Python : Accessing oracle database and updating it - python

I am accessing oracle database and trying to update it using python. Below is my code :
import cx_Oracle
import pandas as pd
import datetime
import numpy
import math
conn = cx_Oracle.connect(conn_str)
c = conn.cursor()
def update_output_table(customer_id_list,column_name,column_vlaue_list) :
num_rows_to_add = len(customer_id_list)
conn = cx_Oracle.connect(conn_str)
c = conn.cursor()
for i in range(0,num_rows_to_add,1) :
c.execute("""UPDATE output SET """+column_name+""" = %s WHERE customer_id = %s""" %(column_vlaue_list[i],customer_id_list[i]))
total_transaction_df = pd.read_sql("""select distinct b.customer_id,count(a.transaction_id) as total_transaction from transaction_fact a,customer_dim b where a.customer_id = b.CUSTOMER_ID group by b.CUSTOMER_ID""",conn)
# Update this details to the output table
My program is getting executed completely but I don't see my database table getting updated. Can someone suggest where I am going wrong?
Note : I am a newbie.Sorry for asking silly doubts. Thanks in advance.

You're missing conn.commit() before conn.close():
Here you will find some info why you need it explicitely. Without commit your code is doing update then when closing connection all non-commited changes are rolled back so you see no changes in DB.
You can also set cx_Oracle.Connection.autocommit = 1 but this is not recommended way as you're loosing control over transactions.


how to commit changes to SQLAlchemy object in the database table

I am trying to translate a set of columns in my MySQL database using Python's googletrans library.
Sample MySQL table Data:
Label Answer Label_Translated Answer_Translated
cómo estás Wie heißen sie? NULL NULL
wie gehts per favore rivisita NULL NULL
元気ですか Cuántos años tienes NULL NULL
Below is my sample code:
import pandas as pd
import googletrans
from googletrans import Translator
import sqlalchemy
import pymysql
import numpy as np
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, MetaData, Table
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
engine = create_engine("mysql+pymysql:.....")
Session = sessionmaker(bind = engine)
session = Session()
translator = Translator()
I read the database table using:
sql_stmt = "SELECT * FROM translate"
data = session.execute(sql_stmt)
I perform the translation steps using:
for to_translate in data:
to_translate.Answer_Translated = translator.translate(to_translate.Answer, dest = 'en')
to_translate.Label_Translated = translator.translate(to_translate.Label, dest = 'en')
I tried session.commit() but the changes are not reflected in the database. Could someone please let me know how to make the changes permanent in the database.
Also when I try:
for rows in data:
I don't see any output. Before enforcing the changes in the database, is there a way we can view the changes in Python ?
Rewriting my answer because I missed OP was using a raw query to get his set.
Your issue seems to be that there is no real update logic in your code (although you might have missed that out. Here is what you could do. Keep in mind that it's not the most efficient or elegant way to deal with this, but this might get you in the right direction.
# assuming import sqlalchemy as sa
for to_translate in data:
session = Session()
mappings = {}
mappings['Label'] = to_translate[0]
mappings['Answer_Translated'] = translator.translate(to_translate.Answer, dest="en")
mappings['Label_Translated'] = translator.translate(to_translate.Label, dest="en")
update_str = "update Data set Answer_Translated=:Answer_Translated, set Label_Translated=:Label_Translated where Label == :Label"
session.execute(sa.text(update_str), mappings)
This will update your db. Now I can't guarantee it will work out of the box, because your actual table might differ from the sample you posted, but the print statement should be able to guide you in fixing update_str. Note that using the ORM would make this a lot nicer.

ORA-00942 when importing data from Oracle Database to Pandas

I try to import data from a oracle database to a pandas dataframe.
right Now i am using:
import cx_Oracle
import pandas as pd
db_connection_string = '.../A1#server:port/servername'
con = cx_Oracle.connect(db_connection_string)
query = """SELECT*
FROM Salesdata"""
df = pd.read_sql(query, con=con)
and get the following error: DatabaseError: ORA-00942: Table or view doesn't exist
When I run a query to get the list of all tables:
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT table_name FROM dba_tables")
for row in cur:
print (row)
The output looks like this:
What I am doing wrong? I used this question to start.
If I use the comment to print(query)I get:
FROM Salesdata
Getting ORA-00942 when running SELECT can have 2 possible causes:
The table does not exist: here you should make sure the table name is prefixed by the table owner (schema name) as in select * from owner_name.table_name. This is generally needed if the current Oracle user connected is not the table owner.
You don't have SELECT privileges on the table. This is also generally needed if the current Oracle user connected is not the table owner.
You need to check both.

SQL and Python - using a variable in an SQL statement

import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect('troubleshooting.db')
cur = conn.cursor()
user = input("hello")
for row in cur.execute('SELECT user FROM problems WHERE user = %s'):
My problem here is that the variable 'user' is only being read as text and not changing occurring to what I name it (user = input("hello")). How do I change it so it does read it as a variable (please keep it simple, I am a beginner when it comes to programming).
Thanks for helping out :)

python pandas with to_sql() , SQLAlchemy and schema in exasol

I'm trying to upload a pandas data frame to an SQL table. It seemed to me that pandas to_sql function is the best solution for larger data frames, but I can't get it to work. I can easily extract data, but get an error message when trying to write it to a new table:
# connect to Exasol DB
conDB = pyodbc.connect(exaString)
# get some data from somewhere, works without error
data = pd.read_sql(sqlString, conDB)
# now upload this data to a new table
data.to_sql('MYTABLENAME', conDB, flavor='mysql')
The error message I get is
pyodbc.ProgrammingError: ('42000', "[42000] [EXASOL][EXASolution driver]syntax error, unexpected identifier_chain2, expecting
assignment_operator or ':' [line 1, column 6] (-1)
Unfortunately I have no idea how the query that caused this syntax error looks like or what else is wrong. Can someone please point me in the right direction?
(Second) EDIT:
Following Humayuns and Joris suggestions, I now use Pandas version 0.14 and SQLAlchemy in combination with the Exasol dialect (?). Since I am connecting to a defined schema, I am using the meta data option, but the programm crashes with "Bus error (core dumped)".
engine = create_engine('exa+pyodbc://uid:passwd#exa/mySchemaName', echo=True)
# get some data
sqlString = "SELECT * FROM SOMETABLE" # SOMETABLE is a view in mySchemaName
df = pd.read_sql(sqlString, con=engine) # works
print engine.has_table('MYTABLENAME') # MYTABLENAME is a view in mySchemaName
# prints "True"
# upload it to a new table
meta = sqlalchemy.MetaData(engine, schema='mySchemaName')
meta.reflect(engine, schema='mySchemaName')
pdsql = sql.PandasSQLAlchemy(engine, meta=meta)
pdsql.to_sql(df, 'MYTABLENAME')
I am not sure about setting "mySchemaName" in create_engine(..), but the outcome is the same.
Pandas does not support the EXASOL syntax out of the box, so it need to be changed a bit, here is a working example of your code without SQLAlchemy:
import pyodbc
import pandas as pd
con = pyodbc.connect('DSN=EXA')
con.execute('OPEN SCHEMA TEST2')
# configure pandas to understand EXASOL as mysql flavor['int']['mysql'] = 'INT'['mysql']['br_l'] = ''['mysql']['br_r'] = ''['mysql']['wld'] = '?' = \
lambda self, name: name.upper() in [t[0].upper() for t in con.execute('SELECT table_name FROM cat').fetchall()]
data = pd.read_sql('SELECT * FROM services', con)
data.to_sql('SERVICES2', con, flavor = 'mysql', index = False)
If you use the EXASolution Python package, then the code would look like follows:
import exasol
con = exasol.connect(dsn='EXA') # normal pyodbc connection with additional functions
con.execute('OPEN SCHEMA TEST2')
data = con.readData('SELECT * FROM services') # pandas data frame per default
con.writeData(data, table = 'services2')
The problem is that also in pandas 0.14 the read_sql and to_sql functions cannot deal with schemas, but using exasol without schemas makes no sense. This will be fixed in 0.15. If you want to use it now look at this pull request

Python mysql: how do loop through table and regex-replacing field?

I am trying to iterate a table, fetch the rows in which a field has a pattern, then update the same row with a match group.
The following code runs without error, the two print lines before update clause output correct values. I have followed similar answers to come up the update clause, the logic seems right to me. However the code does not work, i.e., no rows updated. Where did I do wrong? Thanks,
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import MySQLdb
pattern = re.compile('#(.*)#.*$')
conn = MySQLdb.connect(
host='localhost', user='root',
passwd='password', db='j314', charset='utf8')
cursor = conn.cursor()
"""select `id`, `created_by_alias` from w0z9v_content where `catid` = 13 AND `created_by_alias` regexp "^#.*#.*$" limit 400""")
aliases = cursor.fetchall()
for alias in aliases:
newalias = pattern.match(alias[1])
if is not None:
# print alias[0]
# print
update w0z9v_content set created_by_alias = %s where id = %s""", (, alias[0]))
autocommit is probably globally disabled on the server.
Execute either COMMIT after your updates, or SET autocommit=1 at the beginning of the session.
Also, you're not actually closing the connection, you forgot to call close:
