single database connection throughout the python application (following singleton pattern) - python

My Question is what is the best way to maintain the single database connection in the entire application? Using Singleton Pattern? How?
Conditions that are needed to be taken care of:
In case of multiple requests, I should be using the same connection
In case connection is closed, create a new connection
If the connection has timed-out, on new request my code should create a new connection.
The driver to my Database is not supported by the Django ORM. And due to same driver related issues, I am using pyodbc to connect to the database. Right now I am having below class for creating and managing the DB connections:
class DBConnection(object):
def __init__(self, driver, serve,
database, user, password):
self.driver = driver
self.server = server
self.database = database
self.user = user
self.password = password
def __enter__(self):
self.dbconn = pyodbc.connect("DRIVER={};".format(self.driver) +\
"SERVER={};".format(self.server) +\
"DATABASE={};".format(self.database) +\
"UID={};".format(self.user) +\
"PWD={};".format(self.password) + \
# "",
return self.dbconn
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
But the issue with this approach is that it will create new database connection for each query. What will be the better way to do it following singleton pattern? The way I can think of will hold the reference to the connection if the connection is closed. Something like:
def get_database_connection():
conn = DBConnection.connection
if not conn:
conn = DBConnection.connection = DBConnection.create_connection()
return conn
What will be the best way to achieve this? Any suggestion/ideas/examples?
PS: I was checking about using weakref which allows to create weak references to objects. I think it will be good idea to use weakref along with singleton pattern for storing the connection variable. This way I won't have to keep the connection alive when DB is not in use. What you guys say about this?

For now, I am going ahead with the singleton class approach. Anyone seeing the potential flaws in this, feel to mention them :)
DBConnector class for creating a connection
class DBConnector(object):
def __init__(self, driver, server, database, user, password):
self.driver = driver
self.server = server
self.database = database
self.user = user
self.password = password
self.dbconn = None
# creats new connection
def create_connection(self):
return pyodbc.connect("DRIVER={};".format(self.driver) + \
"SERVER={};".format(self.server) + \
"DATABASE={};".format(self.database) + \
"UID={};".format(self.user) + \
"PWD={};".format(self.password) + \
# For explicitly opening database connection
def __enter__(self):
self.dbconn = self.create_connection()
return self.dbconn
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
DBConnection class for managing the connections
class DBConnection(object):
connection = None
def get_connection(cls, new=False):
"""Creates return new Singleton database connection"""
if new or not cls.connection:
cls.connection = DBConnector().create_connection()
return cls.connection
def execute_query(cls, query):
"""execute query on singleton db connection"""
connection = cls.get_connection()
cursor = connection.cursor()
except pyodbc.ProgrammingError:
connection = cls.get_connection(new=True) # Create new connection
cursor = connection.cursor()
result = cursor.fetchall()
return result

class DBConnector(object):
def __new__(cls):
if not hasattr(cls, 'instance'):
cls.instance = super(DBConnector, cls).__new__(cls)
return cls.instance
def __init__(self):
#your db connection code in constructor
con = DBConnector()
con1 = DBConnector()
con is con1 # output is True
Hope, above code will helpful.


How to use one class (for database) with another class when database is not initialized in another class with python?

I have a class named Database, i want to use this class with another class to check information in the DB if it exists and execute certain queries to SQL. It looks something like this:
class Database:
"""Class to connect with the desired DB"""
def __init__(self, host, database, user, password):
self.con = psycopg2.connect(
def select(self, query):
cur = self.con.cursor()
fetched_selects = cur.fetchall()
return fetched_selects
So i want to do something like this:
def check_hostname(self):
if socket.gethostname() in
It has to be object oriented so that is why i am trying it in another class.
I made another class named Host:
class Host:
def __init__(self):
self.db = Database
self.hostname = socket.gethostname() # The Hostname of the system
self.cores = psutil.cpu_count(logical=True) # Total CPU Core count of Host
self.total_RAM = f'{psutil.virtual_memory()[0] / 1024 ** 3:.2f}' # Total Ram of System
self.uptime = int(time.time() - psutil.boot_time()) # Uptime in Seconds
self.free_ram = f'{psutil.virtual_memory()[4] / 1024 ** 3:.2f}' # Available RAM in MB
self.disk_usage = psutil.disk_usage('/') # Used Disk Space in Percentage
I tried the 'check_hostname' function in here but since the Database class doesn't get initiated in the Host class it doesn't work.

Creating a method to connect to postgres database in python

I'm working on a python program with functionality such as inserting and retrieving values from a postgres database using psycopg2. The issue is that every time I want to create a query I have to connect to the database so the following code snippet is present multiple times throughout the file:
# Instantiate Connection
conn = psycopg2.connect(
# Instantiate Cursor
cur = conn.cursor()
return cur
except psycopg2.Error as e:
print(f"Error connecting to Postgres Platform: {e}")
My question is:
Is there a way I could just create a method to call every time I wish to connect to the database? I've tried creating one but I get a bunch of errors since variables cur and conn are not global
Could I just connect to the database once at the beginning of the program and keep the connection open for the entire time that the program is running? This seems like the easiest option but I am not sure if it would be bad practice (for reference the program will be running 24/7 so I assumed it would be better to only connect when a query is being made).
Thanks for the help.
You could wrap your own database handling class in a context manager, so you can manage the connections in a single place:
import psycopg2
import traceback
from psycopg2.extras import RealDictCursor
class Postgres(object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.dbName = args[0] if len(args) > 0 else 'prod'
self.args = args
def _connect(self, msg=None):
if self.dbName == 'dev':
dsn = 'host= port=5556 user=xyz password=xyz dbname=development'
dsn = 'host= port=5557 user=xyz password=xyz dbname=production'
self.con = psycopg2.connect(dsn)
self.cur = self.con.cursor(cursor_factory=RealDictCursor)
def __enter__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return (self.con, self.cur)
def __exit__(self, *args):
for c in ('cur', 'con'):
obj = getattr(self, c)
pass # handle it silently!?
self.args, self.dbName = None, None
with Postgres('dev') as (con, cur):
print(cur.execute('select 1+1'))
print(con) # verify connection gets closed!
<connection object at 0x109c665d0; dsn: '...', closed: 0>
[RealDictRow([('sum', 2)])]
<connection object at 0x109c665d0; dsn: '...', closed: 1>
It shouldn't be too bad to keep a connection open. The server itself should be responsible for closing connections it thinks have been around for too long or that are too inactive. We then just need to make our code resilient in case the server has closed the connection:
import pscyopg2
CONN = None
def create_or_get_connection():
global CONN
if CONN is None or CONN.closed:
CONN = psycopg2.connect(...)
return CONN
I have been down this road lots before and you may be reinventing the wheel. I would highly recommend you use a ORM like [Django][1] or if you need to interact with a database - it handles all this stuff for you using best practices. It is some learning up front but I promise it pays off.
If you don't want to use Django, you can use this code to get or create the connection and the context manager of cursors to avoid errors with
import pscyopg2
CONN = None
def create_or_get_connection():
global CONN
if CONN is None or CONN.closed:
CONN = psycopg2.connect(...)
return CONN
def run_sql(sql):
con = create_or_get_connection()
with conn.cursor() as curs:
return curs.execute(sql)
This will allow you simply to run sql statements directly to the DB without worrying about connection or cursor issues.
If I wrap your code-fragment into a function definition, I don't get "a bunch of errors since variables cur and conn are not global". Why would they need to be global? Whatever the error was, you removed it from your code fragment before posting it.
Your try-catch doesn't make any sense to me. Catching an error just to hide the calling site and then bail out seems like the opposite of helpful.
When to connect depends on how you structure your transactions, how often you do them, and what you want to do if your database ever restarts in the middle of a program execution.

"Error Locating Server/Instance Specified" when connecting to SQL Server

I'm using python 2.7 have the code below to connect sql instances
class SqlConnector:
def __init__(self, driver, sqlserver_ip, database, **kwargs):
if 'port' in kwargs:
conn_string = 'DRIVER='+ driver + ';SERVER='+ sqlserver_ip +';PORT=' + kwargs['port'] + ';DATABASE=' + database + ';trusted_connection=yes;'
conn_string = 'DRIVER='+ driver + ';SERVER='+ sqlserver_ip + ';DATABASE=' + database + ';trusted_connection=yes;'
print conn_string
self.conn = pypyodbc.connect(conn_string)
self.cur = self.conn.cursor()
def __enter__(self):
return self
def query(self, query_string):
def get_all_table_columns(self):
columns = [column[0] for column in self.cur.description]
return columns
def get_all_table_rows(self):
rows = self.cur.fetchall()
return rows
def __repr__(self):
conn_string = 'DRIVER='+ driver + ';SERVER='+ sqlserver_ip + ';DATABASE=' + database + ';trusted_connection=yes;'
return conn_string
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
if self.conn or self.cur:
# close cursor
# close connection
My SQL instance is like "hostname\PEWKA", but error below saying
(u'08001', u'[08001] [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0]SQL
Server Network Interfaces: Error Locating Server/Instance Specified
is this the correct way to connect SQL instance using pypyodbc? can't really find too much info out of it.
Anyone can shed some light will be very appreciated.
Connecting by instance name
Provide the server name and instance name separated by a backslash, e.g., SERVER=hostname\PEWKA. Do not supply a port number. If the SQL Server instance is on a remote machine then the SQL Server Browser service must be running on that machine.
Connecting by port number
Provide the server name and port number separated by a comma, e.g., SERVER=hostname,49242. Do not supply the instance name. Note also that the SQL Server ODBC drivers do not support a PORT= parameter in the connection string.

Python: MySQL connection is open, but can't create cursor

I'm trying to open a cursor to a MySQL-DB. But I'm getting this error:
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'cursor'
Here is a small sourcecode:
class Sample:
def __init__(self):
self.conn = None
self.value = self.setValue()
def connect(self):
self.conn = MySQLdb.connect(...)
#cursor = self.conn.cursor()
#cursor.execute("SELECT ...")
#value = str(cursor.fetchone()[0])
#raise Exception(value)
#cursor.close() <- here everything is working fine
def setValue(self):
if (self.conn == None):
#raise Exception(
cursor = self.conn.cursor() # ERROR: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'cursor'
If I use the exception I get a 1 ... connection is open.
And if I do the cursor creation and the SQL statement in the 'connect' function everything is working well.
The strange this is, everything looks correct and for some other connections with the same functions everything is working well, too. I don't know how to solve this error. I hope someone can point me in the right direction.
I would change the statement that checks if the connection is open to both check if conn is none as well as if the connection is open. And because you always execute the setValue function I would recommend that you call the connect inside the__init__ function.
class Sample:
conn = None
def __init__(self):
self.value = self.setValue()
def connect(self):
self.conn = MySQLdb.connect(...)
def close(self):
if self.conn:
def setValue(self):
if not self.conn and not
cursor = self.conn.cursor()
Also, remember that with the Python MySQL Connector you need to call commit after you execute a insert or update statement.
cur = self.conn.cursor()

Python Database connection Close

Using the code below leaves me with an open connection, how do I close?
import pyodbc
conn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER=MySQL ODBC 5.1 driver;SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=spt;UID=who;PWD=testest')
csr = conn.cursor()
del csr
Connections have a close method as specified in PEP-249 (Python Database API Specification v2.0):
import pyodbc
conn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER=MySQL ODBC 5.1 driver;SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=spt;UID=who;PWD=testest')
csr = conn.cursor()
conn.close() #<--- Close the connection
Since the pyodbc connection and cursor are both context managers, nowadays it would be more convenient (and preferable) to write this as:
import pyodbc
conn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER=MySQL ODBC 5.1 driver;SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=spt;UID=who;PWD=testest')
with conn:
crs = conn.cursor()
# conn.commit() will automatically be called when Python leaves the outer `with` statement
# Neither crs.close() nor conn.close() will be called upon leaving the `with` statement!!
See for an explanation for why conn.close() is not called.
Note that unlike the original code, this causes conn.commit() to be called. Use the outer with statement to control when you want commit to be called.
Also note that regardless of whether or not you use the with statements, per the docs,
Connections are automatically closed when they are deleted (typically when they go out of scope) so you should not normally need to call [conn.close()], but you can explicitly close the connection if you wish.
and similarly for cursors (my emphasis):
Cursors are closed automatically when they are deleted (typically when they go out of scope), so calling [csr.close()] is not usually necessary.
You can wrap the whole connection in a context manager, like the following:
from contextlib import contextmanager
import pyodbc
import sys
def open_db_connection(connection_string, commit=False):
connection = pyodbc.connect(connection_string)
cursor = connection.cursor()
yield cursor
except pyodbc.DatabaseError as err:
error, = err.args
raise err
if commit:
Then do something like this where ever you need a database connection:
with open_db_connection("...") as cursor:
# Your code here
The connection will close when you leave the with block. This will also rollback the transaction if an exception occurs or if you didn't open the block using with open_db_connection("...", commit=True).
You might try turning off pooling, which is enabled by default. See this discussion for more information.
import pyodbc
pyodbc.pooling = False
conn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER=MySQL ODBC 5.1 driver;SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=spt;UID=who;PWD=testest')
csr = conn.cursor()
del csr
You can define a DB class as below. Also, as andrewf suggested, use a context manager for cursor access.I'd define it as a member function.
This way it keeps the connection open across multiple transactions from the app code and saves unnecessary reconnections to the server.
import pyodbc
class MS_DB():
""" Collection of helper methods to query the MS SQL Server database.
def __init__(self, username, password, host, port=1433, initial_db='dev_db'):
self.username = username
self._password = password = host
self.port = str(port)
self.db = initial_db
conn_str = 'DRIVER=DRIVER=ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server;SERVER='+ \ + ';PORT='+ self.port +';DATABASE='+ \
self.db +';UID='+ self.username +';PWD='+ \
self._password +';'
print('Connected to DB:', conn_str)
self._connection = pyodbc.connect(conn_str)
pyodbc.pooling = False
def __repr__(self):
return f"MS-SQLServer('{self.username}', <password hidden>, '{}', '{self.port}', '{self.db}')"
def __str__(self):
return f"MS-SQLServer Module for STP on {}"
def __del__(self):
print("Connection closed.")
def cursor(self, commit: bool = False):
A context manager style of using a DB cursor for database operations.
This function should be used for any database queries or operations that
need to be done.
:param commit:
A boolean value that says whether to commit any database changes to the database. Defaults to False.
:type commit: bool
cursor = self._connection.cursor()
yield cursor
except pyodbc.DatabaseError as err:
print("DatabaseError {} ".format(err))
raise err
if commit:
ms_db = MS_DB(username='my_user', password='my_secret', host='hostname')
with ms_db.cursor() as cursor:
cursor.execute("SELECT ##version;")
According to pyodbc documentation, connections to the SQL server are not closed by default. Some database drivers do not close connections when close() is called in order to save round-trips to the server.
To close your connection when you call close() you should set pooling to False:
import pyodbc
pyodbc.pooling = False
The most common way to handle connections, if the language does not have a self closing construct like Using in .NET, then you should use a try -> finally to close the objects. Its possible that pyodbc does have some form of automatic closing but here is the code I do just in case:
conn = cursor = None
conn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER=MySQL ODBC 5.1 driver;SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=spt;UID=who;PWD=testest')
cursor = conn.cursor()
# ... do stuff ...
try: cursor.close()
except: pass
try: conn.close()
except: pass
