Setup celery periodic task - python

How do I set up a periodic task with Celerybeat and Flask that queries a database every hour?
The environment looks like this:
I currently have a query function called run_query() located in
I want the scheduler to kick in once the application initiates so I have the following lines in my /app/ folder:
celery = Celery()
def setup_periodic_tasks(sender, **kwargs):
(For simplicity's sake, I've set it up so that if it runs, it will run every minute. No such luck yet.)
When I launch the it recognizes my function under the [tasks] heading. But the scheduled function never runs. I can manually force the function to run by issuing the following at the command prompt:
>> from import task
>> task.run_query.delay()
EDIT: Added
As a follow up: If the database is accessed through a flask context, during my asynch function call is it wise to create a new flask context to access the database? Use the existing flask context? Or forget contexts altogether and just initiate a connection to the database? My worry is that if I just initiate a new connection it may interfere with the existing context's connection?

To run periodic tasks you need some kind of schduler (Eg. celery beat).
celery beat is a scheduler; It kicks off tasks at regular intervals, that are then executed by available worker nodes in the
You have to ensure only a single scheduler is running for a schedule
at a time, otherwise you’d end up with duplicate tasks. Using a
centralized approach means the schedule doesn’t have to be
synchronized, and the service can operate without using locks.
Reference: periodic-tasks
You can invoke scheduler with command,
$ celery -A proj beat #different process from your worker
You can also embed beat inside the worker by enabling the workers -B
option, this is convenient if you’ll never run more than one worker
node, but it’s not commonly used and for that reason isn’t recommended
for production use Starting scheduler:
$ celery -A proj worker -B
Reference: celery starting scheduler


Use existing celery workers for Airflow's Celeryexecutor workers

I am trying to introduce dynamic workflows into my landscape that involves multiple steps of different model inference where the output from one model gets fed into another model.Currently we have few Celery workers spread across hosts to manage the inference chain. As the complexity increase, we are attempting to build workflows on the fly. For that purpose, I got a dynamic DAG setup with Celeryexecutor working. Now, is there a way I can retain the current Celery setup and route airflow driven tasks to the same workers? I do understand that the setup in these workers should have access to the DAG folders and environment same as the airflow server. I want to know how the celery worker need to be started in these servers so that airflow can route the same tasks that used to be done by the manual workflow from a python application. If I start the workers using command "airflow celery worker", I cannot access my application tasks. If I start celery the way it is currently ie "celery -A proj", airflow has nothing to do with it. Looking for ideas to make it work.
Thanks #DejanLekic. I got it working (though the DAG task scheduling latency was too much that I dropped the approach). If someone is looking to see how this was accomplished, here are few things I did to get it working.
Change the airflow.cfg to change the executor,queue and result back-end settings (Obvious)
If we have to use Celery worker spawned outside the airflow umbrella, change the celery_app_name setting to celery.execute instead of airflow.executors.celery_execute and change the Executor to "LocalExecutor". I have not tested this, but it may even be possible to avoid switching to celery executor by registering airflow's Task in the project's celery App.
Each task will now call send_task(), the AsynResult object returned is then stored in either Xcom(implicitly or explicitly) or in Redis(implicitly push to the queue) and the child task will then gather the Asyncresult ( it will be an implicit call to get the value from Xcom or Redis) and then call .get() to obtain the result from the previous step.
Note: It is not necessary to split the send_task() and .get() between two tasks of the DAG. By splitting them between parent and child, I was trying to take advantage of the lag between tasks. But in my case, the celery execution of tasks completed faster than airflow's inherent latency in scheduling dependent tasks.

Django Celery & Django-Celery-Beat

I'm new to asynchronous tasks and I'm using django-celery and was hoping to use django-celery-beat to schedule periodic tasks.
However it looks like celery-beat doesn't pick up one-off tasks. Do I need two Celery instances, one as a worker for one off tasks and one as beat for scheduled tasks for this to work?
Pass -B parameter to your worker, it is a parameter to run beat schedule. This worker will do all other tasks, the ones sent from beat, and the "one-off" ones, it really doesn't matter for worker.
So the full command looks like:
celery -A flock.celery worker -l DEBUG -BE.
If you have multiple periodic tasks executing for example every 10 seconds, then they should all point to the same schedule object. please refer here

Celery : understanding the big picture

Celery seems to be a great tool, but I have hard time understanding how the various Celery components work together:
The workers
The apps
The tasks
The message Broker (like RabbitMQ)
From what I understand, the command line:
celery -A not-clear-what-this-option-is worker
should run some sort of celery "worker server" which would itself need to connect to a broker server (I'm not so sure why so many servers are needed).
Then in any python code, some task may be sent to the worker by instantiating an app:
app = Celery('my_module', broker='pyamqp://guest#localhost//')
and then by decorating functions with this app in the following way:
def my_func():
so that "my_func()" can now be called as "my_func.delay()" to be ran in an asynchronuous way.
Here are my questions:
What happens when my_func.delay() is called ? which server talks to which first ? and sending what where ?
What is the option to put behind the "-A" of the celery command? is this really needed ?
Suppose I have a process X which instantiates a Celery app to launch the task A, and suppose I have another process Y who wants to know the status of task A launched by X. I assume there is a way for Y to do so, but I don't know how. I suppose that Y should create its own instance of a Celery app. But then:
What function to call in the celery app of Y to get this information (and what is the "identifier" of task A inside the process Y) ?
How does this work in terms of communication, that is, when does the request goes through the Broker, and when does it go to the worker(s) ?
If anyone has some information about these questions, I would be grateful. I intend to use Celery in a Django project, where some requests to the server can trigger various time consuming tasks, and/or inquire about the status of previously launched tasks (pending, finished, error, etc...).
About the broker:
The main role of the broker is to mediate communication between the client and the worker
basically a lot of information is being generated and processed while your worker is running
taking care of this information is the broker's role
e.g. you can configure redis so that no information is lost if the server is shut down while running a process
The worker:
you can think of the worker as an instance independent of your application, which will only execute those tasks that you delegate to it
About the state of a task:
there are ways to consult celery to find out the status of a task, but I would not recommend building your application logic depending on this
if you want to get the output of a process and turn it in the input of another one, using tasks, I would recommend you to use a queue
run task A, and before finish insert your result objects in the queue
task B will listen to the queue and processes whatever comes up
The command:
on the terminal you can see in more detail what each argument means by running celery -h or celery --help
but the argument basically specifies which instance of celery you intend to run. So normally this argument will indicate where the instance you have configured and intend to execute can be found
usage: celery [-h] [-A APP] [-b BROKER] [--result-backend RESULT_BACKEND]
[--loader LOADER] [--config CONFIG] [--workdir WORKDIR]
[--no-color] [--quiet]
I hope this can provide an initial overview for those who get here
Celery is used to make functions to run in the background. Imagine you have a web API that does a job, and returns a response. You know, that job would seriously affect the response time for the API. So you'll transfer that particular job to Celery, and your API will respond instantly. Examples for some job that affect performance of an API are,
Routing to email servers
Routing to SMS Gateways
Database backup
Chained database operations
File conversion
Now, let's cover each components of celery.
The workers
Celery workers execute the job(function). They are asynchronous. So you'll have double the number of your processor cores as celery workers. You can assign a name and task to a celery worker#.
The apps
The app is the name of project you're working on. You'll have to specify that name in the celery instance.
The tasks
The functions you need to be executed in the background. Every task Celery execute will have a task id, state(and more). You can get that by inspecting a particular task.
The message Broker
Those tasks which will be executed in the background has to be moved from your python project to to Celery workers. Message brokers act as a medium here. So functions with its arguments will be transferred to brokers and from brokers Celery will fetch them to execute.
Some codes
celery -A project_name worker_name
celery -A project_name worker_name inspect
More in documentation

Make Celery use Django's test database without task_always_eager

When running tests in Django applications that make use of Celery tasks I can't fully test tasks that need to get data from the database since they don't connect to the test database that Django creates.
Setting task_always_eager in Celery to True partially solves this problem but as the documentation for testing says, this doesn't fully reflect how the code will run on a real Celery worker and isn't suitable for testing.
How can I make Celery tasks use the Django test database when running Django tests without setting task_always_eager = True?
Short = You must run celery worker as in production
Use dedicated test db (as in production)
Configure celery to use it
Start celery worker manually before you run tests
Use auto created test db (it may be sqlite)
Run celery worker in your test setUp()
Configure celery to use auto created test db (copy django.conf.settings.DATABASE from test process to celery)
And always you must provide message broker for celery.
I have a test that requires dedicated celery worker to check my code that passes messages between celery task and calling code:
This python module is two in one - a TestUnit and celery worker runner with self contained configuration.
My code does not utilize any db, but you can easily adapt it to your need. Just pass django.conf.settings.DATABASE (as json or pickle or whatever you like method) to celery starter code and configure Django DATABASE to point to test db.
Additional info:
There is complete solution for this case (i tried
some old version of it and have no luck because it uses threads, with python GIL ... and i think it is over-complicated)
Sample code, how to configure DATABASE settings and init django itself in single module
A simple solution is to use celery.contrib.testing.worker.start_worker to spawn a Celery worker within the Django test process. Because it lives in the same process, it can access the default in-memory test database, but because it lives in its own thread, it isn't eager and the task_always_eager flag is not needed or recommended.

Distributed Celery scheduler

I'm looking for a distributed cron-like framework for Python, and found Celery. However, the docs says "You have to ensure only a single scheduler is running for a schedule at a time, otherwise you would end up with duplicate tasks", Celery is using celery.beat.PersistentScheduler which store the schedule to a local file.
So, my question, is there another implementation than the default that can put the schedule "into the cluster" and coordinate task execution so that each task is only run once?
My goal is to be able to run celerybeat with identical schedules on all hosts in the cluster.
tl;dr: No Celerybeat is not suitable for your use case. You have to run just one process of celerybeat, otherwise your tasks will be duplicated.
I know this is a very old question. I will try to make a small summary because I have the same problem/question (in the year 2018).
Some background: We're running Django application (with Celery) in the Kubernetes cluster. Cluster (EC2 instances) and Pods (~containers) are autoscaled: simply said, I do not know when and how many instances of the application are running.
It's your responsibility to run only one process of the celerybeat, otherwise, your tasks will be duplicated. [1] There was this feature request in the Celery repository: [2]
Requiring the user to ensure that only one instance of celerybeat
exists across their cluster creates a substantial implementation
burden (either creating a single point-of-failure or encouraging users
to roll their own distributed mutex).
celerybeat should either provide a mechanism to prevent inadvertent
concurrency, or the documentation should suggest a best-practice
After some time, this feature request was rejected by the author of Celery for lack of resources. [3] I highly recommend reading the entire thread on the Github. People there recommend these project/solutions:
Use locking mechanism (
I did not try anything from the above (I do not want another dependency in my app and I do not like locking tasks /you need to deal with fail-over etc./).
I ended up using CronJob in Kubernetes (
[1] celerybeat - multiple instances & monitoring
I think there might be some misunderstanding about what celerybeat does. Celerybeat does not process the periodic tasks; it only publishes them. It puts the periodic tasks on the queue to be processed by the celeryd workers. If you run a single celerybeat process and multiple celeryd processes then the task execution will be distributed into the cluster.
We had this same issue where we had three servers running Celerybeat. However, our solution was to only run Celerybeat on a single server so duplicate tasks weren't created. Why would you want Celerybeat running on multiple servers?
If you're worried about Celery going down just create a script to monitor that the Celerybeat process is still running.
$ ps aux | grep celerybeat
That will show you if the Celerybeat process is running. Then create a script where if you see the process is down, email your system admins. Here's a sample setup where we're only running Celerybeat on one server.
