Nested While Loop issues - python

So the gist of this is a function that takes two sorted lists. It takes a list of negative numbers (people who owe money) and a list of positive number (people who are owed money). It then pays off the people who are owed money from the negative list.
negatives = [-55.774, -45.884, -40.754, -35.694, -33.734, -29.024, -25.114, -16.144, -14.014, -5.874, -5.554]
positives = [43.936, 42.276, 33.756, 31.116, 30.456, 27.616, 21.526, 18.276, 13.176, 12.376, 11.966, 8.566, 8.486, 4.036]
The first step in my process is negatives[0] will pay off the positives[0], 43.936, then it pays off partially positives[1] until itself negatives[0] is 0, it then moves onto negatives[1] and pays off what is owed to positives[1]. I'm just trying to iterate this process. Here's what I have:
def pay_balances(x, y):
i = 0
j = 0
while i < len(x) and j < len(y):
while abs(x[i]) > abs(y[j]) and abs(round(x[i],4)) != 0:
print y[j]
x[i] = x[i] + y[j]
y[j] = 0
j += 1
print i, j
while abs(x[i]) < abs(y[j]) and abs(round(x[i],4)) != 0:
print -x[i]
y[j] = y[j] + x[i]
x[i] = 0
i += 1
print i, j
So, if you run...
pay_balances(negatives, positives)
This will eventually break due to IndexError: list index out of range
The issue is when we are the end of the lists, and my j value = 14 which is when I want everything to stop. It appears to stay in the loop even though I have this line which I thought would kill it:
while i < len(x) and j < len(y):
What am I doing wrong? As always thanks a lot!!

Since you increment the indices i and j in the inner loops, you need to put the corresponding condition also in the first inner while loop, and add an exit point half-way:
while i < len(x) and j < len(y):
while j < len(y) and abs(x[i]) > abs(y[j]) and abs(round(x[i],4)) != 0:
print y[j]
x[i] = x[i] + y[j]
y[j] = 0
j += 1
print i, j
if j >= len(y):
while i < len(x) and abs(x[i]) < abs(y[j]) and abs(round(x[i],4)) != 0:
print -x[i]
y[j] = y[j] + x[i]
x[i] = 0
i += 1
print i, j

I think that this code generates what you want by using one loop:
def pay_balances(x, y):
i = 0
j = 0
while x[-1] != 0 and y[-1] !=0:
if abs(x[i]) > abs(y[j]):
x[i] = x[i] + y[j]
y[j] = 0
j += 1
elif abs(x[i]) < abs(y[j]):
y[j] = y[j] + x[i]
x[i] = 0
i += 1
print x, y
return sum(x) + sum(y)


Hello guys, I'm not experienced with programming and I would like to run the Mergesort algorithm in Python for a default generated list

It takes the random list I generated but the output is something a lot different than I expected.
I think that something goes wrong with merging.
e.g. : Input --> [267,168,236,190,2,500,4,45,86]
Output --> [2,2,2,2,2,4,4,4,45,45,86]
Thank you in advance.
import numpy as np
def mergeSort(myList):
if len(myList) > 1:
mid = len(myList) // 2
left = myList[:mid]
right = myList[mid:]
# Recursive call on each half
# Two iterators for traversing the two halves
i = 0
j = 0
# Iterator for the main list
k = 0
while i < len(left) and j < len(right):
if left[i] <= right[j]:
# The value from the left half has been used
myList[k] = left[i]
# Move the iterator forward
i += 1
myList[k] = right[j]
j += 1
# Move to the next slot
k += 1
# For all the remaining values
while i < len(left):
myList[k] = left[i]
i += 1
k += 1
while j < len(right):
j += 1
k += 1
list1 = np.random.randint(low=1, high=800, size=100)
myList = list1
print("Given array is", end="\n")
print("Sorted array is: ", end="\n")
The problem with your code is only with inplace manipulation of your original list. merge sort needs extra space O(n).
you could simply rewrite your code like this to work: (notice that it is your code, only I modified two lines, look for # changed ...)
import numpy as np
def mergeSort(myList):
if len(myList) > 1:
mid = len(myList) // 2
left = myList[:mid].copy() # changed this line
right = myList[mid:].copy() # changed this line
# Recursive call on each half
# Two iterators for traversing the two halves
i = 0
j = 0
# Iterator for the main list
k = 0
while i < len(left) and j < len(right):
if left[i] <= right[j]:
# The value from the left half has been used
myList[k] = left[i]
# Move the iterator forward
i += 1
myList[k] = right[j]
j += 1
# Move to the next slot
k += 1
# For all the remaining values
while i < len(left):
myList[k] = left[i]
i += 1
k += 1
while j < len(right):
j += 1
k += 1
myList = np.random.randint(low=1, high=800, size=100)
print("Given array is", end="\n")
print("Sorted array is: ", end="\n")
However this is not very optimized version of implementation for the mergsort specially in python.
Here is better implementation, pure python (from:
def mergesort(l):
def merge(l, r):
lp, rp = 0 , 0
d = []
while lp < len(l) and rp < len(r):
if l[lp] < r[rp]:
lp += 1
rp += 1
if rp < len(r): d.extend(l[lp:])
if lp < len(l): d.extend(r[rp:])
return d
if len(l) <= 1:
return l
n = len(l)
return merge(mergesort(l[:n//2]), mergesort(l[n//2:]))
or much more abstract only in 9 lines:
def mergesort(l):
def merge(l, r):
res = []
while l and r : ((res.append(l.pop())) if (l[-1] > r[-1]) else res.append(r.pop()))
#while r or l: res.append(r.pop()) if r else (res.append(l.pop()))
if r: res[::-1].extend(r)
if l: res[::-1].extend(l)
return res
if len(l) <= 1: return l
return merge(mergesort(l[:len(l) // 2]), mergesort(l[len(l) // 2:]))

python find biggest sequence of zeros in list of lists (recursion)

I need to find the biggest sequence of zeros next to each other (up down left right).
for example in this example the function should return 6
mat = [[1,**0**,**0**,3,0],
the zeros that i marked as bold should be the answer (6)
the solution should be implemented without any loop (using recursion)
this is what i tried so far
def question_3_b(some_list,index_cord):
y = index_cord[0]
x = index_cord[1]
list_of_nums = []
def main(some_list,index_cord):
y = index_cord[0]
x = index_cord[1]
def check_right(x,y):
if x + 1 < 0:
return 0
if some_list[y][x+1] == 0:
return 0
def check_left(x,y):
if x -1 < 0:
return 0
if some_list[y][x - 1] == 0:
main(some_list,(y, x - 1))
def check_down(x,y):
if y + 1 < 0:
return 0
if some_list[y + 1][x] == 0:
main(some_list,(y + 1, x))
print("out of range")
def check_up(x,y):
counter_up = 0
if y - 1 < 0:
return 0
if some_list[y - 1][x] == 0:
counter_up += 1
main(some_list,(y - 1, x))
right = check_right(x,y)
down = check_down(x,y)
left = check_left(x,y)
up = check_up(x, y)
Solution #1: classic BFS
As I mention in a comment, you can tackle this problem using BFS (Breadth First Search), it will be something like this:
# This function will give the valid adjacent positions
# of a given position according the matrix size (NxM)
def valid_adj(i, j, N, M):
adjs = [[i + 1, j], [i - 1, j], [i, j + 1], [i, j - 1]]
for a_i, a_j in adjs:
if 0 <= a_i < N and 0 <= a_j < M:
yield a_i, a_j
def biggest_zero_chunk(mat):
answer = 0
N, M = len(mat), len(mat[0])
# Mark all non zero position as visited (we are not instrested in them)
mask = [[mat[i][j] != 0 for j in range(M)] for i in range(N)]
queue = []
for i in range(N):
for j in range(M):
if mask[i][j]: # You have visited this position
# Here comes the BFS
# It visits all the adjacent zeros recursively,
# count them and mark them as visited
current_ans = 1
queue = [[i,j]]
while queue:
pos_i, pos_j = queue.pop(0)
mask[pos_i][pos_j] = True
for a_i, a_j in valid_adj(pos_i, pos_j, N, M):
if mat[a_i][a_j] == 0 and not mask[a_i][a_j]:
queue.append([a_i, a_j])
current_ans += 1
answer = max(answer, current_ans)
return answer
mat = [[1,0,0,3,0],
mat2 = [[1,0,0,3,0],
[2,0,0,0,0], # A slight modification in this row to connect two chunks
Solution #2: using only recursion (no for statements)
def count_zeros(mat, i, j, N, M):
# Base case
# Don't search zero chunks if invalid position or non zero values
if i < 0 or i >= N or j < 0 or j >= M or mat[i][j] != 0:
return 0
ans = 1 # To count the current zero we start at 1
mat[i][j] = 1 # To erase the current zero and don't count it again
ans += count_zeros(mat, i - 1, j, N, M) # Up
ans += count_zeros(mat, i + 1, j, N, M) # Down
ans += count_zeros(mat, i, j - 1, N, M) # Left
ans += count_zeros(mat, i, j + 1, N, M) # Right
return ans
def biggest_zero_chunk(mat, i = 0, j = 0, current_ans = 0):
N, M = len(mat), len(mat[0])
# Base case (last position of mat)
if i == N - 1 and j == M - 1:
return current_ans
next_j = (j + 1) % M # Move to next column, 0 if j is the last one
next_i = i + 1 if next_j == 0 else i # Move to next row if j is 0
ans = count_zeros(mat, i, j, N, M) # Count zeros from this position
current_ans = max(ans, current_ans) # Update the current answer
return biggest_zero_chunk(mat, next_i, next_j, current_ans) # Check the rest of mat
mat = [[1,0,0,3,0],
mat2 = [[1,0,0,3,0],
[2,0,0,0,0], # A slight modification in this row to connect two chunks
The idea behind this solution is still BFS (represented mainly in the count_zeros function). Also, if you are interested in using the matrix values after this you should call the biggest_zero_chunk with a copy of the matrix (because it is modified in the algorithm)

Key comparisons in a merge-insertion hybrid sort

I was given the task with the merge-insertion sort described as(paraphrased):
Starting off with merge sort, once a threshold S(small positive integer) is reached, the algorithm will then sort the sub arrays with insertion sort.
We are tasked to find the optimal S value for varying length of inputs to achieve minimum key comparisons. I implemented the code by modifying what was available online to get:
def mergeSort(arr, l, r, cutoff):
if l < r:
m = l+(r-l)//2
if len(arr[l:r+1]) > cutoff:
return mergeSort(arr, l, m, cutoff)+mergeSort(arr, m+1, r, cutoff)+merge(arr, l, m, r)
return insertionSort(arr, l, r+1)
return 0
def merge(arr, l, m, r):
comp = 0
n1 = m - l + 1
n2 = r - m
L = [0] * (n1)
R = [0] * (n2)
for i in range(0, n1):
L[i] = arr[l + i]
for j in range(0, n2):
R[j] = arr[m + 1 + j]
i = 0
j = 0
k = l
while i < n1 and j < n2:
if L[i] <= R[j]:
arr[k] = L[i]
i += 1
arr[k] = R[j]
j += 1
k += 1
comp +=1
while i < n1:
arr[k] = L[i]
i += 1
k += 1
while j < n2:
arr[k] = R[j]
j += 1
k += 1
return comp
def insertionSort(arr, l, r):
comp = 0
for i in range(l+1, r):
key = arr[i]
j = i-1
while j >= l:
if key >= arr[j]:
comp += 1
arr[j + 1] = arr[j]
j -= 1
comp += 1
arr[j + 1] = key
return comp
However the graph I get for the minimum value of S against length is:
This means that a near-pure mergesort is almost always preferred over the hybrid. Which is against what is available online, saying that insertion sort will perform faster than mergesort at low values of S(~10-25). I can't seem to find any error with my code, so is hybrid sort really better than merge sort?
IMO the question is flawed.
Mergesort always performs N Lg(N) key comparisons, while Insertionsort takes N²/2 of them. Hence as of N=2, the comparison count favors Mergesort in all cases. (This is only approximate, as N does not always divide evenly).
But the number of moves as well as the overhead will tend to favor Insertionsort. So a more relevant metric is the actual running time which, unfortunately, will depend on the key length and type.

python backtracking knapsack

This is the code I have thus far:
def frac_knapsack(n,size, profit,K):
if K <= 0:
return 0
for i in range(0,i):
if profit[i]/size[i]>profit[i-1]/size[i-1]:
profit.append[i] and size.append[i]
s = 0
p = 0
for i in range(n):
if s + size[i] <= K:
p += profit[i]
s += size[i]
p += (K-s) * (profit[i]/size[i])
s = K
return p
def Knapsack(i, size):
if i > n or size <= 0:
if x[j] == 1:
for j in range(0,i-1):
if x[j] == 1:
for j in range(0,i-1):
if x[i] == 1:
if s+size[i] <= K and (p + profit[i] + B) > MaxProfit:
B = fractional_Knapsack(n-(i+1), size[i+1:], profit[i+1:], T-size[i])
if p+profit[i] > MaxProfit:
Knapsack(i+1, T-size[i])
if x[i] == 0:
B = frac_Knapsack(n-(i+1), size[i+1:], profit[i+1:], T)
if (p + B) > MaxProfit:
Knapsack(i+1, T)
I have a problem with sorting in line 4. I have to sort it as weight-efficiency. do i need to use quick sort algorithm?
I want to make input for four things:
n,size,profit and K
do i need to use map? as size and profit is list?
You used
B = fractional_Knapsack(n-(i+1), size[i+1:], profit[i+1:], T)
your method is called
def frac_knapsack(n,size, profit,K):

counting inversions of mergesort

I have implemented a mergesort function which works correctly, However, I'm having a hard time modifying it to count the number of inversions in the original array before it is sorted.
An inversion is a pair where i < j but a[i] > a[j] an example, a = [5,2,1] has 3 inversions: (5,2),(5,1),(2,1)
def mergeSort(a):
mid = len(a)//2
if len(a) < 2:
l = a[:mid]
r = a[mid:]
return merge(l,r,a)
def merge(l,r,a):
i = 0
j = 0
k = 0
inv = 0
while(i < len(l) and j < len(r)):
if(l[i] < r[j]):
a[k] = l[i]
i = i + 1
a[k] = r[j]
inv = inv + 1
j = j + 1
k = k + 1
while i < len(l):
a[k] = l[i]
i = i + 1
k = k + 1
while j < len(r):
a[k] = r[j]
j = j + 1
k = k + 1
inv = inv + 1
return [a,inv]
a = [6,5,4,3,2,1]
The above example should return 15 as the count of inversions as n(n-1)/2 is the number of inversions for descending order array.
can someone explain how to count it?
L[i] > R[j] is a single inversion, but note that since the arrays are sorted, if L[k] > R[j] for some k, this means L[k] > R[j] for all i <= k < |L|. So you can subtract the length of the array L from i to give you the total number of inversions.
