Fast Cubic Spline output computation given segments and coefficients? - python

I have a cubic spline activation function with 6 segments. The breaks (length= 7 (6+1)) and the coefficients are known (shape=(6L,4L)). This cubic spline works on the input relative from the breakpoints, and not the absolute values. Here is my output calculation method with some sample data:
def CubSpline(cs,x):
if x <= breaks[0] :
return coefs[0][3]
elif x >= breaks[pieces] :
else :
while x > breaks[ind+1] :
ind += 1
y=coefs[ind][3]+coefs[ind][2]*diff + coefs[ind][1]*diff*diff + coefs[ind][0]*diff*diff*diff
return y
print a.shape
print stop-start
I wish to know if this is the fastest way of computing the output? How to improve this?

Using numpy.piecewise, as suggested in a comment, leads to code that is both more efficient and more concise. The function works directly with an array x, creating arrays of conditions (inequalities involving x) and corresponding arrays of functions, then passing all to piecewise
def cubicSpline(cs, x):
breaks = cs['breaks']
coefs = cs['coefs']
x = np.clip(x, breaks[0], breaks[-1]) # clip to the interval in which spline is defined
conditions = [x <= b for b in breaks]
functions = [coefs[0][3]] + [lambda x, c=c, b=b: c[3] + c[2]*(x-b) + c[1]*(x-b)**2 + c[0]*(x-b)**3 for c, b in zip(coefs, breaks)]
y = np.piecewise(x, conditions, functions)
return y
breaks = 5*np.sort(np.random.randn(7))
coefs = np.random.randn(6,4)
cs = {'breaks': breaks, 'coefs': coefs}
arr = np.random.randint(10, size=(500,500))
a = cubicSpline(cs, arr)
The last line executes at 53 ms (from timeit), versus 805 ms for the original version.
The pieces field of input dictionary was redundant, since the given breakpoints and coefficients already have that information.


How to fit a piecewise (alternating linear and constant segments) function to a parabolic function?

I do have a function, for example , but this can be something else as well, like a quadratic or logarithmic function. I am only interested in the domain of . The parameters of the function (a and k in this case) are known as well.
My goal is to fit a continuous piece-wise function to this, which contains alternating segments of linear functions (i.e. sloped straight segments, each with intercept of 0) and constants (i.e. horizontal segments joining the sloped segments together). The first and last segments are both sloped. And the number of segments should be pre-selected between around 9-29 (that is 5-15 linear steps + 4-14 constant plateaus).
The input function:
The fitted piecewise function:
I am looking for the optimal resulting parameters (c,r,b) (in terms of least squares) if the segment numbers (n) are specified beforehand.
The resulting constants (c) and the breakpoints (r) should be whole natural numbers, and the slopes (b) round two decimal point values.
I have tried to do the fitting numerically using the pwlf package using a segmented constant models, and further processed the resulting constant model with some graphical intuition to "slice" the constant steps with the slopes. It works to some extent, but I am sure this is suboptimal from both fitting perspective and computational efficiency. It takes multiple minutes to generate a fitting with 8 slopes on the range of 1-50000. I am sure there must be a better way to do this.
My idea would be to instead using only numerical methods/ML, the fact that we have the algebraic form of the input function could be exploited in some way to at least to use algebraic transforms (integrals) to get to a simpler optimization problem.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pwlf
# The input function
def input_func(x,k,a):
return np.power(x,1/a)*k
x = np.arange(1,5e4)
y = input_func(x, 1.8, 1.3)
def pw_fit(func, x_r, no_seg, *fparams):
# working on the specified range
x = np.arange(1,x_r)
y_input = func(x, *fparams)
my_pwlf = pwlf.PiecewiseLinFit(x, y_input, degree=0)
res =
yHat = my_pwlf.predict(x)
# Function values at the breakpoints
y_isec = func(res, *fparams)
# Slope values at the breakpoints
slopes = np.round(y_isec / res, decimals=2)
slopes = slopes[1:]
# For the first slope value, I use the intersection of the first constant plateau and the input function
slopes = np.insert(slopes,0,np.round(y_input[np.argwhere(np.diff(np.sign(y_input - yHat))).flatten()[0]] / np.argwhere(np.diff(np.sign(y_input - yHat))).flatten()[0], decimals=2))
plateaus = np.unique(np.round(yHat))
# If due to rounding slope values (to two decimals), there is no change in a subsequent step, I just remove those segments
to_del = np.argwhere(np.diff(slopes) == 0).flatten()
slopes = np.delete(slopes,to_del + 1)
plateaus = np.delete(plateaus,to_del)
breakpoints = [np.ceil(plateaus[0]/slopes[0])]
for idx, j in enumerate(slopes[1:-1]):
return slopes, plateaus, breakpoints
slo, plat, breaks = pw_fit(input_func, 50000, 8, 1.8, 1.3)
# The piecewise function itself
def pw_calc(x, slopes, plateaus, breaks):
x = x.astype('float')
cond_list = [x < breaks[0]]
for idx, j in enumerate(breaks[:-1]):
cond_list.append((j <= x) & (x < breaks[idx+1]))
cond_list.append(breaks[-1] <= x)
func_list = [lambda x: x * slopes[0]]
for idx, j in enumerate(slopes[1:]):
func_list.append(lambda x, j=j: x * j)
return np.piecewise(x, cond_list, func_list)
y_output = pw_calc(x, slo, plat, breaks)
(Not important, but I think the fitted piecewise function is not continuous as it is. Intervals should be x<=r1; r1<x<=r2; ....)
As Anatolyg has pointed out, it looks to me that in the optimal solution (for the function posted at least, and probably for any where the derivative is different from zero), the horizantal segments will collapse to a point or the minimum segment length (in this case 1).
The behavior above could only be valid if the slopes could have an intercept. If the intercepts are zero, as posted in the question, one consideration must be taken into account: Is the initial parabolic function defined in zero or nearby? Imagine the function y=0.001 *sqrt(x-1000), then the segments defined as b*x will have a slope close to zero and will be so similar to the constant segments that the best fit will be just the line that without intercept that fits better all the function.
Provided that the function is defined in zero or nearby, you can start by approximating the curve just by linear segments (with intercepts):
divide the function domain in N intervals(equal intervals or whose size is a function of the average curvature (or second derivative) of the function along the domain).
linear fit/regression in each intervals
for each interval, if a point (or bunch of points) in the extreme of any interval is better fitted by the line of the neighbor interval than the line of its interval, this point is assigned to the neighbor interval.
Repeat from 2) until no extreme points are moved.
Linear regressions might be optimized not to calculate all the covariance matrixes from scratch on each iteration, but just adding the contributions of the moved points to the previous covariance matrixes.
Then each linear segment (LSi) is replaced by a combination of a small constant segment at the beginning (Cbi), a linear segment without intercept (Si), and another constant segment at the end (Cei). This segments are easy to calculate as Si will contain the middle point of LSi, and Cbi and Cei will have respectively the begin and end values of the segment LSi. Then the intervals of each segment has to be calculated as an intersection between lines.
With this, the constant end segment will be collinear with the constant begin segment from the next interval so they will merge, resulting in a series of constant and linear segments interleaved.
But this would be a floating point start solution. Next, you will have to apply all the roundings which will mess up quite a lot all the segments as the conditions integer intervals and linear segments without slope can be very confronting. In fact, b,c,r are not totally independent. If ci and ri+1 are known, then bi+1 is already fixed
If nothing is broken so far, the final task will be to minimize the error/cost function (I assume that it will be the integral of the error between the parabolic function and the segments). My guess is that gradients here will be quite a pain, as if you change for example one ci, all the rest of the bj and cj will have to adapt as well due to the integer intervals restriction. However, if you can generalize the derivatives between parameters ( how much do I have to adapt bi+1 if ci changes a unit), you can propagate the change of one parameter to all other parameters and have kind of a gradient. Then for each interval, you can estimate what would be the ideal parameter and averaging all intervals calculate the best gradient step. Let me illustrate this:
Assuming first that r parameters are fixed, if I change c1 by one unit, b2 changes by 0.1, c2 changes by -0.2 and b3 changes by 0.2. This would be the gradient.
Then I estimate, comparing with the parabolic curve, that c1 should increase 0.5 (to reduce the cost by 10 points), b2 should increase 0.2 (to reduce the cost by 5 points), c2 should increase 0.2 (to reduce the cost by 6 points) and b3 should increase 0.1 (to reduce the cost by 9 points).
Finally, the gradient step would be (0.5/1·10 + 0.2/0.1·5 - 0.2/(-0.2)·6 + 0.1/0.2·9)/(10 + 5 + 6 + 9)~= 0.45. Thus, c1 would increase 0.45 units, b2 would increase 0.45·0.1, and so on.
When you add the r parameters to the pot, as integer intervals do not have an proper derivative, calculation is not straightforward. However, you can consider r parameters as floating points, calculate and apply the gradient step and then apply the roundings.
We can integrate the squared error function for linear and constant pieces and let SciPy optimize it. Python 3:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize
xl = 1
xh = 50000
a = 1.3
p = 1 / a
n = 8
def split_b_and_c(bc):
return bc[::2], bc[1::2]
def solve_for_r(b, c):
r = np.empty(2 * n)
r[0] = xl
r[1:-1:2] = c / b[:-1]
r[2::2] = c / b[1:]
r[-1] = xh
return r
def linear_residual_integral(b, x):
return (
(x ** (2 * p + 1)) / (2 * p + 1)
- 2 * b * x ** (p + 2) / (p + 2)
+ b ** 2 * x ** 3 / 3
def constant_residual_integral(c, x):
return x ** (2 * p + 1) / (2 * p + 1) - 2 * c * x ** (p + 1) / (p + 1) + c ** 2 * x
def squared_error(bc):
b, c = split_b_and_c(bc)
r = solve_for_r(b, c)
linear = np.sum(
linear_residual_integral(b, r[1::2]) - linear_residual_integral(b, r[::2])
constant = np.sum(
constant_residual_integral(c, r[2::2])
- constant_residual_integral(c, r[1:-1:2])
return linear + constant
def evaluate(x, b, c, r):
i = 0
while x > r[i + 1]:
i += 1
return b[i // 2] * x if i % 2 == 0 else c[i // 2]
def main():
bc0 = (xl + (xh - xl) * np.arange(1, 4 * n - 2, 2) / (4 * n - 2)) ** (
p - 1 + np.arange(2 * n - 1) % 2
bc = scipy.optimize.minimize(
squared_error, bc0, bounds=[(1e-06, None) for i in range(2 * n - 1)]
b, c = split_b_and_c(bc)
r = solve_for_r(b, c)
X = np.linspace(xl, xh, 1000)
Y = [evaluate(x, b, c, r) for x in X]
plt.plot(X, X ** p)
plt.plot(X, Y)
if __name__ == "__main__":
I have tried to come up with a new solution myself, based on the idea of #Amo Robb, where I have partitioned the domain, and curve fitted a dual - constant and linear - piece together (with the help of np.maximum). I have used the 1 / f(x)' as the function to designate the breakpoints, but I know this is arbitrary and does not provide a global optimum. Maybe there is some optimal function for these breakpoints. But this solution is OK for me, as it might be appropriate to have a better fit at the first segments, at the expense of the error for the later segments. (The task itself is actually a cost based retail margin calculation {supply price -> added margin}, as the retail POS software can only work with such piecewise margin function).
The answer from #David Eisenstat is correct optimal solution if the parameters are allowed to be floats. Unfortunately the POS software can not use floats. It is OK to round up c-s and r-s afterwards. But the b-s should be rounded to two decimals, as those are inputted as percents, and this constraint would ruin the optimal solution with long floats. I will try to further improve my solution with both Amo's and David's valuable input. Thank You for that!
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
# The input function f(x)
def input_func(x,k,a):
return np.power(x,1/a) * k
# 1 / f(x)'
def one_per_der(x,k,a):
return a / (k * np.power(x, 1/a-1))
# 1 / f(x)' inverted
def one_per_der_inv(x,k,a):
return np.power(a / (x*k), a / (1-a))
def segment_fit(start,end,y,first_val):
b, _ = curve_fit(lambda x,b: np.maximum(first_val, b*x), np.arange(start,end), y[start-1:end-1])
b = float(np.round(b, decimals=2))
bp = np.round(first_val / b)
last_val = np.round(b * end)
return b, bp, last_val
def pw_fit(end_range, no_seg, **fparams):
y_bps = np.linspace(one_per_der(1, **fparams), one_per_der(end_range,**fparams) , no_seg+1)[1:]
x_bps = np.round(one_per_der_inv(y_bps, **fparams))
y = input_func(x, **fparams)
slopes = [np.round(float(curve_fit(lambda x,b: x * b, np.arange(1,x_bps[0]), y[:int(x_bps[0])-1])[0]), decimals = 2)]
plats = [np.round(x_bps[0] * slopes[0])]
bps = []
for i, xbp in enumerate(x_bps[1:]):
b, bp, last_val = segment_fit(int(x_bps[i]+1), int(xbp), y, plats[i])
slopes.append(b); bps.append(bp); plats.append(last_val)
breaks = sorted(list(x_bps) + bps)[:-1]
# If due to rounding slope values (to two decimals), there is no change in a subsequent step, I just remove those segments
to_del = np.argwhere(np.diff(slopes) == 0).flatten()
breaks_to_del = np.concatenate((to_del * 2, to_del * 2 + 1))
slopes = np.delete(slopes,to_del + 1)
plats = np.delete(plats[:-1],to_del)
breaks = np.delete(breaks,breaks_to_del)
return slopes, plats, breaks
def pw_calc(x, slopes, plateaus, breaks):
x = x.astype('float')
cond_list = [x < breaks[0]]
for idx, j in enumerate(breaks[:-1]):
cond_list.append((j <= x) & (x < breaks[idx+1]))
cond_list.append(breaks[-1] <= x)
func_list = [lambda x: x * slopes[0]]
for idx, j in enumerate(slopes[1:]):
func_list.append(lambda x, j=j: x * j)
return np.piecewise(x, cond_list, func_list)
fparams = {'k':1.8, 'a':1.2}
end_range = 5e4
no_steps = 10
x = np.arange(1, end_range)
y = input_func(x, **fparams)
slopes, plats, breaks = pw_fit(end_range, no_steps, **fparams)
y_output = pw_calc(x, slopes, plats, breaks)

I'm getting a ValueError when writing a method plot for Newton's method

I have an assignment for school. First of all can you help me with confirming I have interpreted the question right? And also does the code seem somewhat ok? There have been other tasks before this like create the class with a two dimensional function, write the newton method and so on. And now this question. Im not finished programming it, but Im a bit stuck and I feel like I dont know exactly what to do. On what do I run my Newton method? On the point P. Do I create it like I have done in the Plot method??
This is the question:
Write a method plot that checks the dependence of Newton’s method on
several initial vectors x0. This method should plot what is described
in the following steps:
• Use the meshgrid command to set up a grid of
N2 points in the set G = [a, b]×[c, d] (the parameters N, a, b, c and
d are parameters of the methods). You obtain two matrices X and Y
where a specific grid point is defined as pij = (Xij , Yij )
class fractals2D(object):
Allzeroes = [] #a list to add all stored values from each run of newtons method
def __init__(self,f, x):
f0 = self.f(x) #giving a variable name with the function to use in ckass
n=len(x) #for size of matrice
jac=zeros([n]) #creates an array to use for jacobian matrice
h=1.e-8 #to set h for derivative
self.jac = jac
for i in range(n): #creating loop to take partial derivatives of x and y from x in f
x[i]=temp +h #why setting x[i] two times?
def Newtons_method(self,guess):
f_val = f(guess)
self.guess = guess
for i in range(40):
delta = solve(self.jac,-f_val)
guess = guess +delta
if norm((delta),ord=2)<1.e-9:
return guess #alist for storing zeroes from one run
def ZeroesMethod(self, point):
point = self.guess
#adds zeroes from the run of newtons to a list to store them all
return (len(self.Allzeroes)) #returns how many zeroes are found
def plot(self, N, a, b, c, d):
x = np.linspace(a, b, N)
y = np.linspace(c, d, N)
P = [X, Y] = np.meshgrid(x, y)
return P #calling ZeroesMethos with our newly meshed point of several arrays
x0 = array([2.0, 1.0]) #creates an x and y value?
x1= array([1, -5])
a= array([2, 8])
b = array([-2, -6])
def f(x):
f = np.array(
[x[0]**2 - x[1] + x[0]*cos(pi*x[0]),
x[0]*x[1] + exp(-x[1]) - x[0]**(-1)])
This is the errormessage im receiving:
delta = solve(self.jac,-f_val)
TypeError: bad operand type for unary -: 'NoneTyp

Find multi-dimensional binding more efficient way

I am trying to find multi-dimensional binding. This is the code which I have so far. Is there some way to do it more efficient?
a = np.random.random((3000,3000))
def flinspace(a, b, n, endpoint=True):
a, b = np.asanyarray(a), np.asanyarray(b)
return a[..., None] + (b-a)[..., None]/(n-endpoint) * np.arange(n)
def fdigitize(x,q,axis=0):
x = np.asanyarray(x).copy()
f,l = np.nanmin(x,axis=axis),np.nanmax(x,axis=axis)
y = flinspace(f,l,q)
for i in range(x.shape[1]):
mask = ~np.isnan(x[:,i]);x[:,i][mask] = np.digitize(x[:,i][mask], y[i])-1
return x
%timeit xx = fdigitize(a,100)
One solution is to apply linear transformations to the columns of x, mapping them to [0, q-1]. Then simply run a np.floor to get their bins.
(This gives slightly different solutions than your algorithm for the max-values, where your algorithm is inconsistent about wheter the max-element of each column should belong to bin q-1 or q-2)
def fdigitizeadj(x, q, axis=0):
x = np.asanyarray(x)
f = np.nanmin(x, axis=axis)
l = np.nanmax(x, axis=axis)
adj = (q-1)*(x-f)/(l-f) # Linear transformation here
return np.floor(adj)
(At least compared to the un-jitted code this gives a speedup and runs your example in 113ms)

Fully vectorise numpy polyfit

I am running into issues with performance using polyfit because it doesn't appear able to accept broadcast arrays. I am aware from this post that the dependant data y can be multidimensional if you use numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit. However, the x dimension cannot be multidimensional. Is there anyway around this?
I need to compute the rate of change of some data. To match with an experiment I want to use the following method: take data y and x, for short sections of data fit a polynomial, then use the fitted coefficient as an estimate of the rate of change.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
n = 100
x = np.linspace(0, 10, n)
y = np.sin(x)
window_length = 10
ydot = [np.polyfit(x[j:j+window_length], y[j:j+window_length], 1)[0]
for j in range(n - window_length)]
x_mids = [x[j+window_length/2] for j in range(n - window_length)]
plt.plot(x, y)
plt.plot(x_mids, ydot)
The blue line is the original data (a sine curve), while the green is the first differential (a cosine curve).
The problem
To vectorise this I did the following:
window_length = 10
vert_idx_list = np.arange(0, len(x) - window_length, 1)
hori_idx_list = np.arange(window_length)
A, B = np.meshgrid(hori_idx_list, vert_idx_list)
idx_array = A + B
x_array = x[idx_array]
y_array = y[idx_array]
This broadcasts the two 1D vectors to 2D vectors of shape (n-window_length, window_length). Now I was hoping that polyfit would have an axis argument so I could parallelise the calculation, but no such luck.
Does anyone have any suggestion for how to do this? I am open to
The way polyfit works is by solving a least-square problem of the form:
y = [X].a
where y are your dependent coordinates, [X] is the Vandermonde matrix of the corresponding independent coordinates, and a is the vector of fitted coefficients.
In your case you are always computing a 1st degree polynomial approximation, and are actually only interested in the coefficient of the 1st degree term. This has a well known closed form solution you can find in any statistics book, or produce your self by creating a 2x2 linear system of equation premultiplying both sides of the above equation by the transpose of [X]. This all adds up to the value you want to calculate being:
>>> n = 10
>>> x = np.random.random(n)
>>> y = np.random.random(n)
>>> np.polyfit(x, y, 1)[0]
>>> (n*(x*y).sum() - x.sum()*y.sum()) / (n*(x*x).sum() - x.sum()*x.sum())
On top of that you have a sliding window running over your data, so you can use something akin to a 1D summed area table as follows:
def sliding_fitted_slope(x, y, win):
x = np.concatenate(([0], x))
y = np.concatenate(([0], y))
Sx = np.cumsum(x)
Sy = np.cumsum(y)
Sx2 = np.cumsum(x*x)
Sxy = np.cumsum(x*y)
Sx = Sx[win:] - Sx[:-win]
Sy = Sy[win:] - Sy[:-win]
Sx2 = Sx2[win:] - Sx2[:-win]
Sxy = Sxy[win:] - Sxy[:-win]
return (win*Sxy - Sx*Sy) / (win*Sx2 - Sx*Sx)
With this code you can easily check that (notice I extended the range by 1):
>>> np.allclose(sliding_fitted_slope(x, y, window_length),
[np.polyfit(x[j:j+window_length], y[j:j+window_length], 1)[0]
for j in range(n - window_length + 1)])
%timeit sliding_fitted_slope(x, y, window_length)
10000 loops, best of 3: 34.5 us per loop
[np.polyfit(x[j:j+window_length], y[j:j+window_length], 1)[0]
for j in range(n - window_length + 1)]
100 loops, best of 3: 10.1 ms per loop
So it is about 300x faster for your sample data.
Sorry for answering my own question, but 20 minutes more of trying to get to grips with it I have the following solution:
ydot = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit(x_array[0], y_array.T, 1)[-1]
One confusing part is that np.polyfit returns the coefficients with the highest power first. In np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit the highest power is last (hence the -1 instead of 0 index).
Another confusion is that we use only the first slice of x (x_array[0]). I think that this is okay because it is not the absolute values of the independent vector x that are used, but the difference between them. Or alternatively it is like changing the reference x value.
If there is a better way to do this I am still happy to hear about it!
Using an alternative method for calculating the rate of change may be the solution for both speed and accuracy increase.
n = 1000
x = np.linspace(0, 10, n)
y = np.sin(x)
def timingPolyfit(x,y):
window_length = 10
vert_idx_list = np.arange(0, len(x) - window_length, 1)
hori_idx_list = np.arange(window_length)
A, B = np.meshgrid(hori_idx_list, vert_idx_list)
idx_array = A + B
x_array = x[idx_array]
y_array = y[idx_array]
ydot = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit(x_array[0], y_array.T, 1)[-1]
x_mids = [x[j+window_length/2] for j in range(n - window_length)]
return ydot, x_mids
def timingSimple(x,y):
dy = (y[2:] - y[:-2])/2
dx = x[1] - x[0]
dydx = dy/dx
return dydx, x[1:-1]
y1, x1 = timingPolyfit(x,y)
y2, x2 = timingSimple(x,y)
polyfitError = np.abs(y1 - np.cos(x1))
simpleError = np.abs(y2 - np.cos(x2))
print("polyfit average error: {:.2e}".format(np.average(polyfitError)))
print("simple average error: {:.2e}".format(np.average(simpleError)))
result = %timeit -o timingPolyfit(x,y)
result2 = %timeit -o timingSimple(x,y)
print("simple is {0} times faster".format( /
polyfit average error: 3.09e-03
simple average error: 1.09e-05
100 loops, best of 3: 3.2 ms per loop
100000 loops, best of 3: 9.46 µs per loop
simple is 337.995634151131 times faster
Relative error:

Correctly annotate a numba function using jit

I started with this code to calculate a simple matrix multiplication. It runs with %timeit in around 7.85s on my machine.
To try to speed this up I tried cython which reduced the time to 0.4s. I want to also try to use numba jit compiler to see if I can get similar speed ups (with less effort). But adding the #jit annotation appears to give exactly the same timings (~7.8s). I know it can't figure out the types of the calculate_z_numpy() call but I'm not sure what I can do to coerce it. Any ideas?
from numba import jit
import numpy as np
def calculate_z_numpy(q, z, maxiter):
"""use vector operations to update all zs and qs to create new output array"""
output = np.resize(np.array(0, dtype=np.int32), q.shape)
for iteration in range(maxiter):
z = z*z + q
done = np.greater(abs(z), 2.0)
q = np.where(done, 0+0j, q)
z = np.where(done, 0+0j, z)
output = np.where(done, iteration, output)
return output
def calc_test():
w = h = 1000
maxiter = 1000
# make a list of x and y values which will represent q
# xx and yy are the co-ordinates, for the default configuration they'll look like:
# if we have a 1000x1000 plot
# xx = [-2.13, -2.1242,-2.1184000000000003, ..., 0.7526000000000064, 0.7584000000000064, 0.7642000000000064]
# yy = [1.3, 1.2948, 1.2895999999999999, ..., -1.2844000000000058, -1.2896000000000059, -1.294800000000006]
x1, x2, y1, y2 = -2.13, 0.77, -1.3, 1.3
x_step = (float(x2 - x1) / float(w)) * 2
y_step = (float(y1 - y2) / float(h)) * 2
y = np.arange(y2,y1-y_step,y_step,dtype=np.complex)
x = np.arange(x1,x2,x_step)
q1 = np.empty(y.shape[0],dtype=np.complex)
q1.real = x
q1.imag = y
# Transpose y
x_y_square_matrix = x+y[:, np.newaxis] # it is np.complex128
# convert square matrix to a flatted vector using ravel
q2 = np.ravel(x_y_square_matrix)
# create z as a 0+0j array of the same length as q
# note that it defaults to reals (float64) unless told otherwise
z = np.zeros(q2.shape, np.complex128)
output = calculate_z_numpy(q2, z, maxiter)
I figured out how to do this with some help from someone else.
def calculate_z_numpy(q, z, maxiter,output):
"""use vector operations to update all zs and qs to create new output array"""
for iteration in range(maxiter):
for i in range(len(z)):
z[i] = z[i] + q[i]
if z[i] > 2:
output[i] = iteration
z[i] = 0+0j
q[i] = 0+0j
return output
What I learnt is that use numpy datastructures as inputs (for typing), but within use c like paradigms for looping.
This runs in 402ms which is a touch faster than cython code 0.45s so for fairly minimal work in rewriting the loop explicitly we have a python version faster than C(just).
