I am working on a game where I need to randomly generate classes for a list. I use a self-made function randList to do this. The code for that function looks like this:
for i in range(num - 1): #FOR DESIRED NUMBER OF RETURN ITEMS
val = r.choice(options) #RANDOMLY SELECT ITEM FROM OPTIONS
returnVal.append(val) #ADD THAT TO RETURNVAL
options.remove(val) #REMOVE IT FROM OPTIONS.
I am using that to randomly generate monsters and items in a room like so:
class roomParent: #ROOM CHARACTER FINDS
def __init__(self, entities, floor): #INIT WITH ENEMIES IN ROOM, ITEMS ON FLOOR
self.entities = entities #ENEMIES THERE ARE
self.floor = floor #ON FLOOR THERE IS
def generate(self):
global enemiesBeat
if enemiesBeat >= 500:
self.entities = [dragon]
self.entities = randList([goblin, dwarf, slime, naga, troll, beholder], 1)
self.floor = randList([scrap, scrap, scrap, fireJar, ambrosia, sword, spearhead, armor, potion, slimeball], r.randint(0, 3))
room = roomParent([], [])
Just so you know, goblin, dwarf, slimeball, etc. are defined earlier in the code. I don't think they have anything to do with the problem. I generate the room later like this:
def main():
print("Enemies: " + str(room.entities))
I want it to print out a list with two random monsters in it from room.generate(), but it always prints Enemies: []. There are no errors in the code, and after trying to troubleshoot for 10 minutes, I decided to consult he web with no fruits in result of that labor. Thank you in advance for any help you give.
As Oliver points out, the reason you get always get an empty entities array is because self.entities is set to randList([goblin, dwarf, slime, naga, troll, beholder], 1) within generate (I assume the global variable enemiesBeat is less than 500 in your tests).
In your randList function you have an off-by-one error that I mention in the comments which means that the generated list will contain one fewer items than specified by num. As you try to generate a singleton list for self.entities (num = 1), you'll actually have it assigned to an empty list.
You can correct this issue by changing for i in range(num - 1) to for i in range(num) in your randList function.
As an aside, I don't think you need to pass entities and floor as parameters to the roomParent constructor, since it doesn't seem to have any effect. Instead, you could modify the class definition:
class roomParent(object):
def __init__(self):
self.entities = []
self.floor = []
And instantiate it like this:
room = roomParent()
Use the random.sample library function.
Also, you might want to rethink your capitalization...snake_case is preferred over inCaps for function names.
Good morning,
I am wondering if someone can point me in the right direction.
I am trying to have a loop go through a list and add them to a printable list.
let's say the user inputs the number two:
Then it should print go pull out two random class-names of the list.
if the user inputs 4 it should pull out 4 random class-names from the list.
this is so i can print out attributes from the classes afterwards depending on the class-names above. with utskrift1=(vars(plane))
i have tried normal loops but it seem to print out the list in it's entirety, and if i ie go print out x=2 then it prints the entire list two times.
#The classes:
import random
class plane:
def __init__(self, dyr, dyrefamilie, antallbein):
self.dyr = 'Hund'
self.dyrefamilie = 'Hundefamilien'
self.antallbein = '4'
def __str__(self):
return f'undulat(={self.dyr},{self.dyrefamilie},{self.antallbein})'
plane2 = plane(dyr='something', dyrefamilie="something", antallbein='4')
class rocket:
def __init__(self, dyr, dyrefamilie, antallbein):
self.dyr = 'something'
self.dyrefamilie = 'something2'
self.antallbein = '4'
def __str__(self):
return f'katt(={self.dyr},{self.dyrefamilie},{self.antallbein})'
rocket2 = rocket(dyr='something', dyrefamilie="something", antallbein='4')
class boat:
def __init__(self, dyr, dyrefamilie, antallbein):
self.dyr = 'something'
self.dyrefamilie = 'something2'
self.antallbein = '5'
def __str__(self):
return f'undulat(={self.dyr},{self.dyrefamilie},{self.antallbein})'
boat2 = boat(dyr='something', dyrefamilie="something", antallbein='2')
Is it possible to randomise a selectetion and have the list.append(selected random name)
instead of preselecting it like i have done below?
x2=list = []
x1=list = []
# appending instances to list
random.shuffle(x1) #roterer litt rundt på listen
for i, x1 in enumerate(x1): #kode fra canvas
print('Dyret er en', x1.dyr,'med',x1.antallbein+'-bein'+'.','denne er er en del av', x1.dyrefamilie)
Use the random std package, just put your instantiated objects in a list and you can choose a random one like such:
from random
values = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
rand_val = random.choice(values)
You can do a ranged for, which means that the for will execute x times (range(x)). By this way now you have a for executing X times, and you can index in the list, for example, the current iteration 'i' and print its object properties.
You have to take care about the range(x) and the range of the list/array you are indexing, if the range(x) > range(list) then you will have out of bound errors.
x2=list = []
x1=list = []
# appending instances to list
random.shuffle(x1) #roterer litt rundt på listen
for i in range(2):
print('Dyret er en', x1[i].dyr,'med',x1[i].antallbein+'-bein'+'.','denne er er en del av', x1[i].dyrefamilie)
Thanks, got i working now :)
used both the solutions explained to me and made this code:
num = int(input("Skriv inn antallet du vil generere"))
x1=list = []
# appending instances to list
values = [plane,rocket,boat]
for i in range(num):
I am trying to simulate a baseball game to learn more about python and programming in general... I ran into an interesting learning point in programing... and was wondering if someone could explain this error...
import random
rosterHome = []
rosterAway = []
class Player:
def __init__(self, number, battingAverage):
self.number = number
self.battingAverage = battingAverage
class Game:
def __init__(self):
self.inning = 0
self.homeScore = 0
self.awayScore = 0
self.outs = 0
def createStats():
for i in range(40):
stats = random.random()
x = Player(i, stats)
for y in range(40):
stats = random.random()
y = Player(i, stats)
def startGame():
Game.inning = 0
Game.homeScore = 0
Game.awayScore = 0
Game.outs = 0
def playInning():
totalHits = 0
if Game.inning >= 10:
print('Game is Over')
while Game.outs < 3:
for i in rosterHome:
x = rosterHome[i]
if x.battingAverage > random.random():
totalHits += 1
player += 1
print('batter ', player, ' got a hit')
Game.outs += 1
player += 1
print('batter ', player, ' got out')
print('there are ', Game.outs, ' outs.')
x = rosterHome[i]
TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not Player
List indices must be integers or slices
The interpreter says "Hey, I see you're trying to access an item in a List by its index, but indices should be of type integer, however, you passed a value of type Player"
In Python and most programming languages, to reference an item in a List/Array, one way would be by index. Lists are zero-indexed, so the first item is of index 0, the second index 1, and so on.
Given an Array
my_array = ["bread", "foo", "bar"]
my_array[0] # would give you "bread"
my_array[1] # would give you "foo"
my_array[2] # would give you "bar"
However in your case, if we trace back up from where the error occurred, right here:
x = rosterHome[i]
You want to ask, what is the value of i? above this line is a for loop, and i represents each value in a list called rosterHome. So what the heck is in rosterHome anyways?
Moving up into your createStats method where you populated the rosterHome list, we see that you're pushing an instance of Player into the rosterHome list.
x = Player(i, stats)
So rosterHome really isn't a list of numbers but instead a list of Player instances. You might want to review and try again, maybe accessing the number property of the Player object instead.
The error happens because rosterHome is a list of instances of the Player class, so when you iterate on the list (for i in rosterHome) each element will be an instance of said class (i is a Player). If you want to access the number of each player you'll have to access the attribute number of your Player instances, but it seems like actually you want to find the player instance. This means, you don't even need to lookup the value in the table, just use the value of the for loop. I'll use a different naming of variables to improve readability:
while Game.outs < 3:
for player in rosterHome:
# x wanted to access a player, but we don't need to do that actually
if player.battingAverage > random.random():
# ...
# ...
This part of the answer considers that you actually want to meet both requirements (number of outs and iterate players once):
player_index = 0
while Game.outs < 3 and player_index< len(rosterHome):
player = rosterHome[player_index]
if player.battingAverage > random.random():
# ...
# ...
if Game.outs == 3:
# Reached 3 outs
# No players left and game outs < 3
I'm a beginner trying to write up a game about trading in Python 3.x.
I have two classes (Depot and Good). Instances of the class Good are stored in a dictionary inside depot.inv (the instance as Key, and the amount of it as Value). When the user is asked to write what does he want to take, he will write the name of the instance ('Iron' instead of ir). So I took a For loop and searched through everything the Depot had in it's inventory. If he finds that the reply of the user is = to the name of any instance (ir.name, for example), then the program gains access to the instance as a whole.
The question is, how can I do this without a For-Loop?
I imagine that searching the whole inventory each time a reply is made is not optimal, even less if it's a linear search.
class Depot:
def __init__ (self, name, inv, bank):
self.name = name
self.inv = inv
self.bank = bank
class Good:
def __init__(self, name, weight, rare):
self.name = name
self.weight = weight
self.rare = rare
ir = Good('Iron', 1, 0.1)
gd = Good('Gold', 0.4, 2)
sl = Good('Silver', 0.7, 6.3)
mars = Depot('Mars', {ir: 10500, gd: 800, sl: 6000}, 1000)
player = {ir: 100}
reply = input('What do you want to take?')
i, q = reply.split()
for k in mars.inv.keys(): #This is the crux of the problem
if i in k.name:
x = k
print('Got it')
if x in mars.inv:
if int(q) > mars.inv[x]:
print('We dont have that much.')
elif int(q) <= mars.inv[x]:
mars.inv[x] -= int(q)
if x in player:
player[x] += int(q)
elif i not in player:
player[x] = int(q)
Using list comprehension and next() allows you to only find the first occurance of the item you're looking for, and then stop. Breaking the for loop after finding the key you're looking for would achieve the same thing. Both are O(n) there isn't really that much room to optimize. A one liner would be
x = next((k for k in mars.inv.keys() if i in k.name), None)
I'd probably duplicate the name as the key of the dictionary and map it to a tuple of the other information:
{"Iron": (ir, 10500), "Gold": (gd, 800), "Silver": (sl, 6000}
Then you can do mars.inv["Iron"] to get the tuple of (ir, 10500), and you can extract whichever data you want from that.
Note though, this requires an exact match on the name. You're currently using in to do the check, which will prevent any optimizations. Since from your description, you're doing lookups based on exact names (ignoring case, since that can be easily accounted for), in is unnecessary.
I am trying to find the max of the "rollList" and everything I have tried isn't working.I'm not very good with coding and the instruction my teacher gave me isn't very clear. I also have to reset "rollList" back to empty for each player and I am very confused.Please someone help.
import random
class Player:
def __init__(self,name ):
self.name = name
self.dice = []
def __str__(self):
return self.name
def roll_Dice(self):
rollDice = random.randint(1, 6)
return rollDice
rounds = 1
rollList = []
newplayer = []
for rounds in range(1,4):
print("Round" + str(rounds))
for p in newplayer:
for x in range (4-rounds):
rollDice = random.randint(1, 6)
The line max.pop(rollList) is fairly meaningless. It attempts to call the pop method of the built-in max function, which doesn't exist.
You can get the maximum by just calling max itself:
maxRoll = max(rollList)
If you want to remove that roll, you can (although it doesn't seem necessary, since you'll be clearing the list):
If you want to append the maximum to another list:
You can find the maximum of a list using max() function:
mylist = [1,2,4,5,6,7,-2,3]
max_value = max(mylist)
Now max_value is equal to 7. You can add this to a new list using append() method:
new_list = []
then new_list will be [7]
I report some suggestions to resolve the error I suppose you have: AttributeError: 'builtin_function_or_method' object has no attribute 'pop'
Just change max.pop(rollList) to max(rollList).
Then you have a list of only one element because you are calling methods inside the for rounds in range(1,4): loop, without letting the list populate with other elements. You are calling also clear at each loop.
Also, the for x in range (4-rounds): it is not required, it's a nested loop.
You are printing the list of names without assign to each person the value of roll dice, so who's the winner?
Finally, you defined roll_Dice() as instance method of Person, so why not use it?
So, why not rollList.append(p.roll_Dice()) instead of:
rollDice = random.randint(1, 6)
Hope this can help.
First of all, excuse the bad title, but I don't know how to describe this in just one sentence...
Given a grid with 3 kinds of fields, empty fields, walls and exits, I wrote a program that checks for every empty field, whether that field is "safe".
A person walks through that grid, but can only walk non-diagonally and can't go through walls. The person, starting at one field, chooses one direction at random and starts walking that way. Once it hits a wall, it chooses a direction at random again, starting to move into that direction and so on.
A field is considered safe if a person traversing the grid as described above, starting at that field, is guaranteed to find an exit at some point.
I wrote a Python program to solve this problem. It builds a "tree" for every field it checks, containing every possible route from that field.
I have a function that just returns the "parent" of a given node, by recursively adding the parent of the current node to a list of nodes until it reaches the topmost node.
The program works as expected when checking only one field, for example (1, 4). However it doesn't work when checking all fields of the example grid.
I already looked into it and realized that the alle_parents() function which returns all parents of a given node yields unexpected results when checking all nodes. E.g. when checking the field (1, 4), one child of that node is (1, 8). The parents of (1, 8) should just be (1, 4). That's not the case, though. alle_parents((1, 8)) returns many different fields that shouldn't be there. However I can't figure out why it behaves as it does. My only guess is that it has to do with "left-over" data/GC not working as intended.
Relevant code:
class Knoten():
def __init__(self, x, y, parent = None):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.parent = parent
self.children = []
n = len(spielfeld)
m = len(spielfeld[0])
for k in range(n):
for j in range(m):
if spielfeld[k][j] not in [None, '#', 'E']:
baum = []
i = 0
ebene = []
ebene.append(Knoten(k, j))
i += 1
while i <= 100:
ebene = []
for knoten in baum[i - 1]:
children = []
if spielfeld[knoten.x][knoten.y] == 'E':
for feld in next_feld(knoten.x, knoten.y):
knoten_neu = Knoten(feld[0], feld[1], knoten)
hinzufuegen = True
for parent in alle_parents(knoten_neu):
if knoten_neu.x == parent.x and knoten_neu.y == parent.y:
hinzufuegen = False
if hinzufuegen:
knoten.children = children
if children == []:
if spielfeld[knoten.x][knoten.y] != 'E':
spielfeld[k][j] = '%' # Field not safe
i += 1
def alle_parents(knoten, parents = []):
if knoten.parent == None:
return parents
return alle_parents(knoten.parent, parents)
The example map I'm using:
# # # #
# ## #
# # E# #
# ## #
# #
# #E E###
Full code (parts of it are German, sorry for that): http://pastebin.com/3XUBbpkK
I suspect your issue is a common Python gotcha. This line:
def alle_parents(knoten, parents = []):
Creates an empty array when the module is loaded, NOT every time the function is called. Future calls to alle_parents() will reuse the same array (which may have grown in size) instead of a new empty array! A good way to fix is to do this:
def alle_parents(knoten, parents = None):
parents = parents or []