Serial Numbers from a Storage Controller over SSH - python

I'm working on a bash script to pull serial numbers and part numbers from all the devices in a server rack, my goal is to be able to run a single script ( and walk away while it generates text files containing the information I need. I'm using bash for maximum compatibility, the RHEL 6.7 systems do have Perl and Python installed, however they have minimal libraries. So far I haven't had to use anything other than bash, but I'm not against calling a Perl or Python script from my bash script.
My Problem
I need to retrieve the Serial Numbers and Part numbers from the drives in a Dot Hill Systems AssuredSAN 3824, as well as the Serial numbers from the equipment inside. The only way I have found to get all the information I need is to connect over SSH and run the following three commands dumping the output to a local file:
show controllers
show frus
show disks
I don't have "sshpass" installed, and would prefer not to install it.
The Controller is not capable of storing SSH keys ( no option in custom shell).
The Controller also cannot write or transfer local files.
The Rack does NOT have access to the Internet.
I looked at paramiko, but while Python is installed I do not have pip.
I also cannot use CPAN.
For what its worth, the output comes back in XML format. (I've already written the code to parse it in bash)
Right now I think my best option would be to have a library for Python or Perl in the folder with my other scripts, and write a script to dump the commands' output to files that I can parse with my bash script. Which language is easier to just provide a library in a file? I'm looking for a library that is as small and simple as possible to use. I just need a way to get the output of those commands to XML files. Right now I am just using ssh 3 times in my script and having to enter the password each time.

Have a look at SNMP. There is a reasonable chance that you can use SNMP tools to remotely extract the information you need. The manufacturer should be able to provide you with the MIBs.

I ended up contacting the Manufacturer and asking my question. They said that the system isn't setup for connecting without a password, and their SNMP is very basic and won't provide the information I need. They said to connect to the system with FTP and use "get logs " to download an archive of the configuration and logs. Not exactly ideal as it takes 4 minutes just to run that one command but it seems to be my only option. Below is the script I wrote to retrieve the file automatically by adding the login credentials to the .netrc file. This works on RHEL 6.7:
#Retrieve the logs and configuration from a Dot Hill Systems AssuredSAN 3824 automatically.
#Modify "LINE" and "HOST" to fit your configuration.
LINE='machine <IP> login manage password <password>'
#Check for and verify the autologin file
if [ -f $AUTOLOGIN ]; then
printf "Found auto-login file, checking for proper entry... \r"
#Append the line to the end of .netrc if file exists but not the line.
if [ "$LINE" != "$READLINE" ]; then
printf "Proper entry not found, creating it... \r"
echo "$LINE" >> "$AUTOLOGIN"
printf "Proper entry found... \r"
#Create the Autologin file if it doesn't exist
printf "Auto-Login file does not exist, creating it and setting permissions...\r"
echo "$LINE" > "$AUTOLOGIN"
chmod 600 "$AUTOLOGIN"
#Start getting the information from the controller. (This takes a VERY long time)
printf "Retrieving Storage Controller data, this will take awhile... \r"
get logs $FILE
exit 0
This gave me a bunch of files in the zip, but all I needed was the "store_....logs" file. It was about 500,000 lines long, the first portion is the entire configuration in XML format, then the configuration in text format, followed by the logs from the system. I parsed the file and stripped off the logs at the end which cut the file down to 15,000 lines. From there I divided it into two files (config.xml and config.txt). I then pulled the XML output of the 3 commands that I needed and it to the 3 files my previously written script searches for. Now my inventory script pulls in everything it needs, albeit pretty slow due to waiting 4 minutes for the system to generate the zip file. I hope this helps someone in the future.
Waiting 4 minutes for the system to compile was taking too long. So I ended up using paramiko and python scripts to dump output from the commands to files that my other code can parse. It accepts the IP of the Controller as a parameter. Here is the script for those interested. Thank you again for all the help.
#!/usr/bin/env python
#Saves output of "show disks" from the storage Controller to an XML file.
import paramiko
import sys
import re
import xmltodict
IP = sys.argv[1]
USERNAME = "manage"
PASSWORD = "password"
FILENAME = "./logfiles/disks.xml"
cmd = "show disks"
client = paramiko.SSHClient()
stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command(cmd)
except Exception as e:
data = ""
for line in stdout:
if'#', line):
data += line
f = open(FILENAME, 'w+')


How to copy contents of a text file to a variable over a telnet session using python

I have the following program where I'm redirecting an output on terminal to a text file :
import telnetlib
import time
import string
tn = telnetlib.Telnet("")
print "Attempting Telnet connection...."
tn.read_until("login: ")
print "Telnet logged in successfully....\n"
tn.write("head /proc/meminfo > /home/a.txt")
I would like to copy the textual contents of this file to a buffer variable and process it. That is, I don't want to read from the console/terminal. I just want to redirect the output to a text file and then read from the text file. Does telnetlib offer any direct function to achieve this or any alternate way to do the same?
TELNET protocol is more or less a distant terminal emulation. It offers no file transfert facilities because other protocols deal with that. That means that once you have written the file on remote system, you will have to display it with cat and store the output of the cat command.
Alternatively you could use a protocol meant for file transfert like FTP, RSYNC, SFTP, FTPS, etc. to download the remote file. Just use the one that is accessible on your remote system.
EDIT this code reads from a local file on the remote host
Please try the following code, which assume that after you execute your command, you get the following string: "root#mypc:/home/root1"
tn.write("cat /home/a.txt")
data = ''
while data.find("root#mypc:/home/root1") == -1:
data = tn.read_very_eager()
print data

Python, Output of Nmap NSE scripts (libnmap module)

I'm trying to get the output of a Nmap NSE script to output properly to my terminal. I'm using the libnmap module, and have read a few examples as well as the documentation, so I'm not sure where I'm going wrong.
from libnmap.parser import NmapParser
p = NmapParser.parse_fromfile("test.xml")
for host in p.hosts:
for service in
for script_out in service.scripts_results:
print "Output of {0}: {1}".format(script_out['id'], script_out['output']
When I ran the script above, nothing outputted. If I get the logic of the above script to work properly, then I can probably get it to work in my main script.
I ran this nmap scan in my terminal to test the script. nmap -sV --script dns-brute.nse -oX test.xml
I was stuck on the same problem, after reviewing the source code and the xml file, you'll notice that while the script scan the host running a script on the xml file there is the element Hostscript which make the difference between other script lunched (ex: ftp-anon )
well try out this, it should work
from libnmap.parser import NmapParser
p = NmapParser.parse_fromfile("test.xml")
for host in p.hosts:
for script_out in host.scripts_results:
print "Output of {0}: {1}".format(script_out['id'],script_out['output']

Inject Shellcode - program running and need to inject hexcode from maybe python

So I have a vulnerable program which is to be exploited using buffer overflow. After analysis I have all the relevant values(buffer size, the address to be injected ,etc )
The issue is that I need to automate the inputs given to it.
Precisely here's what happens :
the program asks for a normal input -- (No vulnerability present here)
It asks for a second input -- this is to be injected with the shellcode
I have tried sending the input from the file (by writing it with the payload say python -c 'print '.. blah blah), but the file somehow sends the ascii representation and messes up with the desired input
Things I have tried : Wrote a shell script like this :
echo -e "<first input>\r";
python -c 'print "A"*100 + "<shell code>"+"<ret>";
after this I send this file as an input : $ ./vuln < File
Is there anyway that I send the output from python when the program is prompting for the second input ?
You can use expect, a program used to automate interactions with programs that expose text terminal interfaces.
The script should look like this:
spawn programUnderTest
expect firstPrompt
send firstInput
expect secondPrompt
send secondInput

Is this python code safe against injections?

I have a server/client socket pair in Python. The server receives specific commands, then prepares the response and send it to the client.
In this question, my concern is just about possible injections in the code: if it could be possible to ask the server doing something weird with the 2nd parameter -- if the control on the command contents is not sufficient to avoid undesired behaviour.
according to advices received
added parameter shell=True when calling check_output on windows. Should not be dangerous since the command is a plain 'dir'.
self.client, address = self.sock.accept()
cmd = bytes.decode(self.client.recv(4096))
ls: executes a system command but only reads the content of a directory.
if cmd == 'ls':
if self.linux:
output = subprocess.check_output(['ls', '-l'])
output = subprocess.check_output('dir', shell=True)
cd: just calls os.chdir.
elif cmd.startswith('cd '):
path = cmd.split(' ')[1].strip()
if not os.path.isdir(path):
self.client.send(b'is not path')
self.client.send( os.getcwd().encode() )
get: send the content of a file to the client.
elif cmd.startswith('get '):
file = cmd.split(' ')[1].strip()
if not os.path.isfile(file):
self.client.send(b'ERR: is not a file')
with open(file) as f: contents =
except IOError as er:
res = "ERR: " + er.strerror
... (send the file contents)
Except in implementation details, I cannot see any possibilities of direct injection of arbitrary code because you do not use received parameters in the only commands you use (ls -l and dir).
But you may still have some security problems :
you locate commands through the path instead of using absolute locations. If somebody could change the path environment variable what could happen ... => I advice you to use directly os.listdir('.') which is portable and has less risks.
you seem to have no control on allowed files. If I correctly remember reading CON: or other special files on older Windows version gave weird results. And you should never give any access to sensible files, configuration, ...
you could have control on length of asked files to avoid users to try to break the server with abnormally long file names.
Typical issues in a client-server scenario are:
Tricking the server into running a command that is determined by the client. In the most obvious form this happens if the server allows the client to run commands (yes, stupid). However, this can also happen if the client can supply only command parameters but shell=True is used. E.g. using subprocess.check_output('dir %s' % dir, shell=True) with a client-supplied dir variable would be a security issue, dir could have a value like c:\ && deltree c:\windows (a second command has been added thanks to the flexibility of the shell's command line interpreter). A relatively rare variation of this attack is the client being able to influence environment variables like PATH to trick the server into running a different command than intended.
Using unexpected functionality of built-in programming language functions. For example, fopen() in PHP won't just open files but fetch URLs as well. This allows passing URLs to functionality expecting file names and playing all kinds of tricks with the server software. Fortunately, Python is a sane language - open() works on files and nothing else. Still, database commands for example can be problematic if the SQL query is generated dynamically using client-supplied information (SQL Injection).
Reading data outside the allowed area. Typical scenario is a server that is supposed to allow only reading files from a particular directory, yet by passing in ../../../etc/passwd as parameter you can read any file. Another typical scenario is a server that allows reading only files with a particular file extension (e.g. .png) but passing in something like passwords.txt\0harmless.png still allows reading files of other types.
Out of these issues only the last one seems present in your code. In fact, your server doesn't check at all which directories and files the client should be allowed to read - this is a potential issue, a client might be able to read confidential files.

File Manipulation: Scripting Question

I have a script which connects to database and gets all records which statisfy the query. These record results are files present on a server, so now I have a text file which has all file names in it.
I want a script which would know:
What is the size of each file in the output.txt file?
What is the total size of all the files present in that text file?
I would like to know how can I achieve my task using Perl programming language, any inputs would be highly appreciated.
Note: I do not have any specific language constraint, it could be either Perl or Python scripting language which I can run from the Unix prompt. Currently I am using the bash shell and have sh and py script. How can this be done?
My scripts:
export ORACLE_HOME=database specific details
export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:path information
sqlplus database server information<<EOF
SPOOL output.txt
select * from my table_name;
I know du -h would be the command which I should be using but I am not sure how should my script be, I have tried something in python. I am totally new to Python and it's my first time effort.
Here it is:
import os
file=open('output file which has all listing of query result','r')
for line in file:
filename=filename.replace(' ', '\ ')
# print (fullpath)
os.system('du -h '+fullpath)
File names in the output text file for example are like: 007_009_Bond Is Here_009_Yippie.doc
Any guidance would be highly appreciated.
How can I move all the files which are present in output.txt file to some other folder location using Perl ?
After doing step1, how can I delete all the files which are present in output.txt file ?
Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.
In perl, the -s filetest operator is probaby what you want.
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Copy;
my $folderpath = 'the_path';
my $destination = 'path/to/destination/directory';
open my $IN, '<', 'path/to/infile';
my $total;
while (<$IN>) {
my $size = -s "$folderpath/$_";
print "$_ => $size\n";
$total += $size;
move("$folderpath/$_", "$destination/$_") or die "Error when moving: $!";
print "Total => $total\n";
Note that -s gives size in bytes not blocks like du.
On further investigation, perl's -s is equivalent to du -b. You should probably read the man pages on your specific du to make sure that you are actually measuring what you intend to measure.
If you really want the du values, change the assignment to $size above to:
my ($size) = split(' ', `du "$folderpath/$_"`);
Eyeballing, you can make YOUR script work this way:
1) Delete the line filename=filename.replace(' ', '\ ') Escaping is more complicated than that, and you should just quote the full path or use a Python library to escape it based on the specific OS;
2) You are probably missing a delimiter between the path and the file name;
3) You need single quotes around the full path in the call to os.system.
This works for me:
import os
for line in file:
os.system('du -h '+"'"+fullpath+"'")
The file "ft.txt" has file names with no path and the path part is '/Users/andrew/bin'. Some of the files have names that would need to be escaped, but that is taken care of with the single quotes around the file name.
That will run du -h on each file in the .txt file, but does not give you the total. This is fairly easy in Perl or Python.
Here is a Python script (based on yours) to do that:
import os
template='%d total files in %d blocks using %d KB\n'
for line in file:
print `info.st_blocks`+"\t"+fullpath
print '"'+fullpath+"'"+" not found"
print `blocks`+"\tTotal"
print " "+template % (i,blocks,blocks*512/1024)
Notice that you do not have to quote or escape the file name this time; Python does it for you. This calculates file sizes using allocation blocks; the same way that du does it. If I run du -ahc against the same files that I have listed in ft.txt I get the same number (well kinda; du reports it as 25M and I get the report as 24324 KB) but it reports the same number of blocks. (Side note: "blocks" are always assumed to be 512 bytes under Unix even though the actual block size on larger disc is always larger.)
Finally, you may want to consider making your script so that it can read a command line group of files rather than hard coding the file and the path in the script. Consider:
import os, sys
template='%d total files in %d blocks using %d KB\n'
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
print "processing: "+arg
for line in file:
print `info.st_blocks`+"\t"+fullpath
print '"'+fullpath+"'"+" not found"
print "\t"+template % (i,blocks,blocks*512/1024)
print template % (total_files,total_blocks,total_blocks*512/1024)
You can then execute the script (after chmod +x [script_name].py) by ./ ft.txt and it will then use the path to the command line file as the assumed path to the files "ft.txt". You can process multiple files as well.
You can do it in your shell script itself.
You have all the files names in your spooled file output.txt, all you have to add at the end of existing script is:
< output.txt du -h
It will give size of each file and also a total at the end.
You can use the Python skeleton that you've sketched out and add os.path.getsize(fullpath) to get the size of individual file.
For example, if you wanted a dictionary with the file name and size you could:
dict((f, os.path.getsize(f)) for f in file)
Keep in mind that the result from os.path.getsize(...) is in bytes so you'll have to convert it to get other units if you want.
In general os.path is a key module for manipulating files and paths.
