I am trying to do some bulk-insertion in couch-base. I tried to search examples over SO and google, but I could not get any clue. Here someone mention that its not possible.
How to insert a documents in bulk in Couchbase?
but I guess this question was asked 3 years ago. I search and if I understand correctly from below given link, its possible to insert document in bulk.
Here is my code on which I want to implement bulk-insertion in couchbase
import time
import csv
from couchbase import Couchbase
from couchbase.bucket import Bucket
from couchbase.exceptions import CouchbaseError
c = Bucket('couchbase://localhost/bulk-load')
from couchbase.exceptions import CouchbaseTransientError
BYTES_PER_BATCH = 1024 * 256 # 256K
with open('/home/royshah/Desktop/bulk_try/roy.csv') as csvfile:
lines = csvfile.readlines()[4:]
for k, line in enumerate(lines):
data_tmp = line.strip().split(',')
strDate = data_tmp[0].replace("\"", "")
timerecord = datetime.datetime.strptime(strDate,
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
microsecs = timerecord.microsecond
strDate = "\"" + strDate + "\""
ts = calendar.timegm(timerecord.timetuple())*1000000 + microsecs
datastore = [ts] + data_tmp[1:]
stre = {'col1 ': datastore[1], # I am making key-values on the fly from csv file
'col2': datastore[2],
'col3': datastore[3],
'col4': datastore[4],
'col5': datastore[5],
'col6': datastore[6]}
cb.upsert(str(datastore[0]), (stre)) # datastore[0] is used as document
id and (stre) is used as key-value to be
inserted for respective id.
cb.upsert(str(datastore[0]), (stre))
is doing single insertion and I want to make it bulk-insertion to make it faster. I had no idea how to turn this in bulk-insertion in couchbase. I find this example but not sure how to implement.
If someone point out some examples of bulk-load in couchbase or help me to figure out how can I do bulk-insertion via my code. I would be really really grateful. .thanx a lot for any idea or help.
I tried to adapt the example from the docs to your use case. You maybe have to change one or two details but you should get the idea.
c = Bucket('couchbase://localhost/bulk-load')
from couchbase.exceptions import CouchbaseTransientError
BYTES_PER_BATCH = 1024 * 256 # 256K
batches = []
cur_batch = {}
cur_size = 0
with open('/home/royshah/Desktop/bulk_try/roy.csv') as csvfile:
lines = csvfile.readlines()[4:]
for key, line in enumerate(lines):
#Format your data
data_tmp = line.strip().split(',')
strDate = data_tmp[0].replace("\"", "")
timerecord = datetime.datetime.strptime(strDate,
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
microsecs = timerecord.microsecond
strDate = "\"" + strDate + "\""
timestamp = calendar.timegm(timerecord.timetuple())*1000000 + microsecs
#Build kv
datastore = [ts] + data_tmp[1:]
value = {'col1 ': datastore[1], # I am making key-values on the fly from csv file
'col2': datastore[2],
'col3': datastore[3],
'col4': datastore[4],
'col5': datastore[5],
'col6': datastore[6]}
key = str(datastore[0]
cur_batch[key] = value
cur_size += len(key) + len(value) + 24
if cur_size > BYTES_PER_BATCH:
cur_batch = {}
cur_size = 0
print "Have {} batches".format(len(batches))
num_completed = 0
while batches:
batch = batches[-1]
num_completed += len(batch)
except CouchbaseTransientError as e:
print e
ok, fail = e.split_results()
new_batch = {}
for key in fail:
new_batch[key] = all_data[key]
num_completed += len(ok)
print "Retrying {}/{} items".format(len(new_batch), len(ok))
I use pylucence 9.4.1 to index a document and I just noticed a weird problem. There are some words, e.g. 'baby', that are present in the document but pylucene is unable to find them in the index.
This is my code to index the document:
(The document can be downloaded from here.
filepath = os.getcwd() + '/' + 'wiki_movie_plots_deduped.csv'
def indexDocument(title, year, plot):
ft = FieldType()
doc = document.Document()
doc.add(document.Field("Title", title, ft))
doc.add(document.Field("Plot", plot, ft))
def CloseWriter():
def makeInvertedIndex(file_path):
df = pd.read_csv(file_path)
docid = 0
for i in df.index:
print(docid, '-', df['Title'][i])
indexDocument(df['Title'][i], df['Release Year'][i], df['Plot'][i])
docid += 1
indexPath = File('index/').toPath()
indexDir = FSDirectory.open(indexPath)
writerConfig = IndexWriterConfig(EnglishAnalyzer())
writer = IndexWriter(indexDir, writerConfig)
inverted = makeInvertedIndex(filepath)
This is the code to search the created index for a keyword:
keyword = 'baby'
fieldname = 'Title'
result = list()
indexPath = File('index/').toPath()
directory = FSDirectory.open(indexPath)
analyzer = StandardAnalyzer()
reader = DirectoryReader.open(directory)
searcher = IndexSearcher(DirectoryReader.open(directory))
query = QueryParser(fieldname, analyzer).parse(keyword)
print('query', query)
numdocs = searcher.count(query)
print("#-docs:", numdocs)
scoreDocs = searcher.search(query, 1000).scoreDocs # it returns TopDocs object containing scoreDocs and totalHits
# scoreDoc object contains docId and score
print('total hit:', searcher.search(query, 100).totalHits)
print("%s total matching documents" % (len(scoreDocs)))
Any help to understand the problem is appreciated.
I'm studying on a task that I have to get data from SQL Server, and because I'm running time series analysis, I need to specify a date field that can change every table or query. Also I can read a simple query or a stored procedure. I want to generalize my below code which is a field and database specific. I thought that I can define an empty dictionary in class and then I can call it in below dataread method. But I am conflicted.
class DataPrep:
def __init__(self,conn):
self.df = pd.DataFrame()
self.mega_projects = set()
self.mega_project_to_df = {}
self.mega_project_to_df_pvt = {}
def read_data(self):
self.conn=pyodbc.connect({'driver':None, 'server':None, 'database':None, 'uid':None, 'pwd':None})
self.df = pd.read_sql_query('''exec [dbo].[ML_WorkLoad]''', self.conn, parse_dates={'CreatedDate': '%d/%m/%Y %H.%M.%S'})
#self.df = self.df[['EstimateManDay', 'CreatedDate', 'MegaProject', 'ProjectName']]
self.df['month'] = pd.DatetimeIndex(self.df['CreatedDate']).month
self.df['year'] = pd.DatetimeIndex(self.df['CreatedDate']).year
self.df['quarter'] = pd.DatetimeIndex(self.df['CreatedDate']).quarter
self.df['week'] = pd.DatetimeIndex(self.df['CreatedDate']).week
self.df['dayorg'] = pd.DatetimeIndex(self.df['CreatedDate']).day
self.df['day'] = 1
self.df['year_quarter'] = self.df['year'].astype(str) + "_" + self.df[
self.df['year_month'] = self.df['year'].astype(str) + "_" + self.df[
self.df['year_week'] = self.df['year'].astype(str) + "_" + self.df['week'].astype(
self.df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(self.df[['year', 'month', 'day']])
self.df = self.df[self.df['CreatedDate'] <= datetime.strptime("2020-01-01", "%Y-%m-%d")]
I'm trying to download data from OECD API (https://data.oecd.org/api/sdmx-json-documentation/) into python.
I managed to download data in SDMX-JSON format (and transform it to JSON) so far:
OECD_ROOT_URL = "http://stats.oecd.org/SDMX-JSON/data"
def make_OECD_request(dsname, dimensions, params = None, root_dir = OECD_ROOT_URL):
"""Make URL for the OECD API and return a response"""
"""4 dimensions: location, subject, measure, frequency"""
if not params:
params = {}
dim_args = ['+'.join(d) for d in dimensions]
dim_str = '.'.join(dim_args)
url = root_dir + '/' + dsname + '/' + dim_str + '/all'
print('Requesting URL ' + url)
return rq.get(url = url, params = params)
response = make_OECD_request('MEI'
, [['USA', 'CZE'], [], [], ['M']]
, {'startTime': '2009-Q1', 'endTime': '2010-Q1'})
if (response.status_code == 200):
json = response.json()
How can I transform the data set into pandas.DataFrame? I tried pandas.read_json() and pandasdmx library, but I was not able to solve this.
The documentation the original question points to does not (yet?) mention that the API accepts the parameter contentType, which may be set to csv. That makes it trivial to use with Pandas.
import pandas as pd
def get_from_oecd(sdmx_query):
return pd.read_csv(
The function to automatically download the data from OECD API is now available in my Python library CIF (abbreviation for the Composite Indicators Framework, installable via pip):
from cif import cif
data, subjects, measures = cif.createDataFrameFromOECD(countries = ['USA'], dsname = 'MEI', frequency = 'M')
Original answer:
If you need your data in Pandas DataFrame format, it is IMHO better to send your request to OECD with additional parameter 'dimensionAtObservation': 'AllDimensions', which results in more comprehensive JSON file.
Use following functions to download the data:
import requests as rq
import pandas as pd
import re
OECD_ROOT_URL = "http://stats.oecd.org/SDMX-JSON/data"
def make_OECD_request(dsname, dimensions, params = None, root_dir = OECD_ROOT_URL):
# Make URL for the OECD API and return a response
# 4 dimensions: location, subject, measure, frequency
# OECD API: https://data.oecd.org/api/sdmx-json-documentation/#d.en.330346
if not params:
params = {}
dim_args = ['+'.join(d) for d in dimensions]
dim_str = '.'.join(dim_args)
url = root_dir + '/' + dsname + '/' + dim_str + '/all'
print('Requesting URL ' + url)
return rq.get(url = url, params = params)
def create_DataFrame_from_OECD(country = 'CZE', subject = [], measure = [], frequency = 'M', startDate = None, endDate = None):
# Request data from OECD API and return pandas DataFrame
# country: country code (max 1)
# subject: list of subjects, empty list for all
# measure: list of measures, empty list for all
# frequency: 'M' for monthly and 'Q' for quarterly time series
# startDate: date in YYYY-MM (2000-01) or YYYY-QQ (2000-Q1) format, None for all observations
# endDate: date in YYYY-MM (2000-01) or YYYY-QQ (2000-Q1) format, None for all observations
# Data download
response = make_OECD_request('MEI'
, [[country], subject, measure, [frequency]]
, {'startTime': startDate, 'endTime': endDate, 'dimensionAtObservation': 'AllDimensions'})
# Data transformation
if (response.status_code == 200):
responseJson = response.json()
obsList = responseJson.get('dataSets')[0].get('observations')
if (len(obsList) > 0):
print('Data downloaded from %s' % response.url)
timeList = [item for item in responseJson.get('structure').get('dimensions').get('observation') if item['id'] == 'TIME_PERIOD'][0]['values']
subjectList = [item for item in responseJson.get('structure').get('dimensions').get('observation') if item['id'] == 'SUBJECT'][0]['values']
measureList = [item for item in responseJson.get('structure').get('dimensions').get('observation') if item['id'] == 'MEASURE'][0]['values']
obs = pd.DataFrame(obsList).transpose()
obs.rename(columns = {0: 'series'}, inplace = True)
obs['id'] = obs.index
obs = obs[['id', 'series']]
obs['dimensions'] = obs.apply(lambda x: re.findall('\d+', x['id']), axis = 1)
obs['subject'] = obs.apply(lambda x: subjectList[int(x['dimensions'][1])]['id'], axis = 1)
obs['measure'] = obs.apply(lambda x: measureList[int(x['dimensions'][2])]['id'], axis = 1)
obs['time'] = obs.apply(lambda x: timeList[int(x['dimensions'][4])]['id'], axis = 1)
obs['names'] = obs['subject'] + '_' + obs['measure']
data = obs.pivot_table(index = 'time', columns = ['names'], values = 'series')
print('Error: No available records, please change parameters')
print('Error: %s' % response.status_code)
You can create requests like these:
data = create_DataFrame_from_OECD(country = 'CZE', subject = ['LOCOPCNO'])
data = create_DataFrame_from_OECD(country = 'USA', frequency = 'Q', startDate = '2009-Q1', endDate = '2010-Q1')
data = create_DataFrame_from_OECD(country = 'USA', frequency = 'M', startDate = '2009-01', endDate = '2010-12')
data = create_DataFrame_from_OECD(country = 'USA', frequency = 'M', subject = ['B6DBSI01'])
data = create_DataFrame_from_OECD(country = 'USA', frequency = 'Q', subject = ['B6DBSI01'])
You can recover the data from the source using code like this.
from urllib.request import urlopen
import json
URL = 'http://stats.oecd.org/SDMX-JSON/data/MEI/USA+CZE...M/all'
response = urlopen(URL).read()
responseDict = json.loads(str(response)[2:-1])
print (responseDict.keys())
print (len(responseDict['dataSets']))
Here is the output from this code.
dict_keys(['header', 'structure', 'dataSets'])
If you are curious about the appearance of the [2:-1] (I would be) it's because for some reason unknown to me the str function leaves some extraneous characters at the beginning and end of the string when it converts the byte array passed to it. json.loads is documented to require a string as input.
This is the code I used to get to this point.
>>> from urllib.request import urlopen
>>> import json
>>> URL = 'http://stats.oecd.org/SDMX-JSON/data/MEI/USA+CZE...M/all'
>>> response = urlopen(URL).read()
>>> len(response)
>>> response[:50]
>>> str(response[:50])
>>> str(response[-50:])
I understand that this is not a complete solution as you must still crack into the dataSets structure for the data to put into pandas. It's a list but you could explore it starting with this sketch.
The latest release of pandasdmx (pandasdmx.readthedocs.io) fixes previous issues accessing OECD data in sdmx-json.
I have developed a code in Python in which -in order to run the program- I need to take some arguments from the command line. But I am getting continuously the same error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <fragment>
invalid syntax: <string>, line 1, pos 16
I have the faintest idea what is wrong with my code. So, I present my code below in case someone could help me:
import QSTK.qstkutil.qsdateutil as du
import QSTK.qstkutil.tsutil as tsu
import QSTK.qstkutil.DataAccess as da
import datetime as dt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import time
import math
import copy
import QSTK.qstkstudy.EventProfiler as ep
import csv
import sys
import argparse
def readData(li_startDate, li_endDate, ls_symbols):
#Create datetime objects for Start and End dates (STL)
dt_start = dt.datetime(li_startDate[0], li_startDate[1], li_startDate[2])
dt_end = dt.datetime(li_endDate[0], li_endDate[1], li_endDate[2])
#Initialize daily timestamp: closing prices, so timestamp should be hours=16 (STL)
dt_timeofday = dt.timedelta(hours=16)
#Get a list of trading days between the start and end dates (QSTK)
ldt_timestamps = du.getNYSEdays(dt_start, dt_end, dt_timeofday)
#Create an object of the QSTK-dataaccess class with Yahoo as the source (QSTK)
c_dataobj = da.DataAccess('Yahoo', cachestalltime=0)
#Keys to be read from the data
ls_keys = ['open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume', 'actual_close']
#Read the data and map it to ls_keys via dict() (i.e. Hash Table structure)
ldf_data = c_dataobj.get_data(ldt_timestamps, ls_symbols, ls_keys)
d_data = dict(zip(ls_keys, ldf_data))
return [d_data, dt_start, dt_end, dt_timeofday, ldt_timestamps]
def marketsim(cash,orders_file,values_file):
orders = pd.read_csv(orders_file,index_col='Date',parse_dates=True,header=None)
ls_symbols = list(set(orders['X.4'].values))
df_lastrow = len(orders) - 1
dt_start = dt.datetime(orders.get_value(0, 'X.1'),orders.get_value(0, 'X.2'),orders.get_value(0, 'X.3'))
dt_end = dt.datetime(orders.get_value(df_lastrow, 'X.1'),orders.get_value(df_lastrow, 'X.2'),orders.get_value(df_lastrow, 'X.3') + 1 )
#d_data = readData(dt_start,dt_end,ls_symbols)
#Initialize daily timestamp: closing prices, so timestamp should be hours=16 (STL)
dt_timeofday = dt.timedelta(hours=16)
#Get a list of trading days between the start and end dates (QSTK)
ldt_timestamps = du.getNYSEdays(dt_start, dt_end, dt_timeofday)
#Create an object of the QSTK-dataaccess class with Yahoo as the source (QSTK)
c_dataobj = da.DataAccess('Yahoo', cachestalltime=0)
#Keys to be read from the data
ls_keys = ['open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume', 'actual_close']
#Read the data and map it to ls_keys via dict() (i.e. Hash Table structure)
df_data = c_dataobj.get_data(ldt_timestamps, ls_symbols, ls_keys)
d_data = dict(zip(ls_keys, ldf_data))
trades = pd.Dataframe(index=list(ldt_timestamps[0]),columns=list(ls_symbols))
current_cash = cash
trades["_CASH"][ldt_timestamps[0]] = current_cash
current_stocks = dict()
for symb in ls_symbols:
current_stocks[symb] = 0
trades[symb][ldt_timestamps[0]] = 0
for row in orders.iterrows():
row_data = row[1]
current_date = dt.datetime(row_data['X.1'],row_data['X.2'],row_data['X.3'],16)
symb = row_data['X.4']
stock_value = d_data['close'][symb][current_date]
stock_amount = row_data['X.6']
if row_data['X.5'] == "Buy":
current_cash = current_cash - (stock_value*stock_amount)
trades["_CASH"][current_date] = current_cash
current_stocks[symb] = current_stocks[symb] + stock_amount
trades[symb][current_date] = current_stocks[symb]
current_cash = current_cash + (stock_value*stock_amount)
trades["_CASH"][current_date] = current_cash
current_stocks[symb] = current_stocks[symb] - stock_amount
trades[symb][current_date] = current_stocks[symb]
#alt_cash = current_cash
#alt_cash = trades.cumsum()
value_data = pd.Dataframe(index=list(ldt_timestamps),columns=list("V"))
value_data = value_data.fillna(0)
value_data = value_data.cumsum(axis=0)
for day in ldt_timestamps:
value = 0
for sym in ls_symbols:
if sym == "_CASH":
value = value + trades[sym][day]
value = calue + trades[sym][day]*d_data['close'][sym][day]
value_data["V"][day] = value
fileout = open(values_file,"w")
for row in value_data.iterrows():
file_out.writelines(str(row[0].strftime('%Y,%m,%d')) + ", " + str(row[1]["V"].round()) + "\n" )
def main(argv):
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print "Invalid arguments for marketsim.py. It should be of the following syntax: marketsim.py orders_file.csv values_file.csv"
#initial_cash = int (sys.argv[1])
initial_cash = 1000000
ordersFile = str(sys.argv[1])
valuesFile = str(sys.argv[2])
if __name__ == "__main__":
The input I gave to the command line was:
python marketsim.py orders.csv values.csv
I guess that the problem lies either into the imports or probably into the main function(incl. the if below the def main(argv)
I have to point out that the files orders.csv and values.csv exist and are located into the same folder.
I hope have made everything clear.
So, I am looking forward to reading your answers community-mates! :D
Thank you!
Through this code I've update a bunch of rows in Google Spreadsheet.
The request goes well and returns me the updatedRange below.
result = service.spreadsheets().values().append(
print("Range updated")
updateRange = result['updates']['updatedRange']
Now I would like to do a batchUpdate request to set the formatting or set a protected range, but those API require a range specified as startRowIndex, endRowIndex and so on.
How could I retrieve the rows index from the updatedRange?
Waiting for a native or better answer, I'll post a function I've created to translate a namedRange into a gridRange.
The function is far from perfect and does not translate the sheet name to a sheet id (I left that task to another specific function), but accept named ranges in the form:
Here is the code
import re
def namedRange2Grid(self, rangeName):
match = re.match(".*?\!([A-Z0-9]+)\:([A-Z0-9]+)", rangeName)
if match:
start = match.group(1)
end = match.group(2)
matchStart = re.match("([A-Z]{1,})([1-9]+){0,}", start)
matchEnd = re.match("([A-Z]{1,})([1-9]+){0,}", end)
if matchStart and matchEnd:
GridRange = {}
letterStart = matchStart.group(1)
letterEnd = matchEnd.group(1)
if matchStart.group(2):
numberStart = int(matchStart.group(2))
GridRange['startRowIndex'] = numberStart - 1
if matchEnd.group(2):
numberEnd = int(matchEnd.group(2))
GridRange['endRowIndex'] = numberEnd
i = 0
for l in range(0, len(letterStart)):
i = i + (l * len(ascii_uppercase))
i = i + ascii_uppercase.index(letterStart[l])
GridRange['startColumnIndex'] = i
i = 0
for l in range(0, len(letterEnd)):
i = i + (l * len(ascii_uppercase))
i = i + ascii_uppercase.index(letterEnd[l])
GridRange['endColumnIndex'] = i + 1
return GridRange