I am using python module of sendgrid (https://github.com/sendgrid/sendgrid-python) to send transactional emails. I need help with the syntax to send the email at a scheduled time.
The general sendgrid documentation asks to modify json as "{ “send_at”: 1409348513 }". I believe this json is not directly accessible in sendgrid-python. I need syntax for doing equivalent thing with the python library.
My current code is equivalent to the one copied below. It would be great if some one can suggest how to modify this code to schedule it at a particular time e.g. datetime.dateime.now() + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
import sendgrid
from sendgrid.helpers.mail import Email, Content, Substitution, Mail
import urllib2 as urllib
def send_email_custom():
sg = sendgrid.SendGridAPIClient(apikey=myApiKey)
from_email = Email(sendEmail)
to_email = Email(custEmail)
reply_to_email = Email(receiveEmail)
content = Content("text/html", "Introduction")
mail = Mail(from_email, subject="Hi!", to_email=to_email, content=content)
mail.personalizations[0].add_substitution(Substitution("_firstName_", firstName))
response = sg.client.mail.send.post(request_body=mail.get())
except urllib.HTTPError as e:
return False
if response.status_code >=200 and response.status_code < 300:
return True
return False
send_at is a component of the personalizations Object, so you can define it at that level, allowing you to set distinct sending times for each recipient/personalization set.
If you don't need that, you can also set it at the top mail level.
Looks like you should be able to do that by following this example. You can specify all of the raw fields you need.
Exact code solution:
mail = Mail(from_email, subject="Hi!", to_email=to_email, content=content)
mail.send_at = SendAt(1461775053) # Time is specified in UNIX form.
# This takes advantage of Sendgrid's inbuilt email scheduler
# but you can't schedule more than 72 hours in advance.
This removes the need to deal with personalizations for send time.
Source: line 308 of https://github.com/sendgrid/sendgrid-python/blob/main/examples/helpers/mail_example.py
Posting this for those who Googled their way here in 2022 or later.
I'm trying to work with email messages in Python 3.7 and struggling with what looks like compatibility issues. The docs mention email.message.Message having an iter_parts method that should allow me to do a non-recursive walk of message parts.
This doesn't exist on messages returned from mailbox messages and it's taken me a while to get it behaving. For example, I can generate a dummy message with:
from email.message import EmailMessage
msg = EmailMessage()
msg['Subject'] = 'msg 1'
msg.add_alternative("Plain text body", subtype='plain')
msg.add_alternative("<html><body><p>HTML body</p></body></html>", subtype='html')
msg.add_attachment(b"Nothing to see here!", maintype='data', subtype='raw')
and then dump out the parts with:
def iter_parts(msg):
ret = msg.get_content_type()
if msg.is_multipart():
parts = ', '.join(iter_parts(m) for m in msg.iter_parts())
ret = f'{ret} [{parts}]'
return ret
which gives me: multipart/mixed [multipart/alternative [text/plain, text/plain], data/raw]
but if I save this to a mbox file and reload it:
import mailbox
mbox = mailbox.mbox('/tmp/test.eml')
it tells me AttributeError: 'mboxMessage' object has no attribute 'iter_parts'
Initially I thought it might be related to https://stackoverflow.com/a/45804980/1358308 but setting factory=None doesn't seem to do much in Python 3.7.
Am posting my solution, but would like to know if there are better options!
After much poking and reading of source I found that I can instead do:
from email import policy
from email.parser import BytesParser
mbox = mailbox.mbox('/tmp/test.eml', factory=BytesParser(policy=policy.default).parse)
and then I get objects with an iter_parts method.
I have a Django project where I am working on an email client. I've decided to use python's IMAPClient instead of standard library's imaplib for getting access to the messages. Currently, I don't make use of python's email package to encode/decode responses received from IMAPClient, and I have a feeling that I manually implement things that should be handled by email.
Example code for downloading attachment:
def download_attachment(server, msgid, index, encoding):
# index and encoding is known from previous analysis of bodystructure
file_content = f_fetch(server, msgid, index)
# the below code should be handled by email's message_from_bytes
# and subsequent get_payload(decode = True) function
if encoding == 'base64':
file_content = base64.b64decode(file_content)
elif ...
#writing file_content to a folder
def f_fetch(server, msgid, index):
if not index:
index = '1'
response = server.fetch(msgid, 'BODY[' + index + ']')
key = ('BODY[' + index + ']').encode('utf-8')
if type(msgid) is str:
msgid = int(msgid)
return response[msgid][key]
So the question is, how should I rewrite this code to make use of email.
Specifically, what should I do with the response from IMAPClient to pass it to email's message_from_bytes() function?
If you wish to parse an email using the email package's message_from_bytes() function then you need to give it the entire, raw email body. To get this, fetch using the RFC822 selector like this:
fetch_data = server.fetch(msgid, ['RFC822'])
parsed = email.message_from_bytes(fetch_data[msgid][b'RFC822'])
If you're pulling individual message parts/attachments from the IMAP server, then the server is effectively doing the parsing work for you and you don't need to use the email package's parser.
I am currently trying to write a script to send off a request token, I have the header, and the claimset, but I don't understand the signature! OAuth requires my private key to be encrypted with SHA256withRSA (also known as RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5-SIGN with the SHA-256 hash function), but the closest I could find was RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5 (has RSA, and the SHA-256 hash). I followed the example, and tweaked it, so I could get it set, but heres my dillema:
signature = ""
h = SHA.new (signature)
key = RSA.importKey(open('C:\Users\Documents\Library\KEY\My Project 905320c6324f.json').read())
cipher = PKCS1_v1_5.new(key)
ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(message+h.digest())
I'm a bit lost, the JSON file I was given has both public key, and private, do I copy and paste the private key into the signature variable (it gave me a invalid syntax)? Or do I past the directory again? I am so lost, and way over my head haha. I am currently running Python 3.4, with pyCrypto for the signature.
Based on what you've said below about wanting to write a command system using gmail, I wrote a simple script to do this using IMAP. I think this is probably simpler than trying to use Google APIs for a single user, unless you were wanting to do that simply for the exercise.
import imaplib, logging
from time import sleep
USERNAME = 'YOUR_USERNAME_HERE' # For gmail, this is your full email address.
CHECK_DELAY = 60 # In seconds
LOGGING_FORMAT = '%(asctime)s %(message)s'
logging.basicConfig(filename='imapTest.log', format=LOGGING_FORMAT, level=logging.INFO)
logging.info("Connecting to IMAP server...")
imap = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL('imap.gmail.com')
logging.info("Connected to IMAP server.")
def get_command_messages():
logging.info("Checking for new commands.")
# Search the inbox (server-side) for messages containing the subject 'COMMAND' and which are from you.
# Substitute USERNAME below for the sending email address if it differs.
typ, data = imap.search(None, '(FROM "%s" SUBJECT "COMMAND")' %(USERNAME))
return data[0]
def delete_messages(message_nums):
logging.info("Deleting old commands.")
for message in message_nums.split():
imap.store(message, '+FLAGS', '\\DELETED')
# Select the inbox
# Delete any messages left over that match commands, so we are starting 'clean'.
# This probably isn't the nicest way to do this, but saves checking the DATE header.
message_nums = get_command_messages()
while True:
# Get the message body and sent time. Use BODY.PEEK instead of BODY if you don't want to mark the message as read, but we're deleting it anyway below.
message_nums = get_command_messages()
if message_nums:
# search returns space-separated message IDs, but we need them comma-separated for fetch.
typ, messages = imap.fetch(message_nums.replace(' ', ','), '(BODY[TEXT])')
logging.info("Found %d commands" %(len(messages[0])))
for message in messages[0]:
# You now have the message body in the message variable.
# From here, you can check against it to perform commands, e.g:
if 'shutdown' in message:
print("I got a shutdown command!")
# Do stuff
If you're set on using the Gmail API, though, Google strongly encourage you to use their existing Python library rather than attempt to do full authentication etc. yourself as you appear to be. With that, it should - more or less - be a case of replacing the imap calls above with the relevant Gmail API ones.
I have asked a few questions about this before, but still haven't solved my problem.
I am trying to allow Salesforce to remotely send commands to a Raspberry Pi via JSON (REST API). The Raspberry Pi controls the power of some RF Plugs via an RF Transmitter called a TellStick. This is all setup, and I can use Python to send these commands. All I need to do now is make the Pi accept JSON, then work out how to send the commands from Salesforce.
Someone kindly forked my repo on GitHub, and provided me with some code which should make it work. But unfortunately it still isn't working.
Here is the previous question: How to accept a JSON POST?
And here is the forked repo: https://github.com/bfagundez/RemotePiControl/blob/master/power.py
What do I need to do? I have sent test JSON messages n the Postman extension and in cURL but keep getting errors.
I just want to be able to send various variables, and let the script work the rest out.
I can currently post to a .py script I have with some URL variables, so /python.py?power=on&device=1&time=10&pass=whatever and it figures it out. Surely there's a simple way to send this in JSON?
Here is the power.py code:
# add flask here
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
app.debug = True
# keep your code
import time
import cgi
from tellcore.telldus import TelldusCore
core = TelldusCore()
devices = core.devices()
# define a "power ON api endpoint"
def powerOnDevice(deviceId):
payload = {}
#get the device by id somehow
device = devices[deviceId]
# get some extra parameters
# let's say how long to stay on
params = request.get_json()
payload['success'] = True
return payload
payload['success'] = False
# add an exception description here
return payload
# define a "power OFF api endpoint"
def powerOffDevice(deviceId):
payload = {}
#get the device by id somehow
device = devices[deviceId]
payload['success'] = True
return payload
payload['success'] = False
# add an exception description here
return payload
Your deviceID variable is a string, not an integer; it contains a '1' digit, but that's not yet an integer.
You can either convert it explicitly:
device = devices[int(deviceId)]
or tell Flask you wanted an integer parameter in the route:
#app.route("/API/v1.0/power-on/<int:deviceId>", methods=['POST'])
def powerOnDevice(deviceId):
where the int: part is a URL route converter.
Your views should return a response object, a string or a tuple instead of a dictionary (as you do now), see About Responses. If you wanted to return JSON, use the flask.json.jsonify() function:
# define a "power ON api endpoint"
#app.route("/API/v1.0/power-on/<int:deviceId>", methods=['POST'])
def powerOnDevice(deviceId):
device = devices[deviceId]
# get some extra parameters
# let's say how long to stay on
params = request.get_json()
return jsonify(success=True)
except SomeSpecificException as exc:
return jsonify(success=False, exception=str(exc))
where I also altered the exception handler to handle a specific exception only; try to avoid Pokemon exception handling; do not try to catch them all!
To retrieve the Json Post values you must use request.json
if request.json and 'email' in request.json:
I am extremely new to python , scripting and APIs, well I am just learning. I came across a very cool code which uses facebook api to reply for birthday wishes.
I will add my questions, I will number it so that it will be easier for someone else later too. I hope this question will clear lots of newbies doubts.
1) Talking about APIs, in what format are the usually in? is it a library file which we need to dowload and later import? for instance, twitter API, we need to import twitter ?
Here is the code :
import requests
import json
AFTER = 1353233754
TOKEN = ' <insert token here> '
def get_posts():
"""Returns dictionary of id, first names of people who posted on my wall
between start and end time"""
query = ("SELECT post_id, actor_id, message FROM stream WHERE "
"filter_key = 'others' AND source_id = me() AND "
"created_time > 1353233754 LIMIT 200")
payload = {'q': query, 'access_token': TOKEN}
r = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/fql', params=payload)
result = json.loads(r.text)
return result['data']
def commentall(wallposts):
"""Comments thank you on all posts"""
#TODO convert to batch request later
for wallpost in wallposts:
r = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/%s' %
url = 'https://graph.facebook.com/%s/comments' % wallpost['post_id']
user = json.loads(r.text)
message = 'Thanks %s :)' % user['first_name']
payload = {'access_token': TOKEN, 'message': message}
s = requests.post(url, data=payload)
print "Wall post %s done" % wallpost['post_id']
if __name__ == '__main__':
importing json--> why is json imported here? to give a structured reply?
What is the 'AFTER' and the empty variable 'TOKEN' here?
what is the variable 'query' and 'payload' inside get_post() function?
Precisely explain almost what each methods and functions do.
I know I am extremely naive, but this could be a good start. A little hint, I can carry on.
If not going to explain the code, which is pretty boring, I understand, please tell me how to link to APIs after a code is written, meaning how does a script written communicate with the desired API.
This is not my code, I copied it from a source.
json is needed to access the web service and interpret the data that is sent via HTTP.
The 'AFTER' variable is supposed to get used to assume all posts after this certain timestamp are birthday wishes.
To make the program work, you need a token which you can obtain from Graph API Explorer with the appropriate permissions.