I'm trying to make a file that looks like excel with few sheets.
The goal is to be able to read from python 3.6 a specific sheet---> then to read specific column from this shit.
for example:
I want to read from python the dates sheet the time column.
If there is an option to do so with csv/any better file i would really like to hear or if there is a way to read like this from excel it would also work.
Thank you.
You can try openpyxl module if xlrd is not working (that is an interesting case). It is very simple to use. I didn't try but it should work on Python 3.6.
You can find some sample codes here.
Let me try to improve this question, as it is still valid for me.
I have been using Openpyxl to read Excel files for a while. Now I need to extend the capability of my script to handle "legacy" Excel files that are not supported by Openpyxl. For this I use xlrd and xlutils.
On issue I have yet to solve is how to get the modified date of an .xls file in the case where I don't have the path. Using Openpyxl, I can get this as Workbook.properties.modified, as a datetime object. With xlrd I am struggling. A workaround would be to figure out the path to the file (which may be input to my function as a file like object) and to use os.path.getmtime, but I am not sure if that is equivalent.
Any help is appreciated!
I just came across your post while searching for a solution myself. Seems like
wb = xlrd.open_workbook(filename=fn)
does the job.
I would like to try and make a program which does the following, preferably in Python, but if it needs to be C# or other, that's OK.
Writes data to an excel spreadsheet
Makes Excel recalculate formulas etc. in the modified spreadsheet
Extracts the results back out
I have used things like openpyxl before, but this obviously can't do step 2. Is the a way of recalculating the spreadsheet without opening it in Excel? Any thoughts greatly appreciated.
You need some sort of UI automation with which you can control a UI application such as Excel. Excel probably exposes some COM interface that you should be able to use for what you need. Python has the PyWin32 library which you should install, after which you'll have the win32com module available.
See also:
Excel Python API
Automation Excel from Python
If you don't necessarily have to work with Excel specifically and just need to do spreadsheet using Python, you might want to look at http://manns.github.io/pyspread/.
you could you pandas for reading in the data, using python to recalculate and then write the new files.
For pandas it's something like:
#Import Excel file
xls = pd.ExcelFile('path_to_file' + '/' + 'file.xlsx')
xls.parse('nyc-condominium-dataset', index_col='property_id', na_values=['NA'])
so not difficult. Here the link to pandas.
Have fun!
What I need to know is, can I get Python to read a spreadsheet (preferably Microsoft Excel), then parse the information and input it into an equation?
It's for a horse-racing program, where the information for several horses will be in one excel spreadsheet, in different rows or columns. I need to know if I can run a calculation for each of those horses separately and then calculate a score for the given horse.
My suggestion is:
Save the Excel file as a csv comma separated value file, which is a plain text format and much easier to work with.
Use Python's built-in csv module to work with the data in csv format.
You can work with Excel files directly in Python (Excel 2003 format supported via the third party modules xlwt, xlrd) but this is much harder than working with CSV.
OpenPyXL ("A Python library to read/write Excel 2007 xlsx/xlsm files") has a very nice and Pythonic API.
Use xlrd package. It's on PyPI, so you can just easy_install xlrd
You can export the spreadsheet as a .csv and read it in as a text file, then process it. I have a niggling feeling there might even a CSV parsing python library.
AFAIK there isn't a .xls parser, although I might be wrong.
EDIT: I was wrong: http://www.python-excel.org/
Does anyone know of a way of accessing MS Excel from Python? Specifically I am looking to create new sheets and fill them with data, including formulae.
Preferably I would like to do this on Linux if possible, but can do it from in a VM if there is no other way.
xlwt and xlrd can read and write Excel files, without using Excel itself:
Long time after the original question, but last answer pushed it top of feed again. Others might benefit from my experience using python and excel.
I am using excel and python quite bit. Instead of using the xlrd, xlwt modules directly, I normally use pandas. I think pandas uses these modules as imports, but i find it much easier using the pandas provided framework to create and read the spreadsheets. Pandas's Dataframe structure is very "spreadsheet-like" and makes life a lot easier in my opinion.
The other option that I use (not in direct answer to your problem) is DataNitro. It allows you to use python directly within excel. Different use case, but you would use it where you would normally have to write VBA code in Excel.
there is Python library to read/write Excel 2007 xlsx/xlsm files http://pythonhosted.org/openpyxl/
I wrote python class that allows working with Excel via COM interface in Windows http://sourceforge.net/projects/excelcomforpython/
The class uses win32com to interact with Excel. You can use class directly or use it as example. A lot of options implemented like array formulas, conditional formatting, charts etc.
It's surely possible through the Excel object model via COM: just use win32com modules for Python. Can't remember more but I once controlled the Media Player through COM from Python. It was piece of cake.
Its actually very simple. You can actually run anything from any program. Just see a way to reach command prompt from that program. In case of Excel, create a user defined function by pressing Alt+F11 and paste the following code.
Function call_cmd()
Shell "CMD /C Notepad", vbNormalFocus
End Function
Now press ctrl+s and go back to Excel, select a cell and run the function =call_cmd(). Here I ran Notepad. In the same way, you can see where python.exe is installed and run it. If you want to pass any inputs to python, then save the cells as file in local directory as csv file and read them in python using os.system().
I have an Excel spreadsheet with calculations I would like to use in a Django web application. I do not need to present the spreadsheet as it appears in Excel. I only want to use the formulae embedded in it. What is the best way to do this?
You can control Excel with Python via COM. See this thread: Driving Excel from Python in Windows
It might be a challenge to get this to work reliably as part of a Django app.
In addition to the COM solution, xlrd is cross-platform. That might be more suitable, since I believe Linux is still the most common deployment environment for django. It's also a lighter-weight solution than pyUno.
I think the only thing you can do is use some python/excel mechanism (the only one I could find was this: http://www.python-excel.org/; the tutorial makes me think it might be doable) to read and write from an excel spreadsheet.
You would write to certain cells that would be used by the spreadsheet formulas and then read the results from the formulas from other cells.
Django per-se has nothing to help you with this.
I'll retag your question to include python so that, maybe, someone with Python-excel experience can comment...
You need to use Excel to calculate the results? I mean, maybe you could run the Excel sheet from OpenOffice and use a pyUNO macro, which is somehow "native" python.
A different approach will be to create a macro to generate some more friendly code to python, if you want Excel to perform the calculation is easy you end up with a very slow process.