grabbing key and value from nested dict aws response - python

I'm struggling to get my head around nested dicts and how to grab the key and value from them.
I have a nice script that grabs the VPC information from my AWS account:
import boto3
from pprint import pprint
#Declaring some resources for the below scripts.
ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2')
client = boto3.client('ec2')
#Grabing the VPC information and printing to console.
filters = [{'Name':'tag:Name', 'Values':['*']}]
vpcs = list(ec2.vpcs.filter(Filters=filters))
for vpc in vpcs:
response = client.describe_vpcs(
This outputs like:
[{'CidrBlock': '666.666.0.0/66', 'DhcpOptionsId': '55555', 'InstanceTenancy': 'default', 'IsDefault': False,'State': 'available', 'Tags': [{'Key': 'Environment', 'Value':''},
{'Key': 'Name', 'Value': ''}], 'VpcId': 'vpc-755555'}]
now what I want is to grab only the VpcId and Tags, I have tried multiple variations of pprint(response['Vpcs']["VpcId"]). I have searched the web and tried a number of variations but I can't seem to get my head around it
cany anyone offer any advice to my example?
thanks again are you able to assist with a follow on question?
I'm trying now to put this into a for loop so i can grab the output of any VPCs and Resulting tags that could be present in the AWS account but hitting a wall with "TypeError: string indices must be integers"
Code i have tried (many variations of this):
for vpcs in client.describe_vpcs():
vpcid = vpcs['Vpcs'][0]['VpcId']
print("Vpc Id:" + vpcid)
for vpcs in client.describe_vpcs()['Vpcs']:
print("VPC ID: " + vpcs['VpcId'])
print("Tags: " + vpcs['Tags'][0])
any ideas?
Update 2:
This loop works and will print out my VPCs with the tags of the fist VPC:
for vpcs in client.describe_vpcs()['Vpcs']:
print("VPC ID: " + vpcs['VpcId'])
I am trying to get it to loop the tags with the VPC id.
Output of print(client.describe_vpcs()):
{'ResponseMetadata': {'RequestId': 'nnnnn-e323-nn-a9a3-254nnnn2c3b6', 'RetryAttempts': 0, 'HTTPHeaders': {'transfer-encoding': 'chunked', 'content-type': 'text/xml;charset=UTF-8', 'vary': 'Accept-Encoding', 'server': 'AmazonEC2', 'date': 'Fri, 27 Jan 2017 14:21:58 GMT'}, 'HTTPStatusCode': 200}, 'Vpcs': [{'State': 'available', 'IsDefault': True, 'CidrBlock': '', 'DhcpOptionsId': 'dopt-1d555578', 'VpcId': 'vpc-85555eb', 'InstanceTenancy': 'default', 'Tags': [{'Value': 'Default VPC', 'Key': 'Name'}]}, {'State': 'available', 'IsDefault': False, 'CidrBlock': '', 'DhcpOptionsId': 'dopt-1d55558', 'VpcId': 'vpc-255554d', 'InstanceTenancy': 'default', 'Tags': [{'Value': 'DEV', 'Key': 'Environment'}, {'Value': '', 'Key': 'Name'}]}, {'State': 'available', 'IsDefault': False, 'CidrBlock': '', 'DhcpOptionsId': 'dopt-16666d78', 'VpcId': 'vpc-7666617', 'InstanceTenancy': 'default', 'Tags': [{'Value': '', 'Key': 'Environment'}, {'Value': '', 'Key': 'Name'}]}]}
Fix was:
import boto3
client = boto3.client('ec2')
#This is the VPC ID and Linked Tags
for vpctags in client.describe_vpcs()['Vpcs']:
print("VPC ID: ", vpctags['VpcId'])
print("Tags: ", vpctags['Tags'])
Big thanks to MYGz for taking the time to help.

You need:
vpcid = response['Vpcs'][0]['VpcId']
# ^dict ^key ^item ^ key in dictionary
# at 0th
# position
# (which is a dict)
tags = response['Vpcs'][0]['Tags']
response['Vpcs'] returns a list. This list contains only 1 element. That 1 element is a dictionary that contains your desired entry 'VpcId'
Values corresponding to keys in a dictionary are accessed by keys. And the values inside lists are accessed by index position.
For eg:
To access 'k4' and get the value 'v4' in the below dictionary
a={'k1': [{'k2': [{'k3': 'v3' }, {'k4': 'v4'}] }]}
You will have to do this:


Iterating through Azure ItemPaged object

I am calling the list operation to retrieve the metadata values of a blob storage.
My code looks like:
blob_service_list = storage_client.blob_services.list('rg-exercise1', 'sa36730')
for items in blob_service_list:
What's happening in this case is that the returned output only contains the items which had a corresponding Azure object:
{'id': '/subscriptions/0601ba03-2e68-461a-a239-98cxxxxxx/resourceGroups/rg-exercise1/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/sa36730/blobServices/default', 'name': 'default', 'type': 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices', 'sku': {'name': 'Standard_LRS', 'tier': 'Standard'}, 'cors': {'cors_rules': [{'allowed_origins': [''], 'allowed_methods': ['GET'], 'max_age_in_seconds': 0, 'exposed_headers': [''], 'allowed_headers': ['']}]}, 'delete_retention_policy': {'enabled': False}}
Where-as, If I do a simple print of items, the output is much larger:
{'additional_properties': {}, 'id': '/subscriptions/0601ba03-2e68-461a-a239-98c1xxxxx/resourceGroups/rg-exercise1/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/sa36730/blobServices/default', 'name': 'default', 'type': 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices', 'sku': < object at 0x7ff2f8f1a520>, 'cors': < object at 0x7ff2f8f1a640>, 'default_service_version': None, 'delete_retention_policy': < object at 0x7ff2f8f1a6d0>, 'is_versioning_enabled': None, 'automatic_snapshot_policy_enabled': None, 'change_feed': None, 'restore_policy': None, 'container_delete_retention_policy': None, 'last_access_time_tracking_policy': None}
Any value which is None has been removed from my example code. How can I extend my example code to include the None fields and have the final output as a list?
I tried in my environment and got below results:
If you need to include the None values in the dictionary you can follow the below code:
from import StorageManagementClient
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
storage_client=StorageManagementClient(credential=DefaultAzureCredential(),subscription_id="<your sub id>")
blob_service_list = storage_client.blob_services.list('v-venkat-rg', 'venkat123')
for items in blob_service_list:
items_dict = items.as_dict()
for key, value in items.__dict__.items():
if value is None:
items_dict[key] = value
The above code executed with None value successfully.

Sending python requests and handling JSON lists

I am sending requests to a crypto network for data on accounts. You get sent back information, but I haven't yet encountered lists being sent in JSON until now. I want to parse certain information, but am having trouble because the JSON is a list and is not as easy to parse compared to normal JSON data.
import requests
import json
url = ''
payload = {
"method": "account_objects",
"params": [
"account": "r9cZA1mLK5R5Am25ArfXFmqgNwjZgnfk59",
"ledger_index": "validated",
"type": "state",
"deletion_blockers_only": False,
"limit": 10
response =, data=json.dumps(payload))
data = response.text
parsed = json.loads(data)
price = parsed['result']
price = price['account_objects']
for Balance in price:
You will receive all the tokens the account holds and the value. I can not figure out how to parse this correctly and receive the correct one. This particular test account has a lot of tokens so I will only show the first tokens info.
{'Balance': {'currency': 'ASP', 'issuer': 'rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrBZbvji', 'value': '0'}, 'Flags': 65536, 'HighLimit': {'currency': 'ASP', 'issuer': 'r9cZA1mLK5R5Am25ArfXFmqgNwjZgnfk59', 'value': '0'}, 'HighNode': '0', 'LedgerEntryType': 'RippleState', 'LowLimit': {'currency': 'ASP', 'issuer': 'r3vi7mWxru9rJCxETCyA1CHvzL96eZWx5z', 'value': '10'}, 'LowNode': '0', 'PreviousTxnID': 'BF7555B0F018E3C5E2A3FF9437A1A5092F32903BE246202F988181B9CED0D862', 'PreviousTxnLgrSeq': 1438879, 'index': '2243B0B630EA6F7330B654EFA53E27A7609D9484E535AB11B7F946DF3D247CE9'}
I want to get the first bit of info, here. {'Balance': {'currency': 'ASP', 'issuer': 'rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrBZbvji', 'value': '0'},
Specifically 'value' and the number
I have tried to take parse 'Balance' but since it is a list it is not as straight forward.
You're mixing up lists and dictionaries. In order to access a dictionary by key, you need to invoke the key, as such:
for Balance in price:
Yields the following results:
{'currency': 'CHF', 'issuer': 'rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrBZbvji', 'value': '-0.3488146605801446'}
{'currency': 'BTC', 'issuer': 'rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrBZbvji', 'value': '0'}
{'currency': 'USD', 'issuer': 'rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrBZbvji', 'value': '-11.68225001668339'}
If you only wanted to extract the value, you simply dive one level deeper:
for Balance in price:
Which yields:
I assume that under price['account_objects'] you have a list of dictionaries? And then in each dictionary you have in one of the keys: 'Balance': {'currency': 'ASP', 'issuer': 'rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrBZbvji', 'value': '0'. If so, why don't you iterate over the list and then access each dictionary, like:
account_objects = price['account_objects']
for account_object in price:

Create a new dictionary from a nested JSON output after parsing

In python3 I need to get a JSON response from an API call,
and parse it so I will get a dictionary That only contains the data I need.
The final dictionary I ecxpt to get is as follows:
{'Severity Rules': ('cc55c459-eb1a-11e8-9db4-0669bdfa776e', ['cc637182-eb1a-11e8-9db4-0669bdfa776e']), 'auto_collector': ('57e9a4ec-21f7-4e0e-88da-f0f1fda4c9d1', ['0ab2470a-451e-11eb-8856-06364196e782'])}
the JSON response returns the following output:
'RuleGroups': [{
'Id': 'cc55c459-eb1a-11e8-9db4-0669bdfa776e',
'Name': 'Severity Rules',
'Order': 1,
'Enabled': True,
'Rules': [{
'Id': 'cc637182-eb1a-11e8-9db4-0669bdfa776e',
'Name': 'Severity Rule',
'Description': 'Look for default severity text',
'Enabled': False,
'RuleMatchers': None,
'Rule': '\\b(?P<severity>DEBUG|TRACE|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL|EXCEPTION|[I|i]nfo|[W|w]arn|[E|e]rror|[E|e]xception)\\b',
'SourceField': 'text',
'DestinationField': 'text',
'ReplaceNewVal': '',
'Type': 'extract',
'Order': 21520,
'KeepBlockedLogs': False
'Type': 'user'
}, {
'Id': '4f6fa7c6-d60f-49cd-8c3d-02dcdff6e54c',
'Name': 'auto_collector',
'Order': 4,
'Enabled': True,
'Rules': [{
'Id': '2d6bdc1d-4064-11eb-8856-06364196e782',
'Name': 'auto_collector',
'Description': 'DO NOT CHANGE!! Created via API coralogix-blocker tool',
'Enabled': False,
'RuleMatchers': None,
'SourceField': 'subsystemName',
'DestinationField': 'subsystemName',
'ReplaceNewVal': '',
'Type': 'block',
'Order': 1,
'KeepBlockedLogs': False
'Type': 'user'
I was able to create a dictionary that contains the name and the RuleGroupsID, like that:
response = requests.get(url,headers=headers)
output = response.json()
groupRuleName = [li['Name'] for li in outputlist]
groupRuleID = [li['Id'] for li in outputlist]
# Create a dictionary of NAME + ID
ruleDic = {}
for key in groupRuleName:
for value in groupRuleID:
ruleDic[key] = value
Which gave me a simple dictionary:
{'Severity Rules': 'cc55c459-eb1a-11e8-9db4-0669bdfa776e', 'Rewrites': 'ddbaa27e-1747-11e9-9db4-0669bdfa776e', 'Extract': '0cb937b6-2354-d23a-5806-4559b1f1e540', 'auto_collector': '4f6fa7c6-d60f-49cd-8c3d-02dcdff6e54c'}
but when I tried to parse it as nested JSON things just didn't work.
In the end, I managed to create a function that returns this dictionary,
I'm doing it by breaking the JSON into 3 lists by the needed elements (which are Name, Id, and Rules from the first nest), and then create another list from the nested JSON ( which listed everything under Rule) which only create a list from the keyword "Id".
Finally creating a dictionary using a zip command on the lists and dictionaries created earlier.
def get_filtered_rules() -> List[dict]:
groupRuleName = [li['Name'] for li in outputlist]
groupRuleID = [li['Id'] for li in outputlist]
ruleIDList = [li['Rules'] for li in outputlist]
ruleIDListClean = []
ruleClean = []
for sublist in ruleIDList:
lstRule = [item['Rule'] for item in sublist]
ruleContent=list(zip(groupRuleName, ruleClean))
ruleContentDictionary = dict(ruleContent)
lstID = [item['Id'] for item in sublist]
# Create a dictionary of NAME + ID + RuleID
ruleDic = dict(zip(groupRuleName, zip(groupRuleID, ruleIDListClean)))
except Exception as e: print(e)
return ruleDic

Pandas read the chat log log json to data frame?

How to converting the multiple list to data frame. below list contains the details about cloud containers want to extract the information like name , language , description and workspace id.
{'workspaces': [{'name': 'A_SupportAgent_dev',
'language': 'en',
'metadata': {'api_version': {'major_version': 'v1',
'minor_version': '2019-02-28'},
'digressions': True},
'description': 'Credit Card Banking Support Agent to assist with Sales And Service, created by Oliver Ivanoski and Steve Green',
'workspace_id': '',
'learning_opt_out': False},
{'name': 'Neatnik Watson Assistant Webhook Demo Skill',
'language': 'en',
'metadata': {'api_version': {'major_version': 'v1',
'minor_version': '2019-02-28'}},
'webhooks': [{'url': '',
'name': 'main_webhook',
'headers': []}],
'description': '',
'workspace_id': '',
'system_settings': {'tooling': {'store_generic_responses': True},
'system_entities': {'enabled': True},
'spelling_auto_correct': True},
'learning_opt_out': False}]
'pagination': {'refresh_url': '/v1/workspaces?version=2019-02-28'}}
Want to convert the above list below data frame
pd.DataFrame(list(Workspace_List.items()) ,columns=['workspaces', 'pagination'])
columns = list(Workspace_List.keys())
values = list(Workspace_List.values())
arr_len = len(values)
You need to specify columns as you have another dictionary. So i think following below code will help u to organize your desire output
key = ['name','language','description','workspace_id']
output = pd.DataFrame(columns = key)
for i in range(len(df['workspaces'])):
ll = df['workspaces'][i]
output.loc[i] = [ll[x] for x in key]

how to use nested dictionary in python?

I am trying to write some code with the API to automate some of my b2b email scraping. It's been a long time since I've written any code and I could use some input. I have a CSV file of Urls, and I want to call a function on each URL that outputs a dictionary like this:
`{'domain': '', 'webmail': False, 'pattern': '{f}{last}', 'organization': None, 'emails': [{'value': '', 'type': 'personal', 'confidence': 91, 'sources': [{'domain': '', 'uri': '', 'extracted_on': '2017-07-01'}], 'first_name': None, 'last_name': None, 'position': None, 'linkedin': None, 'twitter': None, 'phone_number': None}]}`
for each URL I call my function on. I want my code to return just the email address for each key labeled 'value'.
Value is a key that is contained in a list that itself is an element of the directory my function outputs. I am able to access the output dictionary to grab the list that is keyed to 'emails', but I don't know how to access the dictionary contained in the list. I want my code to return the value in that dictionary that is keyed with 'value', and I want it to do so for all of my urls.
from pyhunyrt import PyHunter
import csv
reader=cvs.reader (file)
hunter=PyHunter('API Key')
for item in urls:
which returns a list that looks like this for each item:
'value': '',
'type': 'personal',
'confidence': 91,
'sources': [{
'domain': '',
'uri': '',
'extracted_on': '2017-07-01'
'first_name': None,
'last_name': None,
'position': None,
'linkedin': None,
'twitter': None,
'phone_number': None
How do I grab the first dictionary in that list and then access the email paired with 'value' so that my output is just an email address for each url I input initially?
To grab the first dict (or any item) in a list, use list[0], then to grab a value of a key value use ["value"]. To combine it, you should use list[0]["value"]
