This is a follow on question to one answered recently by wpercy and Kieran.
I'm trying to fashion some Python code to improve a Zap in Zapier.
The first stage involved extracting the attendee emails from the supplied (by Google) string variable containing the emails separated by commas.
What I now need to figure out is how to also extract the attendee responses and pair them or somehow get them to follow their corresponding attendee email address as the remaining steps in the Zap are carried out, once for each email/attendee.
Here is the solution code I have successfully tested. It deals with just the emails:
emails = []
attendeeList = input_data['attendeeEmails'].split(',')
for email in attendeeList:
a = {'Email' : email.strip()}
return emails
Here is the other solution offered by Kieran:
[{'Email': email.strip()} for email in input_data['attendeeEmails'].split(',')]
The Google Calendar data looks like this:
displayName: Doug Christensen
responseStatus: needsAction
displayName: Doug Christensen
responseStatus: needsAction
self: true
organizer: true
responseStatus: accepted
So I want to get "responseStatus" and the only thing I could think to do was the following:
emails = []
position = 0
responseList = input_data['attendeeReponses'].split(',')
attendeeList = input_data['attendeeEmails'].split(',')
for email in attendeeList:
a = {'Email' : email.strip(), 'responseStatus' : reponseStatus(position).strip()}
a = {'Email' : email.strip()}
position += 1
return emails
...but that does not work (says "error" in Zapier).
I'm pretty confused by the fact that the attendee emails are available in 2 Google variables "Attendee Emails" and "Attendees Email". One actually shows up in the variables to pass to the Zap's Python code as 'Attendees[]Email' while the other shows as 'Attendee Emails'. For the attendee responses there is only one option which manifests as 'Attendees[]ResponseStatus'.
I'm clearly no expert but these labels suggest to me a bit of a data structure? when the '[]' is included, making me think that an even more elegant method of extraction of the email and pairing with the attendee response, is possible.
I want the Python code to return the email and its corresponding attendee response in a way such that the following Zap steps will be performed once for each email/response pair.
Again, any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
The reason for your error is that you're trying to access an element in the list with parentheses (). You should be using brackets [].
Even after fixing that, you can be doing this in a far more pythonic fashion. Instead of keeping track of your position in the list with its own variable, you should use the built-in function enumerate(). This will keep track of the index for you, and you won't have to increment it manually.
You would use it like this
emails = []
responseList = input_data['attendeeReponses'].split(',')
attendeeList = input_data['attendeeEmails'].split(',')
for i,email in enumerate(attendeeList):
a = {'Email': email.strip(), 'responseStatus': reponseStatus[i].strip()}
return emails
So im pulling issues from our jira project and I need to replace url's with new formatted url's in the description.
old description contains the old sharepoint server URL's so I need to change them to our new online Sharepoint url.
I decided to use Python to make use of the atlassian plugin.
here is a version of how the description looks like in the jira issue currently:
Good day
we need a new validation on the External Reference when doing work pads or amending manually when we do refund, it seems that the user that updates this is using Tab or Enter and therefore the payment files fails ,
we need users to be validated while updating refund reference same way as we limited claims payments for updating invoice numbers
thank you
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this is how i pulled in the issue from Jira( my plan is to scan through all issues and update.
from jira import JIRA
import re
jira = JIRA(server=(''),basic_auth=('user', 'password'))
issue = jira.issue("S1-3000")
print("Ticket nr: ", issue)
olddescription = issue.fields.description
newdescription = olddescription
So i managed to change the first part of the url with this line:
newdescription = newdescription.replace("http://portal.mycompany.local/mycompany/someproject/_layouts/15/start.aspx#/someproject/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fmycompany%2Fsomeproject%2F", "")
and this line:
newdescription = newdescription.replace("http://portal.mycompany.local/mycompany/someproject/SitePages/Home.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fmycompany%2Fsomeproject%2F", "")
this code completes successfully and changes the URL as intended.
Now i need to remove the end of the url from the string "View=" and the string "FolderCTID="
my line of code to do this:
newdescription = newdescription.replace(newdescription[newdescription.find("View=")-1:newdescription.find("]")],"")
newdescription = newdescription.replace(newdescription[newdescription.find("FolderCTID="):newdescription.find("]")], "")
for some reason it only does the first 2 URLs:
result looks like this:
Good day
we need a new validation on the External Reference when doing work pads or amending manually when we do refund, it seems that the user that updates this is using Tab or Enter and therefore the payment files fails ,
we need users to be validated while updating refund reference same way as we limited claims payments for updating invoice numbers
thank you
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as you can see the code removed the first 2 "View=" strings with the trailing string to the end.
I cant figure out where I went wrong I also tried putting this in a while loop and just repeating the code 5 times for a test.
str.find returns the lowest index where the substring is found. So if newdescription has more than one "]", presumably because it contains more than one link, that means the returned index will only be correct for the first link.
str.find also accepts an optional start/end index to limit the search, so you can use the index of "View=" as an offset for the search for "]":
offset = newdescription.find("View=")
replace_me = newdescription[offset:newdescription.find("]", offset)]
newdescription = newdescription.replace(replace_me, "")
I have a string variable in Zapier that contains multiple emails (,, etc.). I need to extract each email and pass it on to the next Zapier action.I've taken a screen shot of where this appears in Zapier So a string that has 2 emails would cause the next Zapier action to run twice.
I've tried parsing the string and loading a dictionary, returning the dictionary.
emails = []
attendeeList = input_data['attendeeEmails'].split()
for email in attendeeList:
a = {'Email' : email}
return emails
This returns all the emails in a form basically the same as they were submitted - comma separated list or string. (So not multiples). It does cause the next action to run in the Zap, but with multiple emails in the field "Email". Not what I want.
I've also tried just returning each email as I march through the created List.
attendeeList = input_data['attendeeEmails'].split()
for email in attendeeList:
output = {'Email' : email}
I haven't seen any output from this one yet. It's taking me about 1/2 hr to see results from any tweaks.
I'm afraid I don't know Python very well - only what I could learn from several hours spent in "Code Academy". So I know enough to be dangerous. But with the passing of variables and purported ability of Zapier to trigger multiple actions from the return of one dictionary, I'm a little overwhelmed. I'm sure it's simple if you know more than me.
My source of the string containing the emails is Google Calendar. And with the 15 min checking cycle it's a long slog to get feedback on what I've done. Any guidance would be awesome.
The following one-liner would give you a list of dictionaries from the comma-separated list of emails. Hopefully Zapier would take it from there.
[{'Email': email.strip()} for email in input_data['attendeeEmails'].split(',')]
Also please be aware you shouldn't have to wait 15 minutes every time. You can just click on re-test when you get to the 'test this step' stage.
You need to split on a delimiter, in this case a comma.
So your attendeeList would look like this:
attendeeList = input_data['attendeeEmails'].split(',')
And to remove any extra whitespace, you should then .strip() the emails in your loop like this:
for email in attendeeList:
a = {'Email' : email.strip()}
I've configured postfix on the email server with .forward file which saves a copy of email and invokes a python script. These emails are stored in Maildir format.
I want to use this Python script to send a reply to the sender acknowledging that the email has been received. I was wondering if there is any way I can open/access that e-mail, get the header info and sender address and send email back.
I looked at several examples of Maildir functions of Python, but they mostly add/delete e-mails. How can I open the latest e-mail received in Maildir/new and get the required information?
The program I have so far:
md = mailbox.Maildir('/home/abcd/Maildir')
message = md.iterkeys().next()
#print message
#for msg in md:
# subject = msg.get('Subject',"")
# print subject
print message
sender = message.get('From',"")
print sender
When I execute this, I do get the sender name. But It is rather the oldest email arrived in Maildir/new folder not the latest one.
Also, if I use get_date function, what if two (or more) e-mails arrive on the same day?
The MaildirMessage's method .get_date() gets you the timestamp of the
message file on disc. Depending on your filesystem, this may have anywhere between two second and nanosecond accuracy. The changes of two messages giving the same value with .get_date() are vastly smaller than when this actually returned a date only.
However if the message files were touched for some reason the return from .get_date() would not be relevant at all. Dovecot e.g. explicitly states that a files mtime should not be changed.
There are several dates associated with a MaildirMessage:
The arrival time timestamp, as encoded in the name of message (the part before the first dot, these are "whole" seconds). If the part
between the first and second dot has a segment of the form Mn than n is the microsecond arrival time, and be used to improve the resolution of the timestamp.
The timestamp of the file on disc
The 'Date:' header field as set by the sending program (or added by some
The dates added by intermediate MTA in the 'Received:' header field
The last of these might not be available e.g. if you and the sender are on the same mail server. The third can be easily faked/incorrect (ever got spam in your inbox dated many years ago?). And the second is incorrect if the file ever got touched.
That leaves selecting on the first option:
d = {}
for name in md.keys():
d.setdefault(int(name.split('.', 1)[0]), []).append(name)
result = sorted(d.items())[-1][1]
assert len(result) == 1 # might fail
msg = md.get_message(result[0])
If you are lucky result is a list with a single item. But this value has only second resolution, so you might have multiple emails and then you have to decide on how to decide which message to select based on one of the other values (e.g. by sorting using the files timestamp .get_date()) or just select the first, randomly select one. (If you have the log file, you can search for the result messages' keys in there to determine which one arrived latest).
If you wouldn't convert to int, and have old emails (i.e. before 2001-09-09 03:46:40) a string comparison would probably not give you the message with the latest arrival time.
Some hints for this:
You can open a Maildir with the mailbox.Maildir class (see the Documentation for mailbox)
You can iterate over all the mails in a Maildir via the method itervalues
Now you get all the mails in the Maildir. One of them is the most recent one.
The mails are objects of the class MaildirMessage, which is a subclass of Message. For these classes, also a documentation exists (on the same page as mailbox, currently)
With the method "get_date" on those objects, you can find out, which one is the most recent one. You still have to select it yourself.
So much as beginners help: A little bit you should also do by yourself.
You should make yourself familiar with the Python documentation - I agree, that it is not easy to find the right packages and how to use them, but you can try them directly in the Python shell.
Ok, here another code snippet:
newest = None
for message in md.itervalues():
if newest == None or message.get_date() > newest.get_date():
newest = message
# now newest should contain the newest message
Did not see your last question: get_date does not only contain the date, but also the time, because it gives the number of seconds since (normally) 1970.
I'm writing a registration form that only needs to accept the local component of a desired email address. The domain component is fixed to the site. I am attempting to validate it by selectively copying from validators.validate_email which Django provides for EmailField:
email_re = re.compile(
r"(^[-!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{}|~0-9A-Z]+(\.[-!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{}|~0-9A-Z]+)*" # dot-atom
# quoted-string, see also
r')#((?:[A-Z0-9](?:[A-Z0-9-]{0,61}[A-Z0-9])?\.)+[A-Z]{2,6}\.?$)' # domain
r'|\[(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[0-1]?\d?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[0-1]?\d?\d)){3}\]$', re.IGNORECASE) # literal form, ipv4 address (SMTP 4.1.3)
validate_email = EmailValidator(email_re, _(u'Enter a valid e-mail address.'), 'invalid')
Following is my code. My main issue is that I'm unable to adapt the regex. At this point I'm only testing it in a regex tester at however it's failing:
This seems to be passing undesirable characters such as ?
The entire code for my Field, which is not necessarily relevant at this stage but I wouldn't mind some comment on it would be:
class LocalEmailField(CharField):
email_local_re = re.compile(r"^([-!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{}|~0-9A-Z]+(\.[-!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{}|~0-9A-Z]+)*)$", re.IGNORECASE)
validate_email_local = RegexValidator(email_re, (u'Enter a valid e-mail username.'), 'invalid')
default_validators = [validate_email_local]
EDIT: To clarify, the user is only entering the text BEFORE the #, hence why I have no need to validate the in the validator.
EDIT 2: So the form field and label will look like this:
Desired Email Address: [---type-able area---]
You say "undesirable characters such as ?", but I think you're mistaken about what characters are desirable. The original regex allows question marks.
Note that you can also define your own validator that doesn't use a massive regex, and have some chance of decoding the logic later.
Some people, when confronted with a problem, think, “I know, I’ll use
regular expressions.” Now they have two problems. - Jamie
Checking via regex is an exercise in wasting your time. The best way is to attempt delivery; this way not only can you verify the email address, but also if the mailbox is actually active and can receive emails.
Otherwise you'll end up in an every-expanding regular expression that can't possibly hope to match all the rules.
"Haha boo hoo woo woo!" is a valid address, so is
Instead, offer the almost-standard "Please click on the link in the email we sent to to verify your address." approach.
If you want to create email addresses, then you can write your own rules on what can be a part of the email component; and they can be a subset of the official allowed chars in the RFC.
For example, a conservative rule (that doesn't use regular expressions):
allowed_chars = [string.digits+string.letters+'-']
if len([x in user_input if x not in allowed_chars]):
print 'Sorry, invalid characters'
if user_input[0] in string.digits+'-':
print 'Cannot start with a number or `-`'
if check_if_already_exists(user_input):
print 'Sorry, already taken'
print 'Congratulations!'
I'm still new to Django and Python, but why reinvent the wheel and maintain your own regex? If, apart from wanting users to enter only the local portion of their email address, you're happy with Django's built-in EmailField, you can subclass it quite easily and tweak the validation logic a bit:
class LocalEmailField(models.EmailField):
def clean(local_part):
whole_address = '%s#%s' % (local_part, DOMAIN_NAME)
clean_address = super(LocalEmailField, self).clean(whole_address)
# Can do more checking here if necessary
clean_local, at_sign, clean_domain = clean_address.rpartition('#')
return clean_local
Have you looked at the documentation for Form and Field Validation and the .clean() method?
If you want to do it 100% correctly with regex, you need to use an engine with some form of extended regex which allow matching nested parentheses.
Python's default engine does not allow this, so you're better off compromising with a very simple (permissive) regex.
We have successfully implemented in our Python+pyramid program Encrypted Website Payments for PayPal, except for a tiny detail: input sanitization. Namely, we would like to help the user by providing as much data as possible to the PayPal from our user database. Now, it occurred to me that a malicious user could change his name to 'Mr Hacker\nprice=0.00' or similar, and thus completely negate the security offered by EWP. I did try URL-encoding the values, but PayPal does not seem to decode the percent escapes in the file.
Our code is based on the django-paypal library; the library completely neglects this issue, outputting happily bare name=value pairs without any checks:
plaintext = 'cert_id=%s\n' % CERT_ID
for name, field in self.fields.iteritems():
value = None
if name in self.initial:
value = self.initial[name]
elif field.initial is not None:
value = field.initial
if value is not None:
# ### Make this less hackish and put it in the widget.
if name == "return_url":
name = "return"
plaintext += u'%s=%s\n' % (name, value)
plaintext = plaintext.encode('utf-8')
So, how does one properly format the input for dynamically encrypted buttons? Or is there a better way to achieve similar functionality in Website Payments Standard to avoid this problem, yet as secure?
What we craft is a string with contents like
and encrypt it for EWP; the user posts the form to When the user clicks on the button, the PayPal page "Log in to complete your checkout" the item name displayed is "Percent%20encoding%20and%20UTF-8:%20%C3%B6". Thus, for EWP input it seems that percent encoding is not decoded.
You could filter out key-value pairs with regular expressions;
>>> import re
>>> text = 'Mr Hacker\nprice=0.00\nsecurity=false'
>>> re.sub('[\n][^\s]+=[^\s]*', '', text)
'Mr Hacker'
Or even more simple, ditch everything after the first newline;
>>> text.splitlines()[0]
'Mr Hacker'
The latter assumes that the first line is correct, which might not be the case.