I have a long string that is a phylogenetic tree and I want to do a very specific filtering.
Basically every x#y is a species#gene_id information. What I am trying to do is trimming this down so that I will only have x instead of x#y.
(Esy, Aar,(Spa,Cpl))...
I tried splitting the string first but the problem is string has different 'split points' for what I want to achieve i.e. some parts x#y is ending with a , and others with a ). I searched for a solution and saw regular expression operations, but I am new to Python and I couldn't be sure if that is what I should be focusing on. I also thought about strip() but it seems like I need to specify the characters to be stripped for this.
Main problem is there is no 'pattern' for me to tell Python to follow. Only thing is that all species ids are 3 letters and they are before an # character.
Is there a method that can do what I want? I will be really glad if you can help me out with my problem. Thanks in advance.
Give this a try:
import re:
pat = re.compile(r'(\w{3})#')
txt = "(Esy#ESY15_g64743_DN3_SP7_c0:0.0726396855636,Aar#AA_maker7399_1:0.137507902808,((Spa#Tp2g18720:0.0318934795022,Cpl#CP2_g48793_DN3_SP8_c:0.0273465005242):9.05326020871e-05,(((Bst#Bostr_13083s0053_1:0.0332592496158,((Aly#AL8G21130_t1:0.0328569260951,Ath#AT5G48370_1:0.0391706378372):0.0205924636564,(Chi#CARHR183840_1:0.0954469923893,Cru#Carubv10026342m:0.0570981548016):0.00998579652059):0.0150356382287):0.0340484449097,(((Hco#scaff1034_g23864_DN3_SP8_c_TE35_CDS100:0.00823215335663,Hlo#DN13684_c0_g1_i1_p1:0.0085462978729):0.0144626717872,Hla#DN22821_c0_g1_i1_p1:0.0225079453622):0.0206478928557,Hse#DN23412_c0_g1_i3_p1:0.048590776459):0.0372829371381):0.00859075940423,(Esa#Thhalv10004228m:0.0378509854703,Aal#Aa_G102140_t1:0.0712272454125):1.00000050003e-06):0.00328120860999):0.0129090235079):0.0129090235079;"
['Esy', 'Aar', 'Spa', 'Cpl', 'Bst', 'Aly', 'Ath', 'Chi', 'Cru', 'Hco', 'Hlo', 'Hla', 'Hse', 'Esa', 'Aal']
If you need the structure intact, we can try to remove the unnecessary parts instead:
pat = re.compile(r'(#|:)[^/),]*')
pat.sub('',t).replace(',', ', ')
'(Esy, Aar, ((Spa, Cpl), (((Bst, ((Aly, Ath), (Chi, Cru))), (((Hco, Hlo), Hla), Hse)), (Esa, Aal))))'
Regex demo
How about this kind of function:
def parse_string(string):
new_string = ''
skip = False
for char in string:
if char == '#':
skip = True
if char == ',':
skip = False
if not skip or char in ['(', ')']:
new_string += char
return new_string
Calling it on your string:
string = '(Esy#ESY15_g64743_DN3_SP7_c0:0.0726396855636,Aar#AA_maker7399_1:0.137507902808,((Spa#Tp2g18720:0.0318934795022,Cpl#CP2_g48793_DN3_SP8_c:0.0273465005242):9.05326020871e-05,(((Bst#Bostr_13083s0053_1:0.0332592496158,((Aly#AL8G21130_t1:0.0328569260951,Ath#AT5G48370_1:0.0391706378372):0.0205924636564,(Chi#CARHR183840_1:0.0954469923893,Cru#Carubv10026342m:0.0570981548016):0.00998579652059):0.0150356382287):0.0340484449097,(((Hco#scaff1034_g23864_DN3_SP8_c_TE35_CDS100:0.00823215335663,Hlo#DN13684_c0_g1_i1_p1:0.0085462978729):0.0144626717872,Hla#DN22821_c0_g1_i1_p1:0.0225079453622):0.0206478928557,Hse#DN23412_c0_g1_i3_p1:0.048590776459):0.0372829371381):0.00859075940423,(Esa#Thhalv10004228m:0.0378509854703,Aal#Aa_G102140_t1:0.0712272454125):1.00000050003e-06):0.00328120860999):0.0129090235079):0.0129090235079;'
> '(Esy,Aar,((Spa,Cpl),(((Bst,((Aly,Ath),(Chi,Cru))),(((Hco,Hlo),Hla),Hse)),(Esa,Aal))))'
you can use regex:
import re
s = "(Esy#ESY15_g64743_DN3_SP7_c0:0.0726396855636,Aar#AA_maker7399_1:0.137507902808,((Spa#Tp2g18720:0.0318934795022,Cpl#CP2_g48793_DN3_SP8_c:0.0273465005242):9.05326020871e-05,(((Bst#Bostr_13083s0053_1:0.0332592496158,((Aly#AL8G21130_t1:0.0328569260951,Ath#AT5G48370_1:0.0391706378372):0.0205924636564,(Chi#CARHR183840_1:0.0954469923893,Cru#Carubv10026342m:0.0570981548016):0.00998579652059):0.0150356382287):0.0340484449097,(((Hco#scaff1034_g23864_DN3_SP8_c_TE35_CDS100:0.00823215335663,Hlo#DN13684_c0_g1_i1_p1:0.0085462978729):0.0144626717872,Hla#DN22821_c0_g1_i1_p1:0.0225079453622):0.0206478928557,Hse#DN23412_c0_g1_i3_p1:0.048590776459):0.0372829371381):0.00859075940423,(Esa#Thhalv10004228m:0.0378509854703,Aal#Aa_G102140_t1:0.0712272454125):1.00000050003e-06):0.00328120860999):0.0129090235079):0.0129090235079;"
p = "...?(?=#)|\(|\)"
result = re.findall(p, s)
and you have your result as a list, so you can make it string or do anything with it
for explaining what is happening :
p is regular expression pattern
so in this pattern:
. means matching any word
...?(?=#) means match any word until I get to a word ? wich ? is #, so this whole pattern means that you get any three words before #
| is or statement, I used it here to find another pattern
and the rest of them is to find ) and (
Try this regex if you need the brackets in the output:
import re
regex = r"#[A-Za-z0-9_\.:]+|[0-9:\.;e-]+"
phylogenetic_tree = "(Esy#ESY15_g64743_DN3_SP7_c0:0.0726396855636,Aar#AA_maker7399_1:0.137507902808,((Spa#Tp2g18720:0.0318934795022,Cpl#CP2_g48793_DN3_SP8_c:0.0273465005242):9.05326020871e-05,(((Bst#Bostr_13083s0053_1:0.0332592496158,((Aly#AL8G21130_t1:0.0328569260951,Ath#AT5G48370_1:0.0391706378372):0.0205924636564,(Chi#CARHR183840_1:0.0954469923893,Cru#Carubv10026342m:0.0570981548016):0.00998579652059):0.0150356382287):0.0340484449097,(((Hco#scaff1034_g23864_DN3_SP8_c_TE35_CDS100:0.00823215335663,Hlo#DN13684_c0_g1_i1_p1:0.0085462978729):0.0144626717872,Hla#DN22821_c0_g1_i1_p1:0.0225079453622):0.0206478928557,Hse#DN23412_c0_g1_i3_p1:0.048590776459):0.0372829371381):0.00859075940423,(Esa#Thhalv10004228m:0.0378509854703,Aal#Aa_G102140_t1:0.0712272454125):1.00000050003e-06):0.00328120860999):0.0129090235079):0.0129090235079;"
Because you are trying to parse a phylogenetic tree, I highly suggest to let BioPython do the heavy lifting for you.
You can easily parse and display a phylogenetic with Bio.Phylo. Then it is just iterating over all tree elements and splitting the names at the 'at'-sign.
Because Phylo expects the input to be in a file, we create an in-memory file-like object with io.StringIO. Getting the complete tree is then as easy as
Phylo.read(io.StringIO(s), 'newick')
In order to check if the parsed tree looks sane, I print it once with print(tree).
Now we want to change all node names that contain a '#'. With tree.find_elements we get access to all nodes. Some nodes don't have a name and some might not contain a '#'. So to be extra careful, we first check if n.name and '#' in n.name. Only then do we split each node's name at the '#' and take just the first part (index 0) of it:
n.name = n.name.split('#')[0]
In order to recreate the initial string representation, we use Phylo.write:
out = io.StringIO()
Phylo.write(tree, out, "newick")
Again, write wants to get a file argument - if we just want to get a string, we can use a StringIO object again.
Full code:
import io
from Bio import Phylo
if __name__ == '__main__':
s = '(Esy#ESY15_g64743_DN3_SP7_c0:0.0726396855636,Aar#AA_maker7399_1:0.137507902808,((Spa#Tp2g18720:0.0318934795022,Cpl#CP2_g48793_DN3_SP8_c:0.0273465005242):9.05326020871e-05,(((Bst#Bostr_13083s0053_1:0.0332592496158,((Aly#AL8G21130_t1:0.0328569260951,Ath#AT5G48370_1:0.0391706378372):0.0205924636564,(Chi#CARHR183840_1:0.0954469923893,Cru#Carubv10026342m:0.0570981548016):0.00998579652059):0.0150356382287):0.0340484449097,(((Hco#scaff1034_g23864_DN3_SP8_c_TE35_CDS100:0.00823215335663,Hlo#DN13684_c0_g1_i1_p1:0.0085462978729):0.0144626717872,Hla#DN22821_c0_g1_i1_p1:0.0225079453622):0.0206478928557,Hse#DN23412_c0_g1_i3_p1:0.048590776459):0.0372829371381):0.00859075940423,(Esa#Thhalv10004228m:0.0378509854703,Aal#Aa_G102140_t1:0.0712272454125):1.00000050003e-06):0.00328120860999):0.0129090235079):0.0129090235079;'
tree = Phylo.read(io.StringIO(s), 'newick')
print(' before '.center(20, '='))
for n in tree.find_elements():
if n.name and '#' in n.name:
n.name = n.name.split('#')[0]
print(' result '.center(20, '='))
out = io.StringIO()
Phylo.write(tree, out, "newick")
====== before ======
Tree(rooted=False, weight=1.0)
Clade(branch_length=0.0726396855636, name='Esy#ESY15_g64743_DN3_SP7_c0')
Clade(branch_length=0.137507902808, name='Aar#AA_maker7399_1')
Clade(branch_length=0.0318934795022, name='Spa#Tp2g18720')
Clade(branch_length=0.0273465005242, name='Cpl#CP2_g48793_DN3_SP8_c')
Clade(branch_length=0.0332592496158, name='Bst#Bostr_13083s0053_1')
Clade(branch_length=0.0328569260951, name='Aly#AL8G21130_t1')
Clade(branch_length=0.0391706378372, name='Ath#AT5G48370_1')
Clade(branch_length=0.0954469923893, name='Chi#CARHR183840_1')
Clade(branch_length=0.0570981548016, name='Cru#Carubv10026342m')
Clade(branch_length=0.00823215335663, name='Hco#scaff1034_g23864_DN3_SP8_c_TE35_CDS100')
Clade(branch_length=0.0085462978729, name='Hlo#DN13684_c0_g1_i1_p1')
Clade(branch_length=0.0225079453622, name='Hla#DN22821_c0_g1_i1_p1')
Clade(branch_length=0.048590776459, name='Hse#DN23412_c0_g1_i3_p1')
Clade(branch_length=0.0378509854703, name='Esa#Thhalv10004228m')
Clade(branch_length=0.0712272454125, name='Aal#Aa_G102140_t1')
==== result =====
The default format of Phylo uses less digits than in your original tree. In order to keep the numbers unchanged, just override the branch length format string with a '%s':
Phylo.write(tree, out, "newick", format_branch_length="%s")
Parsing code can be hard to follow. Tatsu lets you write readable parsing code by combining grammars and python:
text = "(Esy#ESY15_g64743_DN3_SP7_c0:0.0726396855636,Aar#AA_maker7399_1:0.137507902808,((Spa#Tp2g18720:0.0318934795022,Cpl#CP2_g48793_DN3_SP8_c:0.0273465005242):9.05326020871e-05,(((Bst#Bostr_13083s0053_1:0.0332592496158,((Aly#AL8G21130_t1:0.0328569260951,Ath#AT5G48370_1:0.0391706378372):0.0205924636564,(Chi#CARHR183840_1:0.0954469923893,Cru#Carubv10026342m:0.0570981548016):0.00998579652059):0.0150356382287):0.0340484449097,(((Hco#scaff1034_g23864_DN3_SP8_c_TE35_CDS100:0.00823215335663,Hlo#DN13684_c0_g1_i1_p1:0.0085462978729):0.0144626717872,Hla#DN22821_c0_g1_i1_p1:0.0225079453622):0.0206478928557,Hse#DN23412_c0_g1_i3_p1:0.048590776459):0.0372829371381):0.00859075940423,(Esa#Thhalv10004228m:0.0378509854703,Aal#Aa_G102140_t1:0.0712272454125):1.00000050003e-06):0.00328120860999):0.0129090235079):0.0129090235079;"
import sys
import tatsu
grammar = """
start = things ';'
things = thing [ ',' things ]
thing = x '#' y ':' number
| '(' things ')' ':' number
x = /\w+/
y = /\w+/
number = /[+-]?\d+\.?\d*(e?[+-]?\d*)/
class Semantics:
def x(self, ast):
# the method name matches the rule name
print('X =', ast)
parser = tatsu.compile(grammar, semantics=Semantics())
I have an output string like this:
read : io=131220KB, bw=14016KB/s, iops=3504, runt= 9362msec
And I want to just extract one of the numerical values for computation, say iops. I'm processing it like this:
if 'read ' in key:
my_read_iops = value.split(",")[2].split("=")[1]
result['test_details']['read'] = my_read_iops
But there are slight inconsistencies with some of the strings I'm reading in and my code is getting super complicated and verbose. So instead of manually counting the number of commas vs "=" chars, what's a better way to handle this?
You can use regular expression \s* to handle inconsistent spacing, it matches zero or more whitespaces:
import re
s = 'read : io=131220KB, bw=14016KB/s, iops=3504, runt= 9362msec'
for m in re.finditer(r'\s*(?P<name>\w*)\s*=\s*(?P<value>[\w/]*)\s*', s):
print(m.group('name'), m.group('value'))
# io 131220KB
# bw 14016KB/s
# iops 3504
# runt 9362msec
Using group name, you can construct pattern string from a list of column names and do it like:
names = ['io', 'bw', 'iops', 'runt']
name_val_pat = r'\s*{name}\s*=\s*(?P<{group_name}>[\w/]*)\s*'
pattern = ','.join([name_val_pat.format(name=name, group_name=name) for name in names])
# '\s*io\s*=\s*(?P<io>[\w/]*)\s*,\s*bw\s*=\s*(?P<bw>[\w/]*)\s*,\s*iops\s*=\s*(?P<iops>[\w/]*)\s*,\s*runt\s*=\s*(?P<runt>[\w/]*)\s*'
match = re.search(pattern, s)
data_dict = {name: match.group(name) for name in names}
# {'io': '131220KB', 'bw': '14016KB/s', 'runt': '9362msec', 'iops': '3504'}
In this way, you only need to change names and keep the order correct.
If I were you,I'd use regex(regular expression) as first choice.
import re
s= "read : io=131220KB, bw=14016KB/s, iops=3504, runt= 9362msec"
By this python code, I find the string pattern that starts 'iops=' and continues number expression at least 1 digit.I extract the target string(3504) by using round bracket.
you can find more information about regex from
regex is powerful language for complex pattern matching with simple syntax.
from re import match
string = 'read : io=131220KB, bw=14016KB/s, iops=3504, runt= 9362msec'
iops = match(r'.+(iops=)([0-9]+)', string).group(2)
Let's say I have a string that looks like this:
myStr = '(Txt_l1 (Txt_l2)) or (Txt2_l1 (Txt2_l2))'
What I would like to obtain in the end would be:
myStr_l1 = '(Txt_l1) or (Txt2_l1)'
myStr_l2 = '(Txt_l2) or (Txt2_l2)'
Some properties:
all "Txt_"-elements of the string start with an uppercase letter
the string can contain much more elements (so there could also be Txt3, Txt4,...)
the suffixes '_l1' and '_l2' look different in reality; they cannot be used for matching (I chose them for demonstration purposes)
I found a way to get the first part done by using:
myStr_l1 = re.sub('\(\w+\)','',myStr)
which gives me
'(Txt_l1 ) or (Txt2_l1 )'
However, I don't know how to obtain myStr_l2. My idea was to remove everything between two open parentheses. But when I do something like this:
re.sub('\(w+\(', '', myStr)
the entire string is returned.
re.sub('\(.*\(', '', myStr)
removes - of course - far too much and gives me
Does anyone have an idea how to get myStr_l2?
When there is an "and" instead of an "or", the strings look slightly different:
myStr2 = '(Txt_l1 (Txt_l2) and Txt2_l1 (Txt2_l2))'
Then I can still use the command from above:
which gives:
'(Txt_l1 and Txt2_l1 )'
but I again fail to get myStr2_l2. How would I do this for these kind of strings?
And how would one then do this for mixed expressions with "and" and "or" e.g. like this:
myStr3 = '(Txt_l1 (Txt_l2) and Txt2_l1 (Txt2_l2)) or (Txt3_l1 (Txt3_l2) and Txt4_l1 (Txt2_l2))'
gives me
'(Txt_l1 and Txt2_l1 ) or (Txt3_l1 and Txt4_l1 )'
but again: How would I obtain myStr3_l2?
Regexp is not powerful enough for nested expressions (in your case: nested elements in parentheses). You will have to write a parser. Look at https://pyparsing.wikispaces.com/
I'm not entirely sure what you want but I wrote this to strip everything between the parenthesis.
import re
mystr = '(Txt_l1 (Txt_l2)) or (Txt2_l1 (Txt2_l2))'
sets = mystr.split(' or ')
noParens = []
for line in sets:
mat = re.match(r'\((.* )\((.*\)\))', line, re.M)
if mat:
This takes all the parenthesis away and puts your elements in a list. Here's an alternate way of doing it without using Regular Expressions.
mystr = '(Txt_l1 (Txt_l2)) or (Txt2_l1 (Txt2_l2))'
noParens = []
mystr = mystr.replace(' or ', ' ')
mystr = mystr.replace(')','')
mystr = mystr.replace('(','')
noParens = mystr.split()
I am wanting to verify and then parse this string (in quotes):
string = "start: c12354, c3456, 34526; other stuff that I don't care about"
//Note that some codes begin with 'c'
I would like to verify that the string starts with 'start:' and ends with ';'
Afterward, I would like to have a regex parse out the strings. I tried the following python re code:
regx = r"start: (c?[0-9]+,?)+;"
reg = re.compile(regx)
matched = reg.search(string)
print ' matched.groups()', matched.groups()
I have tried different variations but I can either get the first or the last code but not a list of all three.
Or should I abandon using a regex?
EDIT: updated to reflect part of the problem space I neglected and fixed string difference.
Thanks for all the suggestions - in such a short time.
In Python, this isn’t possible with a single regular expression: each capture of a group overrides the last capture of that same group (in .NET, this would actually be possible since the engine distinguishes between captures and groups).
Your easiest solution is to first extract the part between start: and ; and then using a regular expression to return all matches, not just a single match, using re.findall('c?[0-9]+', text).
You could use the standard string tools, which are pretty much always more readable.
s = "start: c12354, c3456, 34526;"
s.startswith("start:") # returns a boolean if it starts with this string
s.endswith(";") # returns a boolean if it ends with this string
s[6:-1].split(', ') # will give you a list of tokens separated by the string ", "
This can be done (pretty elegantly) with a tool like Pyparsing:
from pyparsing import Group, Literal, Optional, Word
import string
code = Group(Optional(Literal("c"), default='') + Word(string.digits) + Optional(Literal(","), default=''))
parser = Literal("start:") + OneOrMore(code) + Literal(";")
# Read lines from file:
with open('lines.txt', 'r') as f:
for line in f:
result = parser.parseString(line)
codes = [c[1] for c in result[1:-1]]
# Do something with teh codez...
except ParseException exc:
# Oh noes: string doesn't match!
Cleaner than a regular expression, returns a list of codes (no need to string.split), and ignores any extra characters in the line, just like your example.
import re
sstr = re.compile(r'start:([^;]*);')
slst = re.compile(r'(?:c?)(\d+)')
mystr = "start: c12354, c3456, 34526; other stuff that I don't care about"
match = re.match(sstr, mystr)
if match:
res = re.findall(slst, match.group(0))
results in
['12354', '3456', '34526']