BeautifulSoup return me an empty object - python

I'm trying to scrap some URL with BeautifulSoup. The URL I'm scraping are coming from a google analytics API call, some of then aren't working properly so I need to find a way to skip them.
Here is my initial script which is working properly when I don't have any wrong url :
rawdata = []
urllist = []
sharelist = []
mystring = ''
def print_results(results):
# Print data nicely for the user.
if results:
for row in results.get('rows'):
print 'No results found'
urllist = [mystring + x for x in rawdata]
for row in urllist:
# query the website and return the html to the variable 'page'
page = urllib2.urlopen(row)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page, 'html.parser')
# Take out the <div> of name and get its value
name_box = soup.find(attrs={'class': 'nb-shares'})
share = name_box.text.strip() # strip() is used to remove starting and trailing
# save the data in tuple
Following an answer from stack, I had these line to deal with the wrong url :
if name_box is None:
Then I had this line :
import sys
At the top of my script to deal with this error 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u200b' in position 22: ordinal not in range(128)
but now my script return me an empty object.
Here is my final script :
import sys
{ api call here...}
rawdata = []
urllist = []
sharelist = []
mystring = ''
def print_results(results):
# Print data nicely for the user.
if results:
for row in results.get('rows'):
print 'No results found'
urllist = [mystring + x for x in rawdata]
for row in urllist:
# query the website and return the html to the variable 'page'
page = urllib2.urlopen(row)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page, 'html.parser')
# Take out the <div> of name and get its value
name_box = soup.find(attrs={'class': 'nb-shares'})
if name_box is None:
share = name_box.text.strip() # strip() is used to remove starting and trailing
# save the data in tuple


BeautifulSoup (Python): how grab text-string next to a tag (that may or may not exist)?

I think my title explains it pretty well the problem I am facing. Let's look at a picture of the problem. (You can find the web-page at this adress, however it has probably changed).
I have highlighted the text that I want to grab in blue, this is the model-year 2008. Now, it is not necessary for the seller to submit the model-year, so this may or may not exist. But when it does exist it always follows the <i> tag with class ="fa fa-calender". My solution so far has been to grab all the text whitin <p class="result-details> ... </p>" (this then becomes a list) and then choose the second element, conditioned on that <i class="fa fa-calender> ... </i> exists. Otherwise I do not grab anything.
Now, it seems as this does not work in general since that text that comes before the second element can be aranged into more than one element if has a whitespace in it. So, is there any way (any function) that can grab a text string that neighbours another tag as seen in my picture?
PS: if I have made myself unclear, I just want to fetch the year 2008 from the post on the web page if it exists.
In this situation my code erroneously gives my the word "Hjulvältar" (bulldozer in english) instead of the year 2008.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from datetime import date
import requests
url_avvikande = ['bomliftar','teleskop-bomliftar','kompakta-sjalvgaende-bomlyftar','bandschaktare','reachstackers','staplare']
today =
url_main = ''
produktgrupper = ['lantbruksmaskiner','transportfordon','skogsmaskiner','entreprenadmaskiner','materialhantering','gronytemaskiner']
kategorier = {
'lantbruksmaskiner': ['traktorer','sjalvgaende-falthackar','skordetroskor','atv','utv:er','snoskotrar'],
'transportfordon': ['fordonstruckar','elektriska-fordon','terrangfordon'],
'skogsmaskiner': ['skog-skordare','skog-gravmaskiner','skotare','drivare','fallare-laggare','skogstraktorer','lunnare','terminal-lastare'],
'entreprenadmaskiner': ['gravlastare','bandgravare','minigravare-7t','hjulgravare','midigravmaskiner-7t-12t','atervinningshanterare','amfibiska-gravmaskiner','gravmaskiner-med-frontskopa','gravmaskiner-med-lang-rackvidd','gravmaskiner-med-slapskopa','rivningsgravare','specialgravmaskiner','hjullastare','kompaktlastare','minilastmaskiner','bandlastare','teleskopiska-hjullastare','redaskapshallare','gruvlastare','truckar-och-lastare-for-gruvor','bergborriggar','teleskoplastare','dumprar','minidumprar','gruvtruckar','banddumprar','specialiserade-dragare','vaghyvlar','vattentankbilar','allterrangkranar','terrangkranar-grov-terrang','-bandgaende-kranar','saxliftar','bomliftar','teleskop-bomliftar','personhissar-och-andra-hissar','kompakta-sjalvgaende-bomlyftar','krossar','mobila-krossar','sorteringsverk','mobila-sorteringsverk','bandschaktare','asfaltslaggningsmaskiner','--asfaltskallfrasmaskiner','tvavalsvaltar','envalsvaltar','jordkompaktorer','pneumatiska-hjulvaltar','andra-valtar','kombirullar','borrutrustning-ytborrning','horisontella-borrutrustning','trenchers-skar-gravmaskin'],
'materialhantering': ['dieseltruckar','eldrivna-gaffeltruckar','lpg-truckar','gaffeltruckar---ovriga','skjutstativtruck','sidlastare','teleskopbomtruckar','terminaltraktorer','reachstackers','ovriga-materialhantering-maskiner','staplare-led','staplare','plocktruck-laglyftande','plocktruck-hoglyftande','plocktruck-mediumlyftande','dragtruck','terrangtruck','4-vagstruck','smalgangstruck','skurborsttorkar','inomhus-sopmaskiner','kombinationsskurborstar'],
'gronytemaskiner': ['kompakttraktorer','akgrasklippare','robotgrasklippare','nollsvangare','plattformsklippare','sopmaskiner','verktygsfraktare','redskapsbarare','golfbilar','fairway-grasklippare','green-grasklippare','grasmattevaltar','ovriga-gronytemaskiner']
url = ''
mappar = ['Lantbruk', 'Transportfordon', 'Skogsmaskiner', 'Entreprenad', 'Materialhantering', 'Grönytemaskiner']
index = -1
status = True
for produktgrupp in kategorier:
index += 1
mapp = mappar[index]
save_path = f'/home/protector.local/vika99/webscrape_mascus/Annonser/{mapp}'
underkategorier = kategorier[produktgrupp]
for underkategori in underkategorier:
if underkategori != 'borrutrustning-ytborrning' and status:
status = False
if underkategori in url_avvikande:
url = f'{url_main}/{produktgrupp}/{underkategori}'
elif underkategori == 'gravmaskiner-med-frontskopa':
url = f'{url_main}/{produktgrupp}/begagnat-{underkategori}'
elif underkategori == 'borrutrustning-ytborrning':
url = f'{url_main}/{produktgrupp}/begagnad-{underkategori}'
url = f'{url_main}/{produktgrupp}/begagnade-{underkategori}'
file_name = f'{save_path}/{produktgrupp}_{underkategori}_{today}.txt'
sida = 1
with open(file_name, 'w') as f:
while True:
html_text = None
soup = None
links = None
while links == None:
html_text = requests.get(url).text
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_text, 'lxml')
links = soup.find('ul', class_ = 'page-numbers')
annonser = soup.find_all('li', class_ = 'col-row single-result')
for annons in annonser:
modell = annons.find('a', class_ = 'title-font').text
if annons.p.find('i', class_ = 'fa fa-calendar') != None:
tillverkningsar = annons.find('p', class_ = 'result-details').text.strip().split(" ")[1]
tillverkningsar = 'Ej angiven'
pris = annons.find('span', class_ = 'title-font no-ws-wrap').text
except AttributeError:
pris = annons.find('span', class_ = 'title-font no-price').text
url_part = None
sida += 1
url_part = links.find('a', text = f'{sida}')['href']
except TypeError:
print(f'Avläsning av underkategori klar.')
url = f'{url_main}{url_part}'
As you loop the listings you can test if that calendar icon class is present, if it is then grab the next_sibling
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
r = requests.get('')
soup = bs(r.content, 'lxml')
listings ='.single-result')
for listing in listings:
calendar = listing.select_one('.fa-calendar')
if calendar is not None:
print('Not present')

Webscraping with BS4 NoneType object has no attribute find

I'm not sure why my code isn't working. I get AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'find'
My code is as follows:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import csv
root_url = ""
html = requests.get(root_url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(html.text, 'html.parser')
paging = soup.find("nav",{"aria-label":"pagination-heading-3"}).find("li",{"class":"page-item"}).find_all("a")
start_page = paging[1].text
last_page = paging[len(paging)-2].text
outfile = open('congregationlookup.csv','w', newline='')
writer = csv.writer(outfile)
writer.writerow(["Name", "Address", "Phone"])
pages = list(range(1,int(last_page)+1))
for page in pages:
url = '' %(page)
html = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(html.text, 'html.parser')
print ('Processing page: %s' %(page))
name_list = soup.findAll("div",{"class":"views-field views-field-congregation"})
for element in name_list:
name = element.find('h3').text
address = element.find('field-content mb-2').text.strip()
phone = element.find("i",{"class":"fa fa-phone mr-1"}).text.strip()
writer.writerow([name, address, phone])
print ('Done')
I'm trying to scrape the name, address, and phone number from the URJ Congregations website.
Thank you
Final code
import csv
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# root_url = ""
# html = requests.get(root_url)
# soup = BeautifulSoup(html.text, 'html.parser')
# paging = soup.find("nav", {"aria-label": "pagination-heading--3"}).find("ul", {"class": "pagination"}).find_all("a")
# start_page = paging[1].text
# last_page = paging[len(paging) - 3].text
outfile = open('congregationlookup.csv', 'w', newline='')
writer = csv.writer(outfile)
writer.writerow(["Name", "Address", "Phone"])
pages = list(range(1, 1000))
for page in pages:
url = '' % (
html = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(html.text, 'html.parser')
# print(soup.prettify())
print('Processing page: %s' % (page))
elements = soup.find_all("div", {"class": "views-row"})
if len(elements) == 0:
for element in elements:
name = element.find("div", {"class": "views-field views-field-congregation"}).text.strip()
address = element.find("div", {"class": "views-field views-field-country"}).text.strip()
phone = element.find("div", {"class": "views-field views-field-website"}).text.strip().split("\n")[0]
writer.writerow([name, address, phone])
Most likely, your name_list contains a None type. So, when you attempt to run element.find(), you are performing a string operation on a None, hence your error.
Also as an FYI, findAll() is bs3 syntax. You should use find_all() Difference between "findAll" and "find_all" in BeautifulSoup
There is a load of problems
The first problem is
istead of
Next i changed
paging = soup.find("nav",{"aria-label":"pagination-heading-3"}).find("li",{"class":"page-item"}).find_all("a")
paging = soup.find("nav", {"aria-label": "pagination-heading--3"}).find("ul", {"class": "pagination"}).find_all("a")
This was the line where i swapped first problematic string. And also i changed the second search to find ul. You were trying to find 1 li and searching inside of it. This would have reproduced empty list
last_page = paging[len(paging) - 3].text
as you are trying to get 3rd element from the end
It still doesn't work, i will keep updating

Scrape multiple pages with Beautiful soup

I am trying to scrape multiple pages of a url.
But am able to scrape only the first page is there is a way to get all the pages.
Here is my code.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as Soup
import urllib, requests, re, pandas as pd
pd.set_option('max_colwidth',500) # to remove column limit (Otherwise, we'll lose some info)
df = pd.DataFrame()
Comp_urls = ['', '','','']
for url in Comp_urls:
target = Soup(urllib.request.urlopen(url), "lxml")
targetElements = target.findAll('div', class_ =' row result')
for elem in targetElements:
comp_name = elem.find('span', attrs={'class':'company'}).getText().strip()
job_title = elem.find('a', attrs={'class':'turnstileLink'}).attrs['title']
home_url = ""
job_link = "%s%s" % (home_url,elem.find('a').get('href'))
job_addr = elem.find('span', attrs={'class':'location'}).getText()
date_posted = elem.find('span', attrs={'class': 'date'}).getText()
description = elem.find('span', attrs={'class': 'summary'}).getText().strip()
comp_link_overall = elem.find('span', attrs={'class':'company'}).find('a')
if comp_link_overall != None:
comp_link_overall = "%s%s" % (home_url, comp_link_overall.attrs['href'])
else: comp_link_overall = None
df = df.append({'comp_name': comp_name, 'job_title': job_title,
'job_link': job_link, 'date_posted': date_posted,
'overall_link': comp_link_overall, 'job_location': job_addr, 'description': description
}, ignore_index=True)
df.to_csv('path\\web_scrape_Indeed.csv', sep=',', encoding='utf-8')
Please suggest if there is anyway.
Case 1: The code presented here is exactly what you have
Comp_urls = ['', '','','']
for url in Comp_urls:
target = Soup(urllib.request.urlopen(url), "lxml")
targetElements = target.findAll('div', class_ =' row result')
for elem in targetElements:
The problem here is targetElements changes with every iteration in the first for loop.
To avoid this, indent the second for loop inside the first like so:
for url in Comp_urls:
target = Soup(urllib.request.urlopen(url), "lxml")
targetElements = target.findAll('div', class_ =' row result')
for elem in targetElements:
Case 2: Your the bug is not a result of improper indentation (i.e. not like what is in your original post)
If it is the case that your code is properly idented , then it may be the case that targetElements is an empty list. This means target.findAll('div', class_ =' row result') does not return anything. In that case, visit the sites, check out the dom, then modify your scraping program.

skipping Error 404 with BeautifulSoup

I'm trying to scrap some URL with BeautifulSoup. The URL I'm scraping are coming from a google analytics API call, some of then aren't working properly so I need to find a way to skip them.
I tried to add this:
except urllib2.HTTPError:
But I got the following syntax error :
except urllib2.HTTPError:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Here is my full code:
rawdata = []
urllist = []
sharelist = []
mystring = ''
def print_results(results):
# Print data nicely for the user.
if results:
for row in results.get('rows'):
print 'No results found'
urllist = [mystring + x for x in rawdata]
for row in urllist:
# query the website and return the html to the variable 'page'
page = urllib2.urlopen(row)
except urllib2.HTTPError:
soup = BeautifulSoup(page, 'html.parser')
# Take out the <div> of name and get its value
name_box = soup.find(attrs={'class': 'nb-shares'})
if name_box is None:
share = name_box.text.strip() # strip() is used to remove starting and trailing
# save the data in tuple
Your except statement is not preceded by a try statement. You should use the following pattern:
page = urllib2.urlopen(row)
except urllib2.HTTPError:
Also note the indentation levels. Code executed under the try clause must be indented, as well as the except clause.
Two errors:
1. No try statement
2. No indentation
Use this:
for row in urllist:
# query the website and return the html to the variable 'page'
page = urllib2.urlopen(row)
except urllib2.HTTPError:
If you just want to catch a 404, you need to check the code returned or raise the error or else you will catch and ignore more than just the 404:
import urllib2
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from urlparse import urljoin
def print_results(results):
base = ''
rawdata = []
sharelist = []
# Print data nicely for the user.
if results:
for row in results.get('rows'):
print 'No results found'
# use urljoin to join to the base url
urllist = [urljoin(base, h) for h in rawdata]
for url in urllist:
# query the website and return the html to the variable 'page'
try: # need to open with try
page = urllib2.urlopen(url)
except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
if e.getcode() == 404: # check the return code
raise # if other than 404, raise the error
soup = BeautifulSoup(page, 'html.parser')
# Take out the <div> of name and get its value
name_box = soup.find(attrs={'class': 'nb-shares'})
if name_box is None:
share = name_box.text.strip() # strip() is used to remove starting and trailing
# save the data in tuple
sharelist.append((url, share))
As already mentioned by others,
try statement missing
Proper indentation missing.
You should use IDE or Editors so that you won't face such problems, Some good IDE and Editors are
IDE - Eclipse Use Pydev plugin
Editors - Visual Studio Code
Anyways, Code after try and indent
rawdata = []
urllist = []
sharelist = []
mystring = ''
def print_results(results):
# Print data nicely for the user.
if results:
for row in results.get('rows'):
print 'No results found'
urllist = [mystring + x for x in rawdata]
for row in urllist:
# query the website and return the html to the variable 'page'
page = urllib2.urlopen(row)
except urllib2.HTTPError:
soup = BeautifulSoup(page, 'html.parser')
# Take out the <div> of name and get its value
name_box = soup.find(attrs={'class': 'nb-shares'})
if name_box is None:
share = name_box.text.strip() # strip() is used to remove starting and trailing
# save the data in tuple
sharelist.append((row, share))
Your syntax error is due to the fact that you're missing a try with your except statement.
# code that might throw HTTPError
page = urllib2.urlopen(row)
except urllib2.HTTPError:

How to rectify a TypeError in python?Beautiful Soup string to tag error?

Here is simple snippet to scrape Wikipedia website and to print each of its contents separately like cast in separate variable and production in separate variable and so on ..
Here in the first div named "bodyContent" there is a another div names "mw-content-text" here my problem is retrieve the data of the first paragraphs before the tag "h2" and i have a code snippet to work out this and unable to convert from BeautifulSoup tag from string and the error is TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'Tag' and 'str'
import urllib
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
url =""
htmlfile = urllib.urlopen(url)
htmltext =
soup = BeautifulSoup(htmltext,"lxml")
#print soup.prettify()
movie_title = soup.find('h1',{'id':'firstHeading'})
print movie_title.text
movie_info = soup.find_all('p')
#print movie_info[0].text
#print movie_info[1].text
'''I dont want like this because we dont know how many
intro paragraphs will be so we have to scrape all paras just before that h2 tag'''
Here the problem rises i want to iterate and add .next_sibling and to make a try-exception block to find if the
" == 'p' "
def findNextSibling(base_url):
tag_addition = 'next_sibling'
next_url = base_url+'.'+tag_addition
return next_url
And finally to do like this
base_url = movie_info[0]
resultant_url = findNextSibling(base_url)
print resultant_url.text
Finally found answer, this is solving the problem
import urllib
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
url =""
htmlfile = urllib.urlopen(url)
htmltext =
soup = BeautifulSoup(htmltext,"lxml")
#print soup.prettify()
movie_title = soup.find('h1',{'id':'firstHeading'})
print movie_title.text
movie_info = soup.find_all('p')
# print movie_info[0].text
# print movie_info[1].text
def findNextSibling(resultant_url):
#tag_addition = 'next_sibling'
#base_url.string = base_url.string + '.' + tag_addition
return resultant_url.next_sibling
resultant_url = movie_info[0]
resultant_url = findNextSibling(resultant_url)
print resultant_url.text
