AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'times_scalar' - python

This is my Linear System code. The times_scalar function is defined in the Vector object. When executing the multiply_coefficient_and_row function, I get AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'times_scalar'. I tried different things including converting the tuple into a list and back to a tuple but had no success.
from decimal import Decimal, getcontext
from copy import deepcopy
from Vector import Vector
from Plane import Plane
getcontext().prec = 30
class LinearSystem(object):
ALL_PLANES_MUST_BE_IN_SAME_DIM_MSG = 'All planes in the system should live in the same dimension'
NO_SOLUTIONS_MSG = 'No solutions'
INF_SOLUTIONS_MSG = 'Infinitely many solutions'
def __init__(self, planes):
d = planes[0].dimension
for p in planes:
assert p.dimension == d
self.planes = planes
self.dimension = d
except AssertionError:
raise Exception(self.ALL_PLANES_MUST_BE_IN_SAME_DIM_MSG)
def swap_rows(self, row1, row2):
self[row1], self[row2] = self[row2], self[row1]
def multiply_coefficient_and_row(self, coefficient, row):
n = self[row].normal_vector.coordinates
k = self[row].constant_term
new_normal_vector = n.times_scalar(coefficient)
new_constant_term = k * coefficient
self[row] = Plane(normal_vector = new_normal_vector, constant_term = new_constant_term)
def add_multiple_times_row_to_row(self, coefficient, row_to_add, row_to_be_added_to):
n1 = self[row_to_add].normal_vector.coordinates
n2 = self[row_to_be_added_to].normal_vector.coordinates
k1 = self[row_to_add].constant_term
k2 = self[row_to_be_added_to].constant_term
new_normal_vector = n1.times_scalar(coefficient).plus(n2)
new_constant_term = (k1 * coefficient) + k2
self[row_to_be_added_to] = Plane(normal_vector = new_normal_vector, constant_term = new_constant_term)
def indices_of_first_nonzero_terms_in_each_row(self):
num_equations = len(self)
num_variables = self.dimension
indices = [-1] * num_equations
for i,p in enumerate(self.planes):
indices[i] = p.first_nonzero_index(p.normal_vector.coordinates)
except Exception as e:
if str(e) == Plane.NO_NONZERO_ELTS_FOUND_MSG:
raise e
return indices
def __len__(self):
return len(self.planes)
def __getitem__(self, i):
return self.planes[i]
def __setitem__(self, i, x):
assert x.dimension == self.dimension
self.planes[i] = x
except AssertionError:
raise Exception(self.ALL_PLANES_MUST_BE_IN_SAME_DIM_MSG)
def __str__(self):
ret = 'Linear System:\n'
temp = ['Equation {}: {}'.format(i+1,p) for i,p in enumerate(self.planes)]
ret += '\n'.join(temp)
return ret
class MyDecimal(Decimal):
def is_near_zero(self, eps=1e-10):
return abs(self) < eps
and from the Vector class this times_scalar function:
def times_scalar(self, c):
new_coordinates = [Decimal(c) * x for x in self.coordinates]
return Vector(new_coordinates)


Errors in a class when trying to call it

I have this code consisting of a class and a subclass. The class is Euler forward, while the second one is Eulers midpoint method. These are for solving an ODE (x'=x(1/2-x)). Now it doesn't seem to work because when I am to call the function, by typing:
where the 6 is the amount of steps, I get attributeerror.
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'size'
Could anyone help me make my code more robust and working so I could plot the values later on, really don't see whats wrong. My code below:
import numpy as np
class H:
def __init__(self, f):
self._f = f
def initial(self, u0):
self._u0 = u0
def solve(self, time_points):
n = time_points.size
self._t = time_points
self._u = np.zeros(n)
self._u[0] = self._u0
for k in range(n-1):
self._k = k
self._u[k+1] = self.advance()
return self._u, self._t
class F(H):
def ad(self):
u = self._u; t = self._t; f = self._f; k = self._k
dt = t[k+1] - t[k]
u_k12 = u[k] + dt/2 * f(u[k], t[k])
return u[k] + dt * f(u_k12, (t[k] + dt/2) )
I think what's wrong is the way you use the class. Initial value is set with initial method (u0), then you give solve method the list of points. You can use np.linscape to generate midpoint.
np.linspace(0, 3, 31) # 30 points evenly spaced between 0 and 3
So it's like this:
def func(x, y):
return x * y
midpoint = np.linspace(0, 3, 31)
F_ = F(func)
class H:
def __init__(self, f):
self._f = f
def initial(self, u0):
self._u0 = u0
def solve(self, time_points):
n = time_points.size
self._t = time_points
self._u = np.zeros(n)
self._u[0] = self._u0
for k in range(n-1):
self._u[k+1] = self.advance(k)
return self._u, self._t
def advance(self, k):
class F(H):
def advance(self, k):
dt = self._t[k+1] + self._t[k]
u_k12 = self._u[k] + dt/2 * self._f(self._u[k], self._t[k])
return self._u[k] + dt * self._f(u_k12, (self._t[k] + dt/2))

pso algorithm on test function. But I'm stuck with python code

So I have to classes Swarm and Particles, and a class for Sphere function.
But when I'm trying to run the optimization, I get error on iteretation and I don't understand why:
TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'NoneType'
Eventually, if you can give me some tipf for shifted sphere function.
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import numpy
import numpy.random
from particle import Particle
class Swarm (object):
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
def __init__ (self,
self.__swarmsize = swarmsize
assert len (minvalues) == len (maxvalues)
assert (localVelocityRatio + globalVelocityRatio) > 4
self.__minvalues = numpy.array (minvalues[:])
self.__maxvalues = numpy.array (maxvalues[:])
self.__currentVelocityRatio = currentVelocityRatio
self.__localVelocityRatio = localVelocityRatio
self.__globalVelocityRatio = globalVelocityRatio
self.__globalBestFinalFunc = None
self.__globalBestPosition = None
self.__swarm = self.__createSwarm ()
def __getitem__ (self, index):
Возвращает частицу с заданным номером
return self.__swarm[index]
def __createSwarm (self):
return [Particle (self) for _ in range (self.__swarmsize) ]
def nextIteration (self):
for particle in self.__swarm:
return particle.nextIteration (self)
def minvalues (self):
return self.__minvalues
def maxvalues (self):
return self.__maxvalues
def currentVelocityRatio (self):
return self.__currentVelocityRatio
def localVelocityRatio (self):
return self.__localVelocityRatio
def globalVelocityRatio (self):
return self.__globalVelocityRatio
def globalBestPosition (self):
return self.__globalBestPosition
def globalBestFinalFunc (self):
return self.__globalBestFinalFunc
def getFinalFunc (self, position):
assert len (position) == len (self.minvalues)
finalFunc = self._finalFunc (position)
if (self.__globalBestFinalFunc == None or
finalFunc < self.__globalBestFinalFunc):
self.__globalBestFinalFunc = finalFunc
self.__globalBestPosition = position[:]
def _finalFunc (self, position):
def dimension (self):
return len (self.minvalues)
def _getPenalty (self, position, ratio):
penalty1 = sum ([ratio * abs (coord - minval)
for coord, minval in zip (position, self.minvalues)
if coord < minval ] )
penalty2 = sum ([ratio * abs (coord - maxval)
for coord, maxval in zip (position, self.maxvalues)
if coord > maxval ] )
return penalty1 + penalty2
class Particle (object):
def __init__ (self, swarm):
self.__currentPosition = self.__getInitPosition (swarm)
self.__localBestPosition = self.__currentPosition[:]
self.__localBestFinalFunc = swarm.getFinalFunc (self.__currentPosition)
self.__velocity = self.__getInitVelocity (swarm)
def position (self):
return self.__currentPosition
def velocity (self):
return self.__velocity
def __getInitPosition (self, swarm):
return numpy.random.rand (swarm.dimension) * (swarm.maxvalues - swarm.minvalues) + swarm.minvalues
def __getInitVelocity (self, swarm):
assert len (swarm.minvalues) == len (self.__currentPosition)
assert len (swarm.maxvalues) == len (self.__currentPosition)
minval = -(swarm.maxvalues - swarm.minvalues)
maxval = (swarm.maxvalues - swarm.minvalues)
return numpy.random.rand (swarm.dimension) * (maxval - minval) + minval
def nextIteration (self, swarm):
rnd_currentBestPosition = numpy.random.rand (swarm.dimension)
rnd_globalBestPosition = numpy.random.rand (swarm.dimension)
veloRatio = swarm.localVelocityRatio + swarm.globalVelocityRatio
commonRatio = (2.0 * swarm.currentVelocityRatio /
(numpy.abs (2.0 - veloRatio - numpy.sqrt (veloRatio ** 2 - 4.0 * veloRatio) ) ) )
newVelocity_part1 = commonRatio * self.__velocity
newVelocity_part2 = (commonRatio *
swarm.localVelocityRatio *
rnd_currentBestPosition *
(self.__localBestPosition - self.__currentPosition) )
newVelocity_part3 = (commonRatio *
swarm.globalVelocityRatio *
rnd_globalBestPosition *
(swarm.globalBestPosition - self.__currentPosition) )
self.__velocity = newVelocity_part1 + newVelocity_part2 + newVelocity_part3
self.__currentPosition += self.__velocity
finalFunc = swarm.getFinalFunc (self.__currentPosition)
if finalFunc < self.__localBestFinalFunc:
self.__localBestPosition = self.__currentPosition[:]
self.__localBestFinalFunc = finalFunc
class Swarm_X2 (Swarm):
def init (self,
Swarm.init (self,
def _finalFunc (self, position):
penalty = self._getPenalty (position, 10000.0)
finalfunc = sum (position * position)
return finalfunc + penalty
from swarm_x2 import Swarm_X2
from utils import printResult
if name == "main":
iterCount = 300
dimension = 5
swarmsize = 200
minvalues = numpy.array ([-100] * dimension)
maxvalues = numpy.array ([100] * dimension)
currentVelocityRatio = 0.1
localVelocityRatio = 1.0
globalVelocityRatio = 5.0
swarm = Swarm_X2 (swarmsize,
for n in range (iterCount):
print "Position", swarm[0].position
print "Velocity", swarm[0].velocity
print printResult (swarm, n)

Typeerror: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'Decimal' and 'float'

Here is my code: I have tried all day to solve the mistake but I still have the error:
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'Decimal' and 'float'.
from math import sqrt, acos, pi
from decimal import Decimal, getcontext
getcontext().prec = 30
class Vector(object):
CANNOT_NORMALIZE_ZERO_VECTOR_MSG = 'Cannot compute an angle with the zero vector'
def __init__(self, coordinates):
if not coordinates:
raise ValueError
self.coordinates = tuple(Decimal(x) for x in coordinates)
self.dimension = len(self.coordinates)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError('The coordinates must be nonempty')
except TypeError:
raise TypeError('The coordinates must be an iterable')
#orthogonal or parallel
def is_zero(self, tolerance=1e-10):
return self.magnitude() < tolerance
def is_orthogonal_to(self, v, tolerance=1e-10):
return abs( < tolerance
def is_parallel_to(self, v):
return ( self.is_zero() or
v.is_zero() or
self.angle_with(v) == 0 or
self.angle_with(v) == pi )
#dot product &angle
def dot(self, v):
return sum([x*y for x,y in zip(self.coordinates,v.coordinates)])
def angle_with(self,v,in_degrees=False):
u1 = self.normalized()
u2 = v.normalized()
angle_in_radians = acos(
if in_degrees:
degrees_per_radian = 180./pi
return angle_in_radians * degrees_per_radian
return angle_in_radians
except Exception as e:
raise Exception('Cannot compute an angle with the zero vector')
raise e
#magnitude& Direction
def magnitude(self):
coordinates_squared = [x**2 for x in self.coordinates]
return sqrt(sum(coordinates_squared))
def normalized(self):
magnitude = self.magnitude()
return self.times_scalar(Decimal('1.0')/magnitude)
except ZeroDivisionError:
#Plus,minus, scalar multiply
def plus(self, v):
new_coordinates = [x+y for x,y in zip(self.coordinates,v.coordinates)]
return Vector(new_coordinates)
def minus(self, v):
new_coordinates = [x-y for x,y in zip(self.coordinates,v.coordinates)]
return Vector(new_coordinates)
def times_scalar(self, c):
new_coordinates = [Decimal(c)*x for x in self.coordinates]
return Vector(new_coordinates)
def __str__(self):
return 'Vector: {}'.format(self.coordinates)
def __eq__(self, v):
return self.coordinates == v.coordinates
v = Vector(['8','-9'])
w = Vector(['-1','-1'])
print v.angle_with(w)
print v.angle_with(w, in_degrees=True)
In general it usually does not make sense to mix Decimal and float math. Not sure why you need Decimal here, but with two small changes this code can be made to run. I would suggest considering getting rid of the Decimal unless you are sure you need it:
Change magnitude to:
# magnitude& Direction
def magnitude(self):
coordinates_squared = [x ** 2 for x in self.coordinates]
return sum(coordinates_squared) ** Decimal('0.5')
And the acos call to:
angle_in_radians = Decimal(str(acos(

Multivariable Cumulants and Moments in python

In Mathematica I can convert multivariable moments in cumulants and back using MomentConvert:
MomentConvert[Cumulant[{2, 2,1}], "Moment"] // TraditionalForm
as one can try in wolframcloud.
I would like to do exactly the same in python. Is there any library in python capable of this?
At least the one direction I now programmed by myself:
# from
from collections import defaultdict
class Partition:
def __init__(self, S): = list(S)
self.m = len(S)
self.table = self.rgf_table()
def __getitem__(self, i):
#generates set partitions by index
if i > len(self) - 1:
raise IndexError
L = self.unrank_rgf(i)
result = self.as_set_partition(L)
return result
def __len__(self):
return self.table[self.m,0]
def as_set_partition(self, L):
# Transform a restricted growth function into a partition
n = max(L[1:]+[1])
m = self.m
data =
P = [[] for _ in range(n)]
for i in range(m):
return P
def rgf_table(self):
# Compute the table values
m = self.m
D = defaultdict(lambda:1)
for i in range(1,m+1):
for j in range(0,m-i+1):
D[i,j] = j * D[i-1,j] + D[i-1,j+1]
return D
def unrank_rgf(self, r):
# Unrank a restricted growth function
m = self.m
L = [1 for _ in range(m+1)]
j = 1
D = self.table
for i in range(2,m+1):
v = D[m-i,j]
cr = j*v
if cr <= r:
L[i] = j + 1
r -= cr
j += 1
L[i] = r // v + 1
r %= v
return L
# S = set(range(4))
# P = Partition(S)
# for x in P:
# print (x)
# using
import math
def Cum2Mom(arr, state):
def E(op):
return qu.expect(op, state)
def Arr2str(arr,sep):
r = ''
for i,x in enumerate(arr):
r += str(x)
if i<len(arr)-1:
r += sep
return r
if isinstance( arr[0],str):
myprod = lambda x: Arr2str(x,'*')
mysum = lambda x: Arr2str(x,'+')
E=lambda x: 'E('+str(x)+')'
myfloat = str
myfloat = lambda x: x
myprod =
mysum = sum
S = set(range(len(arr)))
P = Partition(S)
return mysum([
myprod([myfloat(math.factorial(len(pi)-1) * (-1)**(len(pi)-1))
for i in B
for B in pi])])
for pi in P])
print(Cum2Mom(['a','b','c','d'],1) )
import qutip as qu
print(Cum2Mom([qu.qeye(3) for i in range(3)],qu.qeye(3)) )
It's designed to work with qutip opjects and it also works with strings to verify the correct separation and prefactors.
Exponents of the variables can be represented by repeating the variable.

Multiprocessing taking more time then no multiprocessing - Python

I'm working on a scientific project where I have a method that takes much time to terminates and which is call more than 20 times. That method could be easily parallelized too. The problem is that the parallelized code is taking much more time than the not parallelized one (commented in the code).
Here is a piece of my code just to show how I am doing such thing:
import copy_reg
import types
from itertools import product
import multiprocessing as mp
def _pickle_method(method):
Author: Steven Bethard (author of argparse)
func_name = method.im_func.__name__
obj = method.im_self
cls = method.im_class
cls_name = ''
if func_name.startswith('__') and not func_name.endswith('__'):
cls_name = cls.__name__.lstrip('_')
if cls_name:
func_name = '_' + cls_name + func_name
return _unpickle_method, (func_name, obj, cls)
def _unpickle_method(func_name, obj, cls):
Author: Steven Bethard
for cls in cls.mro():
func = cls.__dict__[func_name]
except KeyError:
return func.__get__(obj, cls)
copy_reg.pickle(types.MethodType, _pickle_method, _unpickle_method)
class ImageData(object):
def __init__(self, width=60, height=60):
self.width = width
self.height = height = []
for i in range(width):[0] * height)
def parallel_orientation_uncertainty_calculus(x, y, mean_gradient, mean_gradient_direction, gradient_covariance,
gradient_correlation, bins):
v =[x][y]
theta_sigma = Uts.Utils.translate_to_polar_coordinates(v[0].item(0), v[1].item(0))
sigma_theta = 0.0
for i in range(bins):
n1 = mt.pow(-mt.pi / 2 + mt.pi * i / bins, 2)
n2 = VariabilityOfGradients.calculate_gradient_orientation_probability_density_function(
mean_gradient, gradient_covariance, gradient_correlation, x, y,
(theta_sigma - mt.pi / 2 + mt.pi * i / bins))
sigma_theta += n1 * n2
return [x, y, sigma_theta]
class VariabilityOfGradients(object):
parallel_orientation_uncertainty_calculus = staticmethod(parallel_orientation_uncertainty_calculus)
def calculate_orientation_uncertainty(mean_gradient, mean_gradient_direction, gradient_covariance, gradient_correlation, bins):
output = ImD.ImageData(range_min=0, range_max=1)
results = []
pool = Pool()
for x, y in product(range(1, output.width - 1), range(1, output.height - 1)):
print "Iteration ", x, y
result = pool.apply_async(VariabilityOfGradients.parallel_orientation_uncertainty_calculus,
args=[x, y, mean_gradient, mean_gradient_direction, gradient_covariance,
gradient_correlation, bins])
for i, result in enumerate(results):
result = results[i]
print result[result[0], result[1]] = result[2]
# for x, y in product(range(1, output.width - 1), range(1, output.height - 1)):
# print "Iteration ", x, y
# v =[x][y]
# theta_sigma = Uts.Utils.translate_to_polar_coordinates(v[0].item(0), v[1].item(0))
# sigma_theta = 0.0
# for i in range(bins):
# n1 = mt.pow(-mt.pi / 2 + mt.pi * i / bins, 2)
# n2 = VariabilityOfGradients.calculate_gradient_orientation_probability_density_function(
mean_gradient, gradient_covariance, gradient_correlation, x, y,
(theta_sigma - mt.pi / 2 + mt.pi * i / bins))
# sigma_theta += n1 * n2
#[x][y] = sigma_theta
return output
if __name__ == '__main__':
I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong. Am I using multiprocessing wrong?
Thank you in advance.
