ci_l, ci_u]
Note that the returned value will always be bounded between [0.0, 1.0] (due to how p_hat is a ratio of k/n), this is why it's a score and not really a confidence interval, but it's easy to project back to a confidence interval by multiplying ci_l * n and ci_u * n, these values will be in the same domain as k and can be plotted alongside.
Here is a much more readable version for how to compute the Wilson Score interval without continuity correction, by Bartosz Mikulski:
from math import sqrt
def wilson(p, n, z = 1.96):
denominator = 1 + z**2/n
centre_adjusted_probability = p + z*z / (2*n)
adjusted_standard_deviation = sqrt((p*(1 - p) + z*z / (4*n)) / n)
lower_bound = (centre_adjusted_probability - z*adjusted_standard_deviation) / denominator
upper_bound = (centre_adjusted_probability + z*adjusted_standard_deviation) / denominator
return (lower_bound, upper_bound)
