I am creating a Flask application that is connecting to a Cloudant database using the python cloudant library.
My response time when I just add connect statement (with no queries) can be anywhere from .4s to 12s. My connect statement is like so:
client = Cloudant(USERNAME, PASSWORD, url=URL, connect=True)
When I remove the connection code, my response time is very low.
I have run a profiler on my system and it shows that the increase in response time is due to reading an ssl socket.
I have also tried using the default example from IBM Bluemix Github and got similar results for response time.
I am running my Flask application using the built in development web server. I have tried connecting to the database before every request and I have tried having a single connection that gets reused. Could this delay be due to my local machine? And what would cause it to be quick some times and not others? Other posts have suggested issues with IPv6 or DNS, but I do not think that is the case.
With API calls like:
ddoc = DesignDocument(g.db, '_design/docs')
g.myview = View(ddoc, 'my-view')
I have already created the views and are indexed by the appropriate key, so it is not slow due to indexing.
try to use this code to connect to your Cloudant database:
def conn(user, pwd, db, **kwargs):
client = Cloudant(user, pwd, account=kwargs.get('host', user))
database = self.client[db]
I'm trying to access Azure EvenHub but my network makes me use proxy and allows connection only over https (port 443)
Based on https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/python/api/azure-eventhub/azure.eventhub.aio.eventhubproducerclient?view=azure-python
I added proxy configuration and TransportType.AmqpOverWebsocket parametr and my Producer looks like this:
async def run():
producer = EventHubProducerClient.from_connection_string(
and I get an error:
File "/usr/local/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/uamqp/authentication/cbs_auth_async.py", line 74, in create_authenticator_async
raise errors.AMQPConnectionError(
uamqp.errors.AMQPConnectionError: Unable to open authentication session on connection b'EHProducer-a1cc5f12-96a1-4c29-ae54-70aafacd3097'.
Please confirm target hostname exists: b'my_eh.servicebus.windows.net'
I don't know what might be the issue.
Might it be related to this one ? https://github.com/Azure/azure-event-hubs-c/issues/50#issuecomment-501437753
you should be able to set up a proxy that the SDK uses to access EventHub. Here is a sample that shows you how to set the HTTP_PROXY dictionary with the proxy information. Behind the scenes when proxy is passed in, it automatically goes over websockets.
As #BrunoLucasAzure suggested checking the ports on the proxy itself will be good to check, because based on the error message it looks like it made it past the proxy and cant resolve the endpoint.
I want to send a message to a websocket client when it connects to the server on AWS lambda and API gateway. Currently, I use wscat as a client. Since the response 'connected' is not shown on the wscat console when I connect to the server, I added post_to_connection to send a message 'hello world' to the client. However, it raises GoneException.
An error occurred (GoneException) when calling the PostToConnection
How can I solve this problem and send some message to wscat when connecting to the server?
My python code is below. I use Python 3.8.5.
import os
import boto3
import botocore
dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb')
connections = dynamodb.Table(os.environ['TABLE_NAME'])
def lambda_handler(event, context):
domain_name = event.get('requestContext',{}).get('domainName')
stage = event.get('requestContext',{}).get('stage')
connection_id = event.get('requestContext',{}).get('connectionId')
result = connections.put_item(Item={ 'id': connection_id })
apigw_management = boto3.client('apigatewaymanagementapi',
ret = "hello world";
_ = apigw_management.post_to_connection(ConnectionId=connection_id,
except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
return { 'statusCode': 500,
'body': 'something went wrong' }
return { 'statusCode': 200,
"body": 'connected'};
Self-answer: you cannot post_to_connection to the connection itself in onconnect.
I have found that the GoneException can occur when the client that initiated the websocket has disconnected from the socket and its connectionId can no longer be found. Is there something causing the originating client to disconnect from the socket before it can receive your return message?
My use case is different but I am basically using a DB to check the state of a connection before replying to it, and not using the request context to do that. This error's appearance was reduced by writing connectionIds to DynamoDB on connect, and deleting them from the table upon disconnect events. Messaging now writes to connectionIds in the table instead of the id in the request context. Most messages go through but some errors are still emitted when the client leaves the socket but does not emit a proper disconnect event which leaves orphans in the table. The next step is to enforce item deletes when irregular disconnections occur. Involving a DB may be overkill for your situation, just sharing what helped me make progress on the GoneException error.
We need to post to connection after connecting (i.e. when the routeKey is not $connect)
routeKey = event.get('requestContext', {}).get('routeKey')
print(routeKey) # for debugging
if routeKey != '$connect': # if we have defined multiple route keys we can choose the right one here
apigw_management.post_to_connection(ConnectionId=connection_id, Data=ret)
#nemy's answer is totally true but it doesn't explain the reason. So, I just want to explain...
So, first of all What is GoneException or GoneError 410 ?
A 410 Gone error occurs when a user tries to access an asset which no longer exists on the requested server. In order for a request to return a 410 Gone status, the resource must also have no forwarding address and be considered to be gone permanently.
you can find more details about GoneException in this article.
In here, GoneException has occured; it means that the POST connection we are trying to make, doesn't exist - which fits perfectly in the scenario. Because we still haven't established the connection between Client and Server. The way APIGatewayWebsocketAPIs work is that you request an Endpoint(Route) and that Endpoint will invoke that Lambda Function (In our case it is ConnectionLambdaFunction for $connect Route).
Now, if The Lambda function resolves with statusCode: 200 then and only then the API Gateway will allow the connection to be established. So, basically untill we return statusCode: 200 from our Lambda Function we are not connected and untill then we are totally unknown to server and thats why the Post call that has been made before the return statement itself will throw an error.
We host elatsicsearch cluster on Elastic Cloud and call it from dataflow (GCP). Job works fine in dev but when we deploy to prod we're seeing lots of connection timeout on the client side.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "apache_beam/runners/common.py", line 1213, in apache_beam.runners.common.DoFnRunner.process
File "apache_beam/runners/common.py", line 570, in apache_beam.runners.common.SimpleInvoker.invoke_process
File "main.py", line 159, in process
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/elasticsearch/client/utils.py", line 152, in _wrapped
return func(*args, params=params, headers=headers, **kwargs)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/elasticsearch/client/__init__.py", line 1617, in search
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/elasticsearch/transport.py", line 390, in perform_request
raise e
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/elasticsearch/transport.py", line 365, in perform_request
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/elasticsearch/connection/http_urllib3.py", line 258, in perform_request
raise ConnectionError("N/A", str(e), e)
elasticsearch.exceptions.ConnectionError: ConnectionError(<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7fe5d04e5690>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 110] Connection timed out) caused by: NewConnectionError(<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7fe5d04e5690>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 110] Connection timed out)
I increased timeout setting in elasticsearch client to 300s like below but it didn't seem to help.
self.elasticsearch = Elasticsearch([es_host], http_auth=http_auth, timeout=300)
Looking at deployment at https://cloud.elastic.co/deployments//metrics
CPU and memory usage are very low (below 10%) and search response time is also order of 200ms.
What could be the bottleneck here and how we can we avoid such timeouts?
As seen in below log most of requests are failing with connection timeout while successful request receives response very quick:
I tried ssh into the VM where we experience the connection error. netstat showed there were about 60 ESTABLISHED connections to the elastic search IP address. When I curl from the VM to elasticsearch address I was able to reproduce timeout. I can curl fine to other URLs. Also I can curl fine to elasticsearch from my local so issue is only connection between VM and elasticsaerch server.
Does dataflow (compute engine) or ElasticSearch has limitation on number of concurrent connection? I could not find any information online.
I did a little bit of research about the connector for ElasticSearch. There are a two principles that you may want to try to ensure your connector is as efficient as possible.
Note Setting a maximum number of workers, as suggested in the other answer, will probably not help as much (for now) - let's improve utilization from your Beam/Elastic cluster resources, and if we start hitting limits for either, then we can consider restricting # of workers - but right now, you can try to improve your connector.
Using bulk requests to external services
The code you provide issues an individual search request for every element coming into the DoFn. As you've noted, this works fine, but it will cause your pipeline to spend too much time waiting on external requests for each element - so your wait for roundtrips will be O(n).
Gladly, the Elasticsearch client has an msearch method, which should allow you to perform searches in bulk. You can do something like this:
class PredictionFn(beam.DoFn):
def __init__(self, ...):
self.buffer = []
def process(self, element):
if len(self.buffer) > BATCH_SIZE:
return self.flush()
def flush(self):
result = []
# Perform the search requests for user ids
user_ids = [uid for cid, did, uid in self.buffer]
user_ids_request = self._build_uid_reqs(user_ids)
resp = es.msearch(body=user_ids_request)
user_id_and_device_id_lists = []
for r, elm in zip(resp['responses'], self.buffer):
if len(r["hits"]["hits"]) == 0:
# Get new device_id_list
user_id_and_device_id_lists.append((elm[2], # User ID
device_id_lists = [elm[1] for elm in user_id_and_device_id_lists]
device_ids_request = self._build_device_id_reqs(device_id_lists)
resp = es.msearch(body=device_ids_request)
resp = self.elasticsearch.search(index="sessions", body={"query": {"match": {"userId": user_id }}})
# Handle the result, output anything necessary
def _build_uid_reqs(self, uids):
# Relying on this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28546253/how-to-create-request-body-for-python-elasticsearch-msearch/37187352
res = []
for uid in uids:
res.append(json.dumps({'index': 'sessions'})) # Request HEAD
res.append(json.dumps({"query": {"match": {"userId": uid }}})) # Request BODY
return '\n'.join(res)
Reusing the client as it's thread-safe
The Elasticsearch client is also thread safe!
So rather than creating a new one every time, you can do something like this:
class PredictionFn(beam.DoFn):
def init_elasticsearch(self):
if PredictionFn.CLIENT is not None:
return PredictionFn.CLIENT
es_host = fetch_host()
http_auth = fetch_auth()
PredictionFn.CLIENT = Elasticsearch([es_host], http_auth=http_auth,
timeout=300, sniff_on_connection_fail=True,
retry_on_timeout=True, max_retries=2,
maxsize=5) # 5 connections per client
return PredictionFn.CLIENT
This should ensure that you keep a single client for each worker, and you won't be creating so many connections to ElasticSearch - and thus not getting the rejection messages.
Let me know if these two help, or if we need to try further improvements!
EDIT: This was red herring. CLOSE_WAIT is not related. I again had the same issue and most of connections are now in ESTABLISHED status :/
While both of answers below are insightful, I don't think they answered the question.
After some more investigation, I find out that somehow elasticsearch-py (or urllib3), in combination with dataflow, will leave connection in CLOSE_WAIT status. Once connection got this status, these connections got stuck (OS will not release these sockets because OS thinks application code will close it) so after running job sometime, all of my connections in connection pool are in this CLOSE_WAIT status and therefore I cannot make any new connections. If I don't use connection pool and instantiate elasticsaerch client for each pardo, it just gets worth, somehow connections got stuck even faster.
I reported issue here https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch-py/issues/1459 but honestly the issue seems deeper in stack, because I had similar issue when I directly used requests package's connection pool (which I believe also used urllib3 under the hood).
Dataflow has no limit on the number of outgoing connections.
It uses a K8s cluster under the hood, and every python thread lives into their own docker container.
API calls to Elastic cloud are rate-limited (take a look at the x-rate-limit-{interval,limit,remaining} fields in the response headers).
With Dataflow it is very easy to hit API rate limits if you do a lot of parallel jobs and/or google cloud scales up the nodes of your job to make it faster.
Possible workarounds in your Dataflow / Apache Beam job:
1 - (no code required) Play with (Dataflow execution parameters)[ https://cloud.google.com/dataflow/docs/guides/specifying-exec-params] to limit the number of concurrent processing threads.
The three parameters you need to tweak are:
max_num_workers : maximum number of worker instances (machines) running.
number_of_worker_harness_threads: by default 1 thead per CPU your instance has.
machine_type: the instance type you will use.
2 - Implement rate-limit on your code. See Apache Beam Timely (and stateful) processing processing with Apache Beam
I'm new to web development and I'm trying to create a RESTful web service using the Flask micro-framework.
Here is my code:
app = Flask(__name__)
client = MongoClient()
db = client.markets
def toJson(data):
return json.dumps(data, default=json_util.default)
#app.route('/', methods=['GET'])
def get_tasks():
cursor = db.europe.find()
list = []
for i in cursor:
return toJson(list)
When I send the request from my browser, it is constantly waiting for the server and nothing is returned.
Eventually I will see the flask server running in the terminal will give me: [Errno 32] Broken pipe.
My collection has 1.5 million entries, each with about 20 attributes. Could it be because the request is too large?
Thanks in advance.
The Broken pipe indicates that the other end of a socket or pipe that your flask process wants to talk to has died. Considering that you are interacting with the database it's very likely that the database has terminated the connection or the connection has died for other reasons.
Probably you should be analyzing the query that you run on your db, because the code itself doesn't seem to have an obvious problem.
Try running the query on your MongoDB manually and see what happens. Does the query return successfully?
You're mentioning that it takes a lot of time until you get that error. Could it be that some indexes are missing or not properly used in your schema, which makes the query execute very slow, and after waiting for a long time it reaches a timeout (f.e. maxTimeMS)?
I have a frontend server that is reachable over the internet, and a database server that is only available in the local network where the frontend and database server are both in.
I need fabric to create a new database on the database server, but as the database server is not available on the internet, I need to "proxy" through the frontend server to call tasks on the database server.
How can I do that?
I searched for the answer for a few hours, but of course I only found it after asking about it here on stackoverflow.
The solution is to set the frontend server which is available through the internet as the gateway, either using the --gateway|-g flag in the command line, or by setting env.gateway.
I use this in combination with the env.roledefs property and fabric.api.roles to execute some tasks on the database server.
The solution roughly looks like this:
from fabric.api import task, env, roles
env.gateway = 'frontend.server'
env.hosts = ['frontend.server']
env.roledefs = {'db': ['database.server']}
def create_database():
""" Run on the database server. """
run(... mysql create database query stuff ...)
def who_am_i():
""" Run on the frontend server. """
run('who am i')