I'm using
function of python.
I want to find circles in an image like this:
In this image there is a big circle and many little circles. I want only the biggest.
The image has dimension 280x300 pixels, but if I set as function's parameters minRadius=90 and maxRadius=150
circles = cv2.HoughCircles(edges, cv2.cv.CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT, 1, 30,
> param1=20,
> param2=10,
> minRadius=80,
> maxRadius=150)
print (circles)
I find an output like this:
[[[ 149.5 125.5 141.63510132]
[ 141.5 155.5 112.5544281 ]
[ 173.5 144.5 103.35617828]
[ 115.5 134.5 98.32852936]
[ 173.5 105.5 87.82083893]
[ 174.5 176.5 85.20856476]
[ 130.5 99.5 83.69289398]
[ 105.5 165.5 81.62413788]
[ 141.5 187.5 80.62567902]
[ 75.5 134.5 104.03124237]]]
So, I think that all these circles are possible, but probably one of these results is best than the others. How can I find it?
Fourth function's parameter is the minimum distance between the centers of the detected circles. To find only one circles you should only set this parameter bigger.
I have a Polygon with next coords:
I cannot find any ways how to extract all highways inside this polygon using something like osmium\osmosis\geopandas\geopy etc.. I want to get coordinates of this highways and names of these streets and after that show them on the plot using matplotlib.
Does anyone know how to get this(or all) info from osm\pbf format to pandas format..?
I did find a way to calculate the center coordinate of a cluster of points. However, my method is quite slow when the number of initial coordinates is increased (I have about 100 000 coordinates).
The bottleneck is the for-loop in the code. I tried to remove it by using np.apply_along_axis, but discovered that this is nothing more than a hidden python-loop.
Is it possible to detect and average out various sized clusters of too close points in a vectorized way?
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
#Create random points
points = np.array([[1,1],[1,2],[2,1],[3,3],[3,4],[5,5],[8,8],[10,10],[8,6],[6,5]])
#Create trees and detect the points and neighbours which needs to be fused
tree = cKDTree(points)
rows_to_fuse = np.array(list(tree.query_pairs(r=max_distance))).astype('uint64')
#Split the points and neighbours into two groups
points_to_fuse = points[rows_to_fuse[:,0], :2]
neighbours = points[rows_to_fuse[:,1], :2]
#get unique points_to_fuse
nonduplicate_points = np.ascontiguousarray(points_to_fuse)
unique_points = np.unique(nonduplicate_points.view([('', nonduplicate_points.dtype)]\
unique_points = unique_points.view(nonduplicate_points.dtype).reshape(\
#Empty array to store fused points
fused_points = np.empty((len(unique_points), 2))
for i, point in enumerate(unique_points):
#Detect all locations where a unique point occurs
locs=np.where(np.logical_and((points_to_fuse[:,0] == point[0]), (points_to_fuse[:,1]==point[1])))
#Select all neighbours on these locations take the average
fused_points[i,:] = (np.average(np.hstack((point[0],neighbours[locs,0][0]))),np.average(np.hstack((point[1],neighbours[locs,1][0]))))
#Get original points that didn't need to be fused
points_without_fuse = np.delete(points, np.unique(rows_to_fuse.reshape((1, -1))), axis=0)
#Stack result
points = np.row_stack((points_without_fuse, fused_points))
Expected output
>>> points
array([[ 8. , 8. ],
[ 10. , 10. ],
[ 8. , 6. ],
[ 1.33333333, 1.33333333],
[ 3. , 3.5 ],
[ 5.5 , 5. ]])
EDIT 1: Example of 1 loop with desired result
Step 1: Create variables for the loop
#outside loop
points_to_fuse = np.array([[100,100],[101,101],[100,100]])
neighbours = np.array([[103,105],[109,701],[99,100]])
unique_points = np.array([[100,100],[101,101]])
#inside loop
point = np.array([100,100])
i = 0
Step 2: Detect all locations where a unique point occurs in the points_to_fuse array
locs=np.where(np.logical_and((points_to_fuse[:,0] == point[0]), (points_to_fuse[:,1]==point[1])))
>>> (array([0, 2], dtype=int64),)
Step 3: Create an array of the point and the neighbouring points at these locations and calculate the average
array_of_points = np.column_stack((np.hstack((point[0],neighbours[locs,0][0])),np.hstack((point[1],neighbours[locs,1][0]))))
>>> array([[100, 100],
[103, 105],
[ 99, 100]])
fused_points[i, :] = np.average(array_of_points, 0)
>>> array([ 100.66666667, 101.66666667])
Loop output after a complete run:
>>> print(fused_points)
>>> array([[ 100.66666667, 101.66666667],
[ 105. , 401. ]])
The bottleneck is not the loop which is necessary since all the neighborhoods have not the same size.
The pitfall is the points_to_fuse[:,0] == point[0] in the loop which trig a quadratic complexity. you can avoid that by sorting the points, by index.
An example to do that, even it doesn't solve the whole problem (after the generation of rows_to_fuse):
means=[(points[ne[:,0]].sum(axis=0)+points[ne[0,1]])/(len(ne)+1) \
for ne in neighbourhood] # a simple python loop.
# + manage unfused points.
An other improvement is to compute means with numba if you want to speed the code, but the complexity is now ~ optimal I think.
I am struggling with numpy's implementation of the fast Fourier transform. My signal is not of periodic nature and therefore certainly not an ideal candidate, the result of the FFT however is far from what I was expecting. It is the same signal, simply stretched by some factor. I plotted a sinus curve, approximating my signal next to it which should illustrate, that I use the FFT function correctly:
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
signal = array([[ 0.], [ 0.1667557 ], [ 0.31103874], [ 0.44339886], [ 0.50747922],
[ 0.47848347], [ 0.64544846], [ 0.67861755], [ 0.69268326], [ 0.71581176],
[ 0.726552 ], [ 0.75032795], [ 0.77133769], [ 0.77379966], [ 0.80519187],
[ 0.78756476], [ 0.84179849], [ 0.85406538], [ 0.82852684], [ 0.87172407],
[ 0.9055542 ], [ 0.90563205], [ 0.92073452], [ 0.91178145], [ 0.8795554 ],
[ 0.89155587], [ 0.87965686], [ 0.91819571], [ 0.95774404], [ 0.95432073],
[ 0.96326252], [ 0.99480947], [ 0.94754962], [ 0.9818627 ], [ 0.9804966 ],
[ 1.], [ 0.99919711], [ 0.97202208], [ 0.99065786], [ 0.90567128],
[ 0.94300558], [ 0.89839004], [ 0.87312245], [ 0.86288378], [ 0.87301008],
[ 0.78184963], [ 0.73774451], [ 0.7450479 ], [ 0.67291666], [ 0.63518575],
[ 0.57036157], [ 0.5709147 ], [ 0.63079811], [ 0.61821523], [ 0.49526048],
[ 0.4434457 ], [ 0.29746173], [ 0.13024641], [ 0.17631683], [ 0.08590552]])
sinus = np.sin(np.linspace(0, np.pi, 60))
The blue line is my signal, the green line is the sinus.
transformed_signal = abs(np.fft.fft(signal)[:30] / len(signal))
transformed_sinus = abs(np.fft.fft(sinus)[:30] / len(sinus))
The blue line is transformed_signal, the green line is the transformed_sinus.
Plotting only transformed_signal illustrates the behavior described above:
Can someone explain to me what's going on here?
I was indeed a problem of calling the FFT. This is the correct call and the correct result:
transformed_signal = abs(np.fft.fft(signal,axis=0)[:30] / len(signal))
Numpy's fft is by default applied over rows. Since your signal variable is a column vector, fft is applied over the rows consisting of one element and returns the one-point FFT of each element.
Use the axis option of fft to specify that you want FFT applied over the columns of signal, i.e.,
transformed_signal = abs(np.fft.fft(signal,axis=0)[:30] / len(signal))
[EDIT] I overlooked the crucial thing stated by Stelios! Nevertheless I leave my answer here, since, while not spotting the root cause of your trouble, it is still true and contains things you have to reckon with for a useable FFT.
As you say you're tranforming a non-periodical signal.
Your signal has some ripples (higher harmonics) which nicely show up in the FFT.
The sine does have far less higher freq's and consists largely of a DC component.
So far so good. What I don't understand is that your signal also has a DC component, which doesn't show up at all. Could be that this is a matter of scale.
Core of the matter is that while the sinus and your signal look quite the same, they have a totally different harmonic content.
Most notable none of both hold a frequency that corresponds to the half sinus. This is because a 'half sinus' isn't built by summing whole sinusses. In other words: the underlying full sinus wave isn't in the spectral content of the sinus over half the period.
BTW having only 60 samples is a bit meager, Shannon states that your sample frequency should be at least twice the highest signal frequency, otherwise aliasing will happen (mapping freqs to the wrong place). In other words: your signal should visually appear smooth after sampling (unless of course it is discontinuous or has a discontinuous derivative, like a block or triangle wave). But in your case it looks like the sharp peaks are an artifact of undersampling.
I have a question similar to the question asked here:
simple way of fusing a few close points. I want to replace points that are located close to each other with the average of their coordinates. The closeness in cells is specified by the user (I am talking about euclidean distance).
In my case I have a lot of points (about 1-million). This method is working, but is time consuming as it uses a double for loop.
Is there a faster way to detect and fuse close points in a numpy 2d array?
To be complete I added an example:
points=array([[ 382.49056159, 640.1731949 ],
[ 496.44669161, 655.8583119 ],
[ 1255.64762859, 672.99699399],
[ 1070.16520917, 688.33538171],
[ 318.89390168, 718.05989421],
[ 259.7106383 , 822.2 ],
[ 141.52574427, 28.68594436],
[ 1061.13573287, 28.7094536 ],
[ 820.57417943, 84.27702407],
[ 806.71416007, 108.50307828]])
A scatterplot of the points is visible below. The red circle indicates the points located close to each other (in this case a distance of 27.91 between the last two points in the array). So if the user would specify a minimum distance of 30 these points should be fused.
In the output of the fuse function the last to points are fused. This will look like:
array([[ 382.49056159, 640.1731949 ],
[ 496.44669161, 655.8583119 ],
[ 1255.64762859, 672.99699399],
[ 1070.16520917, 688.33538171],
[ 318.89390168, 718.05989421],
[ 259.7106383 , 822.2 ],
[ 141.52574427, 28.68594436],
[ 1061.13573287, 28.7094536 ],
[ 813.64416975, 96.390051175]])
If you have a large number of points then it may be faster to build a k-D tree using scipy.spatial.KDTree, then query it for pairs of points that are closer than some threshold:
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import KDTree
tree = KDTree(points)
rows_to_fuse = tree.query_pairs(r=30)
# {(8, 9)}
# array([[ 820.57417943, 84.27702407],
# [ 806.71416007, 108.50307828]])
The major advantage of this approach is that you don't need to compute the distance between every pair of points in your dataset.
You can use scipy's distance functions such as pdist in order to quickly find which points should be merged:
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform
d = squareform(pdist(a))
d = np.ma.array(d, mask=np.isclose(d, 0))
a[d.min(axis=1) < 30]
#array([[ 820.57417943, 84.27702407],
# [ 806.71416007, 108.50307828]])
For large samples this method can cause memory errors since it is storing a full matrix containing the relative distances.
I am trying to get the vertices of hexagons drawn from hexbin() method using matplotlib and python. Got the no. of points in each hexagon using .get_arrays() and tried getting vertices co-ordinates with get_paths() but it gives me just 1 path (i.e vertices of just 1 hexagon).
How can I retrieve vertices of all the hexagons? The tried code is written below with the output.
x, y = np.random.normal(size=(2, 10000))
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
im = ax.hexbin(x, y, gridsize=20)
fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax)
[the output map that is being generated has more than 1 hexagon. I can't upload it here due to account restrictions since I am new to this.][2]
[Path(array([[ 0.18489907, -0.1102285 ],
[ 0.18489907, 0.1102285 ],
[ 0. , 0.22045701],
[-0.18489907, 0.1102285 ],
[-0.18489907, -0.1102285 ],
[ 0. , -0.22045701],
[ 0.18489907, -0.1102285 ]]), array([ 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 79], dtype=uint8))]
I am answering it myself the way I solved it and it worked.
Step 1: Get the sample hexagon co-ordinates with im.get_paths() as done above in the question.
Step 2: Get offsets of all the hexagons created by hexbin() method using im.get_offsets(). It gives x and y offsets for all the hexagons.
Step 3: Just add the offsets to the sample 'path' co-ordinates obtained in step 1 and this will give the actual co-ordinates of the hexagon collection.