I'm writing a little application to generate a GIF from a kifu file (it's a type of file used to save a game in Japanese chess). I'm using Matplotlib currently to draw the board and the pieces, and the matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation class combined with numpngw.AnimatedPNGWriter to write the gif. However, it uses more than 800MB of RAM to generate a single gif with 80 frames. After reflection, this value seems not surprising, because (from my understanding), each frame has a dimension of 1700x1000 and is in color. So, to keep every frame in frame, it needs a minimum of 1700*1000*80*(nb_bytes by pixel), which is a huge amount of RAM.
Is there a way to minimize this amount either with matplotlib or with another library? I suppose I need to compress frames after creating them instead of keeping them raw but I can't figure out how to do that.
Thank you very much
I am trying to load all the frames of a video for analysis, things such as average pixel value across all frames for background extraction, but the memory requirement is killing me.
When I load the frames in memory in uint8, they take up ~2.8gb of memory. I have looked into libraries such as pims, but I would need to interactively perform operations on the entire set of frames on the fly.
How can I efficiently hold the frame while still being able to use Numpy element-wise array operations?
I am developing an OpenCV application under Python. Several of the processing steps involve blob analysis (connected components labeling) after binarization. All is fine, except sometimes, when image noise is present, the number of blobs explodes and so does the processing time (say 1 second instead of 10 ms).
For the moment I am using the function connectedComponentsWithStats. I actually need the areas and centroids of the blobs.
Do you know of an alternative function which remains fast when there are many blobs, or which does a pre-filtering on size, or a way to apply a size filer on the binary image ?
So I have over 150,000 huge GeoTIFF images (each 2.4 GB) which I need to run image smoothing and edge detection (LoG Filter) on, to get a sharpened image. I read the image using Gdal, smoothed it, subsampled it, created a high-pass filter (level 5) and reconstructed the image.
This works fine for a normal .jpg file.
But I'm not able to accomplish this for a huge TIFF file becaus I keep running into memory errors even with a 32 GB RAM 8 core processor and 4 TB disk space.
What is the best way to do heavy weight image processing / image segmentation on a Python 3.6 Ubuntu 18 LTS?
pyvips can process huge images quickly and in little memory. It's LGPL, runs on Linux, macOS and Windows, and works on every version of Python. Most linuxes (including Ubuntu) have it in the package manager.
It's a demand-driven, streaming image processing library. Instead of processing images in single huge lumps, it constructs a network of image processing operators behind your back and pixels are pulled through your computer's memory in small regions by the need to create the output.
For example, I can run this program:
import sys
import pyvips
# access='sequential' puts pyvips into streaming mode for this image
im = pyvips.Image.new_from_file(sys.argv[1], access='sequential')
im = im.crop(100, 100, im.width - 200, im.height - 200)
# 10% shrink, lanczos3 (by default)
im = im.resize(0.9)
mask = pyvips.Image.new_from_array([[-1, -1, -1],
[-1, 16, -1],
[-1, -1, -1]], scale=8)
# integer convolution ... you can use large float masks too, canny,
# sobel, etc. etc.
im = im.conv(mask, precision='integer')
On a 40k x 30k pixel GeoTIFF image:
$ vipsheader SAV_X5S_transparent_mosaic_group1.tif
SAV_X5S_transparent_mosaic_group1.tif: 42106x29852 uchar, 4 bands, srgb, tiffload
On this 2015 laptop runs like this:
$ /usr/bin/time -f %M:%e python3 bench.py SAV_X5S_transparent_mosaic_group1.tif x.tif
ie. 260mb of ram, 101s of elapsed time. It should be quite a bit quicker on your large machine.
One issue you might have is with the GeoTIFF tags: they won't be preserved by pyvips. Perhaps you won't need them in later processing.
Typically, such large images are processed tile-wise. The idea is to divide the image up into tiles, read each one in independently, with enough "overlap" to account for the filtering applied, process it and write it to file.
The TIFF standard knows the "tiled" format (I believe GeoTIFF files are typically stored in a tiled format). This format is explicitly designed to make it easy to read in a small window of the image without having to piece together bits and pieces from all over the file. Each tile in the TIFF file can be indexed by location, and is encoded and compressed independently, making it easy to read in and write out one tile at a time.
The overlap you need depends on the filtering applied. If you apply, say, a Laplace of Gaussian filter with a 9x9 window (reaches 4 pixels past the central pixel), and then overlap needs to be only 4 pixels. If you chain filters, you typically want to add the reach of each filter to obtain a total overlap value.
Next, divide the image into some multiple of the tile size in the TIFF file. Say the file has tiles of 512x512 pixels. You can choose to process 8 tiles at once, a region of 2048x2048 pixels.
Now loop over the image in steps of 2048 in each dimension. Read in the 8 tiles, and include neighboring tiles, which you will crop so that you get square images of 2048+2*4 pixels to a side. Process the sub-image, remove the overlap region, and write the rest to the corresponding tiles in the output TIFF file. The output TIFF file should be set up in the same way as the input TIFF file.
I am sure there is software out there that automates this process, but I don't know of any in Python. If you implement this yourself, you will need to learn how to read and write individual tiles in the TIFF file. One option is pylibtiff.
I'm writing some image processing routines for a micro-controller that supports MicroPython. The bad news is that it only has 0.5 MB of RAM. This means that if I want to work with relatively big images/matrices like 256x256, I need to treat it as a collection of smaller matrices (e.g. 32x32) and perform the operation on them. Leaving at aside the fact of reconstructing the final output of the orignal (256x256) matrix from its (32x32) submatrices, I'd like to focus on how to do the loading/saving from/to disk (an SD card in this case) of this smaller matrices from a big image.
Given that intro, here is my question: Assuming I have a 256x256 on disk that I'd like to apply some operation onto (e.g. convolution), what's the most convenient way of storing that image so it's easy to load it into 32x32 image patches? I've seen there is a MicroPython implementation of the pickle module, is this a good idea for my problem?
Sorry, but your question contains the answer - if you need to work with 32x32 tiles, the best format is that which represents your big image as a sequence of tiles (and e.g. not as one big 256x256 image, though reading tiles out of it is also not a rocket science and should be fairly trivial to code in MicroPython, though 32x32 tiles would be more efficient of course).
You don't describe the exact format of your images, but I wouldn't use pickle module for it, but store images as raw bytes and load them into array.array() objects (using inplace .readinto() operation).