Alternative plan of tf.floor - python

One of my operaction need integer, but output of convolution is float.
It means I need to use tf.floor, tf.ceil, tf.cast...etc to handle it.
But these operactions cause None gradients, since operactions like tf.floor are not differentiable
So, I tried something like below
First. detour
out1 = tf.subtract(vif, tf.subtract(vif, tf.floor(vif)))
But output of test.compute_gradient_error is 500 or 0, I don't think this is a reasonable gradient.
Second. override gradient function of floor
def _custom_floor_grad(op, grads):
return [grads]
A, B = 50, 7
shape = [A, B]
f = np.ones(shape, dtype=np.float32)
vif = tf.constant(f, dtype=tf.float32)
# out1 = tf.subtract(vif, tf.subtract(vif, tf.floor(vif)))
with tf.get_default_graph().gradient_override_map({"Floor": "CustomFloor"}):
out1 = tf.floor(vif)
with tf.Session() as sess:
err1 = tf.test.compute_gradient_error(vif, shape, out1, shape)
print err1
output of test.compute_gradient_error is 500 or 1, doesn't work too.
Question: A way to get integer and keep back propagation work fine (value like 2.0, 5.0 is ok)

In general, it's not inadvisable to solve discrete problem with gradient descent. You should be able express, to some extent integer solvers in TF but you're more or less on your own.
FWIW, the floor function looks like a saw. Its derivative is a constant function at 1 with little holes at every integer. At these positions you have a Dirac functional pointing downwards, like a rake if you wish. The Dirac functional has finite energy but no finite value.
The canonical way to tackle these problems is to relax the problem by "relaxiing" the hard floor constraint with something that is (at least once) differentiable (smooth).
There are multiple ways to do this. Perhaps the most popular are:
Hack up a function that looks like what you want. For instance a piece-wise linear function that slopes down quickly, but not vertically.
Replace step functions by sigmoids
Use a filter approximation which is well understood if it's a time series


jax automatic differentiation

I have the following three functions implements in JAX.
def helper_1(params1):
return z
def helper_2(z, params2):
return y
def main(params1, params2):
z = helper_1(params1)
y = helper_2(z, params2)
return z,y
I am interested in the partial derivatives of the output from main, i.e. z and y, with respect to both params1 and params2. As params1 and params2 are low dimensional and z and y are high dimensional, I am using the jax.jacfwd function.
When calling
Jax computes the derivatives of z with respect to params1 (and params2, which in this case is just a bunch of zeros). My question is: does Jax recompute dz/d_param1 for the derivatives of y with respect to params1 and params2, or does it somehow figure out this has already been computed?
I don't know if this is relevant, but the 'helper_1' function contains functions from the TensorFlow library for Jax. Thanks!
In general, in the situation you describe JAX's forward-mode autodiff approach will re-use the derivative of z when computing the derivative of y. If you wish, you can confirm this by looking at the jaxpr of your differentiated function:
print(jax.make_jaxpr(jax.jacfwd(main, (0, 1)))(params1, params2))
Though if your function is more than moderately complicated, the output might be hard to understand.
As a general note, though, JAX's autodiff implementation does tend to produce a small number of unnecessary or duplicated computations. As a simple example consider this:
import jax
# { lambda ; a:f32[]. let
# _:f32[] = sin a
# b:f32[] = cos a
# c:f32[] = mul 1.0 b
# in (c,) }
Here the primal value sin(a) is computed even though it is never used in computing the final output.
In practice this can be addressed by wrapping your computation in jit, in which case the XLA compiler takes care of optimization, including dead code elimination and de-duplication when applicable:
result = jit(jax.jacfwd(main, (0, 1)))(params1, params2)

How to solve a delay differential equation numerically

I would like to compute the Buchstab function numerically. It is defined by the delay differential equation:
How can I compute this numerically efficiently?
To get a general feeling of how DDE integration works, I'll give some code, based on the low-order Heun method (to avoid uninteresting details while still being marginally useful).
In the numerical integration the previous values are treated as a function of time like any other time-depending term. As there is not really a functional expression for it, the solution so-far will be used as a function table for interpolation. The interpolation error order should be as high as the error order of the ODE integrator, which is easy to arrange for low-order methods, but will require extra effort for higher order methods. The solve_ivp stepper classes provide such a "dense output" interpolation per step that can be assembled into a function for the currently existing integration interval.
So after the theory the praxis. Select step size h=0.05, convert the given history function into the start of the solution function table
u_arr = []
w_arr = []
while u<2+0.5*h:
u += h
Then solve the equation, for the delayed value use interpolation in the function table, here using numpy.interp. There are other functions with more options in `scipy.interpolate.
Note that h needs to be smaller than the smallest delay, so that the delayed values are from a previous step. Which is the case here.
u = u_arr[-1]
w = w_arr[-1]
while u < 4:
k1 = (-w + np.interp(u-1,u_arr,w_arr))/u
us, ws = u+h, w+h*k1
k2 = (-ws + np.interp(us-1,u_arr,w_arr))/us
u,w = us, w+0.5*h*(k1+k2)
Now the numerical approximation can be further processed, for instance plotted.
plt.plot(u_arr,w_arr); plt.grid();

Fitting with funtional parameter constraints in Python

I have some data {x_i,y_i} and I want to fit a model function y=f(x,a,b,c) to find the best fitting values of the parameters (a,b,c); however, the three of them are not totally independent but constraints to 1<b , 0<=c<1 and g(a,b,c)>0, where g is a "good" function. How could I implement this in Python since with curve_fit one cannot put the parametric constraints directly?
I have been reading with lmfit but I only see numerical constraints like 1<b, 0<=c<1 and not the one with g(a,b,c)>0, which is the most important.
If I understand correctly, you have
def g(a,b,c):
c1 = (1.0 - c)
cx = 1/c1
c2 = 2*c1
g = a*a*b*gamma(2+cx)*gamma(cx)/gamma(1+3/c2)-b*b/(1+b**c2)**(1/c2)
return g
If so, and if get the math right, this could be represented as
a = sqrt((g+b*b/(1+b**c2)**(1/c2))*gamma(1+3/c2)/(b*gamma(2+cx)*gamma(cx)))
Which is to say that you could think about your problem as having a variable g which is > 0 and a value for a derived from b, c, and g by the above expression.
And that you can do with lmfit and its expression-based constraint mechanism. You would have to add the gamma function, as with
from lmfit import Parameters
from scipy.special import gamma
params = Parameters()
params._asteval.symtable['gamma'] = gamma
and then set up the parameters with bounds and constraints. I would probably follow the math above to allow better debugging and use something like:
params.add('b', 1.5, min=1)
params.add('c', 0.4, min=0, max=1)
params.add('g', 0.2, min=0)
params.add('c1', expr='1-c')
params.add('cx', expr='1.0/c1')
params.add('c2', expr='2*c1')
params.add('gprod', expr='b*gamma(2+cx)*gamma(cx)/gamma(1+3/c2)')
params.add('bfact', expr='(1+b**c2)**(1/c2)')
params.add('a', expr='sqrt(g+b*b/(bfact*gprod))')
Note that this gives 3 actual variables (now g, b, and c) with plenty of derived values calculated from these, including a. I would certainly check all that math. It looks like you're safe from negative**fractional_power, sqrt(negitive), and gamma(-1), but be aware of these possibilities that will kill the fit.
You could embed all of that into your fitting function, but using constraint expressions gives you the ability to constrain parameter values independently of how the fitting or model function is defined.
Hope that helps. Again, if this does not get to what you are trying to do, post more details about the constraint you are trying to impose.
Like James Phillips, I was going to suggest SciPy's curve_fit. But the way that you have defined your function, one of the constraints is on the function itself, and SciPy's bounds are defined only in terms of input variables.
What, exactly, are the forms of your functions? Can you transform them so that you can use a standard definition of bounds, and then reverse the transformation to give a function in the original form that you wanted?
I have encountered a related problem when trying to fit exponential regressions using SciPy's curve_fit. The parameter search algorithms vary in a linear fashion, and it's really easy to fail to establish a gradient. If I write a function which fits the logarithm of the function I want, it's much easier to make curve_fit work. Then, for my final work, I take the exponent of my fitted function.
This same strategy could work for you. Predict ln(y). The value of that function can be unbounded. Then for your final result, output exp(ln(y)) = y.

Vectorized computation of log(n!)

I have an (arbitrarily shaped) array X of integers, and I would like to compute the logarithm of the factorial of each entry (Precisely, not through the Gamma function).
The numbers are big enough that
is unfeasible. So I want to do something like np.sum(np.log(np.arange(2,X+1)), axis=-1)
But the arange() function gives a different size to each entry, so this doesn't work. I though about padding with ones, but I'm not sure how to do this.
Can this be done in a vectorized way?
I don't see what problem you have with the gamma function. The gamma function isn't an approximation, and while approximations may be involved in the computation of scipy.special.gammaln, there's no reason to expect those approximations to be worse than the error involved in computing the result manually. scipy.special.gammaln seems like the perfect tool for the job:
X_log_factorials = scipy.special.gammaln(X+1)
If you want to do this manually anyway, you could take the logarithms of all positive integers up to the maximum of your array, compute a cumulative sum, and then select the log-factorials you're interested in:
logarithms = numpy.log(numpy.arange(1, X.max()+1))
log_factorials = numpy.cumsum(logarithms)
X_log_factorials = log_factorials[X-1]
(If you want to handle 0!, you will need to make a minor adjustment, such as by setting X_log_factorials[X==0] = 0.)

How do you fit a polynomial to a data set?

I'm working on two functions. I have two data sets, eg [[x(1), y(1)], ..., [x(n), y(n)]], dataSet and testData.
createMatrix(D, S) which returns a data matrix, where D is the degree and S is a vector of real numbers [s(1), s(2), ..., s(n)].
I know numpy has a function called polyfit. But polyfit takes in three variables, any advice on how I'd create the matrix?
polyFit(D), which takes in the polynomial of degree D and fits it to the data sets using linear least squares. I'm trying to return the weight vector and errors. I also know that there is lstsq in numpy.linag that I found in this question: Fitting polynomials to data
Is it possible to use that question to recreate what I'm trying?
This is what I have so far, but it isn't working.
def createMatrix(D, S):
x = []
y = []
for i in dataSet:
polyfit(x, y, D)
What I don't get here is what does S, the vector of real numbers, have to do with this?
def polyFit(D)
I'm basing a lot of this on the question posted above. I'm unsure about how to get just w though, the weight vector. I'll be coding the errors, so that's fine I was just wondering if you have any advice on getting the weight vectors themselves.
It looks like all createMatrix is doing is creating the two vectors required by polyfit. What you have will work, but, the more pythonic way to do it is
def createMatrix(dataSet, D):
D = 3 # set this to whatever degree you're trying
x, y = zip(*dataSet)
return polyfit(x, y, D)
(This S/O link provides a detailed explanation of the zip(*dataSet) idiom.)
This will return a vector of coefficients that you can then pass to something like poly1d to generate results. (Further explanation of both polyfit and poly1d can be found here.)
Obviously, you'll need to decide what value you want for D. The simple answer to that is 1, 2, or 3. Polynomials of higher order than cubic tend to be rather unstable and the intrinsic errors make their output rather meaningless.
It sounds like you might be trying to do some sort of correlation analysis (i.e., does y vary with x and, if so, to what extent?) You'll almost certainly want to just use linear (D = 1) regression for this type of analysis. You can try to do a least squares quadratic fit (D = 2) but, again, the error bounds are probably wider than your assumptions (e.g. normality of distribution) will tolerate.
