There is a number C given (C is an integer) and there is given a list of numbers (let's call it N, all the numbers in list N are integers).
My task is to find the amount of possibilities to represent C.
For example:
C = 4
N = [1, 2]
4 = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 1 + 1 + 2 = 2 + 2
My code is working pretty well for small numbers. However I have no idea how can I optimize it so it will work for bigger integers too. Any help will be appreciated!
There is my code:
import numpy
import itertools
def amount(C):
N = numpy.array(input().strip().split(" "),int)
N = list(N)
N = sorted(N)
while C < max(N):
res = []
for i in range(1, C):
for j in list(itertools.combinations_with_replacement(N, i)):
m = 0
for z in range (0, len(res)):
if res[z] == C:
m += 1
if N[0] == 1:
return m + 1
return m
Complexity of your algorithm is O(len(a)^С). To solve this task more efficiently, use dynamic programming ideas.
Assume dp[i][j] equals to number of partitions of i using terms a[0], a[1], ..., a[j]. Array a shouldn't contain duplicates. This solution runs in O(C * len(a)^2) time.
def amount(c):
a = list(set(map(int, input().split())))
dp = [[0 for _ in range(len(a))] for __ in range(c + 1)]
dp[0][0] = 1
for i in range(c):
for j in range(len(a)):
for k in range(j, len(a)):
if i + a[k] <= c:
dp[i + a[k]][k] += dp[i][j]
return sum(dp[c])
please check this first :
also this
if i were you , i would divide the c on the n[i] first and check the c is not prim number
from your example : 4/1 = [4] =>integer count 1
4/2 = [2] => integer counter became 2 then do partitioning the [2] to 1+1 if and only if 1 is in the set
what if you have 3 in the set [1,2,3] , 4/3 just subtract 4-3=1 if 1 is in the set , the counter increase and for bigger results i will do some partitioning based on the set
I have integer input: 0 < a, K, N < 10^9
I need to find all b numbers that satisfy:
a + b <= N
(a + b) % K = 0
For example: 10 6 40 -> [2, 8, 14, 20, 26]
I tried a simple brute force and failed (Time Limit Exceeded). Can anyone suggest answer? Thanks
a, K, N = [int(x) for x in input().split()]
count = 0
b = 1
while (a + b <= N):
if ((a + b) % K) == 0:
print(b, end=" ")
if (count == 0):
The first condition is trivial in the sense that it just poses an upper limit on b. The second condition can be rephrased using the definition of % as
a + b = P * K
For some arbitrary integer P. From this, is simple to compute the smallest b by finding the smallest P that gives you a positive result for P * K - a. In other words
P * K - a >= 0
P * K >= a
P >= a / K
P = ceil(a / K)
So you have
b0 = ceil(a / K) * K - a
b = range(b0, N + 1, K)
range is a generator, so it won't compute the values up front. You can force that by doing list(b).
At the same time, if you only need the count of elements, range objects will do the math on the limits and step size for you conveniently, all without computing the actual values, so you can just do len(b).
To find the list of bs, you can use some maths. First, we note that (a + b) % K is equivalent to a % K + b % K. Also when n % K is 0, that means that n is a multiple of K. So the smallest value of b is n * K - a for the smallest value of n where this calculation is still positive. Once you find that value, you can simply add K repeatedly to find all other values of b.
b = k - a%k
Example: a=19, k=11, b = 11-19%11 = 11-8 =3
I'm a bit stuck on a python problem.
I'm suppose to write a function that takes a positive integer n and returns the number of different operations that can sum to n (2<n<201) with decreasing and unique elements.
To give an example:
If n = 3 then f(n) = 1 (Because the only possible solution is 2+1).
If n = 5 then f(n) = 2 (because the possible solutions are 4+1 & 3+2).
If n = 10 then f(n) = 9 (Because the possible solutions are (9+1) & (8+2) & (7+3) & (7+2+1) & (6+4) & (6+3+1) & (5+4+1) & (5+3+2) & (4+3+2+1)).
For the code I started like that:
def solution(n):
nb = list(range(1,n))
l = 2
summ = 0
itt = 0
for index in range(len(nb)):
x = nb[-(index+1)]
if x > 3:
for index2 in range(x-1):
y = nb[index2]
#print(str(x) + ' + ' + str(y))
if (x + y) == n:
itt = itt + 1
for index3 in range(y-1):
z = nb[index3]
if (x + y + z) == n:
itt = itt + 1
for index4 in range(z-1):
w = nb[index4]
if (x + y + z + w) == n:
itt = itt + 1
return itt
It works when n is small but when you start to be around n=100, it's super slow and I will need to add more for loop which will worsen the situation...
Do you have an idea on how I could solve this issue? Is there an obvious solution I missed?
This problem is called integer partition into distinct parts. OEIS sequence (values are off by 1 because you don't need n=>n case )
I already have code for partition into k distinct parts, so modified it a bit to calculate number of partitions into any number of parts:
import functools
def diffparts(n, k, last):
result = 0
if n == 0 and k == 0:
result = 1
if n == 0 or k == 0:
return result
for i in range(last + 1, n // k + 1):
result += diffparts(n - i, k - 1, i)
return result
def dparts(n):
res = 0
k = 2
while k * (k + 1) <= 2 * n:
res += diffparts(n, k, 0)
k += 1
return res
Given :
I : a positive integer
n : a positive integer
nth Term of sequence for input = I :
F(I,1) = (I * (I+1)) / 2
F(I,2) = F(I,1) + F(I-1,1) + F(I-2,1) + .... F(2,1) + F(1,1)
F(I,3) = F(I,2) + F(I-1,2) + F(I-2,2) + .... F(2,2) + F(2,1)
F(I,n) = F(I,n-1) + F(I-1,n-1) + F(I-2,n-1) + .... F(2,n-1) + F(1,n-1)
nth term --> F(I,n)
Approach 1 : Used recursion to find the above :
def recursive_sum(I, n):
if n == 1:
return (I * (I + 1)) // 2
return sum(recursive_sum(j, n - 1) for j in range(I, 0, -1))
Approach 2 : Iteration to store reusable values in a dictionary. Used this dictionary to get the nth term.:
def non_recursive_sum_using_data(I, n):
global data
if n == 1:
return (I * (I + 1)) // 2
return sum(data[j][n - 1] for j in range(I, 0, -1))
def iterate(I,n):
global data
data = {}
i = 1
j = 1
for i in range(n+1):
for j in range(I+1):
if j not in data:
data[j] = {}
data[j][i] = recursive_sum(j,i)
return data[I][n]
The recursion approach is obviously not efficient due to maximum recursion depth. Also the next approach's time and space complexity will be poor.
Is there better way to recurse ? or a different approach than recursion ?
I am curious if we can find a formula for nth term.
You could just cache your recursive results:
from functools import lru_cache
def recursive_sum(I, n):
if n == 1:
return (I * (I + 1)) // 2
return sum(recursive_sum(j, n - 1) for j in range(I, 0, -1))
That way you can get the readability and brevity of the recursive approach without most of the performance issues since the function is only called once for each argument combination (I, n).
Using the usual binomial(n,k) = n!/(k!*(n-k)!), you have
F(I,n) = binomial(I+n, n+1).
Then you can choose the method you like most to compute binomial coefficients.
Here an example:
def binomial(n, k):
numerator = denominator = 1
t = max(k, n-k)
for low,high in enumerate(range(t+1, n+1), 1):
numerator *= high
denominator *= low
return numerator // denominator
def F(I,n): return binomial(I+n, n+1)
The formula for the nth term of the sequence is the one you have already mentioned.
Also rightly so you have identified that it will lead to an inefficient algorithm and stack overflow.
You can look into dynamic programming approach where u calculate F(I,N) just once and just reuse the value.
For example this is how the fibonacci seq is calculated.
You need to find the same pattern and cache the value
I have an example for this here in this small code written in golang
the standard DP
One can do a (tiny) bit of math to rewrite your function:
F(i,n) = sum_{k=0}^{i-1} F(i-k, n-1) = sum_{k=1}^{i} F(k, n-1)
Now notice, that if you consider a matrix F_{ixn}, to compute F(i,n) we just need to add the elements of the previous column.
| + |
|----+ |
We conclude that we can build the first layer (aka column). Then the second one. And so forth until we get to the n-th layer.
Finally we take the last element of our final layer which is F(i,n)
The computation time is about O(I*n)
More math based but faster
An other way is to consider our layer as a vector variable X.
We can write the recurrence relation as
X_n = MX_{n-1}
where M is a triangular matrix with 1 in the lower part.
We then want to compute the general term of X_n so we want to compute M^n.
By following Yves Daoust
(I just copy from the link above)
Coefficients should be indiced _{n+1} and _n, but here it is _1 and '' for readability
Moreover the matrix is upper triangular but we can just take the transpose afterwards...
a_1 b_1 c_1 d_1 1 1 1 1 a b c d
a_1 b_1 c_1 = 0 1 1 1 * 0 a b c
a_1 b_1 0 0 1 1 0 0 a b
a_1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 a
by going from last row to first:
a = 1
from b_1 = a+b = 1 + b = n, b = n
from c_1 = a+b+c = 1+n+c, c = n(n+1)/2
from d_1 = a+b+c+d = 1+n+n(n+1)/2 +d, d = n(n+1)(n+2)/6
I have not proved it but I hint that e_1 = n(n+1)(n+2)(n+3)/24 (so basically C_n^k)
(I think the proof lies more in the fact that F(i,n) = F(i,n-1) + F(i-1,n) )
More generally instead of taking variables a,b,c... but X_n(0), X_n(1)...
X_n(0) = 1
X_n(i) = n*...*(n+i-1) / i!
And by applying recusion for computing X:
X_n(0) = 1
X_n(i) = X_n(i-1)*(n+i-1)/i
Finally we deduce F(i,n) as the scalar product Y_{n-1} * X_1 where Y_n is the reversed vector of X_n and X_1(n) = n*(n+1)/2
from functools import lru_cache
#this is copypasted from schwobaseggl
def recursive_sum(I, n):
if n == 1:
return (I * (I + 1)) // 2
return sum(recursive_sum(j, n - 1) for j in range(I, 0, -1))
def iterative_sum(I,n):
layer = [ i*(i+1)//2 for i in range(1,I+1)]
x = 2
while x <= n:
next_layer = [layer[0]]
for i in range(1,I):
#we don't need to compute all the sum everytime
#take the previous sum and add it the new number
next_layer.append( next_layer[i-1] + layer[i] )
layer = next_layer
x += 1
return layer[-1]
def brutus(I,n):
if n == 1:
return I*(I+1)//2
X_1 = [ i*(i+1)//2 for i in range(1, I+1)]
X_n = [1]
for i in range(1, I):
X_n.append(X_n[-1] * (n-1 + i-1) / i )
s = 0
for i in range(0, I):
s += X_1[i]*X_n[i]
return s
def do(k,n):
print('rec', recursive_sum(k,n))
print('it ', iterative_sum(k,n))
print('bru', brutus(k,n))
a matrix consists of N × N blocks .the block number is equal to the sum of the row number and the column number. each block consists of data, and data is equal to difference of sum of even and odd digits of the block number . calculate total data of n*n blocks
i/o format
lets n = 4
matrix will be
2 3 4 5
3 4 5 6
4 5 6 7
5 6 7 8
so total data = 2+3+4+5+3+4+5+6+4+5+6+7+5+6+7+8=80
if number of block is 4256 in any case then data in it will be abs(diff(sum(even digits)- sum(odd digits))) which is abs((4+2+6)-(5))= 7
my naive attempt
n = int(raw_input())
for i in range(1,n+1):
for j in range(1,n+1):
sum1 = i+j
diffsum = diff(sum1)
sum2 = sum2+diffsum
print sum2
again optimized attempt
def diff(sum1):
sum1 = str(sum1)
m = sum([int(i) for i in sum1 if int(i) % 2 == 0])
f = sum([int(i) for i in sum1 if int(i) % 2 != 0])
return abs(m - f)
n = int(raw_input())
sum1 = 0
k = 1
# t1 = time.time()
p = 2 * n
for i in range(2, n + 2):
diffsum = diff(i)
diffsum1 = diff(p)
sum1 = sum1 + (diffsum * k)
sum1 = sum1 + (diffsum1 * k)
p = p - 1
k = k + 1
sum1 = sum1 - (diff(n + 1) * n)
print sum1
diff is common function in both case. i need more optmization with the following algorithm
Your optimised approach calculates the digit sum only once for each number, so at first sight, there isn't anything to be gained from memoisation.
You can improve the performance of your diff function by merging the two loops into one and use a dictionary to look up whether you add or subtract a digit:
value = dict(zip("0123456789", (0, -1, 2, -3, 4,-5, 6,-7, 8,-9)))
def diff2(s):
s = str(s)
return abs(sum([value[i] for i in s]))
This will require a conversion to string. You can get a bit faster (but not much) by calculating the digits by hand:
dvalue = [0, -1, 2, -3, 4,-5, 6,-7, 8,-9]
def diff(s):
t = 0
while s:
t += dvalue[s % 10]
s //= 10
return abs(t)
Finally, you can make use of the fact that you calculate all digit sums from 2 up to 2·n sequentially. Store the digits of the current number in an array, then implement an odometer-like counter. When you increment that counter, keep track of the odd and even digit sums. In 9 of 10 cases, you just have to adjust the last digit by removing its value from the respective sum and by adding the next digit to the other sum.
Here's a program that does this. The function next increments the counter and keeps the digit sums of even and odd numbers in sums[0] and sums[1]. The main program is basically the same as yours, except that the loop has been split into two: One where k increases and one where it decreases.
even = set(range(0, 10, 2))
def next(num, sums):
o = num[0]
if o in even:
sums[0] -= o
sums[1] += o + 1
sums[0] += o + 1
sums[1] -= o
num[0] += 1
i = 0
while num[i] == 10:
sums[0] -= 10
num[i] = 0
i += 1
o = num[i]
if o in even:
sums[0] -= o
sums[1] += o + 1
sums[0] += o + 1
sums[1] -= o
num[i] += 1
n = int(raw_input())
total = 0
m = len(str(2 * n + 1))
num = [0] * m
num[0] = 2
sums = [2, 0]
k = 1
for i in range(2, n + 2):
total += abs(sums[0] - sums[1]) * k
k += 1
next(num, sums)
k = n
for i in range(n + 2, 2*n + 1):
k -= 1
total += abs(sums[0] - sums[1]) * k
next(num, sums)
print total
I've said above that memoisation isn't useful for this approach. That's not true. You could store the even and odd digit sums of number i and make use of it when calculating the numbers 10 * i to 10 * i + 9. When you call diff in order of increasing i, you will have access to the stored sums of i // 10.
This isn't significantly faster than the odometer approach, but the implementation is clearer at the cost of additional memory. (Preallocated arrays work better than dictionaries for big n. You don't need to reserve space for numbers above (2*n + 11) / 10.)
def diff(s):
d = s % 10
e = ememo[s / 10]
o = omemo[s / 10]
if d in even:
e += d
o += d
if s < smax:
ememo[s] = e
omemo[s] = o
return e, o
n = int(raw_input())
total = 0
even = set(range(0, 10, 2))
smax = (2*n + 11) / 10
omemo = smax * [0]
ememo = smax * [0]
omemo[1] = 1
k = 1
for i in range(2, n + 2):
e, o = diff(i)
total += abs(e - o) * k
k += 1
k = n
for i in range(n + 2, 2*n + 1):
k -= 1
e, o = diff(i)
total += abs(e - o) * k
print total
This could be made even faster if one could find a closed formula for the digit sums, but I think that the absolute function prevents such a solution.
This is my code:
def sum_even(a, b):
count = 0
for i in range(a, b, 1):
if(i % 2 == 0):
count += [i]
return count
An example I put was print(sum_even(3,7)) and the output is 0. I cannot figure out what is wrong.
Your indentation is off, it should be:
def sum_even(a, b):
count = 0
for i in range(a, b, 1):
if(i % 2 == 0):
count += i
return count
so that return count doesn't get scoped to your for loop (in which case it would return on the 1st iteration, causing it to return 0)
(And change [i] to i)
NOTE: another problem - you should be careful about using range:
>>> range(3,7)
[3, 4, 5, 6]
so if you were to do calls to:
right now, they would both output 10, which is incorrect for sum of even integers between 3 and 8, inclusive.
What you really want is probably this instead:
def sum_even(a, b):
return sum(i for i in range(a, b + 1) if i % 2 == 0)
Move the return statement out of the scope of the for loop (otherwise you will return on the first loop iteration).
Change count += [i] to count += i.
Also (not sure if you knew this), range(a, b, 1) will contain all the numbers from a to b - 1 (not b). Moreover, you don't need the 1 argument: range(a,b) will have the same effect. So to contain all the numbers from a to b you should use range(a, b+1).
Probably the quickest way to add all the even numbers from a to b is
sum(i for i in xrange(a, b + 1) if not i % 2)
You can make it far simpler than that, by properly using the step argument to the range function.
def sum_even(a, b):
return sum(range(a + a%2, b + 1, 2))
You don't need the loop; you can use simple algebra:
def sum_even(a, b):
if (a % 2 == 1):
a += 1
if (b % 2 == 1):
b -= 1
return a * (0.5 - 0.25 * a) + b * (0.25 * b + 0.5)
As NPE pointed out, my original solution above uses floating-point maths. I wasn't too concerned, since the overhead of floating-point maths is negligible compared with the removal of the looping (e.g. if calling sum_even(10, 10000)). Furthermore, the calculations use (negative) powers of two, so shouldn't be subject by rounding errors.
Anyhow, with the simple trick of multiplying everything by 4 and then dividing again at the end we can use integers throughout, which is preferable.
def sum_even(a, b):
if (a % 2 == 1):
a += 1
if (b % 2 == 1):
b -= 1
return (a * (2 - a) + b * (2 + b)) // 4
I'd like you see how your loops work if b is close to 2^32 ;-)
As Matthew said there is no loop needed but he does not explain why.
The problem is just simple arithmetic sequence wiki. Sum of all items in such sequence is:
Sn = ------- * n
where 'a' is a first item, 'b' is last and 'n' is number if items.
If we make 'a' and b' even numbers we can easily solve given problem.
So making 'a' and 'b' even is just:
if ((a & 1)==1):
a = a + 1
if ((b & 1)==1):
b = b - 1
Now think how many items do we have between two even numbers - it is:
n = --- + 1
Put it into equation and you get:
a+b b-a
Sn = ----- * ( ------ + 1)
2 2
so your code looks like:
def sum_even(a,b):
if ((a & 1)==1):
a = a + 1
if ((b & 1)==1):
b = b - 1
return ((a+b)/2) * (1+((b-a)/2))
Of course you may add some code to prevent a be equal or bigger than b etc.
Indentation matters in Python. The code you write returns after the first item processed.
This might be a simple way of doing it using the range function.
the third number in range is a step number, i.e, 0, 2, 4, 6...100
sum = 0
for even_number in range(0,102,2):
sum += even_number
print (sum)
def sum_even(a,b):
count = 0
for i in range(a, b):
if(i % 2 == 0):
count += i
return count
Two mistakes here :
add i instead of [i]
you return the value directly at the first iteration. Move the return count out of the for loop
The sum of all the even numbers between the start and end number (inclusive).
def addEvenNumbers(start,end):
total = 0
if end%2==0:
for x in range(start,end):
if x%2==0:
return total+end
for x in range(start,end):
if x%2==0:
return total
print addEvenNumbers(4,12)
little bit more fancy with advanced python feature.
def sum(a,b):
return a + b
def evensum(a,b):
a = reduce(sum,[x for x in range(a,b) if x %2 ==0])
return a
SUM of even numbers including min and max numbers:
def sum_evens(minimum, maximum):
for i in range(minimum, maximum+1):
if i%2==0:
sum = sum +i
i= i+1
return sum
print(sum_evens(2, 6))
OUTPUT is : 12
sum_evens(2, 6) -> 12 (2 + 4 + 6 = 12)
List based approach,
Use b+1 if you want to include last value.
def sum_even(a, b):
even = [x for x in range (a, b) if x%2 ==0 ]
return sum(even)
[Program finished]
This will add up all your even values between 1 and 10 and output the answer which is stored in the variable x
x = 0
for i in range (1,10):
if i %2 == 0:
x = x+1