gensim's wv.most_similar returns phonologically close words (similar sounds) instead of semantically similar ones. Is this normal? Why might this happen?
Here's the documentation on most_similar:
In [144]: len(vectors.vocab)
Out[144]: 32966
In [140]: vectors.most_similar('fight')
[('Night', 0.9940935373306274),
('knight', 0.9928507804870605),
('fright', 0.9925899505615234),
('light', 0.9919329285621643),
('bright', 0.9914385080337524),
('plight', 0.9912853240966797),
('Eight', 0.9912533760070801),
('sight', 0.9908033013343811),
('playwright', 0.9905624985694885),
('slight', 0.990411102771759)]
In [141]: vectors.most_similar('care')
[('spare', 0.9710584878921509),
('scare', 0.9626247882843018),
('share', 0.9594929218292236),
('prepare', 0.9584596157073975),
('aware', 0.9551078081130981),
('negare', 0.9550014138221741),
('glassware', 0.9507938027381897),
('Welfare', 0.9489598274230957),
('warfare', 0.9487678408622742),
('square', 0.9473209381103516)]
The training data contains academic papers and this was my training script:
from gensim.models.fasttext import FastText as FT_gensim
import gensim.models.keyedvectors as word2vec
dim_size = 300
epochs = 10
model = FT_gensim(size=dim_size, window=3, min_count=1)
model.build_vocab(sentences=corpus_reader, progress_per=1000)
model.train(sentences=corpus_reader, total_examples=total_examples, epochs=epochs)
# saving vectors to disk
path = "/home/ubuntu/volume/my_vectors.vectors"
model.wv.save_word2vec_format(path, binary=True)
# loading vectors
vectors = word2vec.KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format(path)
You've chosen to use the FastText algorithm to train your vectors. That algorithm specifically makes use of subword fragments (like 'ight' or 'are') to have a chance of synthesizing good guess-vectors for 'out-of-vocabulary' words that weren't in the training set, and that could be one contributor to the results you're seeing.
However, usually words' unique meanings predominate, with the influence of such subwords only coming into play for unknown words. And, it's rare for the most-similar lists of any words in a healthy set of word-vectors to have so many 0.99+ similarities.
So, I suspect there's something weird or deficient in your training data.
What kind of text is it, and how many total words of example usages does it contain?
Were there any perplexing aspects of training progress/speed shown in INFO-level logs during training?
(300 dimensions may also be a bit excessive with a vocabulary of only 33K unique words; that's a vector-size that's common in work with hundreds of thousands to millions of unique words, and plentiful training data.)
That's a good call-out on the dimension size. Reducing that param definitely did make a difference.
1. Reproducing the original behavior (where dim_size=300) with a larger corpus (33k --> 275k unique vocab):
Note: I've also tweaked a few other params, like min_count, window, etc.)
from gensim.models.fasttext import FastText as FT_gensim
fmodel0 = FT_gensim(size=300, window=5, min_count=3, workers=10) # window is The maximum distance between the current and predicted word within a sentence.
fmodel0.train(sentences=corpus, total_examples=fmodel0.corpus_count, epochs=5)
fmodel0.wv.vocab['cancer'].count # number of times the word occurred in the corpus
# -----------
# cancer
[('breastcancer', 0.9182084798812866),
('noncancer', 0.9133851528167725),
('skincancer', 0.898530900478363),
('cancerous', 0.892244279384613),
('cancers', 0.8634265065193176),
('anticancer', 0.8527657985687256),
('Cancer', 0.8359113931655884),
('lancer', 0.8296531438827515),
('Anticancer', 0.826178252696991),
('precancerous', 0.8116365671157837)]
# care
[('_care', 0.9151567816734314),
('încălcare', 0.874087929725647),
('Nexcare', 0.8578598499298096),
('diacare', 0.8515325784683228),
('încercare', 0.8445525765419006),
('fiecare', 0.8335763812065125),
('Mulcare', 0.8296753168106079),
('Fiecare', 0.8292017579078674),
('homecare', 0.8251558542251587),
('carece', 0.8141698837280273)]
# fight
[('Ifight', 0.892048180103302),
('fistfight', 0.8553390502929688),
('dogfight', 0.8371964693069458),
('fighter', 0.8167843818664551),
('bullfight', 0.8025394678115845),
('gunfight', 0.7972971200942993),
('fights', 0.790093183517456),
('Gunfight', 0.7893823385238647),
('fighting', 0.775499701499939),
('Fistfight', 0.770946741104126)]
2. Reducing the dimension size to 5:
_fmodel = FT_gensim(size=5, window=5, min_count=3, workers=10)
_fmodel.train(sentences=corpus, total_examples=_fmodel.corpus_count, epochs=5) # workers is specified in the constructor
_fmodel.wv.vocab['cancer'].count # number of times the word occurred in the corpus
# cancer
[('nutrient', 0.999614417552948),
('reuptake', 0.9987781047821045),
('organ', 0.9987629652023315),
('tracheal', 0.9985960721969604),
('digestion', 0.9984923601150513),
('cortes', 0.9977986812591553),
('liposomes', 0.9977765679359436),
('adder', 0.997713565826416),
('adrenals', 0.9977011680603027),
('digestive', 0.9976763129234314)]
# care
[('lappropriate', 0.9990135431289673),
('coping', 0.9984776973724365),
('promovem', 0.9983049035072327),
('requièrent', 0.9982239603996277),
('diverso', 0.9977829456329346),
('feebleness', 0.9977156519889832),
('pathetical', 0.9975940585136414),
('procure', 0.997504472732544),
('delinking', 0.9973599910736084),
('entonces', 0.99733966588974)]
# fight
[('decied', 0.9996457099914551),
('uprightly', 0.999250054359436),
('chillies', 0.9990670680999756),
('stuttered', 0.998710036277771),
('cries', 0.9985755681991577),
('famish', 0.998246431350708),
('immortalizes', 0.9981046915054321),
('misled', 0.9980905055999756),
('whore', 0.9980045557022095),
('chanted', 0.9978444576263428)]
It's not GREAT, but it's no longer returning words that merely contain the subwords.
3. And for good measure, benchmark against Word2Vec:
from gensim.models.word2vec import Word2Vec
wmodel300 = Word2Vec(corpus, size=300, window=5, min_count=2, workers=10)
wmodel300.total_train_time # 187.1828162111342
[('cancers', 0.6576876640319824),
('melanoma', 0.6564366817474365),
('malignancy', 0.6342018842697144),
('leukemia', 0.6293295621871948),
('disease', 0.6270142197608948),
('adenocarcinoma', 0.6181445121765137),
('Cancer', 0.6010828614234924),
('tumors', 0.5926551222801208),
('carcinoma', 0.5917977094650269),
('malignant', 0.5778893828392029)]
^ Better captures distributional similarity + much more realisitic similarity measures.
But with a smaller dim_size, the result is somewhat worse (also the similarities are less realistic, all around .99):
wmodel5 = Word2Vec(corpus, size=5, window=5, min_count=2, workers=10)
wmodel5.total_train_time # 151.4945764541626
[('insulin', 0.9990534782409668),
('reaction', 0.9970406889915466),
('embryos', 0.9970351457595825),
('antibiotics', 0.9967449903488159),
('supplements', 0.9962579011917114),
('synthesize', 0.996055543422699),
('allergies', 0.9959680438041687),
('gadgets', 0.9957243204116821),
('mild', 0.9953152537345886),
('asthma', 0.994774580001831)]
Therefore, increasing the dimension size seems to help Word2Vec, but not fastText...
I'm sure this contrast has to do with the fact that the fastText model is learning subword info and somehow that's interacting with the param in a way increasing its value is hurtful. But I'm not sure how exactly... I'm trying to reconcile this finding with the intuition that increasing the size of the vectors should help in general because larger vectors capture more information.
I had the same issue with a corpus of 366k words. I think the problem is in the min_n max_n parameters. Try using
word_ngrams = 0
It is equivalent to word2vec according to documentation. Or try set min_n and max_n to bigger values.
How can I get the words of each cluster
I divided them into groups
LabeledSentence1 = gensim.models.doc2vec.TaggedDocument
all_content_train = []
for em in train['KARMA'].values:
print('Number of texts processed: ', j)
d2v_model = Doc2Vec(all_content_train, vector_size = 100, window = 10, min_count = 500, workers=7, dm = 1,alpha=0.025, min_alpha=0.001)
d2v_model.train(all_content_train, total_examples=d2v_model.corpus_count, epochs=10, start_alpha=0.002, end_alpha=-0.016)```
```kmeans_model = KMeans(n_clusters=10, init='k-means++', max_iter=100)
X =
l = kmeans_model.fit_predict(d2v_model.docvecs.doctag_syn0)
pca = PCA(n_components=2).fit(d2v_model.docvecs.doctag_syn0)
datapoint = pca.transform(d2v_model.docvecs.doctag_syn0)
I can get the text and its cluster but how can I learn the words which mainly created those groups
It's not an inherent feature of Doc2Vec to list words most-related to any document or doc-vector. (Other algorithms, such as LDA, will offer that.)
So, you could potentially write your own code, once you've split your documents into clusters, to report the words that are "most over-represented" in each cluster.
For example, calculate every word's frequency in the entire corpus, then each word's frequency in each cluster. For each cluster, report the N words whose in-cluster-frequency is the largest multiple of the full-corpus-frequency. Would this give helpful results on your data, for your needs? You'd have to try it.
Separately, regarding your use of Doc2Vec:
there's no good reason to alias the existing class TaggedDocument to a strange class name like LabeldSentence1. Just use TaggedDocument directly.
if you supply your corpus, all_content_train, to the object-inittialization – as your code does – then you don't need to also call train(). Training will have already happened automatically. If you do want more than the default amount of training (epochs=5), just supply a larger epochs value to the initialization.
the learning-rate values you've supplied to train() – start_alpha=0.002, end_alpha=-0.016 – are nonsensical & destructive. Few users should need to tinker with these alpha values at all, but especially, they should never increase from the beginning to end of a training cycle, as these values do.
If you were running with logging enabled at the INFO level, and/or watching the output closely, you would likely see readouts and warnings indicating that excessive training was happening, or problematic values used.
As the title mention, how could I train a model to classify following sentences are logical or illogical?
“He has two legs”–logical
“He has six legs”–illogical
Solution I tried:
1 : Train the classifier by cnn
I have done it before, it works very well if you have enough of data. Problem is I do not have a huge data set which comes with “logical” or “illogical” labels for this case.
2 : Use language model
Train a language model introduced by gluonnlp on some data set like wiki, use it to find out the probability of the sentences. If the probability of the sentences are high, mark it as logical and vice versa. Problem is the results not good.
The way I estimate the probability
def __predict(self):
lines = self.__text_edit_input.toPlainText().split("\n")
result = ""
for line in lines:
result += str(self.__sentence_prob(line, 10)) + "\n"
def __prepare_sentence(self, text, max_len):
result = mx.nd.zeros([max_len, 1], dtype='float32')
max_len = min(len(text), max_len)
i = max(max_len - len(text), 0)
j = 0
for index in range(i, max_len):
result[index][0] = self.__vocab[text[j]]
j = j + 1
return result
def __sentence_prob(self, text, max_len):
hiddens = self.__model.begin_state(1, func=mx.nd.zeros, ctx=self.__context)
tokens = self.__tokenizer(text)
data = self.__prepare_sentence(tokens, max_len)
output, _ = self.__model(data, hiddens)
prob = 0
for i in range(max_len):
total_prob = mx.nd.softmax(output[i][0])
prob += total_prob[self.__vocab[i]].asscalar()
return prob / max_len
Possible issues of language models:
1. Do not use correct way to split the sentences(I am using jieba to split the Chinese senteces)
2. Number of vocab is too small/big(test 10000, 15000 and 30000)
3. Loss too high(ppl around 190) after 50 epochs?
4. Number of sentences length should be larger/smaller(tried 10,20,35)
5. The data I use do not meet my requirements(not every sentences are logical)
6. Language model is not appropriate for this task?
Any suggestions?Thanks
Issue 6. Language model is not appropriate for this task? is the main problem. Language models are built to make sense of the input text with respect of language usage (syntax, semantics etc.) and not draw logical conclusions. So, you may not get good results even with a large amount of data or very deep models.
The problem you're trying to solve is extremely difficult. Something you may want to look at is Symbolic AI. There's a lot of ongoing research in this area.
I have a dataset of 6000 observations; a sample of it is the following:
job_id job_title job_sector
30018141 Secondary Teaching Assistant Education
30006499 Legal Sales Assistant / Executive Sales
28661197 Private Client Practitioner Legal
28585608 Senior hydropower mechanical project manager Engineering
28583146 Warehouse Stock Checker - Temp / Immediate Start Transport & Logistics
28542478 Security Architect Contract IT & Telecoms
The goal is to predict the job sector of each row based on the job title.
Firstly, I apply some preprocessing on the job_title column:
def preprocess(document):
lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer()
stemmer_1 = PorterStemmer()
stemmer_2 = LancasterStemmer()
stemmer_3 = SnowballStemmer(language='english')
# Remove all the special characters
document = re.sub(r'\W', ' ', document)
# remove all single characters
document = re.sub(r'\b[a-zA-Z]\b', ' ', document)
# Substituting multiple spaces with single space
document = re.sub(r' +', ' ', document, flags=re.I)
# Converting to lowercase
document = document.lower()
# Tokenisation
document = document.split()
# Stemming
document = [stemmer_3.stem(word) for word in document]
document = ' '.join(document)
return document
df_first = pd.read_csv('../data.csv', keep_default_na=True)
for index, row in df_first.iterrows():
df_first.loc[index, 'job_title'] = preprocess(row['job_title'])
Then I do the following with Gensim and Doc2Vec:
X = df_first.loc[:, 'job_title'].values
y = df_first.loc[:, 'job_sector'].values
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, stratify=y, random_state=0)
tagged_train = TaggedDocument(words=X_train.tolist(), tags=y_train.tolist())
tagged_train = list(tagged_train)
tagged_test = TaggedDocument(words=X_test.tolist(), tags=y_test.tolist())
tagged_test = list(tagged_test)
model = Doc2Vec(vector_size=5, min_count=2, epochs=30)
training_set = [TaggedDocument(sentence, tag) for sentence, tag in zip(X_train.tolist(), y_train.tolist())]
model.train(training_set, total_examples=model.corpus_count, epochs=model.epochs)
test_set = [TaggedDocument(sentence, tag) for sentence, tag in zip(X_test.tolist(), y_test.tolist())]
predictors_train = []
for sentence in X_train.tolist():
sentence = sentence.split()
predictor = model.infer_vector(doc_words=sentence, steps=20, alpha=0.01)
predictors_test = []
for sentence in X_test.tolist():
sentence = sentence.split()
predictor = model.infer_vector(doc_words=sentence, steps=20, alpha=0.025)
sv_classifier = SVC(kernel='linear', class_weight='balanced', decision_function_shape='ovr', random_state=0), y_train)
score = sv_classifier.score(predictors_test, y_test)
print('accuracy: {}%'.format(round(score*100, 1)))
However, the result which I am getting is 22% accuracy.
This makes me a lot suspicious especially because by using the TfidfVectorizer instead of the Doc2Vec (both with the same classifier) then I am getting 88% accuracy (!).
Therefore, I guess that I must be doing something wrong in how I apply the Doc2Vec of Gensim.
What is it and how can I fix it?
Or it it simply that my dataset is relatively small while more advanced methods such as word embeddings etc require way more data?
You don't mention the size of your dataset - in rows, total words, unique words, or unique classes. Doc2Vec works best with lots of data. Most published work trains on tens-of-thousands to millions of documents, of dozens to thousands of words each. (Your data appears to only have 3-5 words per document.)
Also, published work tends to train on data where every document has a unique-ID. It can sometimes make sense to use known-labels as tags instead of, or in addition to, unique-IDs. But it isn't necessarily a better approach. By using known-labels as the only tags, you're effectively only training one doc-vector per label. (It's essentially similar to concatenating all rows with the same tag into one document.)
You're inexplicably using fewer steps in inference than epochs in training - when in fact these are analogous values. In recent versions of gensim, inference will by default use the same number of inference epochs as the model was configured to use for training. And, it's more common to use more epochs during inference than training. (Also, you're inexplicably using different starting alpha values for inference for both classifier-training and classifier-testing.)
But the main problem is likely your choice of tiny size=5 doc vectors. Instead of the TfidfVectorizer, which will summarize each row as a vector of width equal to the unique-word count – perhaps hundreds or thousands of dimensions – your Doc2Vec model summarizes each document as just 5 values. You've essentially lobotomized Doc2Vec. Usual values here are 100-1000 – though if the dataset is tiny smaller sizes may be required.
Finally, the lemmatization/stemming may not be strictly necessary and may even be destructive. Lots of Word2Vec/Doc2Vec work doesn't bother to lemmatize/stem - often because there's plentiful data, with many appearances of all word forms.
These steps are most likely to help with smaller data, by making sure rarer word forms are combined with related longer forms to still get value from words that would otherwise be too rare to be retained (or get useful vectors).
But I can see many ways they might hurt for your domain. Manager and Management won't have exactly the same implications in this context, but could both be stemmed to manag. Similar for Security and Securities both becoming secur, and other words. I'd only perform these steps if you can prove through evaluation that they're helping. (Are the words passed to the TfidfVectorizer being lemmatized/stemmed?)
usually to train doc2vec/word2vec requires lots of generalised data (word2vec trained on 3 milian Wikipedia articles), since it's performing poorly on doc2vec consider experimenting with pre trained doc2vec refer this
Or you can try using word2vec and averaging it for entire document since word2vec gives vector for each word.
Let me know how this helps ?
The tools you are using are not suitable for classification. Id suggest you look into something like a char-rnn.
This tutorial works on a similar problem, where it classifies names.