Importing libraries - python

I have a general question using third party libraries, but I will exemplify it on two examples to make it clearer and more "answerable":
I want to use pyfmi in Python. Trying to install it through pip tells me:
"Exception: FMI Library cannot be found. Please specify its location, either using the flag to the setup script '--fmil-home' or specify it using the environment variable FMIL_HOME."
I figured out that I had to download the tar.gz from and extract the files, create a build directory, use cmake, make and make install commands. All runs through without a hitch. But trying to install through pip gives me the same error message. So my question is:
How does one do this? Do they mean by setup script the file? How can I access that one if I am installing through pip?
An which one is the fmi home directory? Is it the untarred file in my Downloads-Folder or one of the files in it:
? What is that flag and where to put it "exactly".
Thanks a lot.

PyFMI requires (as noted on the PyPI site) that FMI Library is installed prior to trying to install PyFMI from source.
During the installation (invoking python install) of PyFMI, the environment variable "FMIL_HOME" is checked to see if that points to an installation of FMI Library, if so, this will be used during the installation. So in your case, you need to set this environment variable. The other option is to install manually (using python install --fmil-home="/path/to/fmil") where the added path should point to FMI Library.
The third option is to see if there are binary installers for your platform (these include FMIL). Check PyPI, Anaconda and Christoph Gohlke's site.


Can't find a way to install gettext from PIP virtualenv

Overall I'm trying to use a module in Django that helps with translating pages, but I don't have installed and can't do it through pip install package.
I've tried the fllowing:
pip install gettext
That returns that could not find a version that requires the...
I also downloaded the tar.gz file from the official website, yet when I try to install it localy the error:
python egg_info failed with error code 1 windows
Comes up. Been reading, trying to fix the second error or possible solutions, installed ez_update, updatade all packages, made a rollback and I don't know what to do anymore, any help?
The package gettext is available as python-gettext in Python pypi
Please use
pip install python-gettext
I was struggling with the same issue and what worked for me eventually is the following:
download and (or the latest version) from here:
Place both directories in your project directory (say myProject)
Now, in each of these folders there is a bin folder. Go into it and copy the address. Each would look sth like:
Go into: control panel > System > Advanced System settings > Environment variables. In system variables, choose Path and click
Paste both addresses at the end, like this:
(don't forget the semicolon after the last existing item)
Activate your virtualenv and run the makemessages command. It should work.

Why install Python packages

Why we have to install the python packages before using them?
I am currently working on a small python mysql program. What i tried to download the python connector module from mysql webpage and simply unzip it and place it in the same folder of my code.
And I can import the module properly.
So what is the meaning of installing those packages? Can I use those packages like matplotlib, numpy without installing them ?
Is it possible to have all the required packages installed on a folder so that i can move it to another computer and run my program with only CPython installed (I don't want to install any package on this computer)?
it's not that simple :-)
some packages have dependencies, you also need to download and extract their dependencies (you need pacakge x,and package x uses y) pakcage manager handles that
some package have some c code (they need to be compiled before use (ujson or postgres module) package manager handles that
when your share your code instead of sharing dependencies you simply add a file containing the list of dependencies (requirements.txt) and other user can simply install all dependencies using package manager
Installing a python package enables us to use it anywhere on our system. If we just place the package in the same directory as our script then it may well work, but only for scripts in that directory.
Some packages also rely on others to function properly, and the installation of a package may well install those pre-requisite packages for you. You may be able to do this manually, but you'd have to put them all in the same directory as your script every time you wanted to run it.
So installing the packages is the easiest way to use them.
You don't have to install them, and in some cases you wouldn't install them on your system; if you had split your code across two files and imported one file at the top of the other for example.
In fact, you don't really need install package on your system.
But if you install it, you can use these packages every where on your system.
Also, you can create a requirement.txt file to enable install all packages that you need on other computer. You can check this manual

How can I install a python package without pip or virtualenv

I have to deploy a python application to a production server (Ubuntu) that I do not control nor do I have permissions to apt-get, pip, virtualenv, etc. Currently, its the server is running python 2.6+. I need to install pycrypto as a dependency for the application but given my limited permissions, I'm not sure as to how to do it. The only think I have permissions to do is wget a resource and unpack it or things along those lines.
First off, is it possible to use it without getting it installed in the aforementioned approach? If not, could I download the package then drop in files in the pycrypto dir so python knows how to find it like so:
According to PEP370, starting with python 2.6 you can have a per-user site directory (see the What's new in Python 2.6?).
So you can use the --user option of easy_install to install the directory for each user instead of system-wide. I believe a similar option exists for pip too.
This doesn't require any privileges since it only uses current user directories.
If you don't have any installer installed you can manually unpack the package into:
Or, if you are on Windows, into:
In the case of pycrypto, the package requires building before installation because it contains some C code. The sources should contain a file. You have to build the library running
python build
Afterwards you can install it in the user directory by giving:
python install --user
Note that the building phase might require some C library to already be installed.
If you don't want to do this, the only option is to ship the library together with your application.
By the way: I believe easy_install doesn't really check whether you are root before performing a system wide install. It simply checks whether it can write in the system-wide site directory. So, if you do have the privileges to write there, there's no need to use sudo in the first place. However this would be really odd...
Use easy_install. It should be installed already on Ubuntu for python 2.6+. If not take a look at these install instructions.

Installing Python modules for OpenERP 6.1 in Windows

I installed OpenERP 6.1 on windows using the AllInOne package. I did NOT install Python separately. Apparently OpenERP folders already contain the required python executables.
Now when I try to install certain addons, I usually come across requirements to install certain python modules. E.g. to install Jasper_Server, I need to install http2, pypdf and python-dime.
As there is no separate Python installation, there is no C:\Python or anything like that. Where and how do I install these python packages so that I am able to install the addon?
Please check this link, may be helpful for you.
if you install the python package separately, then you have to add the bin path of the installed package to the system environment variable.
Good question..
Openerp on windows uses a dll for python (python26.dll in /Server/server of the openerp folder in program files). It looks like all the extra libraries are in the same folder, so you should be able to download the extra libraries to that folder and restart the service. (I usually stop the service and run it manually from the command line - its easier to see if there are any errors etc while debugging)
Let us know if you get it working!

Best practice for installing python modules from an arbitrary VCS repository

I'm newish to the python ecosystem, and have a question about module editing.
I use a bunch of third-party modules, distributed on PyPi. Coming from a C and Java background, I love the ease of easy_install <whatever>. This is a new, wonderful world, but the model breaks down when I want to edit the newly installed module for two reasons:
The egg files may be stored in a folder or archive somewhere crazy on the file system.
Using an egg seems to preclude using the version control system of the originating project, just as using a debian package precludes development from an originating VCS repository.
What is the best practice for installing modules from an arbitrary VCS repository? I want to be able to continue to import foomodule in other scripts. And if I modify the module's source code, will I need to perform any additional commands?
Pip lets you install files gives a URL to the Subversion, git, Mercurial or bzr repository.
pip install -e svn+http://path_to_some_svn/repo#egg=package_name
pip install -e hg+
If I wanted to download the latest version of cmdutils. (Random package I decided to pull).
I installed this into a virtualenv (using the -E parameter), and pip installed cmdutls into a src folder at the top level of my virtualenv folder.
pip install -E thisIsATest -e hg+
$ ls thisIsATest/src
Are you wanting to do development but have the developed version be handled as an egg by the system (for instance to get entry-points)? If so then you should check out the source and use Development Mode by doing:
python develop
If the project happens to not be a setuptools based project, which is required for the above, a quick work-around is this command:
python -c "import setuptools; execfile('')" develop
Almost everything you ever wanted to know about setuptools (the basis of easy_install) is available from the the setuptools docs. Also there are docs for easy_install.
Development mode adds the project to your import path in the same way that easy_install does. An changes you make will be available to your apps the next time they import the module.
As others mentioned, you can also directly use version control URLs if you just want to get the latest version as it is now without the ability to edit, but that will only take a snapshot, and indeed creates a normal egg as part of the process. I know for sure it does Subversion and I thought it did others but I can't find the docs on that.
You can use the PYTHONPATH environment variable or symlink your code to somewhere in site-packages.
Packages installed by easy_install tend to come from snapshots of the developer's version control, generally made when the developer releases an official version. You're therefore going to have to choose between convenient automatic downloads via easy_install and up-to-the-minute code updates via version control. If you pick the latter, you can build and install most packages seen in the python package index directly from a version control checkout by running python install.
If you don't like the default installation directory, you can install to a custom location instead, and export a PYTHONPATH environment variable whose value is the path of the installed package's parent folder.
