Python PubNub subscriber doesn't print out the message - python

This is my publisher:
from pubnub.pnconfiguration import PNConfiguration
from pubnub.pubnub import PubNub
def publish_callback(result, status):
# Handle PNPublishResult and PNStatus
pnconfig = PNConfiguration()
pnconfig.subscribe_key = 'sub-c-ec413276-b805-11e6-b737-xxxxx'
pnconfig.publish_key = 'pub-c-528502df-76a6-4f07-8636-xxxxx'
pubnub = PubNub(pnconfig)
This is my subscriber
from pubnub.pnconfiguration import PNConfiguration
from pubnub.pubnub import PubNub
from pubnubtets import MySubscribeCallback
pnconfig = PNConfiguration()
pnconfig.subscribe_key = 'sub-c-ec413276-b805-11e6-b737-xxxxx'
pnconfig.publish_key = 'pub-c-528502df-76a6-4f07-8636-xxxxx'
pubnub = PubNub(pnconfig)
This is my callback:
from pubnub.callbacks import SubscribeCallback
from pubnub.enums import PNStatusCategory
class MySubscribeCallback(SubscribeCallback):
def presence(self, pubnub, presence):
def status(self, pubnub, status):
if status.category == PNStatusCategory.PNUnexpectedDisconnectCategory:
pass # This event happens when radio / connectivity is lost
elif status.category == PNStatusCategory.PNConnectedCategory:
# Connect event. You can do stuff like publish, and know you'll get it.
# Or just use the connected event to confirm you are subscribed for
# UI / internal notifications, etc
elif status.category == PNStatusCategory.PNReconnectedCategory:
# Happens as part of our regular operation. This event happens when
# radio / connectivity is lost, then regained.
elif status.category == PNStatusCategory.PNDecryptionErrorCategory:
# Handle message decryption error. Probably client configured to
# encrypt messages and on live data feed it received plain text.
def message(self, pubnub, message):
The problem I have is when I run the subscriber it listens and when I run the publisher to send the message hello!! my callback gets it but when i print the message it prints out <pubnub.models.consumer.pubsub.PNMessageResult object at 0x108453278>. I want it to actually show me my message hello!!.
Is there something I am missing?

From the pubnub python sdk docs:
So try


Stuck in Creating a Skype Bot via Python using skpy

I have been trying to make a Skype bot through Python but am stuck at processing events.
I have made a conversation and put the code to get events infinitely. In return, the code is supposed to respond to each message sent to the conversation only once until someone sends another message and so on. But the code runs mad and reproduces its own sent messages.
Here is the code so far:
from skpy import Skype
user = '***'
password = '***'
group_id = '***'
class MySkype(SkypeEventLoop):
def onEvent(self, event):
if (event.type == 'NewMessage'): # and (event.userId is None):
message_content = event.raw['resource']['content']
conversation_link = event.raw['resource']['conversationLink']
message_sender = event.raw['resource']['imdisplayname']
ch =
ch.sendMsg('The code is responding to {}.\n You sent this message: {}'.format(message_sender, message_content))
sk = MySkype(user, password, autoAck = True)
As you can see the code has responded to itself!

kafka consumer to ruby on rails

I am currently working with a rails server which is supposed to run python script, which are kafka consumer/producer.
The server must to run the script then receive the processed data from consumer, and render them to the site.
I am able to run a script but can not fund a solution for the consumer to be connected. As the consumer is either running non stop accepting the messages, or running in while loop. I tried to run the consumer first from ruby, which starts the consumer, but never gets the consumer, as it is listening, but the other script could not be run.
So the flow of the message ideally should be something like this -> email from logged user to kafka producer -> MQ -> kafka consumer generates data writes to db -> producer query data from database -> MQ -> consumer accepts the data and renders them to the site.
The ideal scenario would be a one script lets call it manager that does all the work only accepts data and returns it. It also was not able to do that because, the one script also runs consumer and listens for producer, but it is never ran.
so here is my code:
from kafka import KafkaProducer
from faker import Faker
import json
import time
class producer1():
fr_instance= Faker()
def get_new_user():
return {"email_address","first_name": fr_instance.first_name(),
"lastname": fr_instance.last_name(), "occupation":fr_instance.job()}
def __init__(self):
def json_serializer(self, data):
return json.dumps(data).encode("utf-8")
def send(self,email):
producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers='localhost:9092',
value_serializer = self.json_serializer)
registred_user = {"email": email}
future = producer.send("NewUserTopic", registred_user)
print (registred_user)
result = future.get(timeout=10)
p = producer1()
if __name__ == '__main__':
email = ""
then 1st consumer:
from kafka import KafkaConsumer
import json
import random
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
import dbservice
import time
class consumer1():
def __init__(self) -> None:
def email(self):
consumer = KafkaConsumer('NewUserTopic',
auto_offset_reset = 'latest', enable_auto_commit= False)
for msg in consumer:
msg_out = json.loads(msg.value)
for value in msg_out.values():
#return print(msg_out)
return (value)
#generate dummy address , eth
def gen_ETHw (self):
numbers = str(random.randint(11111,99999))
wallet_num = str("Ox"+numbers)
return (wallet_num)
#generate dummy address , btc
def gen_BTCw (self):
numbers = str(random.randint(11111,99999))
wallet_num = str("Ox"+numbers)
return (wallet_num)
def commit_db (self, email, ETHw, BTCw):
Session = sessionmaker(bind=dbservice.engine)
s = Session()
input = dbservice.walletdb( email,ETHw, BTCw)
if __name__ =='__main__':
while True:
c = consumer1()
query producer:
import dbservice
import dbservice
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from kafka import KafkaProducer
import json
class query_prod ():
def __init__(self, email) -> None:
self = self = email
def json_serializer(data):
return json.dumps(data).encode("utf-8")
producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers='localhost:9092',
value_serializer = json_serializer)
Session = sessionmaker(bind=dbservice.engine)
s = Session()
def query_address(self,email):
Session = sessionmaker(bind=dbservice.engine)
s = Session()
for s in s.query(dbservice.walletdb).filter_by(email=email):
return {"email","ETH_w":s.ETH_w,"BTC_w":s.BTC_w}
def send(self, email):
data_to_send = self.query_address(email)
future = self.producer.send("QueryAdressToServer", data_to_send)
print (data_to_send)
result = future.get(timeout=10)
if __name__ == '__main__':
email = ""
and consume data which should be returned to the site:
from kafka import KafkaConsumer
import json
import time
class consume_for_web():
def __init__(self) -> None:
self = self
string = self.string
def consumer(self):
consumer = KafkaConsumer('QueryAdressToServer',
auto_offset_reset = 'latest', enable_auto_commit= False)
print('starting consumer')
for msg in consumer:
data = (('{}'.format(json.loads(msg.value))))
self.string = self.string + data
return print(data)
def read_str(self):
return print(self.string)
if __name__ =='__main__':
while True:
c = consume_for_web()
and finally my rails pages controller:
class PagesController < ApplicationController
def home
def about
before_action :require_login
def genw
our_input =
puts our_input
#consumer_result = `python3 /Users/samuelrybar/python_projects/Kafka_demo1/kafka-prod-coms/`
def mywa
def save
Thanks for your time and help, I really appreciate it. :))
Not sure why you are trying to run python scripts from a running Rails server. It sounds like a very bad idea to me. You can run Kafka consumers/producers from Ruby and Ruby on Rails directly. I suggest you investigate Karafka. We've been using it successfully at work.

slixmpp Add_event_hanlder ('Message') not working

I am creating a client with python and "slixmpp" library to connect using xmpp. I have achieved to send a message to a user, but I am not able to recive a message in the program. I am testing with another client (Gajim) to run some test but in that client the message are being recived.
My client has this plugins and this event listeners
class Client(slixmpp.ClientXMPP):
A client class to manage conections an functionalities
jid: string with the JID of the client.
password: string
is_remove: boolean to indicate if need to delete the account
def __init__(self, jid, password, status, status_message):
super().__init__(jid, password) = jid.split('#')[0]
self.status = status
self.status_message = status_message
self.actual_chat = None
# # plugins
self.register_plugin('xep_0030') # Service Discovery
self.register_plugin('xep_0199') # Ping
self.register_plugin('xep_0045') # MUC
self.register_plugin('xep_0085') # Notifications
self.register_plugin('xep_0004') # Data Forms
self.register_plugin('xep_0060') # PubSub
# events
self.add_event_handler('session_start', self.start)
self.add_event_handler('disco_items', self.print_rooms)
self.add_event_handler('groupchat_message', self.chatroom_message)
self.add_event_handler('message', self.chat_recived)
And this is the function chat_recived
async def chat_recived(self, message):
await aprint('aa')
await aprint('New message', message)
if message['type'] == 'chat':
user = str(message['from']).split('#')[0]
if user == self.actual_chat:
print(f'{message["from"]}: {message["body"]}')
print(f'You have a new message from {message["from"]}')
Does anyone knows why the listener is not reciving the message? This are not even been display in the console when debuger mode is on.

NameError: name 'startCommand' is not defined - PYTHON

from coinbase.wallet.client import Client
from telegram import ParseMode
from telegram.ext import CommandHandler, Defaults, Updater
COINBASE_KEY = 'xxxxxxxxxxxx'
COINBASE_SECRET = 'xxxxxxxxxxxx'
TELEGRAM_TOKEN = 'xxxxxxxxxxxx'
coinbase_client = Client(COINBASE_KEY, COINBASE_SECRET)
#if __name__ == '__main__':
updater = Updater(token=TELEGRAM_TOKEN, defaults=Defaults(parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML))
dispatcher = updater.dispatcher
dispatcher.add_handler('start', startCommand) # Accessed via /start
dispatcher.add_handler('alert', priceAlert) # Accessed via /alert
updater.start_polling() # Start the bot
updater.idle() # Wait for the script to be stopped, this will stop the bot
def startCommand(update, context):, text='Hello there!')
def priceAlert(update, context):
if len(context.args) > 2:
crypto = context.args[0].upper()
sign = context.args[1]
price = context.args[2]
context.job_queue.run_repeating(priceAlertCallback, interval=15, first=15, context=[crypto, sign, price, update.message.chat_id])
response = f"⏳ I will send you a message when the price of {crypto} reaches £{price}, \n"
response += f"the current price of {crypto} is £{coinbase_client.get_spot_price(currency_pair=crypto + '-GBP')['amount']}"
response = '⚠️ Please provide a crypto code and a price value: \n<i>/price_alert {crypto code} {> / <} {price}</i>', text=response)
def priceAlertCallback(context):
crypto = context.job.context[0]
sign = context.job.context[1]
price = context.job.context[2]
chat_id = context.job.context[3]
send = False
spot_price = coinbase_client.get_spot_price(currency_pair=crypto + '-GBP')['amount']
if sign == '<':
if float(price) >= float(spot_price):
send = True
if float(price) <= float(spot_price):
send = True
if send:
response = f'👋 {crypto} has surpassed £{price} and has just reached <b>£{spot_price}</b>!'
context.job.schedule_removal(), text=response)
enter image description here
I get this error of the code above, also I have already tried changing the position of the def but, it also shows error, How to solve this?
It is the code for telegram bot and also this keeps on showing me NameError, I have already added python3 and pip, but still not solved
Python reads files top to bottom. So when you call dispatcher.add_handler('start', startCommand), the function startCommand is not yet known. Move the part
updater = Updater(token=TELEGRAM_TOKEN, defaults=Defaults(parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML))
dispatcher = updater.dispatcher
dispatcher.add_handler('start', startCommand) # Accessed via /start
dispatcher.add_handler('alert', priceAlert) # Accessed via /alert
updater.start_polling() # Start the bot
updater.idle() # Wait for the script to be stopped, this will stop the bot
below the callback definitions.
Apart from that, add_handler needs a Handler as argument, in your case something like add_handler(CommandHanlder('start', startCommand). Please see PTB tutorial as well as the examples.
Disclaimer: I'm the current maintainer of the python-telegram-bot library.
dispatcher.add_handler('start', startCommand()) # Accessed via /start
dispatcher.add_handler('alert', priceAlert()) # Accessed via /alert
You will also need to add the two arguments required by both functions.
dispatcher.add_handler('start', startCommand(update, context))
dispatcher.add_handler('alert', startCommand(update, context))
I'm not exactly sure what data the two functions take in but I'm going to guess that it is whatever the bot is returning.

Threads can only be started once in Django Channels

I created a simple Django Channels consumer that should connects to an external source, retrieve data and send it to the client. So, the user opens the page > the consumer connects to the external service and gets the data > the data is sent to the websocket.
Here is my code:
import json
from channels.generic.websocket import WebsocketConsumer, AsyncConsumer, AsyncJsonWebsocketConsumer
from binance.client import Client
import json
from binance.websockets import BinanceSocketManager
import time
import asyncio
client = Client('', '')
trades = client.get_recent_trades(symbol='BNBBTC')
bm = BinanceSocketManager(client)
class EchoConsumer(AsyncJsonWebsocketConsumer):
async def connect(self):
await self.accept()
await self.send_json('test')
bm.start_trade_socket('BNBBTC', self.process_message)
def process_message(self, message):
JSON1 = json.dumps(message)
JSON2 = json.loads(JSON1)
#define variables
Rate = JSON2['p']
Quantity = JSON2['q']
Symbol = JSON2['s']
Order = JSON2['m']
This code works when i open one page; if i try to open a new window with a new account, though, it will throw the following error:
File "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Heroku\github\master\myapp\", line 54, in connect
File "C:\Users\User\lib\", line 843, in start
raise RuntimeError("threads can only be started once")
threads can only be started once
I'm new to Channels, so this is a noob question, but how can i fix this problem? What i wanted to do was: user opens the page and gets the data, another user opens the page and gets the data; is there no way to do that? Or am i simply misunderstanding how Django Channels and websockets works?
Do you really need a secondary thread ?
class EchoConsumer(AsyncJsonWebsocketConsumer):
symbol = ''
async def connect(self):
self.symbol = 'BNBBTC'
# or, more probably, retrieve the value for "symbol" from query_string
# so the client can specify which symbol he's interested into:
# socket = new WebSocket("ws://.../?symbol=BNBBTC");
await self.accept()
def process_message(self, message):
if self.symbol == message['symbol']:
await self.send({
'type': 'websocket.send',
'text': json.dumps(message),
For extra flexibility, you might also accept al list of symbols from the client, instead:
socket = new WebSocket("ws://.../?symbols=XXX,YYY,ZZZ");
then (in the consumer):
class EchoConsumer(AsyncJsonWebsocketConsumer):
symbols = []
async def connect(self):
# here we need to parse "?symbols=XXX,YYY,ZZZ" ...
# the code below has been stolen from another project of mine and should be suitably adapted
params = urllib.parse.parse_qs(self.scope.get('query_string', b'').decode('utf-8'))
self.symbols = json.loads(params.get('symbols', ['[]'])[0])
self.symbols = []
def process_message(self, message):
if message['symbol'] in self.symbols:
I'm no Django developer, but if I understand correctly, the function connect is being called more than once-- and bm.start references the same thread most likely made in bm.start_trade_socket (or somewhere else in connect). In conclusion, when bm.start is called, a thread is started, and when it is done again, you get that error.
Here start() Start the thread’s activity.
It should be called at most once per thread object. You have made a global object of BinanceSocketManager as "bm".
It will always raise a RuntimeError if called more than once on the same thread object.
Please refer the below mentioned code, it may help you
from channels.generic.websocket import WebsocketConsumer, AsyncConsumer, AsyncJsonWebsocketConsumer
from binance.client import Client
import json
from binance.websockets import BinanceSocketManager
import time
import asyncio
class EchoConsumer(AsyncJsonWebsocketConsumer):
client = Client('', '')
trades = client.get_recent_trades(symbol='BNBBTC')
bm = BinanceSocketManager(client)
async def connect(self):
await self.accept()
await self.send_json('test')'BNBBTC', self.process_message)
def process_message(self, message):
JSON1 = json.dumps(message)
JSON2 = json.loads(JSON1)
#define variables
Rate = JSON2['p']
Quantity = JSON2['q']
Symbol = JSON2['s']
Order = JSON2['m']
