Does npyscreen support clickable grid rows? - python

npyscreen lets you create a grid, and even set select_whole_line=True so that an entire line is selected when you move through the grid with your arrow keys. Is it possible to do something when the user picks a row in the grid and hits enter?

Turns out I can add this to my form class' create method:
self.grid_widget.add_handlers({curses.ascii.NL: self.do_stuff})
And then this to the form class:
def do_stuff(self, input):
self.MyText.value = self.grid_widget.selected_row()
Note that I tried using curses.KEY_ENTER instead of curses.ascii.NL, but that didn't seem to work for some reason.


dynamically asigning instances in Python/PyQt4

Ok, this might be a duplicate, but as I couldn't really get anything out of (possibly) similar questions, here is mine: I'm working on a small PyQt4 program where I can enter the name of a song in a QLineEdit and then add a QLabel of it beneath it. I want a button beside each one of these labels that deletes the label when clicked. Relevant code:
def Add(self):
self.rf= QtGui.QLabel(self.le1.text(),self)
self.x = QtGui.QPushButton("X",self)
def Del(self):
Now, what I'm not understanding is how I can assign a different instance to each of these dynamically added Qlabels, in order to delete the specific one when the button is clicked.
The best idea I had was creating a variable containing a number that would change with each added QLabel, something like var = rf+str(num) and num = 0, then adding 1 to num for each QLabel and then using getattr for the instances, so getattr(self, var) = Qtgui.QLabel(...), which unfortunately gives me an error that I can't assign that value to the function. And I can't create a dictionary since I have to have different instances for that.
Any ideas would be highly appreciated, thanks a lot.
You could keep them all in a dict and then key that off of the label text. It also provides a quick way to check for duplicates.

Getting multiple wx widget values with Event Handling

I would like to memorize how to get values from any wx widget with event handling after clicking a wx.Button.
In my program i have two fields, the new filename and the contents.
What are the steps i have to take in order to get the values from each field?
From there, i can use pythons and f.write methods to complete my application.
If you want to get value of a widget, then you need to make that widget accessible throughout the entire class. To do that, you need to make the variable for the widget into an instance variable. So instead of adding the text control directly to the sizer, you'll want to do something like this:
self.newfilename = wx.TextCtrl(panel,-1), 0, wx.TOP, 5)
self.contents = wx.TextCtrl(panel,-1,size=(390,150),style = wx.TE_MULTILINE|wx.TE_PROCESS_TAB)
Then in your button's event handler, you can just do something like this:
valueOne = self.newfilename.GetValue()
contents = self.contents.GetValue()
The other way to do it would be to use your panel. If you use "self.panel", then you could grab all its children via its GetChildren method and then iterate over the list and use Python's "isinstance" builtin to check what kind of widget you're accessing. If you have set the widget's name, you can check that too.

How to change Operator's label in Blender 2.63 depending on the context?

I'm writing an exporter for a game my friend and I are making and it involves setting custom properties and tags to objects which are then recognized in the game and dealt with accordingly. Our engine, which is written in C/C++ has been successfully tested with my current version of the export script, and I''m currently working on tidying it up.
The script uses Blender's feature of custom properties to write custom tags to output file. The model typically consists of multiple 'parts' (Blender mesh objects that are parented to form a tree, with one 'parent' and multiple 'child' objects) and some of those parts are simple Blender Empty objects (for only it's X, Y and Z coordinates are needed) with custom properties that mark where things like ship's propulsion (it's a 3D shooter) are placed, or where the flames/explosions appear when ship's been shot. Those empty parts are also parented to either 'root' object or any of it's children. So far it's been working good, I have written a generic Operator class and some extended classes that reside in a panel which set part's properties (pretty handy since you don't have to add those custom properties by hand).
Now I want to speed thing up even more, that is to be able to simply click on an operator of desired type, and it should automatically add it to the scene and parent it to the active/selected object. I know how to do that, but I can't get those operators to change their labels. Basically, what I want is to operator to say 'Bullet point' when an existing empty is selected (I've got that part done), and when there's a mesh object selected to say 'Add bullet point'. So I just need a way to dynamically change operators' labels depending on the context (as the title of the question states clearly :))
This is what I got so far:
class OBJECT_OT_tg_generic (bpy.types.Operator):
bl_label = "Sets Generic Part Type"
bl_idname = "rbm.set_generic_part_type"
OB_TYPE = None
def poll (cls, context):
act = context.active_object
if 'Type' in act.keys ():
if act['Type'] == cls.OB_TYPE:
cls.bl_label = 'foo'
print (cls.bl_label)
# this prints foo but doesn't change the label
return False
return True
def execute (self, context):
# TODO: add code to automatically place empties and parent them to active object
bpy.context.active_object['Type'] = self.OB_TYPE
And an example of a subclass:
class OBJECT_OT_tg_bullet_point (OBJECT_OT_tg_generic):
bl_label = "Bullet Point"
bl_idname = "rbm.set_bullet_point"
Here's how it looks in Blender:
Guess I solved it. When you're adding an operator to a panel, you can do something like this:
def draw (self, context):
layout = self.layout
row = layout.row()
row.operator("", text="Whatever you want")
and the "Whatever you want" is going to be your button's label. But what I did was something else. I didn't change the operators' labels, but instead gave them a different icons depending on whether it's a mesh or an empty currently selected/active:
def draw (self, context):
# (...) we're skipping some code here, obviously
act = context.active_object
if act.type == 'MESH':
op_icon = 'ZOOMIN'
op_icon = 'EMPTY_DATA'
row = layout.column(align=True)
row.operator('rbm.set_bullet_point', icon=op_icon)
row.operator('rbm.set_rocket_point', icon=op_icon)
# (...) rest of the code

Refreshing panel contents in wxPython

What is the approach to update widgets in a wxPanel based on events from other controls on same panel?
Scenario 1 is updating the list of a comboBox based on what has been selected from another comboBox , where both are in same panel.
Scenario 2 is showing a new control/widget in a panel based on an event.
Basically creating new controls is easy but I dont know how to refresh/update my panel so immedialtly shows them.
Scenario 1
To change the choices of a combobox self.cbx you can use any of the following methods:
self.cbx.SetItems(choices) where choices is the full list of choices.
self.cbx.SetString(n, string) that sets the string at position n.
InsertItems(items, pos) Inserts the list of strings in the items argument into the list box before the position in the pos argument.
Note that the method Set(choices) of listboxes does not exist for the list in comboboxes. You must use SetItems(choices) instead (this is not clearly indicated in some textbooks).
If you want these changes to occur as a result of a selection in another combobox self.cbx_1 , just get the event (self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, on_combo_1, self.cbx_1)) of the first combobox, process your data as you like in the corresponding self.on_combo method and use one of the above methods to modify the second combobox.
For example:
def on_combo_1(self, evt):
"append cbx_1 selection to cbx if not already in cbx"
selection = self.cbx_1.GetStringSelection()
cbx_choices = self.cbx.GetItems()
if selection not in cbx_choices:
The fact the comboboxes are in the same or different panel is irrelevant for that.
Scenario 2
Normally you put your widgets inside sizers. To hide or made visible elements on the sizer you call the methods Show, Hide or Layout:
Show(self, item, show=True, recursive=false)
Shows or hides an item managed by the sizer. To make a sizer item disappear or reappear, use Show followed by Layout. The item parameter can be either a window, a sizer, or the zero-based index of the item. Use the recursive parameter to show or hide an item in a subsizer. Returns True if the item was found.
Hide(self, item, recursive)
A convenience method for Show (item, False, recursive).
This method will force the recalculation and layout of the items controlled by the sizer using the current space allocated to the sizer. Normally this is called automatically from the owning window's EVT_SIZE handler, but it is also useful to call it from user code when one of the items in a sizer change size, or items are added or removed.
References: wxPython in Action, Noel Rappin and Robin Dunn
For scenario one, you'd do something like the following (assuming the first combobox is bound to its EVT_COMBOBOX:
value = self.cboOne.GetValue()
if value == "something":
For showing a new widget, you could create it and then use Show()/Hide() as necessary. If the widget is in a sizer, then use the Sizer's Append or Insert methods. It also has a Detach method that can be used to hide widgets or you just call Hide itself. See the documentation for more information:

Access gtk.TreeIter inside render() Function of gtk.CellRenderer -- pygtk

I am trying to code the following: Two Columns. One contains a itemId, the other one contains a typeId. I want to render the itemId only when the typeId equals a specific value.
class IDRenderer(gtk.CellRendererText):
def __init__(self):
def do_render(self,window, widget, background_area, cell_area, expose_area, flags):
if ----} Condition to ask for value of the typeId - Cell {-----:
gtk.CellRendererText.do_render(self, window, widget, background_area, cell_area,
expose_area, flags)
I don't know how to get the iter of the currently rendered row which i need to determine the value of the typeId. Is this even possible?
I now found out, thanks to a nice guy on #pygtk on gimpIRC:
You can do that, with binding so called cell data functions to the corresponding gtk.TreeViewColumn as done here in this example
def renderId(celllayout, cell, model, iter):
if model.get_value(iter,1) == 3:
treeviewcolumn = gtk.TreeViewColumn()
renderer = gtk.CellRendererText()
I ommited some code relevant to render a complete treeview, but i think it shows what i wanted to do and how to do it.
The column renderes the value in the first column (0) of the model only if the value in the second modelcolumn (1) equals 3
I hope this could help someone some time.
It's not possible as far as I know. You need to use properties of the custom renderer which will be set automatically by the code calling the rendering function. (Like the text property of CellRendererText -- the rendering code doesn't get the text from the tree model, but the tree model sets the text property of the renderer before calling the rendering code.)
