Mock an entire module in python - python

I have an application that imports a module from PyPI.
I want to write unittests for that application's source code, but I do not want to use the module from PyPI in those tests.
I want to mock it entirely (the testing machine will not contain that PyPI module, so any import will fail).
Currently, each time I try to load the class I want to test in the unittests, I immediately get an import error. so I thought about maybe using
except ImportError:
and catch that import error, then use
This seems pretty risky/ugly and I was wondering if there's another way.
Another idea was writing an adapter to wrap that PyPI module, but I'm still working on that.
If you know any way I can mock an entire python package, I would appreciate it very much.

If you want to dig into the Python import system, I highly recommend David Beazley's talk.
As for your specific question, here is an example that tests a module when its dependency is missing. - the module you want to test when my_bogus_module is missing
from my_bogus_module import foo
def bar(x):
return foo(x) + 1 - a file in with your tests that will load a mock module
from mock import Mock
import sys
import types
module_name = 'my_bogus_module'
bogus_module = types.ModuleType(module_name)
sys.modules[module_name] = bogus_module = Mock(name=module_name+'.foo') - tests when my_bogus_module is not available
import unittest
from mock_bogus import bogus_module # must import before bar module
from bar import bar
class TestBar(unittest.TestCase):
def test_bar(self): = 99
x = bar(42)
self.assertEqual(100, x)
You should probably make that a little safer by checking that my_bogus_module isn't actually available when you run your test. You could also look at the pydoc.locate() method that will try to import something, and return None if it fails. It seems to be a public method, but it isn't really documented.

While #Don Kirkby's answer is correct, you might want to look at the bigger picture. I borrowed the example from the accepted answer:
import pypilib
def bar(x):
return + 1
Since pypilib is only available in production, it is not suprising that you have some trouble when you try to unit test bar. The function requires the external library to run, therefore it has to be tested with this library. What you need is an integration test.
That said, you might want to force unit testing, and that's generally a good idea because it will improve the confidence you (and others) have in the quality of your code. To widen the unit test area, you have to inject dependencies. Nothing prevents you (in Python!) from passing a module as a parameter (the type is types.ModuleType):
import pypilib # production
except ImportError:
pypilib = object() # testing
def bar(x, external_lib = pypilib):
return + 1
Now, you can unit test the function:
import unittest
from unittest.mock import Mock
class Test(unittest.TestCase):
def test_bar(self):
external_lib = Mock(foo = lambda x: 3*x)
self.assertEqual(10, bar(3, external_lib))
if __name__ == "__main__":
You might disapprove the design. The try/except part is a bit cumbersome, especially if you use the pypilib module in several modules of your application. And you have to add a parameter to each function that relies on the external library.
However, the idea to inject a dependency to the external library is useful, because you can control the input and test the output of your class methods, even if the external library is not within your control. Especially if the imported module is stateful, the state might be difficult to reproduce in a unit test. In this case, passing the module as a parameter may be a solution.
But the usual way to deal with this situation is called dependency inversion principle (the D of SOLID): you should define the (abstract) boundaries of your application, ie what you need from the outside world. Here, this is bar and other functions, preferably grouped in one or many classes:
import pypilib
import other_pypilib
class MyUtil:
All I need from outside world
def bar(x):
return + 1
def baz(x, y):
return, y) * 10.0
# not every method has to be static
Each time you need one of these functions, just inject an instance of the class in your code:
class Application:
def __init__(self, util: MyUtil):
self._util = util
def something(self, x, y):
return self._util.baz(, y)
The MyUtil class must be as slim as possible, but must remain abstract from the underlying library. It is a tradeoff. Obviously, Application can be unit tested (just inject a Mock instead of an instance of MyUtil) while, under some circumstances (like a PyPi library not available during tests, a module that runs inside a framework only, etc.), MyUtil can be only tested within an integration test. If you need to unit test the boundaries of your application, you can use #Don Kirkby's method.
Note that the second benefit, after unit testing, is that if you change the libraries you are using (deprecation, license issue, cost, ...), you just have to rewrite the MyUtil class, using some other libraries or coding it from scratch. Your application is protected from the wild outside world.
Clean Code by Robert C. Martin has a full chapter on the boundaries.
Summary Before using #Don Kirkby's method or any other method, be sure to define the boundaries of your application irrespective of the specific libraries you are using. This, of course, does not apply to the Python standard library...

For a more explicit and granular approach:
import unittest
from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch
import bogus_module
except ModuleNotFoundError:
bogus_module = MagicMock()
#patch.dict('sys.modules', bogus_module=bogus_module)
class PlatformTests(unittest.TestCase):
Using the patch.dict decorator gives you granular control: it only applies to the class / method it is applied to.


Is it possible to mock a library?

After dozens of research on the subject and a lot of thinking, I leave it to you in this new question:
Is it possible to mock an entire library with Python? I would like the import of this library and all its packages / modules / etc to be done without having to define each element by hand, with mock and sys.module ... :(
In my case, I use a library specific to the job and I would like to be able to work on my code at home, without having to recode my imports, on code which is not dependent on this library.
"""Main file.
I define the mock here.
mocked = MagicLibraryMock("mylib") # the dream
"""File with lib imports.
I can import anything and use it as a mock.
import mylib
from mylib.a import b
from mylib.z import c
from mylib.a.e.r import x
foo = x()
bar = c.a.e.r.t.d()
bar.side_effect = [1, 2, 3]
I tried to integrate a class inherited from a dictionary to overload the __getitem__ method of sys.modules. But the problem is that the import method also uses __iter__, and there it becomes much more complicated to return a MagicMock according to the result, knowing that it is not recommended to directly modify the import source code - source.
Finally I lose less time extracting imports from my application to sub-modules which will take care of solving them. I can thus intercept these imports more easily without dirtying my code.
The design is more interesting.
Thanks for your help.

Avoid unneeded imports with unit tests

The PyCharm IDE encourages me to write unit tests in the same module as my classes lie. I like the idea of every module being tested automatically as I develop, but what bothers me is that I have additional imports that are only used for these unit tests. I can live with import unittest, but consider:
from lxml import etree
class Foobar(object):
def __init__(self):
schema_root = etree.parse("schema/myschema.xsd")
schema = etree.XMLSchema(schema_root)
self.parser = etree.XMLParser(schema=schema)
def valid(self, filename):
etree.parse(filename, self.parser)
return True
except etree.XMLSyntaxError:
return False
import unittest
from io import StringIO
class _FoobarTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_empty_object_is_valid(self):
foobar = Foobar()
self.assertTrue(foobar.valid(StringIO("<object />")))
I thought about instead doing it this way:
class _FoobarTest(unittest.TestCase):
from io import StringIO as StringIO_
def test_empty_object_is_valid(self):
foobar = Foobar()
self.assertTrue(foobar.valid(self.StringIO_("<object />")))
but that does not feel very natural to me. Since Python is a language that does care about best practice a lot; is there a somewhat official statement on this? I wasn't able to find anything in the PEP documents on this, which made me wonder if it is a good idea to unit test in the same module at all.
Neither PyCharm nor the Python community encourage having unit tests in the same file. See the PyCharm tutorial on creating unit tests. As demonstrated in those instructions, the better way to do unittests is to have them in separate files with a "test_" prefix, which can be discovered and run automatically both by the built in unittest module, or other libraries.
If you look under the documentation for unittest you will find there is already a built-in system for test discovery that works great.
python -m unittest discover
will find all tests that match the pattern "test*.py" in the current directory. This is the built in default, and best practice until you need something else.

seamless dynamic plugin loading

I'm working on an extensible plugin subsystem for a framework, but I'm stuck on how to get the system to dynamically and seamlessly load plugins from within the plugins themselves. I already know how to add the plugins (probably going to use entry-points). As an example:
from framework.plug_lib import plugin
def foo():
return 2
def bar():
return foo()
from framework.plug_lib import plugin
def foo():
return 3
loaded_plugins = {}
class Plugin(object):
def __init__(self, plug): #note plug could be class, function, method, etc
self.plug = plug
def plug_load(self):
loaded_plugins[self.plug.__name__] = self.plug
def plug_get_loaded_version(self):
return loaded_plugins[self.plug.__name__]
except KeyError:
raise RuntimeError('No plugin %s loaded.' % self.plug.__name__)
def plugin(plug):
return Plugin(plug)
def load(plugin_path):
# get plugin by searching entry-points, other basic logic
Usage examples:
from framework.plug_lib import load, loaded_plugins
loaded_plugins['bar']() # 2
from framework.plug_lib import load, loaded_plugins
loaded_plugins['bar']() # 3
This is simplified to try to illustrate the problem concisely. In the real framework, there are multiple different types of plugins, and they all go to different loaded_plugin analogs. If the container for the plugins was a class, I could probably figure a way to shoehorn this in to a descriptor or something, but part of the point of this is to refactor out some boilerplate code that wraps the plugins currently. Can I customize the way the module itself inspects it's own namespace and retrieves it's members with no or at most only a single simple line in the plugin module itself? I basically need something equivalent to __getattribute__ on the module itself so I can make Plugins behave like poor man's descriptors and return self.plug_get_loaded_version() whenever an attempt is made to access anything other than their plug_load() method, I think, but I have no idea how to do that. Maybe package-time code (something in, but I think then you wouldn't be able to work on the installed packages in develop mode without rebuilding every time. Any ideas out there?

How to patch a module's internal functions with mock?

By "internal function", I mean a function that is called from within the same module it is defined in.
I am using the mock library, specifically the patch decorators, in my unit tests. They're Django unit tests, but this should apply to any python tests.
I have one module with several functions, many of which call each other. For example (fictitious code, ignore the lack of decimal.Decimal):
TAX_LOCATION = 'StateName, United States'
def add_tax(price, user):
tax = 0
if TAX_LOCATION == 'StateName, UnitedStates':
tax = price * .75
return (tax, price+tax)
def build_cart(...):
# build a cart object for `user`
tax, price = add_tax(, cart.user)
return cart
These are part of a deeper calling chain (func1 -> func2 -> build_cart -> add_tax), all of which are in the same module.
In my unit tests, I'd like to disable taxes to get consistent results. As I see it, my two options are 1) patch out TAX_LOCATION (with an empty string, say) so that add_tax doesn't actually do anything or 2) patch out add_tax to simply return (0, price).
However, when I try to patch either of these the patch seems to work externally (I can import the patched part inside the test and print it out, getting expected values), but seems to have no effect internally (the results I get from the code behave as if the patch were not applied).
My tests are like this (again, fictitious code):
from mock import patch
from django.test import TestCase
class MyTests(TestCase):
#patch('mymodule.TAX_LOCATION', '')
def test_tax_location(self):
import mymodule
print mymodule.TAX_LOCATION # ''
self.assertEqual(, original_price) # fails, tax applied
#patch('mymodule.add_tax', lambda p, u: (0, p))
def test_tax_location(self):
import mymodule
print mymodule.add_tax(50, None) # (0, 50)
self.assertEqual(, original_price) # fails, tax applied
Does anyone know if it's possible for mock to patch out functions used internally like this, or am I out of luck?
The answer: Clean up your darned imports
#patch('mymodule.TAX_LOCATION', '') did indeed patch things appropriately, but since our imports at the time were very haphazard -- sometimes we imported mymodule.build_cart, sometimes we imported project.mymodule.build_cart -- instances of the "full" import were not patched at all. Mock couldn't be expected to know about the two separate import paths... without being told explicitly, anyway.
We've since standardized all our imports on the longer path, and things behave much more nicely now.
another option is to explicitly call patch on the function:
and to support both running directly or from py.test etc:
mock.patch(__name__ + '.' + 'function_name')
I'd like to add solution other than accepted one. You can also patch the module before it's been imported in any other modules and remove patch at the end of your test case.
#import some modules that don't use module you are going to patch
import unittest
from mock import patch
import json
import logging
patcher = patch('some.module.path.function', lambda x: x)
import some.module.path
class ViewGetTests(unittest.TestCase):
def tearDownClass(cls):
I'm pretty sure your problem is that you are importing 'mymodule' inside your test functions, and therefore the patch decorator has no chance of actually patching. Do the import at the top of the module, like any other import.
If your module is in a folder with an file that has from [module_file] import * make sure your patch argument has the folder and file name (module_folder.module_file), or the patch will succeed (no 'module does not have this attribute' error) but not function (calls will go to the actual function not the mock), no matter how the function under test is imported.

Is it possible to overload from/import in Python?

Is it possible to overload the from/import statement in Python?
For example, assuming jvm_object is an instance of class JVM, is it possible to write this code:
class JVM(object):
def import_func(self, cls):
return something...
jvm = JVM()
# would invoke JVM.import_func
from jvm import Foo
This post demonstrates how to use functionality introduced in PEP-302 to import modules over the web. I post it as an example of how to customize the import statement rather than as suggested usage ;)
It's hard to find something which isn't possible in a dynamic language like Python, but do we really need to abuse everything? Anyway, here it is:
from types import ModuleType
import sys
class JVM(ModuleType):
Foo = 3
sys.modules['JVM'] = JVM
from JVM import Foo
print Foo
But one pattern I've seen in several libraries/projects is some kind of a _make_module() function, which creates a ModuleType dynamically and initializes everything in it. After that, the current Module is replaced by the new module (using the assignment to sys.modules) and the _make_module() function gets deleted. The advantage of that, is that you can loop over the module and even add objects to the module inside that loop, which is quite useful sometimes (but use it with caution!).
