Sending a message in Messages with PyObjC and ScriptingBridge in Python - python

this is probably a simple question but I am a bit confused as I haven't found many examples online.
I've been able to send messages through Messages in Mac OS using Javascript (Using this tutorial) but I can't figure out how to do it using Python and PyObjC.
Using Javascript I'd do something like this:
var messages = Application('Messages');
messages.send("JavaScript sent this message!", {to: buddy});
I can't figure out how to set the buddy variable to the relevant object with Python. The following works fine to access Messages
from Foundation import *
from ScriptingBridge import *
Messages = SBApplication.applicationWithBundleIdentifier_("")
Then in Python I'm able do something like this.
In [182]: s =
In [183]: [ for x in s]
Out[183]: ['', 'Bonjour', 'SMS']
But I'm not sure how to make the leap from this to actually getting it to send a message using Messages.send_to_ after I create the Messages object.
Your help would be greatly appreciated, thank you very much!

You can do it like this:
from ScriptingBridge import SBApplication
Messages = SBApplication.applicationWithBundleIdentifier_("")
# get the first budddy who's name is Chris Cummings
buddy_to_message = [b for b in Messages.buddies() if b.fullName() == "Chris Cummings"][0]
# send text to buddy
Messages.send_to_("sending this from python test", buddy_to_message)
Something I've found really useful when trying to use the largely undocumented ScriptingBridge module from pyobjc is to search for methods that are available on the class that I'm trying to get access to in the repl
>>>[method for method in dir(Messages) if "bud" in method.lower()]
["buddies", "buddies"] # found the buddies method
>>>[method for method in dir(Meessages.buddies()[0]) if "name" in method.lower()]
[ ... 'accessibilityParameterizedAttributeNames', 'className',
'elementWithCode_named_', 'entityName', 'firstName', 'fullName',
'fullName', 'lastName', 'name', 'name', 'scriptAccountLegacyName',
# ... this one had a bunch of other junk but hopefully this illustrates the idea
An additional note on dir:
Of course dir() can take arguments as well and you can get a list of methods that are defined on the object that match a string with dir('name') but the ObjectiveC classnames are almost never capitalized as I'd expect, so I think it's useful to search for them all lowercase.


Setting NSSpeechSynthesizer mode from Python

I am using PyObjC bindings to try to get a spoken sound file from phonemes.
I figured out that I can turn speech into sound as follows:
import AppKit
ss = AppKit.NSSpeechSynthesizer.alloc().init()
ss.startSpeakingString_toURL_("Hello", AppKit.NSURL.fileURLWithPath_("hello.aiff"))
# then wait until ve.isSpeaking() returns False
Next for greater control I'd like to turn the text first into phonemes, and then speak them.
phonemes = ss.phonemesFromText_("Hello")
But now I'm stuck, because I know from the docs that to get startSpeakingString to accept phonemes as input, you first need to set NSSpeechSynthesizer.SpeechPropertyKey.Mode to "phoneme". And I think I'm supposed to use setObject_forProperty_error_ to set that.
There are two things I don't understand:
Where is NSSpeechSynthesizer.SpeechPropertyKey.Mode in PyObjC? I grepped the entire PyObjC directory and SpeechPropertyKey is not mentioned anywhere.
How do I use setObject_forProperty_error_ to set it? I think based on the docs that the first argument is the value to set (although it's called just "an object", so True in this case?), and the second is the key (would be phoneme in this case?), and finally there is an error callback. But I'm not sure how I'd pass those arguments in Python.
Where is NSSpeechSynthesizer.SpeechPropertyKey.Mode in PyObjC?
How do I use setObject_forProperty_error_ to set it?
ss.setObject_forProperty_error_("PHON", "inpt", None)
"PHON" is the same as NSSpeechSynthesizer.SpeechPropertyKey.Mode.phoneme
"inpt" is the same as NSSpeechSynthesizer.SpeechPropertyKey.inputMode
It seems these are not defined anywhere in PyObjC, but I found them by firing up XCode and writing a short Swift snippet:
import Foundation
import AppKit
let synth = NSSpeechSynthesizer()
let x = NSSpeechSynthesizer.SpeechPropertyKey.Mode.phoneme
let y = NSSpeechSynthesizer.SpeechPropertyKey.inputMode
Now looking at x and y in the debugger show that they are the strings mentioned above.
As for how to call setObject_forProperty_error_, I simply tried passing in those strings and None as the error handler, and that worked.

Can you use mock_open to simulate serial connections?

Morning folks,
I'm trying to get a few unit tests going in Python to confirm my code is working, but I'm having a real hard time getting a Mock anything to fit into my test cases. I'm new to Python unit testing, so this has been a trying week thus far.
The summary of the program is I'm attempting to do serial control of a commercial monitor I got my hands on and I thought I'd use it as a chance to finally use Python for something rather than just falling back on one of the other languages I know. I've got pyserial going, but before I start shoving a ton of commands out to the TV I'd like to learn the unittest part so I can write for my expected outputs and inputs.
I've tried using a library called dummyserial, but it didn't seem to be recognising the output I was sending. I thought I'd give mock_open a try as I've seen it works like a standard IO as well, but it just isn't picking up on the calls either. Samples of the code involved:
def testSendCmd(self):
powerCheck = '{0}{1:>4}\r'.format(SharpCodes['POWER'], SharpCodes['CHECK']).encode('utf-8')
read_text = 'Stuff\r'
mo = mock_open(read_data=read_text)
mo.in_waiting = len(read_text)
with patch('', mo):
with open('./serial', 'a+b') as com:
tv = SharpTV(com=com, TVID=999, tvInput = 'DVI')
tv.sendCmd(SharpCodes['POWER'], SharpCodes['CHECK'])
com.write(b'some junk')
mo().write.assert_called_with('{0}{1:>4}\r'.format(SharpCodes['POWER'], SharpCodes['CHECK']).encode('utf-8'))
And in the SharpTV class, the function in question:
def sendCmd(self, type, msg):
sent ='{0}{1:>4}\r'.format(type,msg).encode('utf-8'))
Obviously, I'm attempting to control a Sharp TV. I know the commands are correct, that isn't the issue. The issue is just the testing. According to documentation on the mock_open page, calling mo.mock_calls should return some data that a call was made, but I'm getting just an empty set of []'s even in spite of the blatantly wrong com.write(b'some junk'), and mo().write.assert_called_with(...) is returning with an assert error because it isn't detecting the write from within sendCmd. What's really bothering me is I can do the examples from the mock_open section in interactive mode and it works as expected.
I'm missing something, I just don't know what. I'd like help getting either dummyserial working, or mock_open.
To answer one part of my question, I figured out the functionality of dummyserial. The following works now:
def testSendCmd(self):
powerCheck = '{0}{1:>4}\r'.format(SharpCodes['POWER'], SharpCodes['CHECK'])
com = dummyserial.Serial(
ds_responses={powerCheck : powerCheck}
tv = SharpTV(com=com, TVID=999, tvInput = 'DVI')
tv.sendCmd(SharpCodes['POWER'], SharpCodes['CHECK'])
self.assertEqual(tv.recv(), powerCheck)
Previously I was encoding the dictionary values as utf-8. The dummyserial library decodes whatever you write(...) to it so it's a straight string vs. string comparison. It also encodes whatever you're read()ing as latin1 on the way back out.

How to create a new MSMQ message in IronPython with label, reply queue and other properties

I'm following this example here to use MS Message Queues with IronPython.
The example works to create a message text string without any properties.
import clr
from System.Messaging import MessageQueue
ourQueue = '.\\private$\\myqueue'
queue = MessageQueue(ourQueue)
queue.Send('Hello from IronPython')
I am trying to create an empty message and then add properties (like label, a reply queue and a binary message body) and then send that complete message.
How can I do this in IronPython?
The documentation of the message class is here, but obviously has no python sample code. I have never used .net code with python and just installed IronPython to connect to an existing MSMQ environment, so I'm a bit stuck in how to proceed.
Any help?
See answer below, I managed to guess the systax to create a message.
The solution seems a bit hacky so I'll leave this open for a few days
I don't think that this works with IronPython classes, because serialize and deserialize them does not work like it does for c#/.net classes.
The only thing to get this work, will be to get IronPython classes serialize-able and deserialize-able. I think deserialization will be the hard part. But you may proof me wrong.
I've started guessing the syntax by examining c# examples and
have hacked a solution to the problem. The following code
delivers a message with a user defined label and response queue and a body message.
import clr
from System import Array
from System import Byte
from System.Messaging import MessageQueue
from System.Messaging import Message
ourQueue = '.\\private$\python_in'
ourOutQueue = '.\\private$\python_out'
if not MessageQueue.Exists(ourQueue):
queue = MessageQueue.Create(ourQueue)
queue = MessageQueue(ourQueue)
if not MessageQueue.Exists(ourOutQueue):
out_queue = MessageQueue.Create(ourOutQueue)
out_queue = MessageQueue(ourOutQueue)
mymessage = Message()
mymessage.Label = 'MyLabel'
mymessage.ResponseQueue = out_queue
mystring = 'hello world'
mybytearray = bytearray(mystring)
# this is very hacky

Python - Reveal a COM object

import win32com.client
This will print the body of an email in my inbox. What I want to do is to reveal what is happening at each stage of this code so that I may better understand it, however when I try to print inbox, messages I get:
<COMObject <unknown>>
How do I reveal this so that I can begin to see what I'm working with.
I'm also looking for a place which has clear documentation surrounding using python to interact with MS Outlook, if anyone can share.
Try here:
In the outlook object model, most objects have a Class property, which returns an enumeration of type OlObjectType, saying what type of object it is. Other properties common to outlook (and indeed MS Office) object are Parent and Application.
If you really want to, it should be easy enough to make a function describe_outlook_object which returns a string with useful information. You will have to write it yourself of course.
Alternatively if you just want to explore the object model, you could do worse than hit Alt+F11 in Outlook and have a play with Visual Basic. (You will have to enable macros.)
I cannot comment yet, but wanted to add to Ben's answer (which helped me immensely in a similar situation)
I wanted a way to scrape emails from multiple PST files/accounts in Outlook
import win32com.client
outlook_object = win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application")
namespace = outlook_object.GetNamespace("MAPI")
# collection of accounts
accounts = namespace.Folders
# number of outlook accounts
accounts_count = accounts.Count
# .Item(1) not .Item(0) because counting starts at 1
account1 = accounts.Item(1)
# collection of folders for account1
account_folders = account1.Folders
# number of folders under outlook account
account_folders_count = account_folders.Count
# print account1 folder names
for folder in range(account_folders_count):
# must be +1 because .Folder(0) and .Item(0) do not work
print str(folder+1)+":", account_folders.Item(folder+1)
There is a pattern to using Folders.Count and Folders.Item(1) to get down to the messages. Hopefully this helps someone, because it took me hours of googling to get to this point.

How do I import a COM object namespace/enumeration in Python?

I'm relatively new to programming/python, so I'd appreciate any help I can get. I want to save an excel file as a specific format using Excel through COM. Here is the code:
import win32com.client as win32
def excel():
app = 'Excel'
x1 = win32.gencache.EnsureDispatch('%s.Application' % app)
ss = x1.Workbooks.Add()
sh = ss.ActiveSheet
x1.Visible = True
sh.Cells(1,1).Value = 'test write'
ss.SaveAs(Filename="temp.xls", FileFormat=56)
if __name__=='__main__':
My question is how do I specify the FileFormat if I don't explicitly know the code for it? Browsing through the documentation I find the reference at about a FileFormat object. I'm clueless on how to access the XlFileFormat object and import it in a way that I can find the enumeration value for it.
This question is a bit stale, but for those reaching this page from Google (as I did) my solution was accessing the constants via the win32com.client.constants object instead of on the application object itself as suggested by Eric. This lets you use enum constants just like in the VBE:
>>> import win32com.client
>>> xl = win32com.client.gencache.EnsureDispatch('Excel.Application')
>>> C = win32com.client.constants
>>> C.xlWorkbookNormal
>>> C.xlCSV
>>> C.xlErrValue
>>> C.xlThemeColorAccent1
Also, unless you've manually run the makepy utility, the constants may not be available if initializing the application with the regular win32com.client.Dispatch(..) method, which was another issue I was having. Using win32com.client.gencache.EnsureDispatch(..) (as the questioner does) checks for and generates the Python bindings at runtime if required.
I found this ActiveState page to be helpful.
When I used COM to access quickbooks, I could reach the constants defined under a constants member of the object. The code looked something like this (you'll be intersted in the third line):
I'm not sure if this will work, but try this:
import win32com.client as win32
def excel():
app = 'Excel'
x1 = win32.gencache.EnsureDispatch('%s.Application' % app)
ss = x1.Workbooks.Add()
sh = ss.ActiveSheet
x1.Visible = True
sh.Cells(1,1).Value = 'test write'
ss.SaveAs(Filename="temp.xls", FileFormat=x1.constants.xlWorkbookNormal)
if __name__=='__main__':
Replace xlWorkbookNormal with whatever format your trying to choose in the X1FileFormat web page you posted in your question.
All of the file format constants are documented here
As a general rule I find it really useful to pre-record any code in the VBA IDE in Excel. This way you can find out all the values of constants etc that you need to use within your python code. You can also make sure stuff will work from within a more controlled environment.
