Python shows same results for every page. Beautiful Soup - python

I'm super new to Python and I am trying to scrape some stuff from google scholar as a project. The code with the problem looks like this:
yearList = []
def getYear():
for div in soup.find_all("div", class_='gs_a'):
yearRegex = re.compile(r".*(\d\d\d\d).*")
yo = yearRegex.findall(div.text)
page = 0
i = 0
while i < numPages:
link = '' + str(page) + '&q=' + search + '&hl=de&as_sdt=0,5'
res = requests.get(link)
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(res.text, 'html.parser')
getYear() #this is the function that extracts the data
page += 20 #to get to the next page of the results
i += 1`
The page variable and the link actually change by 20 each time. However, for some reason the program just scrapes the first page of the search results, as if the link variable had never changed. What am I missing?


Python / BeautifulSoup webscraper returning "None"

trying to build a webscraper to return lists of freelance gig postings on different websites into one place. My code is below and it keeps returning "None". I'm a bit stuck at this point, if you can help identify why it keeps doing this that would be great.
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pprint
res1 = requests.get('') # this is where we will scrape the info from
soup1 = BeautifulSoup(res1.text, 'html.parser') # this tells BS to give us HTML code for the page
links1 ='.new-task-list-item new-task-list-item--open') # link of each gig
subtext1 ='.new-task-list-item__date at-icon-calendar') # date of each gig
res2 = requests.get('')
soup2 = BeautifulSoup(res2.text, 'html.parser')
links2 ='.new-task-list-item new-task-list-item--open')
subtext2 ='.new-task-list-item__date at-icon-calendar')
res3 = requests.get('')
soup3 = BeautifulSoup(res3.text, 'html.parser')
links3 ='.job-title')
subtext3 ='.text-muted')
res4 = requests.get('')
soup4 = BeautifulSoup(res4.text, 'html.parser')
links4 ='.job-title')
subtext4 ='.text-muted')
res5 = requests.get('')
soup5 = BeautifulSoup(res5.text, 'html.parser')
links5 ='.job-title')
subtext5 ='.text-muted')
res6 = requests.get('')
soup6 = BeautifulSoup(res6.text, 'html.parser')
links6 ='.job-title')
subtext6 ='.text-muted')
mega_links = links1 + links2 + links3 + links4 + links5 + links6
mega_subtext = subtext1 + subtext2 + subtext3 + subtext4 + subtext5 + subtext6
def extract(links, subtexts):
joblist = []
for indx, item in enumerate(links):
title = item.getText()
href = item.get('href')
joblist.append({'title': title, 'link': href})
return joblist
pprint.pprint(extract(mega_links , mega_subtext))
I have no idea what exactly you are trying to extract from the scraped web page requests. Here's what I tried from my end:
Your links variable are null or empty lists since there is no such querySelector present for the web page you're trying to scrape. For example, the console of the first web page that you are scraping (the element you're trying to scrape doesn't exist):
I would recommend you to confirm the element you're trying to scrape and confirm it's class.
Another Point of Consideration:
When you will print your soup variables you will notice that you get CloudFare as the output.

Beautiful soup doesn't load the whole page

I got this project where I'm scraping data on and where I want to get the max number of page (last number) for a specific location (photo below) so I can loop through it and get all the hrefs.
To get that last number, I have my code that run as planned and should return an integer but it doesn't always return the same number. I added the print(comprehension list) to understand what's wrong. Here is the code and the output below. The return is commented but sould return the last number of the output list as an int.
city_link = ",CA/"
def bsoup(url):
resp = r.get(url, headers=req_headers)
soup = bs(resp.content, 'html.parser')
return soup
def max_page(link):
soup = bsoup(link)
page_num = soup.find_all(attrs={"data-testid":"pagination-page-link"})
print([x.get_text() for x in page_num])
# return int(page_num[-1].get_text())
for x in range(10):
I have no clue why sometimes it's returning something wrong. The photo above is the corresponding link.
Okay, now if I understand what you want, you are trying to see how many pages of links there are for a given location for rent. If we can assume the given link is the only required link, this code:
import requests
import bs4
url = ",CA/"
req = requests.get(url)
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(req.content, features='lxml')
def get_number_of_pages(soup):
caption_tag = soup.find('div', class_="Text__TextBase-sc-1cait9d-0-
div Text__TextContainerBase-sc-1cait9d-1 RBSGf")
pagination = caption_tag.text
words = pagination.split(" ")
values = []
for word in words:
if not word.isalpha():
links_per_page = values[0].split('-')[1]
total_links = values[1].replace(',', '')
no_of_pages = round(int(total_links)/int(links_per_page) + 0.5)
return no_of_pages
for i in range(10):
achieves what you're looking for, and has repeatability because it doesn't interact with javascript, but the pagination caption at the bottom of the page.

How can scrape prices from next pages?

I'm new to python and web scraping.
I wrote some codes by using requests and beautifulsoup. One code is for scraping prices and names and links. Which works fine and is as follows:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
urls = ""
source = requests.get(urls).text
soup = BeautifulSoup(source, 'lxml')
for figcaption in soup.find_all('figcaption'):
price = figcaption.div.text
name = figcaption.find('a', class_='title').text
link = figcaption.find('a', class_='title')['href']
and also one for making other urls that I need those information scraped from, which also gives the correct urls when I use print():
x = 0
counter = 1
for x in range(0, 70)
urls = "" + str(counter)
counter += 1
x += 1
But when I try to combine these two in order to scrape a page and then change url to new one and then scrape it, it just gives the scraped information on the first page 70 times. please guide me through this. the whole code is as follows:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
x = 0
counter = 1
for x in range(0, 70):
urls = "" + str(counter)
source = requests.get(urls).text
soup = BeautifulSoup(source, 'lxml')
counter += 1
x += 1
for figcaption in soup.find_all('figcaption'):
price = figcaption.div.text
name = figcaption.find('a', class_='title').text
link = figcaption.find('a', class_='title')['href']
Your x=0 and then incriminating it by 1 is redundant and not needed, as you have it iterating through that range range(0, 70). I'm also not sure why you have a counter as you don't need that either. Here's how you would do it below:
HOWEVER, I believe that issue is not with the iteration or looping, but the url itself. If you manually go to the two pages as listed below, the content doesn’t change:
and then
Since the site is dynamic, you'll need to find a different way to iterate page to page, or figure out what the exact url is. So try:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
for x in range(0, 70):
urls = '[]=24&order[]=new&stock[]=1&page[]=' +str(x+1) + '&ajax=ok?_=1561559181560'
source = requests.get(urls).text
soup = BeautifulSoup(source, 'lxml')
print('Page: %s' %(x+1))
for figcaption in soup.find_all('figcaption'):
price = figcaption.find('span', {'class':'new_price'}).text.strip()
name = figcaption.find('a', class_='title').text
link = figcaption.find('a', class_='title')['href']
print('%s\n%s\n%s' %(price, name, link))
You can find that link by going to the website and looking at the dev tools (Ctrl +Shift+I or right-click 'Inspect') -> network -> XHR
When I did that and then physically click to the next page, I can see how that data was rendered, and found the reference url.

Python Pagination Loop

I'm doing some simple web scraping, and need to find a better way to loop through pagination on the target site. The only way I could do this was to write 10 + "for loops" to get it to work.
Basically I'm looking for a "Next" icon in the url, if it exist, I need to grab the parent link of the icon image and append it to the url, go to the new updated url, and search for the same icon and repeat until I get to the last page (the icon will be gone).
How could I perform this without hard coding a bunch of for loops?
url = ""
r = requests.get(wurl)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "lxml")
for img in soup.findAll("img"):
if "/Next_Icon" in img["src"]:
link = img.find_parent("a", href=True)
extLink = (link["href"])
url = "" + extLink
url_stack = [""]
while url_stack:
wurl = url_stack.pop()
r = requests.get(wurl)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "lxml")
for img in soup.findAll("img"):
if "/Next_Icon" in img["src"]:
link = img.find_parent("a", href=True)
extLink = (link["href"])
url = "" + extLink
You should use list to store all the urls

Display all search results when web scraping with Python

I'm trying to scrape a list of URL's from the European Parliament's Legislative Observatory. I do not type in any search keyword in order to get all links to documents (currently 13172). I can easily scrape a list of the first 10 results which are displayed on the website using the code below. However, I want to have all links so that I would not need to somehow press the next page button. Please let me know if you know of a way to achieve this.
import requests, bs4, re
# main url of the Legislative Observatory's search site
url_main = ''
# function gets a list of links to the procedures
def links_to_procedures (url_main):
# requesting html code from the main search site of the Legislative Observatory
response = requests.get(url_main)
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(response.text) # loading text into Beautiful Soup
links = [a.attrs.get('href') for a in'div.procedure_title a')] # getting a list of links of the procedure title
return links
You can follow the pagination by specifying the page GET parameter.
First, get the results count, then calculate the number of pages to process by dividing the count on the results count per page. Then, iterate over pages one by one and collect the links:
import re
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
response = requests.get('')
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content)
# get the results count
num_results = soup.find('span', class_=re.compile('resultNum')).text
num_results = int('(\d+)', num_results).group(1))
print "Results found: " + str(num_results)
results_per_page = 50
base_url = "{page}&rows=%s&sort=d&searchTab=y&sortTab=y&x=1411566719001" % results_per_page
links = []
for page in xrange(1, num_results/results_per_page + 1):
print "Current page: " + str(page)
url = base_url.format(page=page)
response = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content)
links += [a.attrs.get('href') for a in'div.procedure_title a')]
print links
