I have a dataframe with commonalities in groups of column names:
Sample1.Feature1 | Sample1.Feature2 | ... | Sample99.Feature1 | Sample99.Feature 2
And I'd like to reorder this as
|Sample1 ......................... | Sample99
|Feature 1, Feature 2 | ..... | Feature 1, Feature 2 |
I'd then have summary stats, e.g. mean, for Feature1, Feature2, grouped by Sample#. I've played with df.groupby() with no luck so far.
I hope my lack of table formatting skills doesn't distract from the question.
Thanks in advance.
consider the dataframe df
df = pd.DataFrame(
np.ones((1, 6)),
columns='s1.f1 s1.f2 s1.f3 s2.f1 s2.f2 s2.f3'.split())
split the columns
df.columns = df.columns.str.split('.', expand=True)
Table 1
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'df1_id':['1','2','3'],'col1':["a","b","c"],'col2':["d","e","f"]})
Table 2
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'df1_id':['1','2','1','1'],'date':['01-05-2021','03-05-2021','05-05-2021','03-05-2021'],'data':[12,13,16,9],'test':['g','h','j','i'],'test2':['k','l','m','n']})
Result Table
Brief Explanation on how the Result table needs to be created:
I have two data frames and I want to merge them based on a df_id. But the date column from second table should be transposed into the resultant table.
The date columns for the result table will be a range between the min date and max date from the second table
The column values for the dates in the result table will be from the data column of the second table.
Also the test column from the second table will only take its value of the latest date for the result table
I hope this is clear. Any suggestion or help regarding this will be greatly appreciated.
I have tried using pivot on the second table and then trying to merge the pivoted second table df1 but its not working. I do not know how to get only one row for the latest value of test.
Note: I am trying to solve this problem using vectorization and do not want to serially parse through each row
You need to pivot your df2 into two separate table as we need data and test values and then merge both resulting pivot table with df1
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'df1_id':['1','2','3'],'col1':["a","b","c"],'col2':["d","e","f"]})
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'df1_id':['1','2','1','1'],'date':['01-05-2021','03-05-2021','03-05-2021','05-05-2021'],'data':[12,13,9,16],'test':['g','h','i','j']})
test_piv = df2.pivot(index=['df1_id'],columns=['date'],values=['test'])
data_piv = df2.pivot(index=['df1_id'],columns=['date'],values=['data'])
max_test = test_piv['test'].ffill(axis=1).iloc[:,-1].rename('test')
final = df1.merge(data_piv['data'],left_on=df1.df1_id, right_index=True, how='left')
final = final.merge(max_test,left_on=df1.df1_id, right_index=True, how='left')
and hence your resulting final dataframe as below
| | df1_id | col1 | col2 | 01-05-2021 | 03-05-2021 | 05-05-2021 | test |
| 0 | 1 | a | d | 12 | 9 | 16 | j |
| 1 | 2 | b | e | nan | 13 | nan | h |
| 2 | 3 | c | f | nan | nan | nan | nan |
Here is the solution for the question:
I first sort df2 based of df1_id and date to ensure that table entries are in order.
Then I drop duplicates based on df_id and select the last row to ensure I have the latest values for test and test2
Then I pivot df2 to get the corresponding date as column and data as its value
Then I merge the table with df2_pivoted to combine the latest values of test and test2
Then I merge with df1 to get the resultant table
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'df1_id':['1','2','3'],'col1':["a","b","c"],'col2':["d","e","f"]})
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'df1_id':['1','2','1','1'],'date':['01-05-2021','03-05-2021','05-05-2021','03-05-2021'],'data':[12,13,16,9],'test':['g','h','j','i'],'test2':['k','l','m','n']})
df2_latest_vals = df2.drop_duplicates(subset=['df1_id'],keep='last')
df2_pivoted = df2.pivot_table(index=['df1_id'],columns=['date'],values=['data'])
df2_pivoted = df2_pivoted.droplevel(0,axis=1).reset_index()
df2_pivoted = pd.merge(df2_pivoted,df2_latest_vals,on='df1_id')
df2_pivoted = df2_pivoted.drop(columns=['date','data'])
result = pd.merge(df1,df2_pivoted,on='df1_id',how='left')
Note: I have not been able to figure out how to get the entire date range between 01-05-2021 and 05-05-2021 and show the empty values as NaN. If anyone can help please edit the answer
I would like to update the NA values of a Pandas DataFrame column with the values in a groupby object.
Let's illustrate with an example:
We have the following DataFrame columns:
| row_id | Month | Day | Temperature |
| 1 | 1 | 1 | 14.3 |
| 2 | 1 | 1 | 14.8 |
| 3 | 1 | 2 | 13.1 |
We're simply measuring temperature multiple times a day for many months. Now, let's assume that for some of our records, the temperature reading failed and we have a NA.
| row_id | Month | Day | Temperature |
| 1 | 1 | 1 | 14.3 |
| 2 | 1 | 1 | 14.8 |
| 3 | 1 | 2 | 13.1 |
| 4 | 1 | 2 | NA |
| 5 | 1 | 3 | 14.8 |
| 6 | 1 | 4 | NA |
We could just use panda's .fillna(), however we want to be a little more sophisticated. Since there are multiple readings per day (there could be 100's per day), we'd like to take the daily average and use that as our fill value.
we can get the daily averages with a simple groupby:
avg_temp_by_month_day = df.groupby(['month'])['day'].mean()
Which gives us the means for each day by month. The question is, how best to fill the NA values with the groupby values?
We could use an apply(),
df['temperature'] = df.apply(
lambda row: avg_temp_by_month_day.loc[r['month'], r['day']] if pd.isna(r['temperature']) else r['temperature'],
however this is really slow (1M+ records).
Is there a vectorized approach, perhaps using np.where(), or maybe creating another Series and merging.
What's the a more efficient way to perform this operation?
Thank you!
I'm not sure if this is the fastest, however instead of taking ~1 hour for apply, it takes ~20 sec for +1M records. The below code has been updated to work on 1 or many columns.
local_avg_cols = ['temperature'] # can work with multiple columns
# Create groupby's to get local averages
local_averages = df.groupby(['month', 'day'])[local_avg_cols].mean()
# Convert to DataFrame and prepare for merge
local_averages = pd.DataFrame(local_averages, columns=local_avg_cols).reset_index()
# Merge into original dataframe
df = df.merge(local_averages, on=['month', 'day'], how='left', suffixes=('', '_avg'))
# Now overwrite na values with values from new '_avg' col
for col in local_avg_cols:
df[col] = df[col].mask(df[col].isna(), df[col+'_avg'])
# Drop new avg cols
df = df.drop(columns=[col+'_avg' for col in local_avg_cols])
If anyone finds a more efficient way to do this, (efficient in processing time, or in just readability), I'll unmark this answer and mark yours. Thank you!
I'm guessing what speeds down your process are two things. First, you don't need to convert your groupby to a dataframe. Second, you don't need the for loop.
from pandas import DataFrame
from numpy import nan
# Populating the dataset
df = {"Month": [1] * 6,
"Day": [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4],
"Temperature": [14.3, 14.8, 13.1, nan, 14.8, nan]}
# Creating the dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame(df, columns=df.keys())
local_averages = df.groupby(['Month', 'Day'])['Temperature'].mean()
df = df.merge(local_averages, on=['Month', 'Day'], how='left', suffixes=('', '_avg'))
# Filling the missing values of the Temperature column with what is available in Temperature_avg
df.Temperature.fillna(df.Temperature_avg, inplace=True)
df.drop(columns="Temperature_avg", inplace=True)
Groupby is a resource heavy process so make the most out of it when you use it. Furthermore, as you already know loops are not a good idea when it comes to dataframes. Additionally, if you have a large data you may want to avoid creating extra variables from it. I may put the groupby into the merge if my data has 1m rows and many columns.
How to sort pandas's dataframe by specific column names?
My dataframe columns look like this:
|movieId| title |drama|horror|action| comedy |
| |
I would like to sort the dataframe only by columns = ['drama','horror','sci-fi','comedy']. So I get the following dataframe:
|movieId| title |action|comedy|drama | horror |
| |
I tried df = df.sort_index(axis=1) but it sorts all columns:
|action | comedy|drama |horror|movieId| title |
| |
Sorting all columns after second column and add first 2 columns:
c = df.columns[:2].tolist() + sorted(df.columns[2:].tolist())
print (c)
['movieId', 'title', 'action', 'comedy', 'drama', 'horror']
Last change order of columns by this list:
df1 = df[c]
Another idea is use DataFrame.sort_index but only for all columns without first 2 selected by DataFrame.iloc:
df.iloc[:, 2:] = df.iloc[:, 2:].sort_index(axis=1)
You can explicitly rearrange columns like so
If you have a lot of columns to sort alphabetically
Im using jupyter notebooks, my current dataframe looks like the following:
players_mentioned | tweet_text | polarity
[Mane, Salah] | xyz | 0.12
[Salah] | asd | 0.06
How can I group all players individually and average their polarity?
Currently I have tried to use:
But this will return a dataframe grouping all the mentions when together as well as separate, how best can I go about splitting the players up and then grouping them back together.
An expected output would contain
player | polarity_average
Mane | 0.12
Salah | 0.09
In other words how to group by each item in the lists in every row.
you can use the unnesting idiom from this answer.
def unnesting(df, explode):
idx = df.index.repeat(df[explode[0]].str.len())
df1 = pd.concat([
pd.DataFrame({x: np.concatenate(df[x].values)}) for x in explode], axis=1)
df1.index = idx
return df1.join(df.drop(explode, 1), how='left')
You can now call groupby on the unnested "players_mentioned" column.
(unnesting(df, ['players_mentioned'])
.groupby('players_mentioned', as_index=False).mean())
players_mentioned polarity
0 Mane 0.12
1 Salah 0.09
If you are just looking to group by players_mentioned and get the averatge for that players popularity score this should do it.
I have a pivoted data frame that looks like this:
|Units_sold | Revenue
California_2015 | 10 | 600
California_2016 | 15 | 900
There are additional columns, but basically what I'd like to do is unstack the index column, and have my table look like this:
|State |Year |Units_sold |Revenue
California |2015 | 10 |600
California |2016 | 15 |900 `
Basically I had two data frames that I needed to merge, on the state and year, but I'm just not sure how to split the index column/ if that's possible. Still pretty new to Python, so I really appreciate any input!!
df = pd.DataFrame({'Units_sold':[10,15],'Revenue':[600,900]}, index=['California_2015','California_2016'])
df = df.reset_index()
df['State'] = df['index'].str.split("_").str.get(0)
df['Year'] = df['index'].str.split("_").str.get(1)
df = df.set_index('State')[['Year','Units_sold','Revenue']]