Most efficient way to turn a 5D array into a Pandas dataframe - python

I have a 5D array called predictors with a shape of [6,288,37,90,107] where 6 is the number of variables,
288 is the time series of those variables,
37is the k locations,
90 is the j locations,
107 is the i locations.
I want to have a pandas dataframe that includes columns of each variable timeseries at each k,j,i location so that of course will be a lot of columns.
Then I would like to somehow obtain the names for each column.
For example the first column would be var1_k_j_i = predictors[0,:,0,0,0]
except in the name I actually want the k location, j location,
and i location instead of k_j_i.
Since there are so many I can't do this by hand so I was hoping for a suggestion on the best way to organize this into a pandas dataframe and obtain the names? A loop possibly?
So in summary by the end of this I would like my 5D array of predictors turned into a large pandas dataframe where each column is a variable located at different k,j,i locations with the corresponding names of the variable and location in the header or first row of the dataframe.

Sound like you need to have fun with reshape here.
To address the location i,j,k is easy as using reshape. Then I'm not sure if you can reshape again to obtain a 2D representation of what you need, so I'm proposing a loop for you as follow.
import itertools
import pandas as pd
dfs = []
new_matrix = matrix.reshape([6,288,37*90*107])
for var range(6):
iterator = itertools.product(range(37), range(90), range(107))
columns = ['var%i_' % var + '_'.join(map(str, x)) for x in iterator]
result = pd.concat(dfs)


Create function that loops through columns in a Data frame

I am a new coder using jupyter notebook. I have a dataframe that contains 23 columns with different amounts of values( at most 23 and at least 2) I have created a function that normalizes the contents of one column below.
def normalize(column):
y = DFref[column].values[()]
y = x.astype(int)
KGF= list()
for element in y:
element_norm = element / x.sum()
return KGF
I am now trying to create a function that loops through all columns in the Data frame. Right now if I plug in the name of one column, it works as intended. What would I need to do in order to create a function that loops through each column and normalizes the values of each column, and then adds it to a new dataframe?
It's not clear if all 23 columns are numeric, but I will assume they are. Then there are a number of ways to solve this. The method below probably isn't the best, but it might be a quick fix for you...
colnames = DFref.columns.tolist()
normalised_data = {}
for colname in colnames:
normalised_data[colname] = normalize(colname)
df2 = pd.DataFrame(normalised_data)

How can l extract a section of the pandas dataframe like marked in the picture below?

I am trying to extract the section (matrix) of the numbers in pandas dataframe like as marked in the given picture embedded above.
Please anyone who can assist me, I want to perform analytics based on the section (matrix) of a bigger data frame. Thank you in advance!!
You can use the .iloc[] function to select the rows and columns you want.
This should select rows 5-14 and columns 6-14.
Not sure if the numbers are correct but I think this method is what you were looking for.
edit: changed .loc[] to .iloc[] because we're using index values, and cleaned it up a bit
Here is the code to iterate over the whole dataframe
#df = big data frame
shape = (10,10) #shape of matrix to be analized, here is 10x10
step = 1 #step size, itterate over every number
step = 10 #step size, itterate block by block
#keep in mind, iterating by block will leave some data out at the end of the rows and columns
#you can set step = shape if you are working with a matrix that isn't square, just be sure to change step in the code below to step[0] and step[1] respectively
for row in range( 0, len(df[0]) - shape[0]+1, step): #number of rows of big dataframe - number of rows of matrix to be analized
for col in range(0, len(df.iloc[0,:]) - shape[1]+1, step): #number of columns of big dataframe - number of columns of matrix to be analized
matrix = df.iloc[row:shape[0]+row, col:shape[1]+col] #slice out matrix and set it equal to 'matrix'
#analize matrix here
This is basically the same as #dafmedinama said, i just added more commenting and simplified specifying the shape of the matrix as well as included a step variable if you don't want to iterate over every single number every time you move the matrix.
Be sub_rows and sub_cols the dimension of the datafram to be extracted:
import pandas as pd
sub_rows = 10 # Amount of rows to be extracted
sub_cols = 3 # Amount of columns to be extracted
if sub_rows > len(df.index):
print("Defined sub dataframe rows are more than in the original dataframe")
elif sub_cols > len(df.columns):
print("Defined sub dataframe columns are more than in the original dataframe")
for i in range(0,len(df.index)-sub_rows):
for j in range(0, len(df.columns)):
d.iloc[i:i+sub_rows, j:j+sub_cols] # Extracted dataframe
# Put here the code you need for your analysis

How do you filter rows in a dataframe based on the column numbers from a Python list?

I have a Pandas dataframe with two columns, x and y, that correspond to a large signal. It is about 3 million rows in size.
Wavelength from dataframe
I am trying to isolate the peaks from the signal. After using scipy, I got a 1D Python list corresponding to the indexes of the peaks. However, they are not the actual x-values of the signal, but just the index of their corresponding row:
from scipy.signal import find_peaks
peaks, _ = find_peaks(y, height=(None, peakline))
So, I decided I would just filter the original dataframe by setting all values in its y column to NaN unless they were on an index found in the peak list. I did this iteratively, however, since it is 3000000 rows, it is extremely slow:
peak_index = 0
for data_index in list(data.index):
if data_index != peaks[peak_index]:
data[data_index, 1] = float('NaN')
peak_index += 1
Does anyone know what a faster method of filtering a Pandas dataframe might be?
Looping in most cases is extremely inefficient when it comes to pandas. Assuming you just need filtered DataFrame that contains the values of both x and y columns only when y is a peak, you may use the following piece of code:
Alternatively, if you are hoping to retrieve an original DataFrame with y column retaining its peak values and having NaN otherwise, then please use:
df.y = df.y.where(df.y.iloc[peaks] == df.y.iloc[peaks])
Finally, since you seem to care about just the x values of the peaks, you might just rework the first piece in the following way:

How to get a random sample given 2 arrays?

Hi there I am working with a Sci Kit learn data set, digits and I Split the data
So I have X_train and Y_train arrays
The arrays are related in such a way that the index x[0] belongs to y[0]
print x_train.shape
(1347, 64)
print y_train.shape
print set(y_train)
I would like to extract a random sample from x_train given the set(y), i.e. To resample my data by extracting just one random observation of the set(y).However I donĀ“t know if I can do this with numpy or pandas, any one have an idea of how to deal with this????
Thank you very much.
It is not clear what you want to do.
The set(y) contains all the available labels of your dataset X.
In general (until you specify what you need), use random.choice:
You have this:
print set(y)
Convert it first to a list:
index_all = list(set(y))
Now, randomly sample the set(y):
# this is a random index (class/label) from 0 to 9.
random_index = np.random.choice(index_all, 1)
Now, I see 2 possibilities (I believe you want the Case 2):
1) Directly resample x based on this random index (random based on the set(y))
Finally, if x is a numpy array:
x[random_index, :]
This returns a random observation of x based on the set(y)
2) Resample the x but get a random observation that has a label y. Label 'y' is defined randomly above (random_index)
This returns a random observation of x that is associated with a label y.
This is the approach I generally use for constructing a dataframe and extracting data from it.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
#Dummy arrays for x and y
x_train = np.zeros((1347,64))
y_train = np.ones((1347))
#First we pair up the arrays according to their index using zip. Only use this
#method if both arrays are of equal length.
training_dataset = list(zip(x_train,y_train))
#Next we load the dataset as a dataframe using Pandas
df = pd.DataFrame(data=training_dataset)
#Check that the dataframe is what you want
#If you would like to extract a random row, you may use
#Alternatively if you would like to extract a specific row (eg. 10th row aka index 9)
I hope I've understood what you wanted to achieve but if not, feel free to let me know so I can amend my answer!
Pandas Docs
Selecting Rows and Columns in Pandas Dataframes

Pandas - expanding inverse quantile function

I have a dataframe of values:
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.uniform(0,1,(500,2)), columns = ['a', 'b'])
>>> print df
a b
1 0.277438 0.042671
.. ... ...
499 0.570952 0.865869
[500 rows x 2 columns]
I want to transform this by replacing the values with their percentile, where the percentile is taken over the distribution of all values in prior rows. i.e., if you do df.T.unstack(), it would be a pure expanding sample. This might be more intuitive if you think of the index as a DatetimeIndex, and I'm asking to take the expanding percentile over the entire cross-sectional history.
So the goal is this guy:
a b
0 99 99
.. .. ..
499 58 84
(Ideally I'd like to take the distribution of a value over the set of all values in all rows before and including that row, so not exactly an expanding percentile; but if we can't get that, that's fine.)
I have one really ugly way of doing this, where I transpose and unstack the dataframe, generate a percentile mask, and overlay that mask on the dataframe using a for loop to get the percentiles:
percentile_boundaries_over_time = pd.DataFrame({integer:
pd.expanding_quantile(df.T.unstack(), integer/100.0)
for integer in range(0,101,1)})
percentile_mask = pd.Series(index = df.unstack().unstack().unstack().index)
for integer in range(0,100,1):
percentile_mask[(df.unstack().unstack().unstack() >= percentile_boundaries_over_time[integer]) &
(df.unstack().unstack().unstack() <= percentile_boundaries_over_time[integer+1])] = integer
I've been trying to get something faster to work, using scipy.stats.percentileofscore() and pd.expanding_apply(), but it's not giving the correct output and I'm driving myself insane trying to figure out why. This is what I've been playing with:
perc = pd.expanding_apply(df, lambda x: stats.percentileofscore(x, x[-1], kind='weak'))
Does anyone have any thoughts on why this gives incorrect output? Or a faster way to do this whole exercise? Any and all help much appreciated!
As several other commenters have pointed out, computing percentiles for each row likely involves sorting the data each time. This will probably be the case for any current pre-packaged solution, including pd.DataFrame.rank or scipy.stats.percentileofscore. Repeatedly sorting is wasteful and computationally intensive, so we want a solution that minimizes that.
Taking a step back, finding the inverse-quantile of a value relative to an existing data set is analagous to finding the position we would insert that value into the data set if it were sorted. The issue is that we also have an expanding set of data. Thankfully, some sorting algorithms are extremely fast with dealing with mostly sorted data (and inserting a small number of unsorted elements). Hence our strategy is to maintain our own array of sorted data, and with each row iteration, add it to our existing list and query their positions in the newly expanded sorted set. The latter operation is also fast given that the data is sorted.
I think insertion sort would be the fastest sort for this, but its performance will probably be slower in Python than any native NumPy sort. Merge sort seems to be the best of the available options in NumPy. An ideal solution would involve writing some Cython, but using our above strategy with NumPy gets us most of the way.
This is a hand-rolled solution:
def quantiles_by_row(df):
""" Reconstruct a DataFrame of expanding quantiles by row """
# Construct skeleton of DataFrame what we'll fill with quantile values
quantile_df = pd.DataFrame(np.NaN, index=df.index, columns=df.columns)
# Pre-allocate numpy array. We only want to keep the non-NaN values from our DataFrame
num_valid = np.sum(~np.isnan(df.values))
sorted_array = np.empty(num_valid)
# We want to maintain that sorted_array[:length] has data and is sorted
length = 0
# Iterates over ndarray rows
for i, row_array in enumerate(df.values):
# Extract non-NaN numpy array from row
row_is_nan = np.isnan(row_array)
add_array = row_array[~row_is_nan]
# Add new data to our sorted_array and sort.
new_length = length + len(add_array)
sorted_array[length:new_length] = add_array
length = new_length
# Query the relative positions, divide by length to get quantiles
quantile_row = np.searchsorted(sorted_array[:length], add_array, side="left").astype(np.float) / length
# Insert values into quantile_df
quantile_df.iloc[i][~row_is_nan] = quantile_row
return quantile_df
Based on the data that bhalperin provided (offline), this solution is up to 10x faster.
One final comment: np.searchsorted has options for 'left' and 'right' which determines whether you want your prospective inserted position to be the first or last suitable position possible. This matters if you have a lot of duplicates in your data. A more accurate version of the above solution will take the average of 'left' and 'right':
# Query the relative positions, divide to get quantiles
left_rank_row = np.searchsorted(sorted_array[:length], add_array, side="left")
right_rank_row = np.searchsorted(sorted_array[:length], add_array, side="right")
quantile_row = (left_rank_row + right_rank_row).astype(np.float) / (length * 2)
Yet not quite clear, but do you want a cumulative sum divided by total?
norm = 100.0/df.a.sum()
df['cum_a'] = df.a.cumsum()
df['cum_a'] = df.cum_a * norm
ditto for b
Here's an attempt to implement your 'percentile over the set of all values in all rows before and including that row' requirement. stats.percentileofscore seems to act up when given 2D data, so squeezeing seems to help in getting correct results:
a_percentile = pd.Series(np.nan, index=df.index)
b_percentile = pd.Series(np.nan, index=df.index)
for current_index in df.index:
preceding_rows = df.loc[:current_index, :]
# Combine values from all columns into a single 1D array
# * 2 should be * N if you have N columns
combined = preceding_rows.values.reshape((1, len(preceding_rows) *2)).squeeze()
a_percentile[current_index] = stats.percentileofscore(
df.loc[current_index, 'a'],
b_percentile[current_index] = stats.percentileofscore(
df.loc[current_index, 'b'],
