memory overflow when processing eval() in Tensorflow - python

I'm using Tensorflow to process a simple matrix factorization algorithm. Every step went correct but at the last step, where I want to eval() a Tensor to store it, the program didn't work and only occupied more and more memory. So is there something wrong in my code? I'm a beginner in Tensorflow and I'm don't know where the problem is. Below is my code.
class model(object):
def __init__(self, D, Q, stepsize = 6e-7, max_iter = 200, inner_maxiter = 50, dim = 200, verbose = 5):
self.D = tf.constant(D, dtype = tf.float32)
self.Q = tf.constant(Q, dtype = tf.float32)
self.rank = dim
self.stepsize = stepsize
self.max_iter = max_iter
self.inner_maxiter = inner_maxiter
self.verbose = verbose
self.W = tf.Variable((np.random.rand(self.rank, sample_num)), dtype = tf.float32, name = 'W')
self.C = tf.Variable((np.random.rand(context_num, self.rank)), dtype = tf.float32, name = 'C')
def _run(self, sess):
Q = self.Q
D = self.D
W = self.W
C = self.C
for i in xrange(self.max_iter):
if (i + 1) % 2 == 1:
for j in xrange(self.inner_maxiter):
ED = tf.transpose(Q) * (1.0 / (1.0 + tf.exp(- tf.matmul(C, W))))
recons = D - ED
W_grad = tf.matmul(tf.transpose(C), recons)
W = W + self.stepsize * W_grad
for j in xrange(self.inner_maxiter):
ED = tf.transpose(Q) * (1.0 / (1.0 + tf.exp(- tf.matmul(C, W))))
recons = D - ED
C_grad = tf.matmul(recons, tf.transpose(W))
C = C + self.stepsize * C_grad
print 'epoch: %d' % i
print W.eval()
print C.eval()
train_epoch = model(D, Q, args.step_size, \
args.max_iter, args.inner_maxiter, args.dim, args.verbose)
with tf.Session(config = config) as sess:
The program stopped and occupying memory at the last two lines in _run(), which contains W.eval() and C.eval(). So what should I do to fix it? Can someone help?

Solved. You cannot add iteration of symbolic operations in Tensorflow. Instead, you should build the data flow first, which means you should define your operations in the initialize step.


Python : TypeError: __init__() takes from 1 to 2 positional arguments but 3 were given

I met a programming issue about class a function. it seems like I can not class it correctly. Can you please point out the issue? THANK YOU !
class NTXentLoss(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, temp=0.5):
super(NTXentLoss, self).__init__()
self.temp = temp
def forward(self, zi, zj):
batch_size = zi.shape[0]
z_proj =, zj), dim=0)
cos_sim = torch.nn.CosineSimilarity(dim=-1)
sim_mat = cos_sim(z_proj.unsqueeze(1), z_proj.unsqueeze(0))
sim_mat_scaled = torch.exp(sim_mat/self.temp)
r_diag = torch.diag(sim_mat_scaled, batch_size)
l_diag = torch.diag(sim_mat_scaled, -batch_size)
pos =[r_diag, l_diag])
diag_mat = torch.exp(torch.ones(batch_size * 2)/self.temp).cuda()
logit = -torch.log(pos/(sim_mat_scaled.sum(1) - diag_mat))
loss = logit.mean()
return loss
sent_A = l2norm(recov_A, dim=1)
sent_emb_A = l2norm(imgs_A, dim=1)
sent_B = l2norm(recov_B, dim=1)
sent_emb_B = l2norm(imgs_B, dim=1)
G_cons = NTXentLoss(sent_A,sent_emb_A) + NTXentLoss(sent_B,sent_emb_B)
What's wrong with this, I just gave two positional arguments? or
G_cons = NTXentLoss.forward(sent_A,sent_emb_A) + NTXentLoss.forward(sent_B,sent_emb_B)
You need to first initiate a NTXentLoss object before you can call it. For instance:
ntx = NTXentLoss()
G_cons = ntx(sent_A,sent_emb_A) + ntx(sent_B,sent_emb_B)

error X = X.reshape(1, X.shape[0]) IndexError: tuple index out of range. How to fix that?

this is fragment of my code
def train(self, features, targets):
for X, y in zip(features, targets):
X = X.reshape(1, X.shape[0])
outputs = self.feed_forward(X)
when I try to use the method with data:
train(np.array([gameDataList[n].ball_position, gameDataList[n].wall_position]), np.array(gameDataList[n].upOrDown))
where gameDataList[n].upOrDown is an array e.g. [0.1, 0.9], and gameDataList[n].ball_position and gameDataList[n].wall_position are floats, I get this error.
Full code:
#### Imports ####
import numpy as np
#### Neural Network Class ####
class MLP:
##### Constructor ####
def __init__(self, n_input_nodes, hidden_nodes, n_output_nodes, lr):
## Network ##
self.n_input_nodes = n_input_nodes
self.n_output_nodes = n_output_nodes
self.nodes = hidden_nodes
self.nodes.insert(0, n_input_nodes)
## Weights and Biases##
self.weights = []
self.biases = []
for i in range(1, len(self.nodes)):
self.weights.append(np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, (self.nodes[i - 1], self.nodes[i])))
self.biases.append(np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, (1, self.nodes[i])))
## Learning Rate ## = lr
## Activation Functions ##
# Linear Activation
self.linear = lambda x: x
self.d_linear = lambda x: np.ones(x.shape)
# Relu Activation
def relu(x):
x[x < 0] = 0
return x
def d_relu(out):
out: x[x > 0] = 1
return out
self.relu = relu
self.d_relu = d_relu
# Sigmoid Activation
self.sigmoid = lambda x: 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))
self.d_sigmoid = lambda out: out * (1 - out) # assumes out is tanh(x)
# Hyperbolic Tangent Activation
self.tanh = lambda x: np.tanh(x)
self.d_tanh = lambda out: 1 - out ** 2 # assumes out is tanh(x)
def getWeights(self):
return self.weights.copy()
def getBiases(self):
return self.biases.copy()
def setWeights(self, weights):
self.weights = weights.copy()
def setBiases(self, biases):
self.biases = biases.copy()
#### Feed Forward ####
def feed_forward(self, X):
outputs = [X]
logits =, self.weights[0]) + self.biases[0]
for i in range(1, len(self.nodes) - 1):
out = self.sigmoid(logits)
logits =, self.weights[i]) + self.biases[i]
out = self.sigmoid(logits)
return outputs
#### Backpropagation ####
def backpropagation(self, X, y, outputs):
weights_gradients = []
biases_gradients = []
d1 = y - outputs[-1]
d2 = self.d_sigmoid(outputs[-1])
error = d1 * d2
grad = outputs[-2].T * error
for i in range(len(self.weights) - 2, 1, -1):
d = self.d_sigmoid(outputs[i])
error =, self.weights[i + 1].T) * d
grad = outputs[i - 1].T * error
return weights_gradients, biases_gradients
#### Training ####
def train(self, features, targets):
# Batch Size for weight update step
batch_size = features.shape[0]
# Delta Weights Variables
delta_weights = [np.zeros(weight.shape) for weight in self.weights]
delta_biases = [np.zeros(bias.shape) for bias in self.biases]
# For every data point, forward pass, backpropogation, store weights change
for X, y in zip(features, targets):
# Forward pass
X = X.reshape(1, X.shape[0])
outputs = self.feed_forward(X)
# Back propogation
weights_gradients, biases_gradients = self.backpropagation(X, y, outputs)
for i in range(len(weights_gradients)):
delta_weights[-(i + 1)] += weights_gradients[i]
delta_biases[-(i + 1)] += biases_gradients[i]
for i in range(len(delta_weights)):
self.weights[i] += ( * delta_weights[i]) / batch_size
self.biases[i] += ( * delta_biases[i]) / batch_size
#### Testing Methods ####
def predict(self, X):
# Gives prediction
return self.feed_forward(X)[-1]
def test(self, features, targets):
predictions = self.predict(features)
n_correct = 0
for i in range(len(predictions)):
prediction = np.argmax(predictions[i])
correct = np.argmax(targets[i])
if prediction == correct:
n_correct += 1
return n_correct / len(targets)
class GameData:
def __init__(self, ball_position, wall_position, upOrDown):
self.wall_position = wall_position
self.ball_position = ball_position
self.upOrDown = upOrDown
I collect data, and train my network, in this way:
gameDataList.append(GameData(ball.trt.ycor(), b.trt.ycor(), [0.1, 0.9]))
mlp = MLP(2, [32, 32], 2, 0.0001)
n = random.randint(0, 999)
mlp.train(np.array([gameDataList[n].ball_position, gameDataList[n].wall_position]), np.array(gameDataList[n].upOrDown))
Problem solved. It was needed to write two square brackets instead of one.
wrong example:
np.array([gameDataList[n].ball_position, gameDataList[n].wall_position])
correct example:
np.array([[gameDataList[n].ball_position, gameDataList[n].wall_position]])

Why output layer of sigmoid function gets value 0 or 1 {0,1} instead of getting value in [0,1]

I'm implementing deep deterministic policy gradient (DDPG) to solve my problem by following this tutorial ( and using this python source code (
The number of actions is 3 (alpha, beta, gamma) and the number of dimension of state is 2. I want to get the value of 3 actions in [0,1] so I changed the output layer (third layer) of class Actor from "tanh" function to "sigmoid" function in file "". However, when I tried this algorithm to solve my problem, it only obtained value 0 or 1 {0,1} in 3 actions, not changed over time in interval [0,1]. I think problem is not activation function, I tried changed to tanh and it also obtained only {-1,1}.
Here is my changed code in "": I changed "tanh" to "sigmoid" in output layer
def build_network(self):
with tf.variable_scope(
self.input = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
shape=[None, *self.input_dims],
self.action_gradient = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
shape=[None, self.n_actions],
f1 = 1. / np.sqrt(self.fc1_dims)
dense1 = tf.layers.dense(self.input, units=self.fc1_dims,
kernel_initializer=random_uniform(-f1, f1),
bias_initializer=random_uniform(-f1, f1))
batch1 = tf.layers.batch_normalization(dense1)
layer1_activation = tf.nn.relu(batch1)
f2 = 1. / np.sqrt(self.fc2_dims)
dense2 = tf.layers.dense(layer1_activation, units=self.fc2_dims,
kernel_initializer=random_uniform(-f2, f2),
bias_initializer=random_uniform(-f2, f2))
batch2 = tf.layers.batch_normalization(dense2)
layer2_activation = tf.nn.relu(batch2)
f3 = 0.003
mu = tf.layers.dense(layer2_activation, units=self.n_actions,
kernel_initializer= random_uniform(-f3, f3),
bias_initializer=random_uniform(-f3, f3)) = tf.multiply(mu, self.action_bound)
Here is my Environment:
import gym
from gym import spaces
from gym.utils import seeding
import numpy as np
from os import path
class P_NOMAEnv():
def __init__(self, distance1, distance2, power, B=15000, N0=10**-20, path_loss=2, g=1):
self.B = B #bandwidth
self.N0 = N0
self.path_loss = path_loss
self.g = g
self.alpha_low = 0.
self.alpha_high = 1.
self.beta_low = 0.
self.beta_high = 1.
self.gamma_low = 0.
self.gamma_high = 1.
self.distance1 = np.random.randint(30,500)
self.distance2 = 2*distance1
self.power = power
self.max_iteration = 1000
self.high = np.array([self.B, self.power])
self.action_space = spaces.Box(low=0., high=1., shape=(3,), dtype=np.float32)
self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=np.array([0.1, 0.0001]), high=np.array([self.B, self.power]), dtype=np.float32)
def seed(self, seed=None):
self.np_random, seed = seeding.np_random(seed)
return [seed]
def cal_SINR_near(self, alpha, beta, gamma, g, distance1, path_loss, power, B, N0):
h_near = g*(distance1**-path_loss)
channel_noise = B*N0 # 1 subchannel
non_overlap = (np.square(np.absolute(h_near))*power*0.5*(1-beta))/channel_noise
overlap = (np.square(np.absolute(h_near))*power*gamma*(alpha+beta)*0.5)/(channel_noise + (np.square(np.absolute(h_near))*power*(1-gamma)*(alpha+beta)*0.5))
SINR_near = non_overlap + overlap
return SINR_near
def cal_SINR_far(self, alpha, beta, gamma, g, distance2, path_loss, power, B, N0):
h_far = g*(distance2**-path_loss)
channel_noise = B*N0 # 1 subchannel
non_overlap = (np.square(np.absolute(h_far))*power*0.5*(1-alpha))/channel_noise
overlap = (np.square(np.absolute(h_far))*power*(1-gamma)*(alpha+beta)*0.5)/(channel_noise
+ (np.square(np.absolute(h_far))*power*gamma*(alpha+beta)*0.5))
SINR_far = non_overlap + overlap
return SINR_far
def cal_sum_rate(self, SINR_near, SINR_far, B, alpha, beta):
R_near = (1+alpha)*0.5*B*np.log2(1+SINR_near)
R_far = (1+beta)*0.5*B*np.log2(1+SINR_far)
sum_rate = R_near + R_far # reward
return sum_rate
def normalize(self, x):
normalized = (x+1.2)/2.4
return normalized
def step(self, action):
self.steps_taken += 1
B,P = self.state
new_alpha = np.clip(action, self.alpha_low, self.alpha_high)[0]
new_beta = np.clip(action, self.beta_low, self.beta_high)[1]
new_gamma = np.clip(action, self.gamma_low, self.gamma_high)[2]
SINR_near = self.cal_SINR_near(new_alpha, new_beta, new_gamma, self.g, self.distance1, self.path_loss, self.power, self.B, self.N0)
SINR_far = self.cal_SINR_far(new_alpha, new_beta, new_gamma, self.g, self.distance2, self.path_loss, self.power, self.B, self.N0)
reward = self.cal_sum_rate(SINR_near, SINR_far, self.B, new_alpha, new_beta)
done = self.steps_taken >= self.max_iteration
B_new=(1-new_beta)*0.5*self.B + (new_alpha+new_beta)*0.5*self.B
P_new=(1-new_beta)*0.5*self.power + (new_alpha+new_beta)*0.5*new_gamma*self.power
self.state = np.array([B_new, P_new])
return self._get_obs(action), reward, done, {}, new_alpha, new_beta, new_gamma
def _get_obs(self, action):
new_alpha = np.clip(action, self.alpha_low, self.alpha_high)[0]
new_beta = np.clip(action, self.beta_low, self.beta_high)[1]
new_gamma = np.clip(action, self.gamma_low, self.gamma_high)[2]
B_new=(1-new_beta)*0.5*self.B + (new_alpha+new_beta)*0.5*self.B
P_new=(1-new_beta)*0.5*self.power + (new_alpha+new_beta)*0.5*new_gamma*self.power
return np.array([B_new, P_new])
def reset(self):
self.steps_taken = 0
a = np.random.random_sample((3,))
self.state = self._get_obs(a)
return self._get_obs(a)
Here is my main file:
import os
import gym
import numpy as np
from ddpg import Agent
from Environment import P_NOMAEnv
from utils import plotLearning
if __name__ == '__main__':
a = np.random.randint(30,250)
env = P_NOMAEnv(distance1=100, distance2=200, power=2, B=15000, N0=10**-20, path_loss=2, g=1)
agent = Agent(alpha=0.00005, beta=0.0005, input_dims=[2], tau=0.001,
env=env, batch_size=64, layer1_size=400, layer2_size=300,
score_history = []
score_history2 = []
for i in range(4000):
obs = env.reset()
done = False
score = 0
maxi = np.zeros(4,)
while not done:
act = agent.choose_action(obs)
new_state, reward, done, info, alpha, beta, gamma = env.step(act)
agent.remember(obs, act, reward, new_state, int(done))
score += reward
obs = new_state
if reward>maxi[0]: maxi = [reward, alpha, beta, gamma]
print('episode ', i+1, ', reward ', np.around(score/1000, decimals=4), ', max reward: ', np.around(maxi[0], decimals=4), ', with alpha: ', np.around(alpha, decimals=4), ', beta: ', np.around(beta, decimals=4), ', gamma: ', np.around(gamma, decimals=4), 'trailing 100 episodes avg ', np.mean(score_history2[-100:]))
I tried to print out noise, mu(output of actor):
def choose_action(self, state):
state = state[np.newaxis, :]
mu = # returns list of list
noise = self.noise()
mu_prime = mu + noise
print("Noise: ", noise, "mu: ", mu, "mu_prime: ", mu_prime[0])
return mu_prime[0]
When I run main, the results showed as follows:
Noise: [-0.26362168 -0.01389367 -0.39754398] mu: [[1. 0. 0.]] mu_prime: [ 0.73637832 -0.01389367 -0.39754398]
Noise: [-0.29287953 -0.03729832 -0.39651476] mu: [[1. 0. 0.]] mu_prime: [ 0.70712047 -0.03729832 -0.39651476]
As you can see, mu always get the value 0 or 1 {0,1}, not in interval [0,1]. I tried more than 1000 episodes but it did not change over time.
The issues is probably in my environment but I do not know how to fix it. If you have any idea about that, please help me to solve it, I appreciate that.
You can't use sigmoid for multi-label output. You'll need to use softmax

Python: parallel matrix multiplication in neural network without or np.matmul

I want to build a code that can calculate matrix multiplication in a neural network without tensorflow or or np.matmul.
The following is the piece of the code that I interested in:
class Affine:
def __init__(self, W, b):
self.W = W
self.b = b
self.x = None
self.original_x_shape = None
self.dW = None
self.db = None
def forward(self, x):
self.original_x_shape = x.shape
x = x.reshape(x.shape[0], -1)
self.x = x
out =, self.W) + self.b
return out
The code is a part of forward calculation of a neural net (X*W+b). And it works well.
I want to modify the line out =, self.W) + self.b. It should work in the same way without or np.matmul.
The following is my code:
class Affine2:
def __init__(self, W, b):
self.W = W
self.b = b
self.x = None
self.original_x_shape = None
self.dW = None
self.db = None
def forward(self, x):
self.original_x_shape = x.shape
x = x.reshape(x.shape[0], -1)
self.x = x
rows_A = len(self.x)
cols_A = len(self.x[0])
rows_B = len(self.W)
cols_B = len(self.W[0])
if cols_A != rows_B:
print("Cannot multiply the two matrices. Incorrect dimensions.")
# Create the result matrix
start_time = time.time()
out = np.zeros((rows_A, cols_B))
def matmult(i):
# for i in range(rows_A):
for j in range(cols_B):
for k in range(cols_A):
out[i][j] += self.x[i][k] * self.W[k][j]
if __name__ == '__main__':
pool = Pool(process_num)
start_time = int(time.time()), range(0, rows_A))
print("Seconds: %s" % (time.time()-start_time))
return out
The modified part is just parallel matrix multiplication. However, the following error occured: AttributeError: Can't pickle local object 'Affine2.forward.<locals>.matmult'
How can I solve the problem?

i can't understand this lambda functions

i am studying machine learning with python.
and this code is from Standford Uiv classes.
i was trying to grasp these codes but failed.
The problem is loss_W = lambda W: self.loss(x,t).
isn't it True that loss_W(1) or loss_W(2) or anything cannot change the result?
i can't understand that the results of these two codes are different.
grads['W1'] = numerical_gradient(loss_W, self.params['W1'])
grads['b1'] = numerical_gradient(loss_W, self.params['b1'])
def numerical_gradient(f, x):
h = 1e-4 # 0.0001
grad = np.zeros_like(x)
for idx in range(x.size):
tmp_val = x[idx]
# f(x+h)
x[idx] = float(tmp_val) + h
fxh1 = f(x)
# f(x-h)
x[idx] = tmp_val - h
fxh2 = f(x)
grad[idx] = (fxh1 - fxh2) / (2*h)
x[idx] = tmp_val
return grad
class TwoLayerNet:
def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size, output_size, weight_init_std=0.01):
self.params = {}
self.params['W1'] = weight_init_std * np.random.randn(input_size, hidden_size)
self.params['b1'] = np.zeros(hidden_size)
self.params['W2'] = weight_init_std * np.random.randn(hidden_size, output_size)
self.params['b2'] = np.zeros(output_size)
def predict(self, x):
W1, W2 = self.params['W1'], self.params['W2']
b1, b2 = self.params['b1'], self.params['b2']
a1 =, W1)
z1 = sigmoid(a1)
a2 =,W2)
y = softmax(a2)
return y
def loss(self, x, t):
y = self.predict(x)
return cross_entropy_error(y,t)
def accuracy(self, x,t):
y = self.predict(x)
y = np.argmax(y, axis=0)
t = np.argmax(t, axis=0)
data_len = len(x)
accuracy = np.sum(y==t)/float(data_len)
return accuracy
def numerical_gradient(self, x, t):
loss_W = lambda W: self.loss(x,t)
grads = {}
grads['W1'] = numerical_gradient(loss_W, self.params['W1'])
grads['b1'] = numerical_gradient(loss_W, self.params['b1'])
grads['W2'] = numerical_gradient(loss_W, self.params['W2'])
grads['b2'] = numerical_gradient(loss_W, self.params['b2'])
return grads
This lambda alone loss_W = lambda W: self.loss(x,t) is indifferent from the value of W. This function can be simplified like this:
x = 1 # Just some random value
t = 5 # Just some random value
def simplified_lambda_function(W):
return (x,t)
The code snippet you posted indicates that there is a class definition outside somewhere as
grads['W1'] = numerical_gradient(loss_W, self.params['W1'])
grads['b1'] = numerical_gradient(loss_W, self.params['b1']
self is undefined here. Because of this we cant be sure if they are truly identical, but most likely they are.
