Python: how to create a positive test for procedures? - python

I have a class with some #staticmethod's that are procedures, thus they do not return anything / their return type is None.
If they fail during their execution, they throw an Exception.
I want to unittest this class, but I am struggling with designing positive tests.
For negative tests this task is easy:
assertRaises(ValueError, my_static_method(*args))
assertRaises(MyCustomException, my_static_method(*args))
...but how do I create positive tests? Should I redesign my procedures to always return True after execution, so that I can use assertTrue on them?

Without seeing the actual code it is hard to guess, however I will make some assumptions:
The logic in the static methods is deterministic.
After doing some calculation on the input value there is a result
and some operation is done with this result.
python3.4 (mock has evolved and moved over the last few versions)
In order to test code one has to check that at least in the end it produces the expected results. If there is no return value then the result is usually stored or send somewhere. In this case we can check that the method that stores or sends the result is called with the expected arguments.
This can be done with the tools available in the mock package that has become part of the unittest package.
e.g. the following static method in my_package/
import uuid
class MyClass:
def my_procedure(value):
if isinstance(value, str):
prefix = 'string'
prefix = 'other'
with open('/tmp/%s_%s' % (prefix, uuid.uuid4()), 'w') as f:
In the unit test I will check the following:
open has been called.
The expected file name has been calculated.
openhas been called in write mode.
The write() method of the file handle has been called with the expected argument.
import unittest
from unittest.mock import patch
from my_package.my_module import MyClass
class MyClassTest(unittest.TestCase):
#patch('', create=True)
def test_my_procedure(self, open_mock):
write_mock = open_mock.return_value.write
self.assertTrue(open_mock.call_count, 1)
file_name, mode = open_mock.call_args[0]
self.assertEqual(mode, 'w')

If your methods do something, then I'm sure there should be a logic there. Let's consider this dummy example:
cool = None
def my_static_method(something):
cool = int(something)
except ValueError:
# logs here
for negative test we have:
assertRaises(ValueError, my_static_method(*args))
and for possitive test we can check cool:
So you're checking if invoking my_static_method affects on cool.


Unittest on AWS python Lambda

I have this python lambda on
def isolate_endpoints(event=None, context=None):
endpoint_id = event['event']['endpoint_id']
client = get_edr_client()
response = client.isolate_endpoints(endpoint_id=endpoint_id)
return response # E.g {"reply":{"status":"success", "error_msg":null}}
I want to write a unit test for this lambda. However after reading on the unittests and having seen actual implementations of the tests I can comfortably say I have no idea what is being tested exactly. (I know the theory but having hard time understanding the implementation of mocks, magicmocks etc.)
The unittest that I have right now is on test_calls and looks like this:
def test_isolate_endpoints(get_edr_client: MagicMock):
client = MagicMock()
get_edr_client.return_value = client
mock_event = {"event": {"endpoint_id":"foo"}}
resp = isolate_endpoints(event=mock_event) # Is it right to call this lambda directly from here?
assert resp is not None
expected = [call()] ## what is this ?? # What is supposed to follow this?
assert client.isolate_endpoints.call_args_list == expected
definition & body of get_edr_client in
from EDRAPI import EDRClient
def get_edr_client():
return EDRClient(api_key="API_KEY")
I'll try to explain each aspect of the test you have written
This injects dependencies into your test. You are essentially patching the name 'project_module.utils.get_edr_client' with an auto-created MagicMock object that's passed to you as the test argument get_edr_client. This is useful to bypass external dependencies in your test code. You can pass mock implementations of objects that are used in your code that's under test, but don't need to be tested in this test itself.
def test_isolate_endpoints(get_edr_client: MagicMock):
client = MagicMock()
get_edr_client.return_value = client
Setup: You are setting up the external mock you patched into the test. Making it return more mock objects so that the code under test works as expected.
mock_event = {"event": {"endpoint_id":"foo"}}
resp = isolate_endpoints(event=mock_event)
Invoke: Calling the code that you want to test, with some (possibly mock) argument. Since you want to test the function isolate_endpoints, that's what you should be calling. In other tests you could also try passing invalid arguments like isolate_endpoints(event=None) to see how your code behaves in those scenarios.
assert resp is not None
Verify: Check if the value returned from your function is what you expect it to be. If your function was doing 2+2 this is the part where you check if the result equals 4 or not.
expected = [call()]
assert client.isolate_endpoints.call_args_list == expected
Verify side-effects: Your function has side-effects apart from returning a value. So you should check if those are happening properly or not. You expect the function to call isolate_endpoint on the client mock you injected earlier once. So you're checking if that method was called once with no arguments. The call() is for matching one invocation of the method with no arguments. The [call()] means only one invocation with no arguments. Then you just check if that is indeed the case with the assertion.
A much cleaner way to do the same this is to do this instead:
Which does the same thing.

pytest - how to assert if a method of a class is called inside a method

I am trying to figure out how to know if a method of class is being called inside a method.
following is the code for the unit test:
# file
def test_purge_s3_files(mocker):
args = Args()
mock_s3fs = mocker.patch('s3fs.S3FileSystem')
segment_obj = segments.Segmentation()
inside the purge_s3_file method bulk_delete is called but when asserting it says that the method was expected to be called and it is not called!
mocker = <pytest_mock.plugin.MockerFixture object at 0x7fac28d57208>
def test_purge_s3_files(mocker):
args = Args()
mock_s3fs = mocker.patch('s3fs.S3FileSystem')
segment_obj = segments.Segmentation(environment='qa',
> mock_s3fs.bulk_delete.assert_called()
E AssertionError: Expected 'bulk_delete' to have been called.
I don't know how to test this and how to assert if the method is called!
Below you can find the method being testing:
# file
import s3fs
def purge_s3_files(self, prefix=None):
bucket = 'sample_bucket'
files = []
fs = s3fs.S3FileSystem()
if fs.exists(f'{bucket}/{prefix}'):
print(f'Directory {bucket}/{prefix} does not exist in s3.')
print(f'Purging S3 files from {bucket}/{prefix}.')
print(*files, sep='\n')
The problem you are facing is that the mock you are setting up is mocking out the class, and you are not using the instance to use and check your mocks. In short, this should fix your problem (there might be another issue explained further below):
m = mocker.patch('s3fs.S3FileSystem')
mock_s3fs = m.return_value # (or mock_s3())
There might be a second problem in how you are not referencing the right path to what you want to mock.
Depending on what your project root is considered (considering your comment here) your mock would need to be referenced accordingly:
The rule of thumb is that you always want to mock where you are testing.
If you are able to use your debugger (or output to your console) you will (hopefully :)) see that your expected call count will be inside the return_value of your mock object. Here is a snippet from my debugger using your code:
You will see the call_count attribute set to 1. Pointing back to what I mentioned at the beginning of the answer, by making that change, you will now be able to use the intended mock_s3fs.bulk_delete_assert_called().
Putting it together, your working test with modification runs as expected (note, you should also set up the expected behaviour and assert the other fs methods you are calling in there):
def test_purge_s3_files(mocker):
m = mocker.patch("app.segments.s3fs.S3FileSystem")
mock_s3fs = m.return_value # (or m())
segment_obj = segments.Segmentation(environment='qa',
Python mock testing depends on where the mock is being used. So you have the mock the function calls where it is imported.
def r_execute(file):
# do something
But the actual function call happens in another namespace ->
from app.r_executor import r_execute
def analyse():
To mock this I should use
# not mocker.patch('app.r_executor.r_execute')

Mocking a path which is given in a method - Python

How can I mock the path (".test/locations.yml), because it does not exist in this project where I run my test. It exists in the CI environment.
I test my function get_matches_mr and then it says path location file not found
Do you have any idea?
def read_location_file():
locations_file_path = os.path.join(".test/location.yml")
if not os.path.isfile(locations_file_path):
raise RuntimeError("Location file not found: " + locations_file_path)
with open(locations_file_path, "r") as infile:
location_file = yaml.safe_load(
test_locations= location_file["paths"]
return test_locations
def get_matches_mr(self):
merge_request = MergeRequest()
locations = self.read_location_file()
data_locations= merge_request.get_matches(locations)
return data_locations
Like suggested in the comment, I would also say the best way to test such a scenario is to mock read_location_file. Because mocking the file system methods like os.path.join would mean that you limit the test to a certain implementation, which is a bad practice. The unit test suite should not know about the implementation detail, but only about the interfaces to be tested. Usually, in test driven development you write the test before the logic is implemented. This way you would not even know os.path.join is used.
The following code shows how to mock the read_location_file method. Assuming the class containing your two methods is called ClassToBeTested (replace with your actual class name).
import os.path
from class_to_test import ClassToBeTested
def test_function_to_test(tmpdir, monkeypatch):
def mockreturn():
return [
os.path.join(tmpdir, "sample/path/a"),
os.path.join(tmpdir, "sample/path/b"),
os.path.join(tmpdir, "sample/path/c"),
monkeypatch.setattr(ClassToBeTested, 'read_location_file', mockreturn)
c = ClassToBeTested()
assert c.get_matches_mr()
Note: I use the fixtures tmpdir and monkeypatch, which are both built-ins of pytest:
See this answer to find some info about tmpdir (in the linked answer I explained tmp_path, but it provides the same concept as tmpdir; the difference is tmp_path returns a pathlib.Path object, and tmpdir returns a py.path.local object).
monkeypatch is a pytest fixture that provides methods for mocking/patching of objects.
Split your function into two parts:
Finding and opening the correct file.
Reading and parsing the opened file.
Your function only does the second part; the call can be responsible for the first part.
def read_location_file(infile):
location_file = yaml.safe_load(
test_locations= location_file["paths"]
return test_locations
Your test code can then use something like io.StringIO to verify that your function can parse it correctly.
def test_read_location():
assert read_location_file(io.StringIO("...")) == ...
Your production code will handle opening the file:
with open(location_file_path) as f:
locations = read_location_file(f)

How can I unit test a recursive functions in python?

I was wondering how can I unit test if a recursive function has been called correctly. For example this function:
def test01(number):
if(len(number) == 1):
return 1
return 1+test01(number[1:])
It counts recursvely how many digits a number has (assuming the number type is string)
So, I want to test if the function test01 has been called recursively. It would be ok if it is implemented just like that, but not if it is implemented as:
def test01(number):
return len(number)
The recursive approach is mandatory for educational purposes, so the UnitTest process will automate programming exercises checking. Is there a way to check if the function was called more than once? If that is possible, I can have 2 tests, one asserting the correct output and one to check if the function was called more than once for the same input.
Thank you in advance for your help
Guessing by the tags I assume you want to use unittest to test for the recursive call. Here is an example for such a check:
from unittest import TestCase
import my_module
class RecursionTest(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.counter = 0 # counts the number of calls
def checked_fct(self, fct): # wrapper function that increases a counter on each call
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
self.counter += 1
return fct(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapped
def test_recursion(self):
# replace your function with the checked version
with mock.patch('my_module.test01',
self.checked_fct(my_module.test01)): # assuming test01 lives in
result = my_module.test01('444') # call the function
self.assertEqual(result, 3) # check for the correct result
self.assertGreater(self.counter, 1) # ensure the function has been called more than once
Note: I used import my_module instead of from my_module import test01 so that the first call is also mocked - otherwise the number of calls would be one too low.
Depending on how your setup looks like, you may add further tests manually, or auto-generate the test code for each test, or use parametrization with pytest, or do something else to automate the tests.
Normally a unit test should check at least that your function works and try to test all code paths in it
Your unit test should therefore try to take the main path several times, and then find the exit path, attaining full coverage
You can use the 3rd-party coverage module to see if all your code paths are being taken
pip install coverage
python -m coverage erase # coverage is additive, so clear out old runs
python -m coverage run -m unittest discover tests/unit_tests
python -m coverage report -m # report, showing missed lines
Curtis Schlak taught me this strategy recently.
It utilizes Abstract Syntax Trees and the inspect module.
All my best,
import unittest
import ast
import inspect
from so import test01
class Test(unittest.TestCase):
# Check to see if function calls itself recursively
def test_has_recursive_call(self):
# Boolean switch
has_recursive_call = False
# converts function into a string
src = inspect.getsource(test01)
# splits the source code into tokens
# based on the grammar
# transformed into an Abstract Syntax Tree
tree = ast.parse(src)
# walk tree
for node in ast.walk(tree):
# check for function call
# and if the func called was "test01"
if (
type(node) is ast.Call
and == "test01"
# flip Boolean switch to true
has_recursive_call = True
# assert: has_recursive_call should be true
msg="The function does not "
"make a recursive call",
print("\nThe function makes a recursive call")
if __name__ == "__main__":

Python unittest when use input is inside a loop

I have the following:
def func():
s = 1
i = -1
while i != 0:
s += i
i = int(input())
return s
if __name__ == "__main__":
result = func()
You will see that there is a single call to the function, but the function contains a loop that iterates until the use enters a value of 0.
How do I test this function with unittest library?
I am assuming your code is inside a module called Therefore, you could create a test file name to implement your tests. What you want to do is to use the unittest.mock module to have access to the patch() function in order to decorate the builtin input.
What does that mean is that instead of calling the input function to ask for the user input, you are patching it to return the values defined in side_effect. Each call of input will therefore return a value of the list. Notice that you should include 0 as well, otherwise the test will not work.
For each sequence of inputs, you will have to compute manually (or even using your program) to provide the final result for the method assertEqual.
import unittest
import unittest.mock
from mymodule import func
class TestModule(unittest.TestCase):
#unittest.mock.patch('builtins.input', side_effect=[1, 2, 3, 0])
def test_func_list1(self, mock):
self.assertEqual(func(), 6)
#unittest.mock.patch('builtins.input', side_effect=[0])
def test_func_list2(self, mock):
self.assertEqual(func(), 0)
Each test method should be prefixed with a test_ in its name. The default pattern when using python -m unittest from the CLI looks for test*.py in the current directory (it is the same as running You can probably change this if you want, but you will have to take a look at the unittest documentation for more details.
