I'm struggling to get my head around nested dicts and how to grab the key and value from them.
I have a nice script that grabs the VPC information from my AWS account:
import boto3
from pprint import pprint
#Declaring some resources for the below scripts.
ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2')
client = boto3.client('ec2')
#Grabing the VPC information and printing to console.
filters = [{'Name':'tag:Name', 'Values':['*']}]
vpcs = list(ec2.vpcs.filter(Filters=filters))
for vpc in vpcs:
response = client.describe_vpcs(
This outputs like:
[{'CidrBlock': '666.666.0.0/66', 'DhcpOptionsId': '55555', 'InstanceTenancy': 'default', 'IsDefault': False,'State': 'available', 'Tags': [{'Key': 'Environment', 'Value':'dev.aws'},
{'Key': 'Name', 'Value': 'dev.aws.co.uk'}], 'VpcId': 'vpc-755555'}]
now what I want is to grab only the VpcId and Tags, I have tried multiple variations of pprint(response['Vpcs']["VpcId"]). I have searched the web and tried a number of variations but I can't seem to get my head around it
cany anyone offer any advice to my example?
thanks again are you able to assist with a follow on question?
I'm trying now to put this into a for loop so i can grab the output of any VPCs and Resulting tags that could be present in the AWS account but hitting a wall with "TypeError: string indices must be integers"
Code i have tried (many variations of this):
for vpcs in client.describe_vpcs():
vpcid = vpcs['Vpcs'][0]['VpcId']
print("Vpc Id:" + vpcid)
for vpcs in client.describe_vpcs()['Vpcs']:
print("VPC ID: " + vpcs['VpcId'])
print("Tags: " + vpcs['Tags'][0])
any ideas?
Update 2:
This loop works and will print out my VPCs with the tags of the fist VPC:
for vpcs in client.describe_vpcs()['Vpcs']:
print("VPC ID: " + vpcs['VpcId'])
I am trying to get it to loop the tags with the VPC id.
Output of print(client.describe_vpcs()):
{'ResponseMetadata': {'RequestId': 'nnnnn-e323-nn-a9a3-254nnnn2c3b6', 'RetryAttempts': 0, 'HTTPHeaders': {'transfer-encoding': 'chunked', 'content-type': 'text/xml;charset=UTF-8', 'vary': 'Accept-Encoding', 'server': 'AmazonEC2', 'date': 'Fri, 27 Jan 2017 14:21:58 GMT'}, 'HTTPStatusCode': 200}, 'Vpcs': [{'State': 'available', 'IsDefault': True, 'CidrBlock': '', 'DhcpOptionsId': 'dopt-1d555578', 'VpcId': 'vpc-85555eb', 'InstanceTenancy': 'default', 'Tags': [{'Value': 'Default VPC', 'Key': 'Name'}]}, {'State': 'available', 'IsDefault': False, 'CidrBlock': '', 'DhcpOptionsId': 'dopt-1d55558', 'VpcId': 'vpc-255554d', 'InstanceTenancy': 'default', 'Tags': [{'Value': 'DEV', 'Key': 'Environment'}, {'Value': 'dev2.aws.co.uk', 'Key': 'Name'}]}, {'State': 'available', 'IsDefault': False, 'CidrBlock': '', 'DhcpOptionsId': 'dopt-16666d78', 'VpcId': 'vpc-7666617', 'InstanceTenancy': 'default', 'Tags': [{'Value': 'dev.aws', 'Key': 'Environment'}, {'Value': 'dev.aws.co.uk', 'Key': 'Name'}]}]}
Fix was:
import boto3
client = boto3.client('ec2')
#This is the VPC ID and Linked Tags
for vpctags in client.describe_vpcs()['Vpcs']:
print("VPC ID: ", vpctags['VpcId'])
print("Tags: ", vpctags['Tags'])
Big thanks to MYGz for taking the time to help.
You need:
vpcid = response['Vpcs'][0]['VpcId']
# ^dict ^key ^item ^ key in dictionary
# at 0th
# position
# (which is a dict)
tags = response['Vpcs'][0]['Tags']
response['Vpcs'] returns a list. This list contains only 1 element. That 1 element is a dictionary that contains your desired entry 'VpcId'
Values corresponding to keys in a dictionary are accessed by keys. And the values inside lists are accessed by index position.
For eg:
To access 'k4' and get the value 'v4' in the below dictionary
a={'k1': [{'k2': [{'k3': 'v3' }, {'k4': 'v4'}] }]}
You will have to do this:
I am calling the list operation to retrieve the metadata values of a blob storage.
My code looks like:
blob_service_list = storage_client.blob_services.list('rg-exercise1', 'sa36730')
for items in blob_service_list:
What's happening in this case is that the returned output only contains the items which had a corresponding Azure object:
{'id': '/subscriptions/0601ba03-2e68-461a-a239-98cxxxxxx/resourceGroups/rg-exercise1/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/sa36730/blobServices/default', 'name': 'default', 'type': 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices', 'sku': {'name': 'Standard_LRS', 'tier': 'Standard'}, 'cors': {'cors_rules': [{'allowed_origins': ['www.xyz.com'], 'allowed_methods': ['GET'], 'max_age_in_seconds': 0, 'exposed_headers': [''], 'allowed_headers': ['']}]}, 'delete_retention_policy': {'enabled': False}}
Where-as, If I do a simple print of items, the output is much larger:
{'additional_properties': {}, 'id': '/subscriptions/0601ba03-2e68-461a-a239-98c1xxxxx/resourceGroups/rg-exercise1/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/sa36730/blobServices/default', 'name': 'default', 'type': 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices', 'sku': <azure.mgmt.storage.v2021_06_01.models._models_py3.Sku object at 0x7ff2f8f1a520>, 'cors': <azure.mgmt.storage.v2021_06_01.models._models_py3.CorsRules object at 0x7ff2f8f1a640>, 'default_service_version': None, 'delete_retention_policy': <azure.mgmt.storage.v2021_06_01.models._models_py3.DeleteRetentionPolicy object at 0x7ff2f8f1a6d0>, 'is_versioning_enabled': None, 'automatic_snapshot_policy_enabled': None, 'change_feed': None, 'restore_policy': None, 'container_delete_retention_policy': None, 'last_access_time_tracking_policy': None}
Any value which is None has been removed from my example code. How can I extend my example code to include the None fields and have the final output as a list?
I tried in my environment and got below results:
If you need to include the None values in the dictionary you can follow the below code:
from azure.mgmt.storage import StorageManagementClient
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
storage_client=StorageManagementClient(credential=DefaultAzureCredential(),subscription_id="<your sub id>")
blob_service_list = storage_client.blob_services.list('v-venkat-rg', 'venkat123')
for items in blob_service_list:
items_dict = items.as_dict()
for key, value in items.__dict__.items():
if value is None:
items_dict[key] = value
The above code executed with None value successfully.
I am sending requests to a crypto network for data on accounts. You get sent back information, but I haven't yet encountered lists being sent in JSON until now. I want to parse certain information, but am having trouble because the JSON is a list and is not as easy to parse compared to normal JSON data.
import requests
import json
url = ' https://s1.ripple.com:51234/'
payload = {
"method": "account_objects",
"params": [
"account": "r9cZA1mLK5R5Am25ArfXFmqgNwjZgnfk59",
"ledger_index": "validated",
"type": "state",
"deletion_blockers_only": False,
"limit": 10
response = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(payload))
data = response.text
parsed = json.loads(data)
price = parsed['result']
price = price['account_objects']
for Balance in price:
You will receive all the tokens the account holds and the value. I can not figure out how to parse this correctly and receive the correct one. This particular test account has a lot of tokens so I will only show the first tokens info.
{'Balance': {'currency': 'ASP', 'issuer': 'rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrBZbvji', 'value': '0'}, 'Flags': 65536, 'HighLimit': {'currency': 'ASP', 'issuer': 'r9cZA1mLK5R5Am25ArfXFmqgNwjZgnfk59', 'value': '0'}, 'HighNode': '0', 'LedgerEntryType': 'RippleState', 'LowLimit': {'currency': 'ASP', 'issuer': 'r3vi7mWxru9rJCxETCyA1CHvzL96eZWx5z', 'value': '10'}, 'LowNode': '0', 'PreviousTxnID': 'BF7555B0F018E3C5E2A3FF9437A1A5092F32903BE246202F988181B9CED0D862', 'PreviousTxnLgrSeq': 1438879, 'index': '2243B0B630EA6F7330B654EFA53E27A7609D9484E535AB11B7F946DF3D247CE9'}
I want to get the first bit of info, here. {'Balance': {'currency': 'ASP', 'issuer': 'rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrBZbvji', 'value': '0'},
Specifically 'value' and the number
I have tried to take parse 'Balance' but since it is a list it is not as straight forward.
You're mixing up lists and dictionaries. In order to access a dictionary by key, you need to invoke the key, as such:
for Balance in price:
Yields the following results:
{'currency': 'CHF', 'issuer': 'rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrBZbvji', 'value': '-0.3488146605801446'}
{'currency': 'BTC', 'issuer': 'rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrBZbvji', 'value': '0'}
{'currency': 'USD', 'issuer': 'rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrBZbvji', 'value': '-11.68225001668339'}
If you only wanted to extract the value, you simply dive one level deeper:
for Balance in price:
Which yields:
I assume that under price['account_objects'] you have a list of dictionaries? And then in each dictionary you have in one of the keys: 'Balance': {'currency': 'ASP', 'issuer': 'rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrBZbvji', 'value': '0'. If so, why don't you iterate over the list and then access each dictionary, like:
account_objects = price['account_objects']
for account_object in price:
In python3 I need to get a JSON response from an API call,
and parse it so I will get a dictionary That only contains the data I need.
The final dictionary I ecxpt to get is as follows:
{'Severity Rules': ('cc55c459-eb1a-11e8-9db4-0669bdfa776e', ['cc637182-eb1a-11e8-9db4-0669bdfa776e']), 'auto_collector': ('57e9a4ec-21f7-4e0e-88da-f0f1fda4c9d1', ['0ab2470a-451e-11eb-8856-06364196e782'])}
the JSON response returns the following output:
'RuleGroups': [{
'Id': 'cc55c459-eb1a-11e8-9db4-0669bdfa776e',
'Name': 'Severity Rules',
'Order': 1,
'Enabled': True,
'Rules': [{
'Id': 'cc637182-eb1a-11e8-9db4-0669bdfa776e',
'Name': 'Severity Rule',
'Description': 'Look for default severity text',
'Enabled': False,
'RuleMatchers': None,
'Rule': '\\b(?P<severity>DEBUG|TRACE|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL|EXCEPTION|[I|i]nfo|[W|w]arn|[E|e]rror|[E|e]xception)\\b',
'SourceField': 'text',
'DestinationField': 'text',
'ReplaceNewVal': '',
'Type': 'extract',
'Order': 21520,
'KeepBlockedLogs': False
'Type': 'user'
}, {
'Id': '4f6fa7c6-d60f-49cd-8c3d-02dcdff6e54c',
'Name': 'auto_collector',
'Order': 4,
'Enabled': True,
'Rules': [{
'Id': '2d6bdc1d-4064-11eb-8856-06364196e782',
'Name': 'auto_collector',
'Description': 'DO NOT CHANGE!! Created via API coralogix-blocker tool',
'Enabled': False,
'RuleMatchers': None,
'SourceField': 'subsystemName',
'DestinationField': 'subsystemName',
'ReplaceNewVal': '',
'Type': 'block',
'Order': 1,
'KeepBlockedLogs': False
'Type': 'user'
I was able to create a dictionary that contains the name and the RuleGroupsID, like that:
response = requests.get(url,headers=headers)
output = response.json()
groupRuleName = [li['Name'] for li in outputlist]
groupRuleID = [li['Id'] for li in outputlist]
# Create a dictionary of NAME + ID
ruleDic = {}
for key in groupRuleName:
for value in groupRuleID:
ruleDic[key] = value
Which gave me a simple dictionary:
{'Severity Rules': 'cc55c459-eb1a-11e8-9db4-0669bdfa776e', 'Rewrites': 'ddbaa27e-1747-11e9-9db4-0669bdfa776e', 'Extract': '0cb937b6-2354-d23a-5806-4559b1f1e540', 'auto_collector': '4f6fa7c6-d60f-49cd-8c3d-02dcdff6e54c'}
but when I tried to parse it as nested JSON things just didn't work.
In the end, I managed to create a function that returns this dictionary,
I'm doing it by breaking the JSON into 3 lists by the needed elements (which are Name, Id, and Rules from the first nest), and then create another list from the nested JSON ( which listed everything under Rule) which only create a list from the keyword "Id".
Finally creating a dictionary using a zip command on the lists and dictionaries created earlier.
def get_filtered_rules() -> List[dict]:
groupRuleName = [li['Name'] for li in outputlist]
groupRuleID = [li['Id'] for li in outputlist]
ruleIDList = [li['Rules'] for li in outputlist]
ruleIDListClean = []
ruleClean = []
for sublist in ruleIDList:
lstRule = [item['Rule'] for item in sublist]
ruleContent=list(zip(groupRuleName, ruleClean))
ruleContentDictionary = dict(ruleContent)
lstID = [item['Id'] for item in sublist]
# Create a dictionary of NAME + ID + RuleID
ruleDic = dict(zip(groupRuleName, zip(groupRuleID, ruleIDListClean)))
except Exception as e: print(e)
return ruleDic
How to converting the multiple list to data frame. below list contains the details about cloud containers want to extract the information like name , language , description and workspace id.
{'workspaces': [{'name': 'A_SupportAgent_dev',
'language': 'en',
'metadata': {'api_version': {'major_version': 'v1',
'minor_version': '2019-02-28'},
'digressions': True},
'description': 'Credit Card Banking Support Agent to assist with Sales And Service, created by Oliver Ivanoski and Steve Green',
'workspace_id': '',
'learning_opt_out': False},
{'name': 'Neatnik Watson Assistant Webhook Demo Skill',
'language': 'en',
'metadata': {'api_version': {'major_version': 'v1',
'minor_version': '2019-02-28'}},
'webhooks': [{'url': 'https://neatnik.net/watson/assistant/webhook/',
'name': 'main_webhook',
'headers': []}],
'description': '',
'workspace_id': '',
'system_settings': {'tooling': {'store_generic_responses': True},
'system_entities': {'enabled': True},
'spelling_auto_correct': True},
'learning_opt_out': False}]
'pagination': {'refresh_url': '/v1/workspaces?version=2019-02-28'}}
Want to convert the above list below data frame
pd.DataFrame(list(Workspace_List.items()) ,columns=['workspaces', 'pagination'])
columns = list(Workspace_List.keys())
values = list(Workspace_List.values())
arr_len = len(values)
You need to specify columns as you have another dictionary. So i think following below code will help u to organize your desire output
key = ['name','language','description','workspace_id']
output = pd.DataFrame(columns = key)
for i in range(len(df['workspaces'])):
ll = df['workspaces'][i]
output.loc[i] = [ll[x] for x in key]
I am trying to write some code with the Hunter.io API to automate some of my b2b email scraping. It's been a long time since I've written any code and I could use some input. I have a CSV file of Urls, and I want to call a function on each URL that outputs a dictionary like this:
`{'domain': 'fromthebachrow.com', 'webmail': False, 'pattern': '{f}{last}', 'organization': None, 'emails': [{'value': 'fbach#fromthebachrow.com', 'type': 'personal', 'confidence': 91, 'sources': [{'domain': 'fromthebachrow.com', 'uri': 'http://fromthebachrow.com/contact', 'extracted_on': '2017-07-01'}], 'first_name': None, 'last_name': None, 'position': None, 'linkedin': None, 'twitter': None, 'phone_number': None}]}`
for each URL I call my function on. I want my code to return just the email address for each key labeled 'value'.
Value is a key that is contained in a list that itself is an element of the directory my function outputs. I am able to access the output dictionary to grab the list that is keyed to 'emails', but I don't know how to access the dictionary contained in the list. I want my code to return the value in that dictionary that is keyed with 'value', and I want it to do so for all of my urls.
from pyhunyrt import PyHunter
import csv
reader=cvs.reader (file)
hunter=PyHunter('API Key')
for item in urls:
which returns a list that looks like this for each item:
'value': 'fbach#fromthebachrow.com',
'type': 'personal',
'confidence': 91,
'sources': [{
'domain': 'fromthebachrow.com',
'uri': 'http://fromthebachrow.com/contact',
'extracted_on': '2017-07-01'
'first_name': None,
'last_name': None,
'position': None,
'linkedin': None,
'twitter': None,
'phone_number': None
How do I grab the first dictionary in that list and then access the email paired with 'value' so that my output is just an email address for each url I input initially?
To grab the first dict (or any item) in a list, use list[0], then to grab a value of a key value use ["value"]. To combine it, you should use list[0]["value"]