Bluemix ignores route information from manifest file - python

I am trying to to push an app to IBM Bluemix Cloud Foundry. The manifest file contains route information like here:
# The Python app starts here
- name: yourname-myapp
memory: 256M
command: python
- route:
I tried it both with a Python and Node.js app. Bluemix seems to ignore the route information and only creates a route, not the expected Why?

You must be using a cf CLI version older than 6.21.0.
The cf CLI ignores attributes it does not know so it created and mapped a route based on the app name for you.
You can install the latest cf CLI from

Make sure that your installed cf CLI is up-to-date. Pushing an app with route information in the manifest.yml requires at least CLI version 6.21. See the changelog for version 6.21.
Here is a sample app with routes including troubleshooting section, based on my tests.
In general, to find out about deployment or runtime errors of your Bluemix app, you can take a look into the error log. The most recent log entries can be obtained like this:
cf logs <application-name> --recent
You can also do the following to get a verbose readout of the push in your terminal:
CF_TRACE=true cf push yourname-myapp


Where is my python-flask app source stored on ec2 instance deployed with elastic beanstalk?

I just deployed a flask-python app with elastic beanstalk on AWS but cannot locate my app source files like or templates/index.html etc
I've looked at looked at /var/../.. or /opt/../.. etc but nowhere to be found.
Is there an ebs command like $ eb find '' etc?
/opt/python – Root of where you application will end up.
/opt/python/current/app – The current application that is hosted in the environment.
/opt/python/on-deck/app – The app is initially put in on-deck and then, after all the deployment is complete, it will be moved to current. If you are getting failures in yourcontainer_commands, check out out the on-deck folder and not the current folder.
/opt/python/current/env – All the env variables that eb will set up for you. If you are trying to reproduce an error, you may first need to source /opt/python/current/env to get things set up as they would be when eb deploy is running.
opt/python/run/venv – The virtual env used by your application; you will also need to run source /opt/python/run/venv/bin/activate if you are trying to reproduce an error
As of today, using the default AWS Linux option when creating eb (Python 3.7 running on 64bit Amazon Linux 2/3.1.1), I found the application files in:
If that doesn't work you can search for a file that you know to be unique in your app, e.g
sudo find / -name hello.html
In my case the above returns

How to import a 3rd party Python library into Bluemix?

My Python app needs to run but I'm unable to figure out how to get it up to bluemix. I see no options using cf push. I tried to "import web" and added some additional code to my app without success.
When I push my Python app to bluemix without it fails (naturally) since it does not have what it needs to run.
I'm sure I'm just missing an import mechanism. Any help?
I recommend that you try out this starter template on GitHub. It is enabled with a deploy to Bluemix button that automatically creates a python runtime and postgress database with Django installed.
The project includes the requirements.txt file to ensure you have the right dependencies and also the .settings file to read the database user id and password from VCAP Services. It also leverages Declared services in the manifest file to create a database service for you.
Here is a YouTube Tutorial on how to deploy Python app on Bluemix
The cause for this problem was that I was not correctly telling my Python app the needed configuration information when I pushed it out to Bluemix.
What I ended up having to do was add a requirements.txt file and a Procfile file into the root directory of my Python application, to draw that connection between my Python app and the needed libraries/packages.
In the requirements.txt file I specified the library packages needed by my Python app. These are the file contents:
where is the version of the library that will be downloaded, and wsgiref==0.1.2 is the version of the web server gateway interface that is needed by the version of I am using.
My Procfile contains the following information:
web: python .py $PORT
where myappname is the name of my Python app, and $PORT is the port number that my Python app uses to receive requests.
I found out too that $PORT is optional because when I did not specify $PORT my app ran with the port number under the VCAP_APP_PORT environment variable for my app.
From there it was just a matter of pushing my app out to Bluemix again only this time it ran fine.
just use pip freeze
pip freeze > requirements.txt
add the requirements.txt to your project
when deployed it will automaticly install the dependency

Access Google cloud endpoints on a non-existent version label

I have two apps, my_app and my_endpoint_app. I can access my_endpoint_app with any version label in the URL I want and it will automatically route to the default version if it does not match an existing version.
Example: will respond with the default version since there is no josh version deployed.
If I try to do the same with a Google Cloud Endpoint service call, I get a Not Found error.
The unsuccessful vs the working
I have a couple of Google AppEngine applications that communicate with each other via Cloud Endpoints.
Under normal usage this is OK because I know the version beforehand and avoid these errors. In our development environment, this falls apart. In order to support feature branches and testing in isolation, we push our code up to appspot using the -V switch of
Example: -A my_app -V josh update .
Now I can access my feature branch at In order to support some version label hackery, I dynamically calculate the right endpoint app to call with something like s/my_app/my_endpont_app/g and then make my service calls there. This fails because of the dynamic version label not existing. If I push a version label with that name it completes as expected.
Is there any way to get Cloud Endpoints to answer on non-existent version label hostnames?
Scenarios that I want to support
Main application URL, routes to default version
Version does not exist, should route to default version
Version new-feature exists, should route to new-feature version so that we can test new code in isolation before merging into the main code branch. This would be internal apis that the current endpoints might make use of without changing what the endpoint accomplishes. (performance improvements, etc)
You can reroute any Url to any module/version via the dispatch file.

Pushing to an existing AWS Elastic Beanstalk application from the command line

I've used the web dashboard of Elastic Beanstalk to make an application and an environment. I know I can update that using the dashboard and uploading a zip file of my application, but I would rather use the command line to upload my application.
Apparently the correct tool for this is eb, the CLI for Elastic Beanstalk. I've installed this and attempted to use it, following the Amazon "Deploying a Flask Application to AWS Elastic Beanstalk" tutorial. However, this seems to create a completely different application to the one visible on the EB dashboard - changes made to it don't appear on the dashboard, and the application even has a different URL.
How can I use the command line to access an existing application on AWS Elastic Beanstalk?
To begin using git aws.push for your application you will have to initialize your git repository with AWS Beanstalk metadata. I'm assuming you are using git for version control (if you are not, you will have to initialize your project with git init first).
$ cd angrywhopper
$ git init #optional
$ eb init
$ git aws.push
Walk through wizard steps, commit your code and push the app.
Elastic Beanstalk container can be further customized by either rerunning eb init or with configuration file inside .ebextensions directory.
If eb does not support something you would like to use, have a look at AWS Elastic Beanstalk API Command Line Interface, which is more feature-rich.
More details on the configuration can be found in the following guides:
Customizing and Configuring AWS Elastic Beanstalk Environments
Customizing and Configuring a Python Container
Make sure that service region in eb wizard is the same as region you pick in dashboard dropdown.
NB: I would suggest to use temporary name in the beginning to make sure your app works as expected with the new workflow and then rename it to the original by rerunning eb init. Don't forget to terminate the temporary environment as soon as you done with the migration to avoid any unnecessary fees.
Here are the steps to use "git aws.push" with your existing ElasticBeanstalk(EB) application. (These steps would be useful, specifically, for your question and also if you had setup EB using command line from another machine and are now setting up the tools on a new machine.)
Before you start
You should have git installed on your system and your code should have a git repository.
Download the latest "AWS Elastic Beanstalk Command Line Tool" and get it working. Find a link to download here:
The git aws.push command won't work yet cause your .ebextensions isn't configured. (Basically the .ebextensions stores your AWS Keys and info on EB instance to deploy to etc.)
Run the eb --init command. (I do this from the root of my application code directory, and it automatically picks the name of the application. Maybe you can run the command from any other location as well and specify the name manually later.)
AWS-ElasticBeanstalk-CLI-2.6.0/eb/linux/python2.7/eb (on Linux) or
AWS-ElasticBeanstalk-CLI-2.6.0/eb/windows/eb.exe (on Windows)
Enter you AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key
Select the environment you configured your application with (The choices are AMI Linux 64bit, Ubuntu 32bit etc.). Basically select the options that you selected while creating your first EB instance.
For Create RDS instance? [y/n]: Say n (You already have a DB instance or don't need one).
Choose "Create a default instance profile".
This would be the last step under eb --init and the script will exit.
You can find more information on the above steps here:
Environment ready to use
The above steps will result in an .ebextensions directory (in ~/ I guess.)
From now on just git commit the changes in your code and run git aws.push and the application will be deployed to AWS. It's quite cool once you have it all configured.
Hope this helps. I jotted this down quickly. Let me know if you find the steps confusing, and I'll try to write it better.
Created Application in>elastic beanstalk and trying to access the application on the eb CLI:
a. When you provide eb init on console, CLI will prompt you to choose the region.
b. Make sure to choose the same region as the one you choose on the webpage.
(Note: if you don't choose the same region, it is going to take you into creating a whole new application. This was the mistake I did)
Creating application using eb CLI first locally and then trying to access the same application on the webpage.
a. $> eb console (from the app root directory, provided you did $> eb init initially)
b. You can directly login into the website and make sure to choose the same region (eg: US - N California) where you configured the app locally and you should be able to see the application you deployed.

App Engine Bulkloader

I am trying to use Bulkloader of google app engine but unfortunately could not understand what to do from documentation. It says add this part to app.yaml
- remote_api: on
ok i have added. Then says that i have to execute this command update
but i don't have any file. And also what is the command which executes this line?
Please somebody tell me what i am missing I use AppEngineLauncher to upload my project to server.. I have naver used a command to update or upload it.
Thanks in advance..
If you're using App Engine Launcher, simply click the Deploy button; it runs update. appcfg is installed as part of the SDK.
In order to call it globally you must set the python path to include google appengine library, or call it from its excact location
~/google_appengine/ update ~/project/path_to_your_yaml_file/
where ~ stands for you home folder.
For those using the the Java GAE SDK, it comes wtih, but doesn't support full features of You need to also install the Python GAELauncher. On Mac, it installs in /usr/local/bin.
Working only with my local datastore, I did not have an app.yaml, nor did I need to update it as per the uploading data GAE documentation. Just needed to update the web.xml with the RemoteApiServlet.
Main gotcha is the Authentication error while connecting to the local data store. It may be specific to Mac and the Charles proxy work around mentioned in that thread likewise worked for me. I did have to modify the default proxy port from 8888 to avoid conflict with my app. The workaround is tedious and the trial version of Charles comes with limitations such as shutdown after 30 minutes.
To use the main database for development, first download it from app engine: --dump --url http://<app name> --filename dump.bin
It will ask for an email and password (use your google login details).
To upload it to the development environment, make sure remote_api is
enabled in app.yaml
Then run: --restore --url http://localhost:8080/_ah/remote_api --filename dump.bin --application dev~<app name>
This time for the email, just leave it blank and hit enter.
