Simple SQLAlchemy update table based on value in another table - python

I am a newcomer to SQLAlchemy, so please forgive what must be an elementary question.
I have a database table properties (mapped in SQLALchemy as the object Property) which contains a field MEBID. I have another table mebs (mapped in SQLAlchemy as MEB). I want to set the properties.MEBID field to where properties.PostCode == mebs.PostCode.
I can do this simply in SQL using the command
update properties, mebs set properties.mebid = where mebs.PostCode = properties.PostCode
but am struggling with doing it in SQLAlchemy. If I try the command
session.query(Property, MEB).\
filter(Property.PostCode == MEB.PostCode).\
update({Property.MEBID :})
I get
InvalidRequestError: This operation requires only one Table or entity be specified as the target.
I know that this must be elementary as it's such a fundamental operation, but can't work out how it's done.

To update:
for prop, meb in session.query(Property, MEB).filter(Property.PostCode == MEB.PostCode).all():


Solved: Adding new Column to ORM SQLAlchemy table in a volatile setting

I am working on a open source persistance layer for a MQTT-Broker
Incoming MQTT messages are irregular blobs of data so usually the DB-Backend is some kind of object storage.
I do it the hard way and deserialize the blobs into typed data colums and store them into a fast relational database. My finally target will be timescaleDB but first I go via SQLAlchemy to access a wide bunch of DBs with one API.
MQTT messages are volatile (think not always complete) so the DB scheme has to adjust dynamically e.g. adding new columns for new information.
First Message:
Time: 1234
Temperature : 23.4
Second Message:
Time: 1245
Temperature : 23.6
Rel Hum : 87 %
I have used SQLalchemy ORM for more than a decade but always for quite static databases. So I am new to work dynmically.
Utilizing the ORM to build DB tables dynamically from the structure of incoming MQTT-Messages was quite doable and worked out perfect.
But currently I am stuck with the case of additional information in the MQTT-Packages that extends the tables with new columns.
What I did so far:
Utilizing sqlalchemy-migration it was quite easy to dynamically add new columns to the existing table in the DB. In the code "topic_cls" is the declarative class and "column_def" a col_name - type mapping.
from migrate.versioning.schema import Table as MiTable, Column as MiColumn
def add_new_colums(self, topic_cls, column_def):
table_name = str(
table = MiTable(table_name, self.metadata)
for col_name, col_type in column_def.items():
col = MiColumn(col_name, col_type)
Works like a charm. But how to get this changes to the DB reflected back into declarative classes? I tried to get a new inspection of the table:
new_table = Table(, self.metadata, autoload_with=self.engine)
This also works but it gives me a new table but not a declarative base.
So my stupid questions are:
Is this the right way to achive my goal?
How can I get a declarative class by inspecting an already existing table in a DB?
"Drop the ORM and use SQL" is not the answer I am looking for.
Found a solution but it is a bit of a hack.
new_table = Table("test/topic_growth", Base.metadata, autoload_with=self.engine)
new_dcl = type(str(table_name), (Base,), {'__table__': new_table})
Base.metadata._add_table(table_name, None, new_table)
After you obtained the new table via inspection, remove the old table entry from the metadata.
Then generate a new declarative base with the new table and same table name.
At last add the new table to the metadata.

How to get the data object of a newly inserted data row and flask-mysqldb?

I have work in Perl where I am able to get the newly created data object ID by passing the result back to a variable. For example:
my $data_obj = $schema->resultset('PersonTable')->create(\%psw_rec_hash);
Where the $data_obj contains the primary key's column value.
I want to be able to do the same thing using Python 3.7, Flask and flask-mysqldb,
but without having to do another query. I want to be able to use the specific
record's primary key column value for another method.
Python and flask-mysqldb inserts data like so:
query = "INSERT INTO PersonTable (fname, mname, lname) VALUES('Phil','','Vil')
cursor = db.connection.cursor()
The PersonTable has a primary key column called, id. So, the newly inserted data row would look
23, 'Phil', 'Vil'
Because there are 22 rows of data before the last inserted data, I don't want to perform a search
for the data, because there could be more than one entry with the same data. However, all I want
the most recent data row.
Can I do something similar to Perl with python 3.7 and flask-mysqldb?
You may want to consider the Flask-SQLAlchemy package to help you with this.
Although the syntax is going to be slightly different from Perl, what you can do is, when you create the model object, you can set it to a variable. Then, when you either flush or commit on the Database session, you can pull up your primary key attribute on that model object you had created (whether it's "id" or something else), and use it as needed.
SQLAlchemy supports MySQL, as well as several other relational databases. In addition, it is able to help prevent SQL injection attacks so long as you use model objects and add/delete them to your database session, as opposed to straight SQL commands.

SQLAlchemy table reflection with Sybase

When I try to reflect all tables in my Sybase DB
metadata = MetaData()
SQLAlchemy runs the following query:
FROM sysobjects o JOIN sysusers u ON o.uid = u.uid
WHERE = #schema_name
AND o.type = 'U'
I then try to print the contents of metadata.tables, and this yields nothing.
I've tried creating an individual Table object and using the autoload=True option, but this yields a TableDoesNotExist error.
accounts = Table('Accounts', metadata, autoload=True, autoload_with=engine)
I looked into this query and it seems the #schema_name is becoming my username, and none of the tables which come from "sysobjects" appear to have a "name" attribute set to my username. They are all set to "dbo", which means the Database Owner, and thus the query returns nothing, and nothing is ever reflected. Is there any way to force SQLAlchemy to use something different as schema_name?
I've found two questions regarding table reflection using the Sybase dialect. Both were asked 6 years ago and seem to indicate that table reflection with Sybase was unsupported. However, it seems that SQLAlchemy tries to run a genuine sybase reflection query as above, so I don't think this is the case now.
I've solved this by setting the schema parameter on the MetaData object. I had to set it to dbo. You can also specify this in the reflect function.

how to write sql to update some field given only one record in the target table

I got a table named test in MySQL database.
There are some fields in the test table, say, name.
However, there is only 0 or 1 record in the table.
When new record , say name = fox, comes, I'd like to update the targeted field of the table test.
I use python to handle MySQL and my question is how to write the sql.
PS. I try not to use where expression, but failed.
Suppose I've got the connection to the db, like the following:
conn = MySQLdb.connect(host=myhost, ...)
What you need here is a query which does the Merge kind of operation on your data. Algorithmically:
When record exists
do Update
do Insert
You can go through this article to get a fair idea on doing things in this situation:
What I personally recommend is the INSERT.. ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
In your scenario, something like
INSERT INTO test (name)
VALUES ('fox')
name = 'fox';
Using this kind of a query you can handle the situation in one single shot.

column names and types for insert operation in sqlalchemy

I am building a sqlite browser in Python/sqlalchemy.
Here is my requirement.
I want to do insert operation on the table.
I need to pass a table name to a function. It should return all columns along with the respective types.
Can anyone tell me how to do this in sqlalchemy ?
You can access all columns of a Table like this:
Which returns a type that behaves similar to a dictionary, i.e. it has values method and so on:
columns = [(, item.type) for item in my_table.c.values()]
You can play around with that to see what you can get from that. Using the declarative extension you can access the table through the class' __table__ attribute. Furthermore, you might find the Runtime Inspection API helpful.
