Why won't functions run in parallel? - python

I've been reading up and trying to implement multithreading into my program, but no matter how I do it, it will not run my functions in parallel. I'm using sensors for a raspberry pi 3, trying to have them print out statuses in parallel rather than wait for one to finish and then move to the next function.
What happens now is that it waits for those 20 seconds before the program checks the seconds sensor and prints out that status message. I have no idea why!
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
from multiprocessing import Process
''' Define pins and setup the sensors '''
def runInParallel(*fns):
proc = []
for fn in fns:
p = Process(target=fn)
for p in proc:
def sensor1():
#Sleep timer long so I can check that I can see prints from 2nd sensor while this thread is sleeping
#Get status from sensor---
if status == 1:
print "Ouch!"
print "Good!"
def sensor2():
#Get status from 2nd sensor---
if status == 1:
print "Ouch2!"
print "Good2!"
runInParallel(sensor1, sensor2)

I don't know why your example isn't working, but I tried this:
import time
from threading import Thread
''' Define pins and setup the sensors '''
status = 0
def runInParallel(*fns):
proc = []
for fn in fns:
p = Thread(target=fn)
for p in proc:
def sensor1():
#Sleep timer long so I can check that I can see prints from 2nd sensor while this thread is sleeping
#Get status from sensor---
if status == 1:
def sensor2():
#Get status from 2nd sensor---
if status == 1:
runInParallel(sensor1, sensor2)
and it outputted good2 and good almost simultaneously. If you really need the outputs to be exact then try to debug you example, but if closer than you can notice with the naked eye is OK then I think that the threading module will work well enough.
Ok I think that you problem is that you think that the Process.join() counts the waits in the function. Process.join() only makes sure that the functions start at the same time. If you have a wait in one function, then runInParallel won't care about that.


Python multiprocessing: kill process if it is taking too long to return

Below is a simple example that freezes because a child process exits without returning anything and the parent keeps waiting forever. Is there a way to timeout a process if it takes too long and let the rest continue? I am a beginner to multiprocessing in python and I find the documentation not very illuminating.
import multiprocessing as mp
import time
def foo(x):
if x == 3:
#some heavy computation here
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
pool = mp.Pool(mp.cpu_count)
results = pool.map(foo, [1, 2, 3])
I had the same problem, and this is how I solved it. Maybe there are better solutions, however, it solves also issues not mendioned. E.g. If the process is taking many resources it can happen that a normal termination will take a while to get through to the process -- therefore I use a forceful termination (kill -9). This part probably only works for Linux, so you may have to adapt the termination, if you are using another OS.
It is part of my own code, so it is probably not copy-pasteable.
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
import os
import time
timeout_s = 5000 # seconds after which you want to kill the process
queue = Queue() # results can be written in here, if you have return objects
start_time = time.time()
check_interval_s = 5 # regularly check what the process is doing
kill_process = False
finished_work = False
while not kill_process and not finished_work:
now = time.time()
runtime = now - start_time
if not p.is_alive():
print("finished work")
finished_work = True
if runtime > timeout_s and not finished_work:
print("prepare killing process")
kill_process = True
if kill_process:
while p.is_alive():
# forcefully kill the process, because often (during heavvy computations) a graceful termination
# can be ignored by a process.
print(f"send SIGKILL signal to process because exceeding {timeout_s} seconds.")
os.system(f"kill -9 {p.pid}")
if p.is_alive():
p.join(60) # wait 60 seconds to join the process
RETURN_VALS = queue.get(timeout=60)
except Exception:
# This can happen if a process was killed for other reasons (such as out of memory)
print("Joining the process and receiving results failed, results are set as invalid.")

Why does my multiprocess queue not appear to be thread safe?

I am building a watchdog timer that runs another Python program, and if it fails to find a check-in from any of the threads, shuts down the whole program. This is so it will, eventually, be able to take control of needed communication ports. The code for the timer is as follows:
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
from time import sleep
from copy import deepcopy
PATH_TO_FILE = r'.\test_program.py'
class Watchdog:
def __init__(self, filepath, timeout):
self.filepath = filepath
self.timeout = timeout
self.threadIdQ = Queue()
self.knownThreads = {}
def start(self):
threadIdQ = self.threadIdQ
process = Process(target = self._executeFile)
while True:
unaccountedThreads = deepcopy(self.knownThreads)
# Empty queue since last wake. Add new thread IDs to knownThreads, and account for all known thread IDs
# in queue
while not threadIdQ.empty():
threadId = threadIdQ.get()
if threadId in self.knownThreads:
unaccountedThreads.pop(threadId, None)
print('New threadId < {} > discovered'.format(threadId))
self.knownThreads[threadId] = False
# If there is a known thread that is unaccounted for, then it has either hung or crashed.
# Shut everything down.
if len(unaccountedThreads) > 0:
print('The following threads are unaccounted for:\n')
for threadId in unaccountedThreads:
print('\nShutting down!!!')
print('No unaccounted threads...')
# Account for any exceptions thrown in the watchdog timer itself
def _executeFile(self):
with open(self.filepath, 'r') as f:
exec(f.read(), {'wdQueue' : self.threadIdQ})
if __name__ == '__main__':
I also have a small program to test the watchdog functionality
from time import sleep
from threading import Thread
from queue import SimpleQueue
Q_TO_Q_DELAY = 0.013
class QToQ:
def __init__(self, processQueue, threadQueue):
self.processQueue = processQueue
self.threadQueue = threadQueue
Thread(name='queueToQueue', target=self._run).start()
def _run(self):
pQ = self.processQueue
tQ = self.threadQueue
while True:
while not tQ.empty():
def fastThread(q):
while True:
print('Fast thread, checking in!')
def slowThread(q):
while True:
print('Slow thread, checking in...')
def hangThread(q):
print('Hanging thread, checked in')
while True:
print('Hello! I am a program that spawns threads!\n\n')
threadQ = SimpleQueue()
Thread(name='fastThread', target=fastThread, args=(threadQ,)).start()
Thread(name='slowThread', target=slowThread, args=(threadQ,)).start()
Thread(name='hangThread', target=hangThread, args=(threadQ,)).start()
QToQ(wdQueue, threadQ)
As you can see, I need to have the threads put into a queue.Queue, while a separate object slowly feeds the output of the queue.Queue into the multiprocessing queue. If instead I have the threads put directly into the multiprocessing queue, or do not have the QToQ object sleep in between puts, the multiprocessing queue will lock up, and will appear to always be empty on the watchdog side.
Now, as the multiprocessing queue is supposed to be thread and process safe, I can only assume I have messed something up in the implementation. My solution seems to work, but also feels hacky enough that I feel I should fix it.
I am using Python 3.7.2, if it matters.
I suspect that test_program.py exits.
I changed the last few lines to this:
tq = threadQ
# tq = wdQueue # option to send messages direct to WD
t1 = Thread(name='fastThread', target=fastThread, args=(tq,))
t2 = Thread(name='slowThread', target=slowThread, args=(tq,))
t3 = Thread(name='hangThread', target=hangThread, args=(tq,))
QToQ(wdQueue, threadQ)
print('Joining with threads...')
print('test_program exit')
The calls to join() means that the test program never exits all by itself since none of the threads ever exit.
So, as is, t3 hangs and the watchdog program detects this and detects the unaccounted for thread and stops the test program.
If t3 is removed from the above program, then the other two threads are well behaved and the watchdog program allows the test program to continue indefinitely.

Multiprocessing and global True/False variable

I'm struggling to get my head around multiprocessing and passing a global True/False variable into my function.
After get_data() finishes I want the analysis() function to start and process the data, while fetch() continues running. How can I make this work? TIA
import multiprocessing
ready = False
def fetch():
global ready
ready = True
def analysis():
if __name__ == '__main__':
p1 = multiprocessing.Process(target=fetch)
p2 = multiprocessing.Process(target=analysis)
if ready:
You should run the two processes and use a shared queue to exchange information between them, such as signaling the completion of an action in one of the processes.
Also, you need to have a join() statement to properly wait for completion of the processes you spawn.
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
import time
def get_data(q):
#Do something to get data
#Put an event in the queue to signal that get_data has finished
q.put('message from get_data to analyse_data')
def analyse_data(q):
#waiting for get_data to finish...
msg = q.get()
print msg #Will print 'message from get_data to analyse_data'
#get_data has finished
if __name__ == '__main__':
#Create queue for exchanging messages between processes
q = Queue()
#Create processes, and send the shared queue to them
processes = [Process(target=get_data,args(q,)),Process(target=analyse_data,args=(q,))]
#Start processes
for p in processes:
#Wait until all processes complete
for p in processes:
You example won't work for a few reasons :
Process cannot share a piece of memory with each other (you can't change the global in one process and see the change in the other)
Even if you could change the global value, you are checking it too fast and most likely it won't change in time
Read https://docs.python.org/3/library/ipc.html for more possibilities for inter-process-communications

Terminate Python Process in a Limited Time

Take a look at this simple python code with Process:
from multiprocessing import Process
import time
def f(name):
print 'hello', name
if __name__ == '__main__':
p = Process(target=f, args=('bob',))
p.start()#Has to be terminated in 5 seconds
print "This Needs to be Printed Immediately"
I guess I am looking for a function like p.start(timeout).
I want to terminate the p process if it has not self-finished in like 5 seconds. How can I do that? There seems to be no such function.
If p.join() is uncommented, the following print line will have to wait 100 seconds and can not be 'Printed Immediately'.But I want it be done immediately so the p.join() has to be commented out.
Use a separate thread to start the process, wait 5 seconds, then terminate the process. Meanwhile the main thread can do the work you want to happen immediately:
from multiprocessing import Process
import time
import threading
def f(name):
print 'hello', name
def run_process_with_timeout(timeout, target, args):
p = Process(target=target, args=args)
if __name__ == '__main__':
t = threading.Thread(target=run_process_with_timeout, args=(5,f,('bob',)))
print "This Needs to be Printed Immediately"
You might want to take a look at that SO thread.
basically their solution is to use the timeout capability of the threading module by running the process in a separate thread.
You are right, there is no such function in Python 2.x in the subprocess library.
However, with Python 3.3 you can use:
p = subprocess.Popen(...)
except TimeoutError:
With older Python versions, you would have to write a loop that calls p.poll() and checks the returncode, e.g. once per second.
This is (like polling in general) not optimal from performance point-of-view, but it always depends on what you expect.
Try something like this:
def run_process_with_timeout(timeout, target, args):
p = Process(target=target, args=args)
running = False
second = int(time.strftime("%S"))
if second+timeout > 59:
second = (second+timeout)-60
second = second+timeout
print second
while second > int(time.strftime("%S")):
if running == False:
running = True
basically just using the time module to allow a loop to run for five seconds and then moving on, this assumes timeout is given in seconds.
Though I'd point out that if this was used with the code the OP originally posted, this would work, as print was in a second function separate from the loop and would be carried out immediately after calling this function.
Why not use the timeout option of Process.join(), as in:
import sys
if __name__ == '__main__':
p = Process(target=f, args=('bob',))
p.start()#Has to be terminated in 5 seconds
# print immediately and flush output
print "This Needs to be Printed Immediately"
if p.is_alive():

parallelly execute blocking calls in python

I need to do a blocking xmlrpc call from my python script to several physical server simultaneously and perform actions based on response from each server independently.
To explain in detail let us assume following pseudo code
while True:
response=call_to_server1() #blocking and takes very long time
if response==this:
do that
I want to do this for all the servers simultaneously and independently but from same script
Use the threading module.
Boilerplate threading code (I can tailor this if you give me a little more detail on what you are trying to accomplish)
def run_me(func):
while not stop_event.isSet():
response= func() #blocking and takes very long time
if response==this:
do that
def call_to_server1():
#code to call server 1...
return magic_server1_call()
def call_to_server2():
#code to call server 2...
return magic_server2_call()
#used to stop your loop.
stop_event = threading.Event()
t = threading.Thread(target=run_me, args=(call_to_server1))
t2 = threading.Thread(target=run_me, args=(call_to_server2))
#wait for threads to return.
#we are done....
You can use multiprocessing module
import multiprocessing
def call_to_server(ip,port):
for i in xrange(server_count):
process.append( multiprocessing.Process(target=call_to_server,args=(ip,port)))
#waiting process to stop
for p in process:
You can use multiprocessing plus queues. With one single sub-process this is the example:
import multiprocessing
import time
def processWorker(input, result):
def remoteRequest( params ):
## this is my remote request
return True
while True:
work = input.get()
if 'STOP' in work:
result.put( remoteRequest(work) )
input = multiprocessing.Queue()
result = multiprocessing.Queue()
p = multiprocessing.Process(target = processWorker, args = (input, result))
requestlist = ['1', '2']
for req in requestlist:
for i in xrange(len(requestlist)):
res = result.get(block = True)
print 'retrieved ', res
print 'done'
To have more the one sub-process simply use a list object to store all the sub-processes you start.
The multiprocessing queue is a safe object.
Then you may keep track of which request is being executed by each sub-process simply storing the request associated to a workid (the workid can be a counter incremented when the queue get filled with new work). Usage of multiprocessing.Queue is robust since you do not need to rely on stdout/err parsing and you also avoid related limitation.
Then, you can also set a timeout on how long you want a get call to wait at max, eg:
import Queue
res = result.get(block = True, timeout = 10)
except Queue.Empty:
print error
Use twisted.
It has a lot of useful stuff for work with network. It is also very good at working asynchronously.
