Iterate through S3 files in Spark - python

Large number of files. Each file is 10MB and consist of records in json format, gzipped.
My snippet is loading all the data into memory. There is no need to do this. I just need a few hours of data in memory at a time. I need a sliding window.
Is it possible to apply the 'window' idea from spark streaming to the files and how would I do this?
I'm using python
location = "s3://bucketname/xxxx/2016/10/1[1-2]/*/file_prefix*.gz"
rdd = sc.textFile(location)

The snippet you posted actually does no computation. Spark execution is lazy, and only forces computation of "transformations" like maps, filters, and even textFiles when you ask for a result -- counting the RDD for example.
Another note is that most Spark operations stream by default. If you have 300 10M json files, you're going to get 300 separate partitions or tasks. If you're willing to wait, you could perform most RDD operations on this dataset on one core.
If you need a sliding window, then there's good functionality for that in the Spark streaming package. But the snippet you posted has no problems as it is!


Spark - Skewed Input dataframe

i am working with a heavily nested non-splittable json format input dataset housed in S3.
The files can vary a lot in their sizes - minimum is 10kb while other is 300 MB.
When reading the file using the below code, and just doing a simple repartition to desired number of partitions leads to straggling tasks - most tasks finish within seconds but one would last for couple hours and then runs into memory issues (heartbeat missing/ heap space etc.)
I repartition in an attempt to randomize the partition to file mapping since spark may be reading files in sequence and files within same directory tend to have same nature -all large/all small etc.
df ='s3://my/parent/directory')
# Settings (few):
default parallelism = 396
total number of cores = 400
What I tried:
I figured that the input partitions (s3 partitions not spark) scheme (folder hierarchy) might be leading to this skewed partitions problem, where some s3 folders (techinically 'prefixes') have just one file while other has thousands, so I transformed the input to a flattened directory structure using hashcodewhere each folder has just one file:
But it didnt have any effect.
I have tried with really large clusters too - thinking that even if there is input skew - that much memory should be able to handle the larger files. But I still get into the straggling tasks.
When I check the number of files (each file becomes a row in dataframe due to its nested - unsplittable nature) assigned to each partition - I see number of files assigned to be between 2 to 32. Is it because spark picks up the files in partitions based on spark.sql.files.maxPartitionBytes - and probably its assigning only two files where the file size is huge , and much more files to single partition when the filesize is less?
Any recommendations to make the job work properly, and distribute the tasks uniformly - given size of input files is something that can not be changed due to nature of input files.
EDIT: Code added for latest trial per Abdennacer's comment
This is the entire code.
The job gets stuck in Running - even though in worker logs I see the task finished. The driver log has error 'can not increase buffer size' - I dont know what is causing the 2GB buffer issue, since I am not issuing any 'collect' or similar statement.
Configuration for this job is like below to ensure the executor has huge memory per task.
Driver/Executor Cores: 2.
Driver/ Executor memory: 198 GB.
# sample s3 source path:
# Boilerplate
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName('query-analysis').getOrCreate()
# Queries Dataframe
dfq =, primitivesAsString="true")
Great job flattening the files to increase read speed. Prefixes as you seem to understand are related to buckets and bucket read speed is related to the number of files under each prefix and their size. The approach you took will up reading faster than you original strategy. It will not help you with skew of the data itself.
One thing you might consider is that your raw data and working data do not need to be the same set of files. There is a strategy for landing data and then pre-processing it for performance.
That is to say keep the raw data in the format that you have now, then make a copy of the data in a more convenient format for regulatory queries. (Parquet is the best choice for working with S3).
Land data a 'landing zone'
As needed process the data stored in the landing zone, into a convenient splittable format for querying. ('pre-processed folder' )
Once your raw data is processed move it to a 'processed folder'. (Use Your existing flat folder structure.) This processing table is important should you need to rebuild the table or make changes to the table format.
Create a view that is a union of data in the 'landing zone' and the 'pre-pocesssed' folder. This gives you a performant table with up to date data.
If you are using the latest S3 you should get consistent reads, that allow you to ensure you are querying on all the data. In days of the past S3 was eventually consistent meaning you might miss some data while it's in transit, this issue is supposedly fixed in the recent version of S3. Run this 'processing' as often as needed and you should have a performant table to run large queries on.
S3 was designed as a long term cheap storage. It's not made to perform quickly, but they've been trying to make it better over time.
It should be noted this will solve skew on read but won't solve skew on query. To solve the query portion you can enable Adaptive query in your config. (this will adaptively add an extra shuffle to make queries run faster.)

Where does pandas store the DataFrame while the program is running?

Is it in memory?
If so, then it doesn't matter if I import chunk by chunk or not because eventually, when I concatenate them, they'll all be stored in memory.
Does that mean for a large data set, there is no way to use pandas?
Yes, they will be stored in memory, and that's the reason why you want to chunk them - that allows you to not read the whole data set in at the same time, but process it in chunks before writing out the end result.
You can use chunksize to tell pandas how many rows should be read for each chunk. If you need a complete set of rows to perform arbitrary lookups, you'll have to back it with some other technology (such as a database).
Yes it is in memory, and yes when the dataset gets too large you have to use other tools.
Of course you can load data in chucks, process one chunk at a time and write down the results (and so free memory for the next chunk).
That works fine for some type of process like filtering and annotating while if you need sorting or grouping you need to use some other tool, personally I like bigquery from google cloud.

Problem running a Pandas UDF on a large dataset

I'm currently working on a project and I am having a hard time understanding how does the Pandas UDF in PySpark works.
I have a Spark Cluster with one Master node with 8 cores and 64GB, along with two workers of 16 cores each and 112GB. My dataset is quite large and divided into seven principal partitions consisting each of ~78M lines. The dataset consists of 70 columns.
I defined a Pandas UDF in to do some operations on the dataset, that can only be done using Python, on a Pandas dataframe.
The pandas UDF is defined this way :
#pandas_udf(schema, PandasUDFType.GROUPED_MAP)
def operation(pdf):
#Some operations
return pdf
There is absolutely no way to get the Pandas UDF to work as it crashes before even doing the operations. I suspect there is an OOM error somewhere. The code above runs for a few minutes before crashing with an error code stating that the connection has reset.
However, if I call the .toPandas() function after filtering on one partition and then display it, it runs fine, with no error. The error seems to happen only when using a PandasUDF.
I fail to understand how it works. Does Spark try to convert one whole partition at once (78M lines) ? If so, what memory does it use ? The driver memory ? The executor's ? If it's on the driver's, is all Python code executed on it ?
The cluster is configured with the following :
spark.executor.cores 2
spark.executor.memory 30g (to allow memory for the python instance)
spark.driver.memory 43g
Am I missing something or is there just no way to run 78M lines through a PandasUDF ?
Does Spark try to convert one whole partition at once (78M lines) ?
That's exactly what happens. Spark 3.0 adds support for chunked UDFs, which operate on iterators of Pandas DataFrames or Series, but if operations on the dataset, that can only be done using Python, on a Pandas dataframe, these might not be the right choice for you.
If so, what memory does it use ? The driver memory? The executor's?
Each partition is processed locally, on the respective executor, and data is passed to and from Python worker, using Arrow streaming.
Am I missing something or is there just no way to run 78M lines through a PandasUDF?
As long as you have enough memory to handle Arrow input, output (especially if data is copied), auxiliary data structures, as well as as JVM overhead, it should handle large datasets just fine.
But on such tiny cluster, you'll be better with partitioning the output and reading data directly with Pandas, without using Spark at all. This way you'll be able to use all the available resources (i.e. > 100GB / interpreter) for data processing instead of wasting these on secondary tasks (having 16GB - overhead / interpreter).
To answer the general question about using a Pandas UDF on a large pyspark dataframe:
If you're getting out-of-memory errors such as
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError : GC overhead limit exceeded or java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space and increasing memory limits hasn't worked, ensure that pyarrow is enabled. It is disabled by default.
In pyspark, you can enable it using:
spark.conf.set("spark.sql.execution.arrow.pyspark.enabled", "true")
More info here.

How to analyse multiple csv files very efficiently?

I have nearly 60-70 timing log files(all are .csv files, with a total size of nearly 100MB). I need to analyse these files at a single go. Till now, I've tried the following methods :
Merged all these files into a single file and stored it in a DataFrame (Pandas Python) and analysed them.
Stored all the csv files in a database table and analysed them.
My doubt is, which of these two methods is better? Or is there any other way to process and analyse these files?
For me I usually merge the file into a DataFrame and save it as a pickle but if you merge it the file will pretty big and used up a lot of ram when you used it but it is the fastest way if your machine have a lot of ram.
Storing the database is better in the long term but you will waste your time uploading the csv to the database and then waste even more of your time retrieving it from my experience you use the database if you want to query specific things from the table such as you want a log from date A to date B however if you use pandas to query all of that than this method is not very good.
Sometime for me depending on your use case you might not even need to merge it use the filename as a way to query and get the right log to process (using the filesystem) then merge the log files you are concern with your analysis only and don't save it you can save that as pickle for further processing in the future.
What exactly means analysis on a single go?
I think your problem(s) might be solved using dask and particularly the dask dataframe
However, note that the dask documentation recommends to work with one big dataframe, if it fits comfortably in the RAM of you machine.
Nevertheless, an advantage of dask might be to have a better parallelized or distributed computing support than pandas.

What is the Spark DataFrame method `toPandas` actually doing?

I'm a beginner of Spark-DataFrame API.
I use this code to load csv tab-separated into Spark Dataframe
lines = sc.textFile('tail5.csv')
parts = l : l.strip().split('\t'))
fnames = *some name list*
schemaData = StructType([StructField(fname, StringType(), True) for fname in fnames])
ddf = sqlContext.createDataFrame(parts,schemaData)
Suppose I create DataFrame with Spark from new files, and convert it to pandas using built-in method toPandas(),
Does it store the Pandas object to local memory?
Does Pandas low-level computation handled all by Spark?
Does it exposed all pandas dataframe functionality?(I guess yes)
Can I convert it toPandas and just be done with it, without so much touching DataFrame API?
Using spark to read in a CSV file to pandas is quite a roundabout method for achieving the end goal of reading a CSV file into memory.
It seems like you might be misunderstanding the use cases of the technologies in play here.
Spark is for distributed computing (though it can be used locally). It's generally far too heavyweight to be used for simply reading in a CSV file.
In your example, the sc.textFile method will simply give you a spark RDD that is effectively a list of text lines. This likely isn't what you want. No type inference will be performed, so if you want to sum a column of numbers in your CSV file, you won't be able to because they are still strings as far as Spark is concerned.
Just use pandas.read_csv and read the whole CSV into memory. Pandas will automatically infer the type of each column. Spark doesn't do this.
Now to answer your questions:
Does it store the Pandas object to local memory:
Yes. toPandas() will convert the Spark DataFrame into a Pandas DataFrame, which is of course in memory.
Does Pandas low-level computation handled all by Spark
No. Pandas runs its own computations, there's no interplay between spark and pandas, there's simply some API compatibility.
Does it exposed all pandas dataframe functionality?
No. For example, Series objects have an interpolate method which isn't available in PySpark Column objects. There are many many methods and functions that are in the pandas API that are not in the PySpark API.
Can I convert it toPandas and just be done with it, without so much touching DataFrame API?
Absolutely. In fact, you probably shouldn't even use Spark at all in this case. pandas.read_csv will likely handle your use case unless you're working with a huge amount of data.
Try to solve your problem with simple, low-tech, easy-to-understand libraries, and only go to something more complicated as you need it. Many times, you won't need the more complex technology.
Using some spark context or hive context method (sc.textFile(), hc.sql()) to read data 'into memory' returns an RDD, but the RDD remains in distributed memory (memory on the worker nodes), not memory on the master node. All the RDD methods (, rdd.reduceByKey(), etc) are designed to run in parallel on the worker nodes, with some exceptions. For instance, if you run a rdd.collect() method, you end up copying the contents of the rdd from all the worker nodes to the master node memory. Thus you lose your distributed compute benefits (but can still run the rdd methods).
Similarly with pandas, when you run toPandas(), you copy the data frame from distributed (worker) memory to the local (master) memory and lose most of your distributed compute capabilities. So, one possible workflow (that I often use) might be to pre-munge your data into a reasonable size using distributed compute methods and then convert to a Pandas data frame for the rich feature set. Hope that helps.
